package Font::TTF::Kern::ClassArray;
=head1 NAME
Font::TTF::Kern::ClassArray - ClassArray Kern Subtable for AAT
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Font::TTF::Utils;
use Font::TTF::AATutils;
use IO::File;
@ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Kern::Subtable);
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my ($self) = {};
$class = ref($class) || $class;
bless $self, $class;
=head2 $t->read
Reads the table into memory
sub read
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my $subtableStart = $fh->tell() - 8;
my $dat;
$fh->read($dat, 8);
my ($rowWidth, $leftClassTable, $rightClassTable, $array) = unpack("nnnn", $dat);
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $leftClassTable, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, 4);
my ($firstGlyph, $nGlyphs) = unpack("nn", $dat);
$fh->read($dat, $nGlyphs * 2);
my $leftClasses = [];
foreach (TTF_Unpack("S*", $dat)) {
push @{$leftClasses->[($_ - $array) / $rowWidth]}, $firstGlyph++;
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $rightClassTable, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, 4);
($firstGlyph, $nGlyphs) = unpack("nn", $dat);
$fh->read($dat, $nGlyphs * 2);
my $rightClasses = [];
foreach (TTF_Unpack("S*", $dat)) {
push @{$rightClasses->[$_ / 2]}, $firstGlyph++;
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $array, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, $self->{'length'} - $array);
my $offset = 0;
my $kernArray = [];
while ($offset < length($dat)) {
push @$kernArray, [ TTF_Unpack("s*", substr($dat, $offset, $rowWidth)) ];
$offset += $rowWidth;
$self->{'leftClasses'} = $leftClasses;
$self->{'rightClasses'} = $rightClasses;
$self->{'kernArray'} = $kernArray;
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $self->{'length'}, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
=head2 $t->out_sub($fh)
Writes the table to a file
sub out_sub
=head2 $t->print($fh)
Prints a human-readable representation of the table
sub print
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my $post = $self->post();
$fh = 'STDOUT' unless defined $fh;
sub dumpXML
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my $post = $self->post();
$fh = 'STDOUT' unless defined $fh;
$self->dumpClasses($self->{'leftClasses'}, $fh);
$self->dumpClasses($self->{'rightClasses'}, $fh);
my $kernArray = $self->{'kernArray'};
foreach (0 .. $#$kernArray) {
$fh->printf("<row index=\"%s\">\n", $_);
my $row = $kernArray->[$_];
foreach (0 .. $#$row) {
$fh->printf("<val index=\"%s\" v=\"%s\"/>\n", $_, $row->[$_]);
sub type
return 'kernClassArray';
=head1 BUGS
None known
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Kew L<>.
Copyright (c) 1998-2016, SIL International (
This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.