package Data::Printer::Filter::GenericClass;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer::Filter;
use Data::Printer::Common;
use Scalar::Util;
filter '-class' => sub {
my ($object, $ddp) = @_;
# if the class implements its own Data::Printer method, we use it!
if ($ddp->class_method and my $method = $object->can( $ddp->class_method )) {
return $method->($object, $ddp) if ref $method eq 'CODE';
my $class_name = ref $object;
# there are many parts of the class filter that require the object's
# linear ISA, so we declare it earlier and load it only once:
my $linear_ISA = Data::Printer::Common::_linear_ISA_for($class_name, $ddp);
# if the object overloads stringification, use it!
# except for PDF::API2 which has a destructive stringify()
if ($ddp->class->stringify && $class_name ne 'PDF::API2') {
my $str = _get_stringification($ddp, $object, $class_name);
return $ddp->maybe_colorize("$str ($class_name)", 'class')
if defined $str;
# otherwise, do our generic object representation:
my $show_reftype = $ddp->class->show_reftype;
my $show_internals = $ddp->class->internals;
my $reftype;
if ($show_reftype || $show_internals) {
$reftype = Scalar::Util::reftype($object);
$reftype = 'Regexp' if $reftype eq 'REGEXP';
my $string = $ddp->maybe_colorize( $class_name, 'class' );
if ($show_reftype) {
$string .= ' '
. $ddp->maybe_colorize('(', 'brackets')
. $ddp->maybe_colorize( $reftype, 'class' )
. $ddp->maybe_colorize(')', 'brackets');
if ($ddp->class->expand eq 'all' || $ddp->class->expand >= $ddp->{_class_depth}) {
$string .= ' ' . $ddp->maybe_colorize('{', 'brackets');
my @superclasses = Data::Printer::Common::_get_superclasses_for($class_name);
if (@superclasses && $ddp->class->parents) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . 'parents: '
. join(', ', map $ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'class'), @superclasses)
my (%roles, %attributes);
if ($INC{'Role/'} && exists $Role::Tiny::APPLIED_TO{$class_name}) {
%roles = %{ $Role::Tiny::APPLIED_TO{$class_name} };
foreach my $parent (@superclasses) {
if ($parent eq 'Moo::Object') {
Data::Printer::Common::_tryme(sub {
my $moo_maker = 'Moo'->_constructor_maker_for($class_name);
if (defined $moo_maker) {
%attributes = %{ $moo_maker->all_attribute_specs };
elsif ($parent eq 'Moose::Object') {
Data::Printer::Common::_tryme(sub {
my $class_meta = $class_name->meta;
%attributes = map {
$_->name => {
index => $_->insertion_order,
init_arg => $_->init_arg,
is => (defined $_->writer ? 'rw' : 'ro'),
reader => $_->reader,
required => $_->is_required,
} $class_meta->get_all_attributes();
foreach my $role ($class_meta->calculate_all_roles()) {
$roles{ $role->name } = 1;
if (keys %roles) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . 'roles (' . scalar(keys %roles) . '): '
. join(', ' => map $ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'class'), keys %roles)
if (keys %attributes) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . 'attributes (' . scalar(keys %attributes) . '): '
. join(', ' => map $ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'method'), keys %attributes)
my $show_linear_isa = $ddp->class->linear_isa && (
($ddp->class->linear_isa eq 'auto' and @superclasses > 1)
or ($ddp->class->linear_isa ne 'auto')
if ($show_linear_isa && @$linear_ISA) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . 'linear @ISA: '
. join(', ' => map $ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'class'), @$linear_ISA)
if ($ddp->class->show_methods && $ddp->class->show_methods ne 'none') {
$string .= _show_methods($class_name, $linear_ISA, \%attributes, $ddp);
if ($ddp->class->show_overloads) {
my @overloads = _get_overloads($object);
if (@overloads) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . 'overloads: ' . join(', ' => @overloads);
if ($show_internals) {
$string .= $ddp->newline
. 'internals: '
. $ddp->parse_as($reftype, $object)
$string .= $ddp->newline . $ddp->maybe_colorize('}', 'brackets');
if ($ddp->show_tied and my $tie = ref tied $object) {
$string .= " (tied to $tie)";
return $string;
### Private auxiliary helpers below ###
sub _get_stringification {
my ($ddp, $object, $class_name) = @_;
require overload;
if (overload::Overloaded($object)
&& (overload::Method($object, q(""))
|| overload::Method($object, q(0+))
) {
my $string;
my $error = Data::Printer::Common::_tryme(sub { $string = '' . $object });
if ($error) {
"string/number overload error for object $class_name: $error"
else {
return $string;
foreach my $method (qw(as_string stringify to_string)) {
if ($object->can($method)) {
my $string;
my $error = Data::Printer::Common::_tryme(sub { $string = $object->$method });
if ($error) {
"error stringifying object $class_name with $method\(\): $error"
else {
return $string;
# returns array of all overloads in class;
sub _get_overloads {
my ($object) = @_;
require overload;
return () unless overload::Overloaded($object);
return sort grep overload::Method($object, $_),
map split(/\s+/), values %overload::ops;
sub _show_methods {
my ($class_name, $linear_ISA, $attributes, $ddp) = @_;
my %methods = ( public => {}, private => {} );
my @all_methods = map _methods_of(
$_, Data::Printer::Common::_get_namespace($_)
), @$linear_ISA;
my $show_methods = $ddp->class->show_methods;
my $show_inherited = $ddp->class->inherited;
my %seen_method_name;
foreach my $method (@all_methods) {
my ($package_string, $method_string) = @$method;
next if exists $attributes->{$method_string};
next if $seen_method_name{$method_string}++;
next if $method_string eq '__ANON__'; # anonymous subs don't matter here.
