package PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont;
use base 'PDF::API2::Resource::BaseFont';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '2.043'; # VERSION
use Encode qw(:all);
use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use PDF::API2::Util;
=head1 NAME
PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont - Base class for CID fonts
=head1 METHODS
=item $font = PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont->new $pdf, $name
Returns a cid-font object. base class form all CID based fonts.
sub new {
my ($class, $pdf, $name, %opts) = @_;
$class = ref($class) if ref($class);
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $name);
$pdf->new_obj($self) if defined $pdf and not $self->is_obj($pdf);
$self->{'Type'} = PDFName('Font');
$self->{'Subtype'} = PDFName('Type0');
$self->{'Encoding'} = PDFName('Identity-H');
my $de = PDFDict();
$self->{'DescendantFonts'} = PDFArray($de);
$de->{'Type'} = PDFName('Font');
$de->{'CIDSystemInfo'} = PDFDict();
$de->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Registry'} = PDFStr('Adobe');
$de->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Ordering'} = PDFStr('Identity');
$de->{'CIDSystemInfo'}->{'Supplement'} = PDFNum(0);
$de->{'CIDToGIDMap'} = PDFName('Identity');
$self->{' de'} = $de;
return $self;
sub glyphByCId { return $_[0]->data->{'g2n'}->[$_[1]] }
sub uniByCId { return $_[0]->data->{'g2u'}->[$_[1]] }
sub cidByUni { return $_[0]->data->{'u2g'}->{$_[1]} }
sub cidByEnc { return $_[0]->data->{'e2g'}->[$_[1]] }
sub wxByCId {
my ($self, $g) = @_;
my $widths = $self->data->{'wx'};
if (ref($widths) eq 'ARRAY') {
return int($widths->[$g]) if defined $widths->[$g];
elsif (ref($widths) eq 'HASH') {
return int($widths->{$g}) if defined $widths->{$g};
return $self->missingwidth();
sub wxByUni { return $_[0]->wxByCId($_[0]->data->{'u2g'}->{$_[1]}) }
sub wxByEnc { return $_[0]->wxByCId($_[0]->data->{'e2g'}->[$_[1]]) }
sub width {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
return $self->width_cid($self->cidsByStr($text));
sub width_cid {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
my $width = 0;
my $lastglyph = 0;
foreach my $n (unpack('n*', $text)) {
$width += $self->wxByCId($n);
if ($self->{'-dokern'} and $self->haveKernPairs()) {
if ($self->kernPairCid($lastglyph, $n)) {
$width -= $self->kernPairCid($lastglyph, $n);
$lastglyph = $n;
$width /= 1000;
return $width;
=item $cidstring = $font->cidsByStr $string
Returns the cid-string from string based on the fonts encoding map.
sub _cidsByStr {
my ($self, $s) = @_;
$s = pack('n*', map { $self->cidByEnc($_) } unpack('C*', $s));
return $s;
sub cidsByStr {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
if (utf8::is_utf8($text)
and defined $self->data->{'decode'}
and $self->data->{'decode'} ne 'ident')
$text = encode($self->data->{'decode'}, $text);
elsif (utf8::is_utf8($text)
and defined $self->data->{'decode'}
and $self->data->{'decode'} eq 'ident')
$text = $self->cidsByUtf($text);
elsif (not utf8::is_utf8($text)
and defined $self->data->{'encode'}
and defined $self->data->{'decode'}
and $self->data->{'decode'} eq 'ident')
$text = $self->cidsByUtf(decode($self->data->{'encode'}, $text));
elsif (not utf8::is_utf8($text)
and $self->can('issymbol')
and $self->issymbol()
and defined $self->data->{'decode'}
and $self->data->{'decode'} eq 'ident')
$text = pack('U*', map { $_ + 0xf000 } unpack('C*', $text));
$text = $self->cidsByUtf($text);
else {
$text = $self->_cidsByStr($text);
return $text;
=item $cidstring = $font->cidsByUtf $utf8string
Returns the cid-encoded string from utf8-string.
sub cidsByUtf {
my ($self, $s) = @_;
$s = pack('n*',
map { $self->cidByUni($_) }
(map {
($_ and $_ > 0x7f and $_ < 0xa0) ? uniByName(nameByUni($_)) : $_
unpack('U*', $s)));
return $s;
sub textByStr {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
return $self->text_cid($self->cidsByStr($text));
sub textByStrKern {
my ($self, $text, $size, $indent) = @_;
return $self->text_cid_kern($self->cidsByStr($text), $size, $indent);
sub text {
my ($self, $text, $size, $indent) = @_;
my $newtext = $self->textByStr($text);
if (defined $size and $self->{'-dokern'}) {
$newtext = $self->textByStrKern($text, $size, $indent);
return $newtext;
elsif (defined $size) {
if (defined($indent) and $indent != 0) {
return "[ $indent $newtext ] TJ";
else {
return "$newtext Tj";
else {
return $newtext;
sub text_cid {
my ($self, $text, $size) = @_;
if ($self->can('fontfile')) {
foreach my $g (unpack('n*', $text)) {
my $newtext = unpack('H*', $text);
if (defined $size) {
return "<$newtext> Tj";
else {
return "<$newtext>";
sub text_cid_kern {
my ($self, $text, $size, $indent) = @_;
if ($self->can('fontfile')) {
foreach my $g (unpack('n*', $text)) {
if (defined $size and $self->{'-dokern'} and $self->haveKernPairs()) {
my $newtext = ' ';
my $lastglyph = 0;
my $tBefore = 0;
foreach my $n (unpack('n*', $text)) {
if ($self->kernPairCid($lastglyph, $n)) {
$newtext .= '> ' if $tBefore;
$newtext .= sprintf('%i ', $self->kernPairCid($lastglyph, $n));
$tBefore = 0;
$lastglyph = $n;
my $t = sprintf('%04X', $n);
$newtext .= '<' unless $tBefore;
$newtext .= $t;
$tBefore = 1;
$newtext .= '> ' if $tBefore;
if (defined $indent and $indent != 0) {
return "[ $indent $newtext ] TJ";
else {
return "[ $newtext ] TJ";
elsif (defined $size) {
my $newtext = unpack('H*', $text);
if (defined($indent) and $indent != 0) {
return "[ $indent <$newtext> ] TJ";
else {
return "<$newtext> Tj";
else {
my $newtext = unpack('H*', $text);
return "<$newtext>";
sub kernPairCid {
return 0;
sub haveKernPairs {
sub encodeByName {
my ($self, $enc) = @_;
return if $self->issymbol();
if (defined $enc) {
$self->data->{'e2u'} = [
map { ($_ > 0x7f and $_ < 0xA0) ? uniByName(nameByUni($_)) : $_ }
unpack('U*', decode($enc, pack('C*', 0 .. 255)))
$self->data->{'e2n'} = [
map { $self->data->{'g2n'}->[$self->data->{'u2g'}->{$_} || 0] || '.notdef' }
$self->data->{'e2g'} = [
map { $self->data->{'u2g'}->{$_} || 0 }
$self->data->{'u2e'} = {};
foreach my $n (reverse 0 .. 255) {
$self->data->{'u2e'}->{$self->data->{'e2u'}->[$n]} //= $n;
return $self;
sub subsetByCId {
return 1;
sub subvec {
return 1;
sub glyphNum {
my $self = shift();
if (defined $self->data->{'glyphs'}) {
return $self->data->{'glyphs'};
return scalar @{$self->data->{'wx'}};