package PDF::API2::Outline;
use base 'PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use Carp qw(croak);
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Outline - Manage PDF outlines (a.k.a. bookmarks)
# Get/create the top-level outline tree
my $outline = $pdf->outline();
# Add an entry
my $item = $outline->outline();
$item->title('First Page');
=head1 METHODS
sub new {
my ($class, $api, $parent, $prev) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
$self->{'Parent'} = $parent if defined $parent;
$self->{'Prev'} = $prev if defined $prev;
$self->{' api'} = $api;
weaken $self->{' api'};
weaken $self->{'Parent'};
return $self;
=head2 Examine the Outline Tree
=head3 has_children
my $boolean = $outline->has_children();
Return true if the current outline item has child items.
sub has_children {
my $self = shift();
# Opened by PDF::API2
return 1 if exists $self->{'First'};
# Created by PDF::API2
return @{$self->{' children'}} > 0 if exists $self->{' children'};
=head3 count
my $integer = $outline->count();
Return the number of descendants that are visible when the current outline item
is open (expanded).
sub count {
my $self = shift();
# Set count to the number of descendant items that will be visible when the
# current item is open.
my $count = 0;
if ($self->has_children()) {
$self->_load_children() unless exists $self->{' children'};
$count += @{$self->{' children'}};
foreach my $child (@{$self->{' children'}}) {
next unless $child->has_children();
next unless $child->is_open();
$count += $child->count();
if ($count) {
$self->{'Count'} = PDFNum($self->is_open() ? $count : -$count);
return $count;
sub _load_children {
my $self = shift();
my $item = $self->{'First'};
return unless $item;
bless $item, __PACKAGE__;
push @{$self->{' children'}}, $item;
while ($item->next()) {
$item = $item->next();
bless $item, __PACKAGE__;
push @{$self->{' children'}}, $item;
return $self;
=head3 first
my $child = $outline->first();
Return the first child of the current outline level, if one exists.
sub first {
my $self = shift();
if (defined $self->{' children'} and defined $self->{' children'}->[0]) {
$self->{'First'} = $self->{' children'}->[0];
return $self->{'First'};
=head3 last
my $child = $outline->last();
Return the last child of the current outline level, if one exists.
sub last {
my $self = shift();
if (defined $self->{' children'} and defined $self->{' children'}->[-1]) {
$self->{'Last'} = $self->{' children'}->[-1];
return $self->{'Last'};
=head3 parent
my $parent = $outline->parent();
Return the parent of the current item, if not at the top level of the outline
sub parent {
my $self = shift();
$self->{'Parent'} = shift() if defined $_[0];
return $self->{'Parent'};
=head3 prev
my $sibling = $outline->prev();
Return the previous item of the current level of the outline tree.
sub prev {
my $self = shift();
$self->{'Prev'} = shift() if defined $_[0];
return $self->{'Prev'};
=head3 next
my $sibling = $outline->next();
Return the next item of the current level of the outline tree.
sub next {
my $self = shift();
$self->{'Next'} = shift() if defined $_[0];
return $self->{'Next'};
=head2 Modify the Outline Tree
=head3 outline
my $child = $outline->outline();
Add an outline item at the end of the current outline's list of children.
sub outline {
my $self = shift();
my $child = PDF::API2::Outline->new($self->{' api'}, $self);
$self->{' children'} //= [];
$child->prev($self->{' children'}->[-1]) if @{$self->{' children'}};
$self->{' children'}->[-1]->next($child) if @{$self->{' children'}};
push @{$self->{' children'}}, $child;
unless ($child->is_obj($self->{' api'}->{'pdf'})) {
$self->{' api'}->{'pdf'}->new_obj($child);
return $child;
=head3 insert_after
my $sibling = $outline->insert_after();
Add an outline item immediately following the current item.
sub insert_after {
my $self = shift();
my $sibling = PDF::API2::Outline->new($self->{' api'}, $self->parent());
$self->next->prev($sibling) if $self->next();
unless ($sibling->is_obj($self->{' api'}->{'pdf'})) {
$self->{' api'}->{'pdf'}->new_obj($sibling);
return $sibling;
=head3 insert_before
$sibling = $outline->insert_before();
Add an outline item immediately preceding the current item.
sub insert_before {
my $self = shift();
my $sibling = PDF::API2::Outline->new($self->{' api'}, $self->parent());
$self->prev->next($sibling) if $self->prev();
unless ($sibling->is_obj($self->{' api'}->{'pdf'})) {
$self->{' api'}->{'pdf'}->new_obj($sibling);
return $sibling;
sub _reset_children {
my $self = shift();
my $item = $self->first();
$self->{' children'} = [];
return unless $item;
push @{$self->{' children'}}, $item;
while ($item->next()) {
$item = $item->next();
push @{$self->{' children'}}, $item;
return $self;
=head3 delete
Remove the current outline item from the outline tree. If the item has any
children, they will effectively be deleted as well since they will no longer be
sub delete {
my $self = shift();
my $prev = $self->prev();
my $next = $self->next();
$prev->next($next) if defined $prev;
$next->prev($prev) if defined $next;
my $siblings = $self->parent->{' children'};
@$siblings = grep { $_ ne $self } @$siblings;
delete $self->parent->{' children'} unless $self->parent->has_children();
=head3 is_open
# Get
my $boolean = $outline->is_open();
# Set
my $outline = $outline->is_open($boolean);
Get/set whether the outline is expanded or collapsed.
