# Code in the PDF::API2::Basic::PDF namespace was originally copied from the
# Text::PDF distribution.
# Copyright Martin Hosken <Martin_Hosken@sil.org>
# Martin Hosken's code may be used under the terms of the MIT license.
# Subsequent versions of the code have the same license as PDF::API2.
package PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict';
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
our %inst = map {$_ => 1} qw(Parent Type);
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages - Low-level page tree object
A Pages object is the parent to other pages objects or to page objects
=head1 METHODS
=head2 PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages->new($pdf, $parent)
This creates a new Pages object in a PDF. Notice that $parent here is
not the file context for the object but the parent pages object for
this pages. If we are using this class to create a root node, then
$parent should point to the file context, which is identified by not
having a Type of Pages. $pdf is the file object (or a reference to an
array of file objects) in which to create the new Pages object.
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $parent) = @_;
$pdf //= $class->get_top->{' parent'} if ref($class);
# Prior to 2.034, $pdf could be an array of PDFs
if (ref($pdf) eq 'ARRAY') {
die 'Only one PDF is supported as of version 2.034' if scalar(@$pdf) > 1;
($pdf) = @$pdf;
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $parent);
$self->{'Type'} = PDFName('Pages');
$self->{'Parent'} = $parent if defined $parent;
$self->{'Count'} = PDFNum(0);
$self->{'Kids'} = PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array->new();
unless (defined $self->{'Parent'}) {
$pdf->{'Root'}->{'Pages'} = $self;
$self->{' parent'} = $pdf;
weaken $self->{' parent'};
weaken $self->{'Parent'} if defined $parent;
return $self;
sub _pdf {
my $self = shift();
return $self->get_top->{' parent'};
=head2 $p->find_page($page_number)
Returns the given page, using the page count values in the pages tree. Pages
start at 0.
sub find_page {
my ($self, $page_number) = @_;
my $top = $self->get_top();
sub find_page_recurse {
my ($self, $page_number_ref) = @_;
if ($self->{'Count'}->realise->val() <= $$page_number_ref) {
$$page_number_ref -= $self->{'Count'}->val();
my $result;
foreach my $kid ($self->{'Kids'}->realise->elements()) {
if ($kid->{'Type'}->realise->val() eq 'Page') {
return $kid if $$page_number_ref == 0;
elsif ($result = $kid->realise->find_page_recurse($page_number_ref)) {
return $result;
=head2 $p->add_page($page, $page_number)
Inserts the page before the given $page_number. $page_number can be negative to
count from the END of the document. -1 is after the last page. Likewise
$page_number can be greater than the number of pages currently in the document,
to append.
sub add_page {
my ($self, $page, $page_number) = @_;
my $top = $self->get_top();
$page_number = -1 unless defined $page_number and $page_number <= $top->{'Count'}->val();
my $previous_page;
if ($page_number == -1) {
$previous_page = $top->find_page($top->{'Count'}->val() - 1);
else {
$page_number = $top->{'Count'}->val() + $page_number + 1 if $page_number < 0;
$previous_page = $top->find_page($page_number);
my $parent;
if (defined $previous_page->{'Parent'}) {
$parent = $previous_page->{'Parent'}->realise();
else {
$parent = $self;
my $parent_kid_count = scalar $parent->{'Kids'}->realise->elements();
my $page_index;
if ($page_number == -1) {
$page_index = -1;
else {
for ($page_index = 0; $page_index < $parent_kid_count; $page_index++) {
last if $parent->{'Kids'}{' val'}[$page_index] eq $previous_page;
$page_index = -1 if $page_index == $parent_kid_count;
$parent->add_page_recurse($page->realise(), $page_index);
for ($parent = $page->{'Parent'}; defined $parent->{'Parent'}; $parent = $parent->{'Parent'}->realise()) {
return $page;
sub add_page_recurse {
my ($self, $page, $page_index) = @_;
my $parent = $self;
my $max_kids_per_parent = 8; # Why?
