# Package meta, adds meta database commands to dbish
package DBI::Shell::Spool;
our $VERSION = '11.97'; # VERSION
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use IO::Tee;
sub init {
my ($self, $sh, @arg) = @_;
[ 'spool' => 'off' ],
my $com_ref = $sh->{commands};
$com_ref->{spool} = {
hint =>
"spool: on/off or file name to send output to",
return $self;
# Start or Stop spooling output.
# The spool support the follow states:
# spool - returns the current state of spooling, if on includes the file name.
# spool on - set the state to on, opens a default name of spool.lst (Yes, the
# Oracle default name). If the spool current state is already on, returns a
# warning message (Already spooling to file X).
# spool /path/file/name - set the state on, attempt to open the file name
# (using the IO::Tee object to allow multiplex output), and set the new IO
# handle to the default handle.
# spool off - set the state to off. If the previous state was on, flush the
# current buffer and close the file handle. If the previous state was off,
# return a warning message (Not current spooling).
sub do_spool {
my ($sh, @args) = @_;
# Get the current state of spool.
unless(@args) {
if ($sh->is_spooling) {
return $sh->print_buffer( qq{spooling output to file: },
$sh->{spool_file} );
} else {
return $sh->print_buffer( qq{not spooling} );
# So what command did I get at this point?
my $command = shift @args;
if ($command =~ m/\boff/i) { # Turn the spool off (if on).
if ($sh->is_spooling) { # spool on
# The tee object contains the open handles, get a list, shift the
# first (this should be STDOUT), flush. Then for the remainder
# flush each and close.
my @fhs = $sh->{out_fh}->handles;
$sh->{out_fh} = shift @fhs; select $sh->{out_fh};
$sh->spool_off; $sh->{spool_file} = undef;
foreach my $fh (@fhs) {
$sh->{spool_fh} = undef;
return $sh->{out_fh};
return $sh->print_buffer( qq{not spooling} );
my $spool_file = undef;
if ($command =~ m/on/i) { # Turn the spool off (if on).
unless(@args or $args[0] !~ m/!/) {
$spool_file = q{on.lst};
# OK, now we're at the one to open the spool file. How do I handle if the
# file exists? Well, unless the next arg is a !, open the file for append.
my $mode = q{a+};
if (@args and $args[0] =~ m/!/) {
shift @args;
$mode = q{w};
my $out_fh = $sh->{out_fh};
$spool_file = defined $spool_file ? $spool_file : $command;
if (defined $spool_file) {
my $tee_fh = new IO::Tee($out_fh, new IO::File($spool_file, $mode)) or
return $sh->alert(qq{Unable create IO::Tee ($spool_file) handle: $!\n});
$sh->{out_fh} = $tee_fh;
$sh->{spool_file} = $spool_file; $sh->spool_on;
$sh->{spool_fh} = ($tee_fh->handles)[1];
select $tee_fh;
return $sh->print_buffer( qq{spooling $spool_file} );
return $sh->alert( qq{spool command failed for unknown reason} );