package PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use Compress::Zlib;
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use PDF::API2::Util;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont - Base class for font resources
=head1 METHODS
=item $font = PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont->new($pdf, $name)
Return a font resource object.
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $name) = @_;
my $self;
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
$self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $name);
$pdf->new_obj($self) unless $self->is_obj($pdf);
$self->{'Type'} = PDFName('Font');
$self->{' apipdf'} = $pdf;
weaken $self->{' apipdf'};
return $self;
sub data { return $_[0]->{' data'}; }
=item $descriptor = $font->descrByData()
Return the font's FontDescriptor key structure based on the font's data.
sub descrByData {
my $self = shift();
my $descriptor = PDFDict();
$self->{' apipdf'}->new_obj($descriptor);
$descriptor->{'Type'} = PDFName('FontDescriptor');
$descriptor->{'FontName'} = PDFName($self->fontname());
my @box = map { PDFNum($_ || 0) } $self->fontbbox();
$descriptor->{'FontBBox'} = PDFArray(@box);
$descriptor->{'Ascent'} = PDFNum($self->ascender() || 0);
$descriptor->{'Descent'} = PDFNum($self->descender() || 0);
$descriptor->{'ItalicAngle'} = PDFNum($self->italicangle() || 0.0);
$descriptor->{'XHeight'} = PDFNum($self->xheight() || (($self->fontbbox())[3] * 0.5) || 500);
$descriptor->{'CapHeight'} = PDFNum($self->capheight() || ($self->fontbbox())[3] || 800);
$descriptor->{'StemV'} = PDFNum($self->stemv() || 0);
$descriptor->{'StemH'} = PDFNum($self->stemh() || 0);
$descriptor->{'AvgWidth'} = PDFNum($self->avgwidth() || 300);
$descriptor->{'MissingWidth'} = PDFNum($self->missingwidth() || 300);
$descriptor->{'MaxWidth'} = PDFNum($self->maxwidth() || $self->missingwidth() || ($self->fontbbox())[2]);
$descriptor->{'Flags'} = PDFNum($self->flags() || 0) unless $self->data->{'iscore'};
if (defined $self->data->{'panose'}) {
$descriptor->{'Style'} = PDFDict();
$descriptor->{'Style'}->{'Panose'} = PDFStrHex($self->data->{'panose'});
$descriptor->{'FontFamily'} = PDFStr($self->data->{'fontfamily'}) if defined $self->data->{'fontfamily'};
$descriptor->{'FontWeight'} = PDFNum($self->data->{'fontweight'}) if defined $self->data->{'fontweight'};
$descriptor->{'FontStretch'} = PDFName($self->data->{'fontstretch'}) if defined $self->data->{'fontstretch'};
return $descriptor;
sub tounicodemap {
my $self = shift();
return $self if defined $self->{'ToUnicode'};
my $stream = qq|\%\% Custom\n\%\% CMap\n\%\%\n/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n|;
$stream .= qq|12 dict begin begincmap\n|;
$stream .= qq|/CIDSystemInfo <<\n|;
$stream .= sprintf(qq| /Registry (%s)\n|, $self->name());
$stream .= qq| /Ordering (XYZ)\n|;
$stream .= qq| /Supplement 0\n|;
$stream .= qq|>> def\n|;
$stream .= sprintf(qq|/CMapName /pdfapi2-%s+0 def\n|, $self->name());
if ($self->can('uniByCId') and $self->can('glyphNum')) {
# this is a type0 font
$stream .= sprintf(qq|1 begincodespacerange <0000> <%04X> endcodespacerange\n|, $self->glyphNum() - 1);
for (my $j = 0; $j < $self->glyphNum(); $j++) {
my $i = $self->glyphNum() - $j > 100 ? 100 : $self->glyphNum() - $j;
if ($j == 0) {
$stream .= qq|$i beginbfrange\n|;
elsif ($j % 100 == 0) {
$stream .= qq|endbfrange\n|;
$stream .= qq|$i beginbfrange\n|;
