* analyze.h
* parse analysis for optimizable statements
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/parser/analyze.h
#ifndef ANALYZE_H
#define ANALYZE_H
#include "parser/parse_node.h"
/* Hook for plugins to get control at end of parse analysis */
typedef void (*post_parse_analyze_hook_type) (ParseState *pstate,
Query *query);
extern PGDLLIMPORT post_parse_analyze_hook_type post_parse_analyze_hook;
extern Query *parse_analyze(RawStmt *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
Oid *paramTypes, int numParams, QueryEnvironment *queryEnv);
extern Query *parse_analyze_varparams(RawStmt *parseTree, const char *sourceText,
Oid **paramTypes, int *numParams);
extern Query *parse_sub_analyze(Node *parseTree, ParseState *parentParseState,
CommonTableExpr *parentCTE,
bool locked_from_parent,
bool resolve_unknowns);
extern Query *transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState *pstate, RawStmt *parseTree);
extern Query *transformStmt(ParseState *pstate, Node *parseTree);
extern bool stmt_requires_parse_analysis(RawStmt *parseTree);
extern bool analyze_requires_snapshot(RawStmt *parseTree);
extern const char *LCS_asString(LockClauseStrength strength);
extern void CheckSelectLocking(Query *qry, LockClauseStrength strength);
extern void applyLockingClause(Query *qry, Index rtindex,
LockClauseStrength strength,
LockWaitPolicy waitPolicy, bool pushedDown);
extern List *BuildOnConflictExcludedTargetlist(Relation targetrel,
Index exclRelIndex);
#endif /* ANALYZE_H */