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Very minimal unittests for parts of the readline module.
i����N( t run_unittestt
import_module( t assert_python_okt readlinet TestHistoryManipulationc B s2 e Z d Z e j e e d � d � d � � Z RS( s� These tests were added to check that the libedit emulation on OSX and
the "real" readline have the same interface for history manipulation.
That's why the tests cover only a small subset of the interface.
clear_historysX The history update test cannot be run because the clear_history method is not available.c C s9 t j � t j d � t j d � | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � t j d d � | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � | j t j � d � t j d � | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � | j t j � d � d S( Ns
first lines second linei i i s
replaced line( R R t add_historyt assertEqualt get_history_itemt Nonet replace_history_itemt get_current_history_lengtht remove_history_item( t self( ( s9 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_readline.pyt testHistoryUpdates s
( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__t unittestt
skipUnlesst hasattrR R ( ( ( s9 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_readline.pyR s t TestReadlinec B s; e Z e j e j d k o'