package DBI::Shell::Completion;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:ai:aw:nowrapscan
our $VERSION = '11.97'; # VERSION
use strict;
use Carp;
my ($loa, @matches, @tables, @table_list, $tbl_nm, $term, $history);
sub init {
my ($class, $sh, @args) = @_;
$class = ref $class || $class;
$loa = {
'catalogs' => undef,
'commands' => undef,
'sql' => [ sort qw(
select insert update delete
alter grant revoke
from where order by desc asc
join exists spool
set min max avg count
into values
) ],
'select_func' => [ sort qw(
count(*) min max avg as distinct unique
) ],
'schemas' => undef,
'system' => undef,
'tables' => undef,
'ntables' => undef, # Maintain a list of columns by table.
'sql_keywords' => undef,
'users' => undef,
'views' => undef,
'term' => undef, # Maintain a reference to the term type.
'history' => '.dbish_history',
'command_prefix' => undef,
'columns' => undef,
# Modify the history location to use the users home directory, if
# available.
# TODO: Change this to be less unix more perl
$loa->{history} = $sh->{home_dir} . '/' . $loa->{history}
if (exists $sh->{home_dir} and defined $sh->{home_dir});
$sh->log( "commandline history written to $loa->{history}" );
my $pi = bless $loa, $class;
# return if term is not defined.
return unless $sh->{term};
$term = $sh->{term};
my $attribs = $term->Attribs();
$attribs->{history_length} = '500';
$pi->{term} = \$sh->{term};
$pi->{dbh} = \$sh->{dbh};
$pi->{command_prefix} = \$sh->{command_prefix};
if ($term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu") {
print "Using Term::ReadLine::Gnu\n";
# Only source the current drivers Completion, if exists.
$sh->{completion} = $pi;
# Define the completion function.
my $ssc = sub {
return $pi->sql_shell_completion(@_);
$attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = $ssc;
# read in the history file.
if(-e $pi->{history}) {
$sh->log ("History file $pi->{history} not restored!" )
} else {
print "Creating ${history} to store your command line history\n";
open(HISTORY, "> $pi->{history}")
or $sh->log ("Could not create $pi->{history}: $!");
return $pi;
# sub load_completion {
# my $cpi = shift;
# my $sh = shift;
# my @pi;
# foreach my $where (qw(DBI/Shell/Completion DBI_Shell_Completion)) {
# my $mod = $where; $mod =~ s!/!::!g; #/ so vim see the syn correctly
# my @dir = map { -d "$_/$where" ? ("$_/$where") : () } @INC;
# foreach my $dir (@dir) {
# opendir DIR, $dir or warn "Unable to read $dir: $!\n";
# push @pi, map { s/\.pm$//; "${mod}::$_" } grep { /\.pm$/ }
# readdir DIR;
# closedir DIR;
# }
# }
# my $driver = $sh->{data_source};
# # print STDERR join( " ", @pi, $driver, "\n");
# foreach my $pi (sort @pi) {
# #local $DBI::Shell::SHELL = $sh; # publish the current shell
# eval qq{ use $pi };
# $sh->alert("Unable to load $pi: $@") if $@;
# }
# # plug-ins should remove options they recognise from (localized) @ARGV
# # by calling Getopt::Long::GetOptions (which is already in pass_through mode).
# foreach my $pi (@pi) {
# #local *ARGV = $sh->{unhandled_options};
# $pi->init($sh);
# }
# }
sub populate {
my $sh = shift;
my $list = shift;
return $loa unless $list;
return undef unless exists $loa->{$list};
# print ( "$list populate ...", join " ", @_, "\n" );
if (@_) { # User provided a list of values.
$loa->{$list} = [ @_ ];
return $loa->{$list};
# Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END bound
# the region of rl_line_buffer that contains the word to complete.
# TEXT is the word to complete. We can use the entire contents of
# rl_line_buffer in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return
# the array of matches, or NULL if there aren't any.
sub sql_shell_completion {
my $sh = shift;
my ($text, $line, $start, $end) = @_;
my @matches = ();
undef $tbl_nm;
# Notes for future development. The $line is the complete line,
# start is where the text begins, end where text ends (looks like word
# boundies). I need to attempt to determine where I'm in the line, and
# what was the last key word given.
# print STDERR "text:$text: line:$line: start:$start: end:$end:\n";
my $cmd_p = ${$sh->{command_prefix}};
# Load the keywords.
unless (defined $loa->{sql_keywords}) {
eval {
# Not all drivers support the get_info function yet, so we
# need a fall back plan.
my $key_words = ${$sh->{dbh}}->get_info( 'SQL_KEYWORDS' );
die unless (defined $key_words);
my @key_words = split( /\s+/, $key_words);
die unless (@key_words); # Keywords not supported by driver, default
$sh->populate( q{sql_keywords}, @key_words )
unless (defined $loa->{sql_keywords});
if($@) {
$sh->populate( q{sql_keywords}, @{$sh->{sql}} );
unless (defined $loa->{columns}) {
eval {
my $sth = ${$sh->{dbh}}->column_info( undef, undef, undef, undef );
die unless $sth; # column_info not supported by all drivers.
