# Copyrights 1999-2021 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution MIME::Types. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See README.md
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package MIME::Types;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.22';
use strict;
use MIME::Type ();
use File::Spec ();
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use List::Util qw(first);
my %typedb;
sub new(@) { (bless {}, shift)->init( {@_} ) }
sub init($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
keys %typedb or $self->_read_db($args);
sub _read_db($)
{ my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $skip_extensions = $args->{skip_extensions};
my $only_complete = $args->{only_complete};
my $only_iana = $args->{only_iana};
|| $args->{db_file}
|| File::Spec->catfile(dirname(__FILE__), 'types.db');
local *DB;
open DB, '<:encoding(utf8)', $db
or die "cannot open type database in $db: $!\n";
{ my $header = <DB>;
defined $header or last;
chomp $header;
# This logic is entangled with the bin/collect_types script
my ($count, $major, $is_iana, $has_ext) = split /\:/, $header;
my $skip_section = $major eq 'EXTENSIONS' ? $skip_extensions
: (($only_iana && !$is_iana) || ($only_complete && !$has_ext));
#warn "Skipping section $header\n" if $skip_section;
(my $section = $major) =~ s/^x-//;
if($major eq 'EXTENSIONS')
{ local $_;
{ last if m/^$/;
next if $skip_section;
$typedb{$section}{$1} = $2 if m/(.*);(.*)/;
{ local $_;
{ last if m/^$/;
next if $skip_section;
$typedb{$section}{$1} = "$major/$_" if m/^(?:x-)?([^;]+)/;
close DB;
# Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple uses it :(
sub create_type_index {}
sub type($)
{ my $spec = lc $_[1];
$spec = 'text/plain' if $spec eq 'text'; # old mailers
$spec =~ m!^(?:x\-)?([^/]+)/(?:x-)?(.*)!
or return;
my $section = $typedb{$1} or return;
my $record = $section->{$2} or return;
return $record if ref $record; # already extended
my $simple = $2;
my ($type, $ext, $enc) = split m/\;/, $record;
my $os = undef; # XXX TODO
$section->{$simple} = MIME::Type->new
( type => $type
, extensions => [split /\,/, $ext]
, encoding => $enc
, system => $os
sub mimeTypeOf($)
{ my ($self, $name) = @_;
(my $ext = lc $name) =~ s/.*\.//;
my $type = $typedb{EXTENSIONS}{$ext} or return;
sub addType(@)
{ my $self = shift;
foreach my $type (@_)
{ my ($major, $minor) = split m!/!, $type->simplified;
$typedb{$major}{$minor} = $type;
$typedb{EXTENSIONS}{$_} = $type for $type->extensions;
sub types()
{ my $self = shift;
my @types;
foreach my $section (keys %typedb)
{ next if $section eq 'EXTENSIONS';
push @types, map $_->type("$section/$_"),
sort keys %{$typedb{$section}};
sub listTypes()
{ my $self = shift;
my @types;
foreach my $section (keys %typedb)
{ next if $section eq 'EXTENSIONS';
foreach my $sub (sort keys %{$typedb{$section}})
{ my $record = $typedb{$section}{$sub};
push @types, ref $record ? $record->type
: $record =~ m/^([^;]+)/ ? $1 : die;
sub extensions { keys %{$typedb{EXTENSIONS}} }
sub _MojoExtTable() {$typedb{EXTENSIONS}}
sub httpAccept($)
{ my $self = shift;
my @listed;
foreach (split /\,\s*/, shift)
m!^ ([a-zA-Z0-9-]+ | \*) / ( [a-zA-Z0-9+-]+ | \* )
\s* (?: \;\s*q\=\s* ([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?) \s* )?
(\;.* | )
$ !x or next;
my $mime = "$1/$2$4";
my $q = defined $3 ? $3 : 1; # q, default=1
# most complex first
$q += $4 ? +0.01 : $1 eq '*' ? -0.02 : $2 eq '*' ? -0.01 : 0;
# keep order
$q -= @listed*0.0001;
push @listed, [ $mime => $q ];
map $_->[0], sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @listed;
sub httpAcceptBest($@)
{ my $self = shift;
my @accept = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{(shift)} : $self->httpAccept(shift);
my $match;
foreach my $acc (@accept)
{ $acc =~ s/\s*\;.*//; # remove attributes
my $m = $acc !~ s#/\*$## ? first { $_->equals($acc) } @_
: $acc eq '*' ? $_[0] # $acc eq */*
: first { $_->mediaType eq $acc } @_;
return $m if defined $m;
sub httpAcceptSelect($@)
{ my ($self, $accept) = (shift, shift);
my $fns = !@_ ? return () : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : [@_];
unless(defined $accept)
{ my $fn = $fns->[0];
return ($fn, $self->mimeTypeOf($fn));
# create mapping type -> filename
my (%have, @have);
foreach my $fn (@$fns)
{ my $type = $self->mimeTypeOf($fn) or next;
$have{$type->simplified} = $fn;
push @have, $type;
my $type = $self->httpAcceptBest($accept, @have);
defined $type ? ($have{$type}, $type) : ();
# OLD INTERFACE (version 0.06 and lower)
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(by_suffix by_mediatype import_mime_types);
my $mime_types;
sub by_suffix($)
{ my $filename = shift;
$mime_types ||= MIME::Types->new;
my $mime = $mime_types->mimeTypeOf($filename);
my @data = defined $mime ? ($mime->type, $mime->encoding) : ('','');
wantarray ? @data : \@data;
sub by_mediatype($)
{ my $type = shift;
$mime_types ||= MIME::Types->new;
my @found;
if(!ref $type && index($type, '/') >= 0)
{ my $mime = $mime_types->type($type);
@found = $mime if $mime;
{ my $search = ref $type eq 'Regexp' ? $type : qr/$type/i;
@found = map $mime_types->type($_),
grep $_ =~ $search,
my @data;
foreach my $mime (@found)
{ push @data, map [$_, $mime->type, $mime->encoding],
wantarray ? @data : \@data;
sub import_mime_types($)
{ my $filename = shift;
use Carp;
croak <<'CROAK';
import_mime_types is not supported anymore: if you have types to add
please send them to the author.