# -*- perl -*-
# vim:ts=2:sw=2:aw:ai:sta:nows
# DBI::Format - a package for displaying result tables
# Copyright (c) 1998 Jochen Wiedmann
# Copyright (c) 1998 Tim Bunce
# The DBI::Shell:Result module is free software; you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Author: Jochen Wiedmann
# Am Eisteich 9
# 72555 Metzingen
# Germany
# Email: joe@ispsoft.de
# Phone: +49 7123 14881
use strict;
package DBI::Format;
our $VERSION = '11.97'; # VERSION
use Text::Abbrev;
sub available_formatters {
my ($use_abbrev) = @_;
my @fmt;
my @dir = grep { -d "$_/DBI/Format" } @INC;
foreach my $dir (@dir) {
opendir DIR, "$dir/DBI/Format" or warn "Unable to read $dir/DBI: $!\n";
push @fmt, map { m/^(\w+)\.pm$/i ? ($1) : () } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my %fmt = map { (lc($_) => "DBI::Format::$_") } @fmt;
$fmt{box} = "DBI::Format::Box";
$fmt{partbox} = "DBI::Format::PartBox";
$fmt{neat} = "DBI::Format::Neat";
$fmt{raw} = "DBI::Format::Raw";
$fmt{string} = "DBI::Format::String";
$fmt{html} = "DBI::Format::HTML";
my $formatters = \%fmt;
if ($use_abbrev) {
$formatters = abbrev(keys %fmt);
foreach my $abbrev (sort keys %$formatters) {
$formatters->{$abbrev} = $fmt{ $formatters->{$abbrev} } || die;
return $formatters;
sub formatter {
my ($class, $mode, $use_abbrev) = @_;
$mode = lc($mode);
my $formatters = available_formatters($use_abbrev);
my $fmt = $formatters->{$mode};
if (!$fmt) {
$formatters = available_formatters(0);
die "Format '$mode' unavailable. Available formats: ".
join(", ", sort keys %$formatters)."\n";
# Attempt to determine if format mode is in the base class.
no strict 'refs';
eval "$fmt->new()";
if ( $@ and $@ =~ m/locate/ ) {
eval "use $fmt";
die "$@\n" if $@;
} elsif ($@) {
die "$@\n" if $@;
return $fmt;
package DBI::Format::Base;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
# DBI::Format::Foo objects are presently copies of the parent DBI::Shell
# session hashref at the time of instantiation, and so are not aware of
# `/option' updates to the parent thereafter. Check the ->{parent} member
# for any session-specific /option values.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = (@_ == 1) ? { %{$_[0]}, parent => $_[0] } : { @_ };
bless ($self, (ref($class) || $class));
# Basic preparation for output, setting up 'fh', 'sth', 'rows' and possibly
# 'sep' members. Also caches SQL type information and sets up BOOLEAN
# formatting, if needed.
sub header {
my ($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
my $types;
$self->{fh} = $self->setup_fh($fh);
$self->{sth} = $sth;
$self->{rows} = 0;
$self->{sep} = $sep if defined $sep;
$self->{__dbi_format_sql_types} = $types = $sth->{TYPE};
# Parent DBI::Shell session may have changed `/option bool_format'
# since the last query we formatted, so update our internal bool
# display data if needed.
for my $t (@$types) {
next unless $t == SQL_BOOLEAN;
$self->{__dbi_format_bool_alterns} =
[ split(',', $self->{parent}->{bool_format}, 2) ];
# $fmt->encode_value( $value_reference, $sql_type )
# Do not call directly. This method is called by DBI::Format::Base::row.
# Apply output encoding to a single, textual representation of a field
# value. This method is called _after_ NULLs and BOOLEANs have been
# stringified.
# Base implementation escapes \n, \t and \r and translates ASCII
# non-printables without regard to $sql_type (SQL_NUMERIC, SQL_VARCHAR,
# etc.). This is *not* ``safe'' for all terminals in all locales --
# the default is merely simple encoding.
# Subclasses may override to URI- or XML-encode certain data, for example.
sub encode_value {
my ($self, $value_ref, $sql_type) = @_;
for ($$value_ref) {
last unless defined;
