# Code in the PDF::API2::Basic::PDF namespace was originally copied from the
# Text::PDF distribution.
# Copyright Martin Hosken <Martin_Hosken@sil.org>
# Martin Hosken's code may be used under the terms of the MIT license.
# Subsequent versions of the code have the same license as PDF::API2.
package PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array;
use base 'PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array - Low-level PDF array object
=head1 METHODS
=head2 PDF::Array->new($parent, @values)
Creates an array with the given storage parent and an optional list of values to
initialise the array with.
sub new {
my ($class, @values) = @_;
my $self = {};
$self->{' val'} = [@values];
$self->{' realised'} = 1;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 $a->outobjdeep($fh, $pdf)
Outputs an array as a PDF array to the given filehandle.
sub outobjdeep {
my ($self, $fh, $pdf) = @_;
$fh->print('[ ');
foreach my $obj (@{$self->{' val'}}) {
$obj->outobj($fh, $pdf);
$fh->print(' ');
=head2 $a->elements()
Returns the contents of the array.
sub elementsof { return elements(@_) }
sub elements {
my $self = shift();
return @{$self->{' val'}};
=head2 $a->add_elements(@elements)
Appends the given elements to the array. An element is only added if it
is defined.
sub add_elements {
my $self = shift();
foreach my $element (@_) {
next unless defined $element;
push @{$self->{' val'}}, $element;
return $self;
=head2 $a->remove_element($element)
Removes all occurrences of an element from an array.
sub removeobj { return remove_element(@_) }
sub remove_element {
my ($self, $element) = @_;
$self->{' val'} = [ grep { $_ ne $element } @{$self->{' val'}} ];
=head2 $a->val()
Returns a reference to the contents of the array.
sub val {
return $_[0]->{' val'};
=head2 $a->copy($pdf)
Copies the array with deep-copy on elements which are not full PDF objects
with respect to a particular $pdf output context
sub copy {
my ($self, $pdf) = @_;
my $res = $self->SUPER::copy($pdf);
$res->{' val'} = [];
foreach my $e (@{$self->{' val'}}) {
if (ref($e) and $e->can('is_obj') and not $e->is_obj($pdf)) {
push(@{$res->{' val'}}, $e->copy($pdf));
else {
push(@{$res->{' val'}}, $e);
return $res;