my (%catalogs, %schemas, %tables, %columns);
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
$catalogs{$row->[0]}++ if defined $row->[0];
$schemas{$row->[1]}++ if defined $row->[1];
$tables{$row->[2]}++ if defined $row->[2];
$columns{$row->[3]}++ if defined $row->[3];
push ( @{$loa->{ntables}->{$row->[2]}}, $row->[3] );
push( @{$loa->{catalogs}}, sort keys %catalogs );
push( @{$loa->{schemas}}, sort keys %schemas );
push( @{$loa->{columns}}, sort keys %columns );
push( @{$loa->{columns}}, @{$sh->{select_func}} );
# print "line: $line - $cmd_p\n" if $line;
# Begin by loading all the key words, if available.
if ( $start == 0 ) {
@matches =
# If the last word is "from" attempt to match a schema or table name.
$line=~ m/
) {
${$sh->{dbh}}->tables) unless($loa->{tables});
@matches = ${$sh->{term}}->completion_matches($text, \&table_generator);
# |
# ^${cmd_p}desc(?:\s+)(?:['"])?\w+?$
# If we find a select on the line display a column list.
elsif( $line=~ m/select\s+?$|select\s+\w+?$/i ) {
@matches = ${$sh->{term}}->completion_matches($text,
elsif( $line=~ m/
((?:\w+|\w+\.\w+))\s+?\( # )
/xi ) {
$tbl_nm = $1;
unless( exists $loa->{ntables}->{$tbl_nm} ) {
eval {
my $sth = ${$sh->{dbh}}->column_info( undef, undef, $tbl_nm, undef );
die unless $sth; # column_info not supported by all drivers.
push( @{$loa->{ntables}->{$tbl_nm}},
@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref( [3] )} );
if ($@) {
# Column Info not supported, do it the hard way.
local (${$sh->{dbh}}->{PrintError},
${$sh->{dbh}}->{PrintError} = 0;
${$sh->{dbh}}->{RaiseError} = 0;
my $sth = ${$sh->{dbh}}->prepare( qq{select * from $tbl_nm where 1 = 2} );
unless($sth->err) {
push( @{$loa->{ntables}->{$tbl_nm}}, @{$sth->{NAME}} );
@matches = ${$sh->{term}}->completion_matches($text,
\&col_tab_gen );
else {
# match commands for now.
@matches =
${$sh->{term}}->completion_matches($text, \&sql_keywords_gen);
return @matches;
# Generator function for command completion. STATE lets us know
# whether to start from scratch; without any state (i.e. STATE == 0),
# then we start at the top of the list.
## Term::ReadLine::Gnu has list_completion_function similar with this
## function. I defined new one to be compared with original C version.
my $list_index;
my (@name, @columns, @tables);
sub column_generator {
my ($text, $state) = @_;
# If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This
# includes saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and
# initializing the index variable to 0.
unless ($state) {
$list_index = 0;
@columns = @{$loa->{columns}};
# Return the next name which partially matches from the
# command list.
while ($list_index <= $#columns) {
return $columns[$list_index - 1]
if ($columns[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/i);
# If no names matched, then return NULL.
return undef;
sub col_tab_gen {
my ($text, $state) = @_;
# Just return undef for now.
# If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This
# includes saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and
# initializing the index variable to 0.
unless ($state) {
$list_index = 0;
if (exists $loa->{ntables}->{$tbl_nm}) {
@columns = @{$loa->{ntables}->{$tbl_nm}};
else {
@columns = @{$loa->{columns}};
# Return the next name which partially matches from the
# command list.
while ($list_index <= $#columns) {
return $columns[$list_index - 1]
if ($columns[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/i);
# If no names matched, then return NULL.
return undef;
sub sql_generator {
my ($text, $state) = @_;
# If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This
# includes saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and
# initializing the index variable to 0.
unless ($state) {
$list_index = 0;
@name = @{$loa->{sql}};
# Return the next name which partially matches from the
# command list.
while ($list_index <= $#name) {
return $name[$list_index - 1]
if ($name[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/i);
# If no names matched, then return NULL.
return undef;
sub sql_keywords_gen {
my ($text, $state) = @_;
# If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This
# includes saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and
# initializing the index variable to 0.
unless ($state) {
$list_index = 0;
@name = @{$loa->{sql_keywords}};
# Return the next name which partially matches from the
# command list.
while ($list_index <= $#name) {
return $name[$list_index - 1]
if ($name[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/i);
# If no names matched, then return NULL.
return undef;
my $list_index;
sub table_generator {
my ($text, $state) = @_;
# If this is a new table to complete, initialize now. This
# includes saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and
# initializing the index variable to 0.
unless ($state) {
$list_index = 0;
@tables = @{$loa->{tables}};
# Return the next name which partially matches from the
# command list.
while ($list_index <= $#tables) {
return $tables[$list_index - 1]
if ($tables[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/i);
# If no names matched, then return NULL.
return undef;
my $sh = shift;
# term is store as a package variable.
if ($term && $term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu") {
if($term && $term->history_total_bytes()) {
my $history = $sh->{completion}->{history};
if ($history) {
unless($term->WriteHistory($history)) {
carp ("Could not write history file $history to history_file}. ");
$term = undef; $sh->{term} = undef;
END { }