# $fmt->row( $row_ref )
# Basic preparation of row data, responsible for formatting NULLs and
# BOOLEANs according to `/option' values, and calling encode_value() on
# fields. As a convenience, also increments $fmt->{rows}.
# All subclasses should call this function from their overridden row()
# methods.
# Note that row() modifies its argument in place, so $row_ref should be
# a _copy_ of the (presumptively read-only) row from the active $sth.
sub row {
my ($self, $row) = @_;
my $i = 0;
for my $value (@$row) {
unless (defined $value) {
$value = $self->{parent}->{null_format};
my $sql_type = $self->{__dbi_format_sql_types}->[$i];
if ($sql_type == SQL_BOOLEAN) {
$value = $self->{__dbi_format_bool_alterns}->[ $value ? 0 : 1 ];
$self->encode_value(\$value, $sql_type);
} continue {
return wantarray ? @$row : $row;
sub setup_fh {
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
# This method has grown confused as to what it's trying to do and why
# Partly because this module was written in pre-perl5.3 days
# the code in other methods originally did: $fh->print(...)
# because C<print $fh ...> didn't work reliably as a method call.
# Now the code uses C<print $fh ...> some of this may no longer be
# required. It's important that things like IO::Scalar handles work.
return $self->{fh} if !$fh && $self->{fh};
$fh ||= \*STDOUT;
return $fh if ref($fh) =~ m/GLOB/;
unless (UNIVERSAL::can($fh,'print')) { # not blessed
require FileHandle;
bless $fh => "FileHandle";
return $fh;
sub trailer {
my($self) = @_;
my $fh = delete $self->{'fh'};
my $sth = delete $self->{'sth'};
my $rows = delete $self->{'rows'};
print $fh ("[$rows rows of $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} fields returned]\n");
delete $self->{'sep'};
sub _determine_width {
my($self , $type, $precision) = @_;
my $width =
(!defined($type)) ? 0 : # Is type defined?
($type == SQL_DATE) ? 8 : # Is type a Date?
($type == SQL_INTEGER # Is type an Integer?
and defined $precision
and $precision > 15 ) ? 10 :
($type == SQL_NUMERIC # Is type a Numeric?
and defined $precision
and $precision > 15 ) ? 10 :
defined($precision) ? $precision: 0; # Default 0
return $width;
package DBI::Format::Neat;
@DBI::Format::Neat::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my ($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh, $sep);
print {$self->{fh}} (join($self->{sep}, @{$sth->{'NAME'}}), "\n");
sub row {
my($self, $rowref) = @_;
my @row = $self->SUPER::row([@$rowref]);
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh (DBI::neat_list(\@row, 9999, $self->{sep}),"\n");
package DBI::Format::Box;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
@DBI::Format::Box::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh, $sep);
my $types = $sth->{'TYPE'};
my @right_justify;
my @widths;
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $type;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
push(@widths, defined($names->[$i]) ? length($names->[$i]) : 0);
$type = $types->[$i];
(defined($type) and ($type == SQL_NUMERIC ||
$type == SQL_DECIMAL ||
$type == SQL_INTEGER ||
$type == SQL_SMALLINT ||
$type == SQL_FLOAT ||
$type == SQL_REAL ||
$type == SQL_TINYINT))
$self->{'widths'} = \@widths;
$self->{'right_justify'} = \@right_justify;
sub row {
my($self, $orig_row) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $col;
my $widths = $self->{'widths'};
my @row = $self->SUPER::row([@$orig_row]); # don't mess with the original row
for (@row) {
if (length > $widths->[$i]) {
$widths->[$i] = length;
push @{$self->{data}}, \@row;
sub trailer {
my $self = shift;
my $widths = delete $self->{'widths'};
my $right_justify = delete $self->{'right_justify'};
my $sth = $self->{'sth'};
my $data = $self->{'data'};
$self->{'rows'} = @$data;
my $format_sep = '+';
my $format_names = '|';
my $format_rows = '|';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
$format_sep .= ('-' x $widths->[$i]) . '+';
$format_names .= sprintf("%%-%ds|", $widths->[$i]);
$format_rows .= sprintf("%%"
. ($right_justify->[$i] ? "" : "-") . "%ds|",
$format_sep .= "\n";
$format_names .= "\n";
$format_rows .= "\n";
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh ($format_sep);
print $fh (sprintf($format_names, @{$sth->{'NAME'}}));
foreach my $row (@$data) {
print $fh ($format_sep);
print $fh (sprintf($format_rows, @$row));
print $fh ($format_sep);