my $type = substr($method_string, 0, 1) eq '_' ? 'private' : 'public';
if ($package_string eq $class_name) {
next unless $show_methods eq 'all' || $show_methods eq $type;
$methods{$type}{$method_string} = undef;
else {
next unless $show_inherited eq 'all' || $show_inherited eq $type;
$methods{$type}{$method_string} = $package_string;
my $string = '';
foreach my $type (qw(public private)) {
next unless $show_methods eq 'all' or $show_methods eq $type
or $show_inherited eq 'all' or $show_inherited eq $type
if ($ddp->class->format_inheritance eq 'string') {
my @method_list = keys %{$methods{$type}};
@method_list = Data::Printer::Common::_nsort(@method_list)
if $ddp->class->sort_methods && @method_list;
$string .= $ddp->newline . "$type methods (" . scalar(@method_list) . ')';
if (@method_list) {
$string .= ': '
. join(', ' => map {
$_ . (defined $methods{$type}{$_} ? " ($methods{$type}{$_})" : ''),
} @method_list)
else { # 'lines'
# first we convert our hash to { pkg => [ @methods ] }
my %lined_methods;
my @base_methods;
my $total_methods = 0;
foreach my $method (keys %{$methods{$type}}) {
my $pkg_name = $methods{$type}{$method};
if (defined $pkg_name) {
push @{ $lined_methods{$pkg_name} }, $method;
else {
push @base_methods, $method;
# then we print them, starting with our own methods:
@base_methods = Data::Printer::Common::_nsort(@base_methods)
if $ddp->class->sort_methods && @base_methods;
$string .= $ddp->newline . "$type methods ($total_methods)"
. ($total_methods ? ':' : '')
if (@base_methods) {
my $base_string = join(', ' => map {
$ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'method')
} @base_methods);
# newline only if we have parent methods to show:
$string .= (keys %lined_methods ? $ddp->newline : ' ') . $base_string;
foreach my $pkg (sort keys %lined_methods) {
$string .= $ddp->newline . "$pkg:";
@{$lined_methods{$pkg}} = Data::Printer::Common::_nsort(@{$lined_methods{$pkg}})
if $ddp->class->sort_methods;
$string .= $ddp->newline . join(', ' => map {
$ddp->maybe_colorize($_, 'method')
} @{$lined_methods{$pkg}}
return $string;
sub _methods_of {
require B;
my ($class_name, $namespace) = @_;
my @methods;
foreach my $subref (_get_all_subs_from($class_name, $namespace)) {
next unless $subref;
my $m = B::svref_2object($subref);
next unless $m && $m->isa('B::CV');
my $gv = $m->GV;
next unless $gv && !$gv->isa('B::Special') && $gv->NAME;
push @methods, [ $gv->STASH->NAME, $gv->NAME ];
return @methods;
sub _get_all_subs_from {
my ($class_name, $namespace) = @_;
my @subs;
foreach my $key (keys %$namespace) {
# perlsub says any sub starting with '(' is reserved for overload,
# so we skip those:
next if substr($key, 0, 1) eq '(';
if (
# any non-typeglob in the symbol table is a constant or stub
ref(\$namespace->{$key}) ne 'GLOB'
# regular subs are stored in the CODE slot of the typeglob
|| defined(*{$namespace->{$key}}{CODE})
) {
push @subs, $key;
my @symbols;
foreach my $sub (@subs) {
push @symbols, Data::Printer::Common::_get_symbol($class_name, $namespace, $sub, 'CODE');
return @symbols;