shell bypass 403
package Mojolicious::Command;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Mojo::File qw(path);
use Mojo::Loader qw(data_section);
use Mojo::Server;
use Mojo::Template;
has app => sub { $_[0]{app_ref} = Mojo::Server->new->build_app('Mojo::HelloWorld') }, weak => 1;
has description => 'No description';
has 'quiet';
has template => sub { {vars => 1} };
has usage => "Usage: APPLICATION\n";
sub chmod_file {
my ($self, $path, $mode) = @_;
return $self->_loud(" [chmod] $path " . sprintf('%lo', $mode));
sub chmod_rel_file { $_[0]->chmod_file($_[0]->rel_file($_[1]), $_[2]) }
sub create_dir {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return $self->_loud(" [exist] $path") if -d $path;
return $self->_loud(" [mkdir] $path");
sub create_rel_dir { $_[0]->create_dir($_[0]->rel_file($_[1])) }
sub extract_usage { Mojo::Util::extract_usage((caller)[1]) }
sub help { print shift->usage }
sub rel_file { path->child(split(/\//, pop)) }
sub render_data {
my ($self, $name) = (shift, shift);
my $template = Mojo::Template->new($self->template)->name("template $name from DATA section");
my $output = $template->render(data_section(ref $self, $name), @_);
return ref $output ? die $output : $output;
sub render_to_file {
my ($self, $data, $path) = (shift, shift, shift);
return $self->write_file($path, $self->render_data($data, @_));
sub render_to_rel_file {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_to_file(shift, $self->rel_file(shift), @_);
sub run { croak 'Method "run" not implemented by subclass' }
sub write_file {
my ($self, $path, $data) = @_;
return $self->_loud(" [exist] $path") if -f $path;
return $self->_loud(" [write] $path");
sub write_rel_file { $_[0]->write_file($_[0]->rel_file($_[1]), $_[2]) }
sub _loud {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
say $msg unless $self->quiet;
return $self;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Command - Command base class
# Lowercase command name
package Mojolicious::Command::mycommand;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command', -signatures;
# Short description
has description => 'My first Mojo command';
# Usage message from SYNOPSIS
has usage => sub ($self) { $self->extract_usage };
sub run ($self, @args) {
# Magic here! :)
Usage: APPLICATION mycommand [OPTIONS]
-s, --something Does something
L<Mojolicious::Command> is an abstract base class for L<Mojolicious> commands.
See L<Mojolicious::Commands/"COMMANDS"> for a list of commands that are available by default.
L<Mojolicious::Command> implements the following attributes.
=head2 app
my $app = $command->app;
$command = $command->app(Mojolicious->new);
Application for command, defaults to a L<Mojo::HelloWorld> object. Note that this attribute is weakened.
# Introspect
say "Template path: $_" for @{$command->app->renderer->paths};
=head2 description
my $description = $command->description;
$command = $command->description('Foo');
Short description of command, used for the command list.
=head2 quiet
my $bool = $command->quiet;
$command = $command->quiet($bool);
Limited command output.
=head2 template
my $template = $command->template;
$command = $command->template({vars => 1});
Attribute values passed to L<Mojo::Template> objects used to render templates with L</"render_data">, defaults to
activating C<vars>.
=head2 usage
my $usage = $command->usage;
$command = $command->usage('Foo');
Usage information for command, used for the help screen.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Command> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 chmod_file
$command = $command->chmod_file('/home/sri/foo.txt', 0644);
Change mode of a file.
=head2 chmod_rel_file
$command = $command->chmod_rel_file('foo/foo.txt', 0644);
Portably change mode of a file relative to the current working directory.
=head2 create_dir
$command = $command->create_dir('/home/sri/foo/bar');
Create a directory if it does not exist already.
=head2 create_rel_dir
$command = $command->create_rel_dir('foo/bar/baz');
Portably create a directory relative to the current working directory if it does not exist already.
=head2 extract_usage
my $usage = $command->extract_usage;
Extract usage message from the SYNOPSIS section of the file this method was called from with
=head2 help
Print usage information for command.
=head2 rel_file
my $path = $command->rel_file('foo/bar.txt');
Return a L<Mojo::File> object relative to the current working directory.
=head2 render_data
my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar');
my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar', @args);
my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar', {foo => 'bar'});
Render a template from the C<DATA> section of the command class with L<Mojo::Loader> and L<Mojo::Template>. The
template can be configured with L</"template">.
=head2 render_to_file
$command = $command->render_to_file('foo_bar', '/home/sri/foo.txt');
$command = $command->render_to_file('foo_bar', '/home/sri/foo.txt', @args);
$command = $command->render_to_file(
'foo_bar', '/home/sri/foo.txt', {foo => 'bar'});
Render a template with L</"render_data"> to a file if it does not exist already, and create the directory if necessary.
=head2 render_to_rel_file
$command = $command->render_to_rel_file('foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt');
$command = $command->render_to_rel_file('foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt', @args);
$command = $command->render_to_rel_file(
'foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt', {foo => 'bar'});
Portably render a template with L</"render_data"> to a file relative to the current working directory if it does not
exist already, and create the directory if necessary.
=head2 run
Run command. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
=head2 write_file
$command = $command->write_file('/home/sri/foo.txt', 'Hello World!');
Write text to a file if it does not exist already, and create the directory if necessary.
=head2 write_rel_file
$command = $command->write_rel_file('foo/bar.txt', 'Hello World!');
Portably write text to a file relative to the current working directory if it does not exist already, and create the
directory if necessary.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.