package DBI::Format::PartBox;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
@DBI::Format::PartBox::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my ($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh, $sep);
my $types = $sth->{'TYPE'};
my @right_justify;
my @widths;
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $type;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
push(@widths, defined($names->[$i]) ? length($names->[$i]) : 0);
$type = $types->[$i];
($type == SQL_NUMERIC ||
$type == SQL_DECIMAL ||
$type == SQL_INTEGER ||
$type == SQL_SMALLINT ||
$type == SQL_FLOAT ||
$type == SQL_REAL ||
$type == SQL_TINYINT));
$self->{'widths'} = \@widths;
$self->{'right_justify'} = \@right_justify;
sub row {
my($self, $orig_row) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $col;
my $widths = $self->{'widths'};
my @row = $self->SUPER::row([@$orig_row]); # don't mess with the original row
for (@row) {
if (length > $widths->[$i]) {
$widths->[$i] = length;
push @{$self->{data}}, \@row;
sub trailer {
my $self = shift;
my $widths = delete $self->{'widths'};
my $right_justify = delete $self->{'right_justify'};
my $sth = $self->{'sth'};
my $data = $self->{'data'};
$self->{'rows'} = @$data;
my $format_sep = '+';
my $format_names = '|';
my $format_rows = '|';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
$format_sep .= ('-' x $widths->[$i]) . '+';
$format_names .= sprintf("%%-%ds|", $widths->[$i]);
$format_rows .= sprintf("%%"
. ($right_justify->[$i] ? "" : "-") . "%ds|",
$format_sep .= "\n";
$format_names .= "\n";
$format_rows .= "\n";
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh ($format_sep);
print $fh (sprintf($format_names, @{$sth->{'NAME'}}));
print $fh ($format_sep);
foreach my $row (@$data) {
# print $fh ($format_sep);
print $fh (sprintf($format_rows, @$row));
print $fh ($format_sep);
package DBI::Format::Raw;
@DBI::Format::Raw::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my ($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh, $sep);
print {$self->{fh}} (join($self->{sep}, @{$sth->{'NAME'}}), "\n");
sub row {
my($self, $rowref) = @_;
local $^W = 0;
my @row = @$rowref;
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh (join($self->{sep}, @row), "\n");
package DBI::Format::String;
@DBI::Format::String::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my ($self, $sth, $fh, $sep) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh, $sep);
my $types = $sth->{'TYPE'};
my @right_justify;
my @widths;
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $type;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
$type = $types->[$i];
push(@widths, $self->_determine_width(
$type, $sth->{PRECISION}->[$i] ));
(defined($type) and ($type == DBI::SQL_NUMERIC() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_DECIMAL() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_INTEGER() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_SMALLINT() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_FLOAT() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_REAL() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_TINYINT()))
my $format_names;
$format_names .= sprintf("%%-%ds ", $widths[$i]);
print {$self->{fh}} (sprintf($format_names, $names->[$i]));
$self->{'widths'} = \@widths;
$self->{'right_justify'} = \@right_justify;
print {$self->{fh}} "\n";
sub row {
my($self, $orig_row) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $col;
my $widths = $self->{'widths'};
my $right_justify = $self->{'right_justify'};
my @row = $self->SUPER::row([@$orig_row]); # don't mess with the original row
my $sth = $self->{'sth'};
my $format_rows = ' ';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
$format_rows .= sprintf("%%"
. ($right_justify->[$i] ? "" : "-") . "%ds ",
$format_rows .= "\n";
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh (sprintf($format_rows, @row));
sub trailer {
my $self = shift;
my $widths = delete $self->{'widths'};
my $right_justify = delete $self->{'right_justify'};
package DBI::Format::HTML;
@DBI::Format::HTML::ISA = qw(DBI::Format::Base);
sub header {
my($self, $sth, $fh) = @_;
$self->SUPER::header($sth, $fh);
$self->{'data'} = [];
my $types = $sth->{'TYPE'};
my @right_justify;
my @widths;
my $names = $sth->{'NAME'};
my $type;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