# Default to 0000 if uniByCId returns undef in order to match
# previous behavior minus an uninitialized value warning. It's
# worth looking into what should be happening here, since this may
# not be the correct behavior.
$stream .= sprintf(qq|<%04x> <%04x> <%04x>\n|, $j, $j, ($self->uniByCId($j) // 0));
$stream .= "endbfrange\n";
else {
# everything else is a single byte font
$stream .= qq|1 begincodespacerange\n<00> <FF>\nendcodespacerange\n|;
$stream .= qq|256 beginbfchar\n|;
for (my $j = 0; $j < 256; $j++) {
$stream .= sprintf(qq|<%02X> <%04X>\n|, $j, $self->uniByEnc($j) // 0);
$stream .= qq|endbfchar\n|;
$stream .= qq|endcmap CMapName currendict /CMap defineresource pop end end\n|;
my $cmap = PDFDict();
$cmap->{'Type'} = PDFName('CMap');
$cmap->{'CMapName'} = PDFName(sprintf(qq|pdfapi2-%s+0|, $self->name()));
$cmap->{'CIDSystemInfo'} = PDFDict();
$cmap->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Registry'} = PDFStr($self->name());
$cmap->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Ordering'} = PDFStr('XYZ');
$cmap->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Supplement'} = PDFNum(0);
$self->{' apipdf'}->new_obj($cmap);
$cmap->{' nofilt'} = 1;
$cmap->{' stream'} = Compress::Zlib::compress($stream);
$cmap->{'Filter'} = PDFArray(PDFName('FlateDecode'));
$self->{'ToUnicode'} = $cmap;
return $self;
=item $name = $font->fontname()
Return the font's name (a.k.a. display name).
sub fontname { return $_[0]->data->{'fontname'}; }
=item $name = $font->altname()
Return the font's alternative name (a.k.a. Windows name for a postscript font).
sub altname { return $_[0]->data->{'altname'}; }
=item $name = $font->subname()
Return the font's subname (a.k.a. font variant, schriftschnitt).
sub subname { return $_[0]->data->{'subname'}; }
=item $name = $font->apiname()
Return the font's name to be used internally (should be equal to $font->name()).
sub apiname { return $_[0]->data->{'apiname'}; }
=item $issymbol = $font->issymbol()
Return the font's symbol flag.
sub issymbol { return $_[0]->data->{'issymbol'}; }
=item $iscff = $font->iscff()
Return the font's Compact Font Format flag.
sub iscff { return $_[0]->data->{'iscff'}; }
=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $font->fontbbox()
Return the font's bounding box.
sub fontbbox { return @{$_[0]->data->{'fontbbox'}}; }
=item $capheight = $font->capheight()
Return the font's capheight value.
sub capheight { return $_[0]->data->{'capheight'}; }
=item $xheight = $font->xheight()
Return the font's xheight value.
sub xheight { return $_[0]->data->{'xheight'}; }
=item $missingwidth = $font->missingwidth()
Return the font's missingwidth value.
sub missingwidth { return $_[0]->data->{'missingwidth'}; }
=item $maxwidth = $font->maxwidth()
Return the font's maxwidth value.
sub maxwidth { return $_[0]->data->{'maxwidth'}; }
=item $avgwidth = $font->avgwidth()
Return the font's avgwidth value.
sub avgwidth {
my $self = shift();
my $aw = $self->data->{'avgwidth'};
$aw ||= ((
$self->wxByGlyph('a') * 64 +
$self->wxByGlyph('b') * 14 +
$self->wxByGlyph('c') * 27 +
$self->wxByGlyph('d') * 35 +
$self->wxByGlyph('e') * 100 +
$self->wxByGlyph('f') * 20 +
$self->wxByGlyph('g') * 14 +
$self->wxByGlyph('h') * 42 +
$self->wxByGlyph('i') * 63 +
$self->wxByGlyph('j') * 3 +
$self->wxByGlyph('k') * 6 +
$self->wxByGlyph('l') * 35 +
$self->wxByGlyph('m') * 20 +
$self->wxByGlyph('n') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('o') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('p') * 17 +
$self->wxByGlyph('q') * 4 +
$self->wxByGlyph('r') * 49 +
$self->wxByGlyph('s') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('t') * 71 +
$self->wxByGlyph('u') * 31 +
$self->wxByGlyph('v') * 10 +
$self->wxByGlyph('w') * 18 +
$self->wxByGlyph('x') * 3 +
$self->wxByGlyph('y') * 18 +
$self->wxByGlyph('z') * 2 +
$self->wxByGlyph('A') * 64 +
$self->wxByGlyph('B') * 14 +
$self->wxByGlyph('C') * 27 +
$self->wxByGlyph('D') * 35 +
$self->wxByGlyph('E') * 100 +
$self->wxByGlyph('F') * 20 +
$self->wxByGlyph('G') * 14 +
$self->wxByGlyph('H') * 42 +
$self->wxByGlyph('I') * 63 +
$self->wxByGlyph('J') * 3 +
$self->wxByGlyph('K') * 6 +
$self->wxByGlyph('L') * 35 +
$self->wxByGlyph('M') * 20 +
$self->wxByGlyph('N') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('O') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('P') * 17 +
$self->wxByGlyph('Q') * 4 +
$self->wxByGlyph('R') * 49 +
$self->wxByGlyph('S') * 56 +
$self->wxByGlyph('T') * 71 +
$self->wxByGlyph('U') * 31 +
$self->wxByGlyph('V') * 10 +
$self->wxByGlyph('W') * 18 +
$self->wxByGlyph('X') * 3 +
$self->wxByGlyph('Y') * 18 +
$self->wxByGlyph('Z') * 2 +
$self->wxByGlyph('space') * 332
) / 2000);
return int($aw);
=item $flags = $font->flags()
Return the font's flags value.