sub is_open {
my $self = shift();
# Get
unless (@_) {
# Created by PDF::API2
return $self->{' closed'} ? 0 : 1 if exists $self->{' closed'};
# Opened by PDF::API2
return $self->{'Count'}->val() > 0 if exists $self->{'Count'};
# Default
return 1;
# Set
my $is_open = shift();
$self->{' closed'} = (not $is_open);
return $self;
# Deprecated
sub open {
my $self = shift();
return $self->is_open(1);
# Deprecated
sub closed {
my $self = shift();
return $self->is_open(0);
=head2 Set Outline Attributes
=head3 title
# Get
my $title = $outline->title();
# Set
$outline = $outline->title($text);
Get/set the title of the outline item.
sub title {
my $self = shift();
# Get
unless (@_) {
return unless $self->{'Title'};
return $self->{'Title'}->val();
# Set
my $text = shift();
$self->{'Title'} = PDFStr($text);
return $self;
=head3 destination
$outline = $outline->destination($destination, $location, @args);
Set the destination page and optional position of the outline. C<$location> and
C<@args> are as defined in L<PDF::API2::NamedDestination/"destination">.
C<$destination> can optionally be the name of a named destination defined
sub _destination {
require PDF::API2::NamedDestination;
return PDF::API2::NamedDestination::_destination(@_);
sub destination {
my ($self, $destination, $location, @args) = @_;
# Remove an existing action dictionary
delete $self->{'A'};
if (ref($destination)) {
# Page Destination
$self->{'Dest'} = _destination($destination, $location, @args);
else {
# Named Destination
$self->{'Dest'} = PDFStr($destination);
return $self;
# Deprecated: Use destination with the indicated changes
sub dest {
my ($self, $destination, $location, @args) = @_;
# Replace -fit => 1 or -fitb => 1 with just the location
if (defined $location) {
@args = () if $location eq '-fit' or $location eq '-fitb';
# Convert args from arrayref to array
@args = @{$args[0]} if @args and ref($args[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
# Remove hyphen prefix from location
$location =~ s/^-// if defined $location;
return $self->destination($destination, $location, @args);
=head3 uri
$outline = $outline->uri($uri);
Launch a URI -- typically a web page -- when the outline item is activated.
# Deprecated (renamed)
sub url { return uri(@_) }
sub uri {
my ($self, $uri) = @_;
delete $self->{'Dest'};
$self->{'A'} = PDFDict();
$self->{'A'}->{'S'} = PDFName('URI');
$self->{'A'}->{'URI'} = PDFStr($uri);
return $self;
=head3 launch
Launch an application or file when the outline item is activated.
# Deprecated (renamed)
sub file { return launch(@_) }
sub launch {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
delete $self->{'Dest'};
$self->{'A'} = PDFDict();
$self->{'A'}->{'S'} = PDFName('Launch');
$self->{'A'}->{'F'} = PDFStr($file);
return $self;
=head3 pdf
$outline = $outline->pdf($filename, $page_number, $location, @args);
Open another PDF file to a particular page number (first page is zero, which is
also the default). The page can optionally be positioned at a particular
location if C<$location> and C<@args> are set -- see
L<PDF::API2::NamedDestination/"destination"> for possible settings.
# Deprecated (renamed)
sub pdfile { return pdf_file(@_) }
# Deprecated; use pdf instead, with the indicated changes
sub pdf_file {
my ($self, $file, $page_number, $location, @args);
# Replace -fit => 1 or -fitb => 1 with just the location
if (defined $location) {
@args = () if $location eq '-fit' or $location eq '-fitb';
# Convert args from arrayref to array
@args = @{$args[0]} if @args and ref($args[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
# Remove hyphen prefix from location
$location =~ s/^-// if defined $location;
return $self->pdf($file, $page_number, $location, @args);
sub pdf {
my ($self, $file, $page_number, $location, @args) = @_;
$page_number //= 0;
delete $self->{'Dest'};
$self->{'A'} = PDFDict();
$self->{'A'}->{'S'} = PDFName('GoToR');
$self->{'A'}->{'F'} = PDFStr($file);
$self->{'A'}->{'D'} = _destination(PDFNum($page_number), $location, @args);
return $self;
sub fix_outline {
my $self = shift();
sub outobjdeep {
my $self = shift();
return $self->SUPER::outobjdeep(@_);