push(@widths, defined($names->[$i]) ? length($names->[$i]) : 0);
$type = $types->[$i];
(defined $type and ($type == DBI::SQL_NUMERIC() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_DECIMAL() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_INTEGER() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_SMALLINT() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_FLOAT() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_REAL() ||
$type == DBI::SQL_TINYINT()))
$self->{'widths'} = \@widths;
$self->{'right_justify'} = \@right_justify;
sub row {
my($self, $orig_row) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $col;
my $widths = $self->{'widths'};
my @row = $self->SUPER::row([@$orig_row]); # don't mess with the original row
for (@row) {
if (length($_) > $widths->[$i]) {
$widths->[$i] = length($_);
push @{$self->{data}}, \@row;
sub trailer {
my $self = shift;
my $widths = delete $self->{'widths'};
my $right_justify = delete $self->{'right_justify'};
my $sth = $self->{'sth'};
my $data = $self->{'data'};
$self->{'rows'} = @$data;
my $format_sep = '+';
my $format_names = '<TR>';
my $format_rows = '<TR>';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sth->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'}; $i++) {
$format_names .= sprintf("<TH>%%-%ds</TH>", $widths->[$i]);
$format_rows .= sprintf("<TD>%%"
. ($right_justify->[$i] ? "" : "-") . "%ds</TD>",
$format_sep .= "\n";
$format_names .= "</TR>\n";
$format_rows .= "</TR>\n";
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
print $fh("<TABLE>\n");
print $fh(sprintf($format_names, @{$sth->{'NAME'}}));
foreach my $row (@$data) {
print $fh (sprintf($format_rows, @$row));
print $fh ("</TABLE>\n");
=head1 NAME
DBI::Format - A package for displaying result tables
# create a new result object
$r = DBI::Format->new('var1' => 'val1', ...);
# Prepare it for output by creating a header
$r->header($sth, $fh);
# In a loop, display rows
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
# Finally create a trailer
This package is used for making the output of DBI::Shell configurable.
The idea is to derive a subclass for any kind of output table you might
create. Examples are
=over 8
=item *
a very simple output format as offered by DBI::neat_list().
=item *
a box format, as offered by the Data::ShowTable module.
=item *
HTML format, as used in CGI binaries
=item *
postscript, to be piped into lpr or something similar
In the future the package should also support interactive methods, for
example tab completion.
These are the available methods:
=over 8
=item new(@attr)
=item new(\%attr)
(Class method) This is the constructor. You'd rather call a subclass
constructor. The construcor is accepting either a list of key/value
pairs or a hash ref.
=item header($sth, $fh)
(Instance method) This is called when a new result table should be
created to display the results of the statement handle B<$sth>. The
(optional) argument B<$fh> is an IO handle (or any object supporting
a I<print> method), usually you use an IO::Wrap object for STDIN.
The method will query the B<$sth> for its I<NAME>, I<NUM_OF_FIELDS>,
I<TYPE>, I<SCALE> and I<PRECISION> attributes and typically print a
header. In general you should not assume that B<$sth> is indeed a DBI
statement handle and better treat it as a hash ref with the above
=item row($ref)
(Instance method) Prints the contents of the array ref B<$ref>. Usually
you obtain this array ref by calling B<$sth-E<gt>fetchrow_arrayref()>.
=item trailer
(Instance method) Once you have passed all result rows to the result
package, you should call the I<trailer> method. This method can, for
example print the number of result rows.
First of all, you can use the DBI::Format package itself: It's
not an abstract base class, but a very simple default using
=head2 Ascii boxes
This subclass is using the I<Box> mode of the I<Data::ShowTable> module
internally. L<Data::ShowTable(3)>.
=head2 Raw
Row is written without formating. Columns returned in comma or user defined
separated list.
=head2 String
Row is written using a string format. Future releases will include th ability
set the string format.
This module is Copyright (c) 1997, 1998
Jochen Wiedmann
Am Eisteich 9
72555 Metzingen
Email: joe@ispsoft.de
Phone: +49 7123 14887
The DBD::Proxy module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBI::Shell(3)>, L<DBI(3)>, L<dbish(1)>