sub flags { return $_[0]->data->{'flags'}; }
=item $stemv = $font->stemv()
Return the font's stemv value.
sub stemv { return $_[0]->data->{'stemv'}; }
=item $stemh = $font->stemh()
Return the font's stemh value.
sub stemh { return $_[0]->data->{'stemh'}; }
=item $italicangle = $font->italicangle()
Return the font's italicangle value.
sub italicangle { return $_[0]->data->{'italicangle'}; }
=item $isfixedpitch = $font->isfixedpitch()
Return the font's isfixedpitch flag.
sub isfixedpitch { return $_[0]->data->{'isfixedpitch'}; }
=item $underlineposition = $font->underlineposition()
Return the font's underlineposition value.
sub underlineposition { return $_[0]->data->{'underlineposition'}; }
=item $underlinethickness = $font->underlinethickness()
Return the font's underlinethickness value.
sub underlinethickness { return $_[0]->data->{'underlinethickness'}; }
=item $ascender = $font->ascender()
Return the font's ascender value.
sub ascender { return $_[0]->data->{'ascender'}; }
=item $descender = $font->descender()
Return the font's descender value.
sub descender { return $_[0]->data->{'descender'}; }
=over 4
=item @names = $font->glyphNames()
Return the defined glyph names of the font.
sub glyphNames { return keys %{$_[0]->data->{'wx'}}; }
=item $glNum = $font->glyphNum()
Return the number of defined glyph names of the font.
sub glyphNum { return scalar keys %{$_[0]->data->{'wx'}}; }
=item $uni = $font->uniByGlyph($char)
Return the unicode by glyph name.
sub uniByGlyph { return $_[0]->data->{'n2u'}->{$_[1]}; }
=item $uni = $font->uniByEnc($char)
Return the unicode by the fonts encoding map.
sub uniByEnc { return $_[0]->data->{'e2u'}->[$_[1]]; }
=item $uni = $font->uniByMap($char)
Return the unicode by the font's default map.
sub uniByMap { return $_[0]->data->{'uni'}->[$_[1]]; }
=item $char = $font->encByGlyph($glyph)
Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's encoding map.
sub encByGlyph { return $_[0]->data->{'n2e'}->{$_[1]} || 0; }
=item $char = $font->encByUni($uni)
Return the character by the given unicode of the font's encoding map.
sub encByUni { return $_[0]->data->{'u2e'}->{$_[1]} || $_[0]->data->{'u2c'}->{$_[1]} || 0; }
=item $char = $font->mapByGlyph($glyph)
Return the character by the given glyph name of the font's default map.
sub mapByGlyph { return $_[0]->data->{'n2c'}->{$_[1]} || 0; }
=item $char = $font->mapByUni($uni)
Return the character by the given unicode of the fonts default map.
sub mapByUni { return $_[0]->data->{'u2c'}->{$_[1]} || 0; }
=item $name = $font->glyphByUni($uni)
Return the glyph's name by the font's unicode map.
B<BEWARE:> non-standard glyph-names are mapped onto
the ms-symbol area (0xF000).
sub glyphByUni { return $_[0]->data->{'u2n'}->{$_[1]} || '.notdef'; }
=item $name = $font->glyphByEnc($char)
Return the glyph's name by the font's encoding map.
sub glyphByEnc {
my ($self, $e) = @_;
my $g = $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$e];
return $g;
=item $name = $font->glyphByMap($char)
Return the glyph's name by the font's default map.
sub glyphByMap { return $_[0]->data->{'char'}->[$_[1]]; }
=item $width = $font->wxByGlyph($glyph)
Return the glyph's width.