if (scalar $parent->{'Kids'}->elements() >= $max_kids_per_parent and $parent->{'Parent'} and $page_index < 1) {
my $grandparent = $parent->{'Parent'}->realise();
$parent = $parent->new($parent->_pdf(), $grandparent);
my $grandparent_kid_count = scalar $grandparent->{'Kids'}->realise->elements();
my $new_parent_index;
for ($new_parent_index = 0; $new_parent_index < $grandparent_kid_count; $new_parent_index++) {
last if $grandparent->{'Kids'}{' val'}[$new_parent_index] eq $self;
$new_parent_index = -1 if $new_parent_index > $grandparent_kid_count;
$grandparent->add_page_recurse($parent, $new_parent_index);
else {
if ($page_index < 0) {
push @{$parent->{'Kids'}->realise->{' val'}}, $page;
else {
splice @{$parent->{'Kids'}{' val'}}, $page_index, 0, $page;
$page->{'Parent'} = $parent;
weaken $page->{'Parent'};
sub set_modified {
my $self = shift();
# Previously documented but not implemented
sub rebuild_tree { return; }
=head2 @objects = $p->get_pages()
Returns a list of page objects in the document in page order
sub get_pages {
my $self = shift();
return $self->get_top->get_pages_recurse();
# Renamed for clarity
sub get_kids { return get_pages_recurse(@_) }
sub get_pages_recurse {
my $self = shift();
my @pages;
foreach my $kid ($self->{'Kids'}->elements()) {
if ($kid->{'Type'}->val() eq 'Pages') {
push @pages, $kid->get_pages_recurse();
else {
push @pages, $kid;
return @pages;
=head2 $p->find_prop($key)
Searches up through the inheritance tree to find a property.
sub find_prop {
my ($self, $prop) = @_;
if (defined $self->{$prop}) {
if (ref($self->{$prop}) and $self->{$prop}->isa('PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Objind')) {
return $self->{$prop}->realise();
else {
return $self->{$prop};
elsif (defined $self->{'Parent'}) {
return $self->{'Parent'}->find_prop($prop);
=head2 $p->add_font($pdf, $font)
Creates or edits the resource dictionary at this level in the hierarchy. If
the font is already supported even through the hierarchy, then it is not added.
sub add_font {
# Maintainer's note: arguments are in a different order than what is shown in the POD
my ($self, $font, $pdf) = @_;
my $name = $font->{'Name'}->val();
my $dict = $self->find_prop('Resources');
return $self if $dict and defined $dict->{'Font'} and defined $dict->{'Font'}{$name};
unless (defined $self->{'Resources'}) {
$dict = $dict ? $dict->copy($pdf) : PDFDict();
$self->{'Resources'} = $dict;
else {
$dict = $self->{'Resources'};
$dict->{'Font'} //= PDFDict();
my $resource = $dict->{'Font'}->val();
$resource->{$name} //= $font;
if (ref($dict) ne 'HASH' and $dict->is_obj($pdf)) {
if (ref($resource) ne 'HASH' and $resource->is_obj($pdf)) {
return $self;
=head2 $p->bbox($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax, [$param])
Specifies the bounding box for this and all child pages. If the values are
identical to those inherited then no change is made. $param specifies the attribute
name so that other 'bounding box'es can be set with this method.
sub bbox {
my ($self, @bbox) = @_;
my $key = $bbox[4] || 'MediaBox';
my $inherited = $self->find_prop($key);
if ($inherited) {
my $is_changed;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $element ($inherited->elements()) {
$is_changed = 1 unless $element->val() == $bbox[$i++];
return $self if $i == 4 and not $is_changed;
my $array = PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Array->new();
foreach my $element (@bbox[0..3]) {
$self->{$key} = $array;
return $self;
=head2 $p->proc_set(@entries)
Ensures that the current resource contains all the entries in the proc_sets
listed. If necessary it creates a local resource dictionary to achieve this.
sub proc_set {
my ($self, @entries) = @_;
my $dict = $self->find_prop('Resources');
if ($dict and defined $dict->{'ProcSet'}) {
my @missing = @entries;
foreach my $element ($dict->{'ProcSet'}->elements()) {
@missing = grep { $_ ne $element } @missing;
return $self if scalar @missing == 0;
@entries = @missing if defined $self->{'Resources'};
unless (defined $self->{'Resources'}) {
$self->{'Resources'} = $dict ? $dict->copy($self->_pdf()) : PDFDict();
$self->{'Resources'}{'ProcSet'} = PDFArray() unless defined $self->{'ProcSet'};
foreach my $e (@entries) {
return $self;
sub empty {
my $self = shift();
my $parent = $self->{'Parent'};
if (defined $parent) {
$self->{'Parent'} = $parent;
weaken $self->{'Parent'};
return $self;
=head2 $p->get_top
Returns the top of the pages tree
sub get_top {
my $self = shift();
my $top = $self;
$top = $top->{'Parent'} while defined $top->{'Parent'};
return $top->realise();