sub wxByGlyph {
my $self = shift();
my $glyph = shift();
my $width;
if (ref($self->data->{'wx'}) eq 'HASH') {
$width = $self->data->{'wx'}->{$glyph};
$width //= $self->missingwidth();
$width //= 300;
else {
my $cid = $self->cidByUni(uniByName($glyph));
$width = $self->data->{'wx'}->[$cid] if defined $cid;
$width //= $self->missingwidth();
$width //= 300;
return $width;
=item $width = $font->wxByUni($uni)
Return the unicode's width.
sub wxByUni {
my $self = shift();
my $val = shift();
my $gid = $self->glyphByUni($val);
my $width;
$width = $self->data->{'wx'}->{$gid} if defined $gid;
$width //= $self->missingwidth();
$width //= 300;
return $width;
=item $width = $font->wxByEnc($char)
Return the character's width based on the current encoding.
sub wxByEnc {
my ($self, $e) = @_;
my $glyph = $self->glyphByEnc($e);
my $width;
$width = $self->data->{'wx'}->{$glyph} if defined $glyph;
$width //= $self->missingwidth();
$width //= 300;
return $width;
=item $width = $font->wxByMap($char)
Return the character's width based on the font's default encoding.
sub wxByMap {
my ($self, $map) = @_;
my $glyph = $self->glyphByMap($map);
my $width;
$width = $self->data->{'wx'}->{$glyph} if defined $glyph;
$width //= $self->missingwidth();
$width //= 300;
return $width;
=item $wd = $font->width($text)
Return the width of $text as if it were at size 1.
sub width {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text = $self->strByUtf($text) if utf8::is_utf8($text);
my @cache;
my $width = 0;
my $kern = $self->{'-dokern'} && ref($self->data->{'kern'});
my $last_glyph = '';
foreach my $n (unpack('C*', $text)) {
$cache[$n] //= $self->wxByEnc($n);
$width += $cache[$n];
if ($kern) {
$width += ($self->data->{'kern'}->{$last_glyph . ':' . $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$n]} // 0);
$last_glyph = $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$n];
$width /= 1000;
return $width;
=item @widths = $font->width_array($text)
Return the widths of the words in $text as if they were at size 1.
sub width_array {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text = $self->utfByStr($text) unless utf8::is_utf8($text);
my @widths = map { $self->width($_) } split(/\s+/, $text);
return @widths;
=item $utf8_string = $font->utfByStr($string)
Return the utf8-string from string based on the font's encoding map.
sub utfByStr {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string = pack('U*', map { $self->uniByEnc($_) } unpack('C*', $string));
return $string;
=item $string = $font->strByUtf($utf8_string)
Return the encoded string from utf8-string based on the font's encoding map.
sub strByUtf {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string = pack('C*', map { $self->encByUni($_) & 0xFF } unpack('U*', $string));
return $string;
=item $pdf_string = $font->textByStr($text)
Return a properly formatted representation of $text for use in the PDF.
sub textByStr {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
$string = $self->strByUtf($string) if utf8::is_utf8($string);
my $text = $string;
$text =~ s/\\/\\\\/go;
$text =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/sprintf('\%03lo', ord($1))/ge;
$text =~ s/([\{\}\[\]\(\)])/\\$1/g;
return $text;
sub textByStrKern {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
return '(' . $self->textByStr($string) . ')' unless $self->{'-dokern'} and ref($self->data->{'kern'});
$string = $self->strByUtf($string) if utf8::is_utf8($string);
my $text = ' ';
my $tBefore = 0;
my $last_glyph = '';
foreach my $n (unpack('C*', $string)) {
if (defined $self->data->{'kern'}->{$last_glyph . ':' . $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$n]}) {
$text .= ') ' if $tBefore;
$text .= sprintf('%i ', -($self->data->{'kern'}->{$last_glyph . ':' . $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$n]}));
$tBefore = 0;
$last_glyph = $self->data->{'e2n'}->[$n];
my $t = pack('C', $n);
$t =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$t =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/sprintf('\%03lo', ord($1))/ge;
$t =~ s/([\{\}\[\]\(\)])/\\$1/g;
$text .= '(' unless $tBefore;
$text .= "$t";
$tBefore = 1;
$text .= ') ' if $tBefore;
return $text;
# Maintainer's note: $size here is used solely as a flag to determine whether or
# not to append a text-showing operator (TJ or Tj).
sub text {
my ($self, $string, $size, $indent) = @_;
my $text = $self->textByStr($string);
if (defined $size and $self->{'-dokern'}) {
$text = $self->textByStrKern($string);
return "[ $indent $text ] TJ" if $indent;
return "[ $text ] TJ";
elsif (defined $size) {
return "[ $indent ($text) ] TJ" if $indent;
return "($text) Tj";
else {
return "($text)";
sub isvirtual { return }