shell bypass 403
GrazzMean Shell
: /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory/Agent/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
package FusionInventory::Agent::Tools;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Exporter';
use Encode qw(encode);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::stat;
use File::Which;
use Memoize;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Expiration;
# Keep a copy of @ARGV, only for Provider inventory
our $ARGV = [ @ARGV ];
our $ARGV;
our @EXPORT = qw(
# this trigger some errors under win32:
# Anonymous function called in forbidden scalar context
if ($OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') {
# Avoid List::Util dependency re-using 'any' sub as template
sub first (&@) { ## no critic (SubroutinePrototypes)
my $f = shift;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
foreach ( @_ ) {
return $_ if $f->();
return undef;
sub getFormatedLocalTime {
my ($time) = @_;
return unless $time;
my ($year, $month , $day, $hour, $min, $sec) =
(localtime ($time))[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0];
return getFormatedDate(
($year + 1900), ($month + 1), $day, $hour, $min, $sec
sub getFormatedGMTTime {
my ($time) = @_;
my ($year, $month , $day, $hour, $min, $sec) =
(gmtime ($time))[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0];
return getFormatedDate(
($year - 70), $month, ($day - 1), $hour, $min, $sec
sub getFormatedDate {
my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = @_;
return sprintf
"%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec;
sub getCanonicalManufacturer {
my ($manufacturer) = @_;
return unless $manufacturer;
my %manufacturers = (
GenuineIntel => 'Intel',
AuthenticAMD => 'AMD',
TMx86 => 'Transmeta',
TransmetaCPU => 'Transmeta',
CyrixInstead => 'Cyrix',
CentaurHauls => 'VIA',
HygonGenuine => 'Hygon'
my %regexp = (
"Apple" => qr/^APPLE/i,
"Hewlett-Packard" => qr/^(hp|HPE?|(?i)hewlett[ -]packard)/,
"Hitachi" => qr/^(HD|IC|HU|HGST)/,
"Seagate" => qr/^(ST|(?i)seagate)/,
"Sony" => qr/^OPTIARC/i,
"Western Digital" => qr/^(WDC|(?i)western)/,
if (exists $manufacturers{$manufacturer}) {
$manufacturer = $manufacturers{$manufacturer};
} elsif ($manufacturer =~ /(
\blg\b |
broadcom |
compaq |
dell |
fujitsu |
hitachi |
ibm |
intel |
matshita |
maxtor |
nvidia |
\bnec\b |
pioneer |
samsung |
sony |
supermicro |
toshiba |
)/xi) {
$manufacturer = ucfirst(lc($1));
} else {
my $match = first { $manufacturer =~ $regexp{$_} } keys %regexp;
$manufacturer = $match if $match;
return $manufacturer;
sub getCanonicalSpeed {
my ($speed) = @_;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless $speed;
return $speed if $speed =~ /^([,.\d]+)$/;
return 400 if $speed =~ /^PC3200U/;
return undef unless $speed =~ /^([,.\d]+) \s? (\S+)/x;
my $value = $1;
my $unit = lc($2);
# Remark: we need to return speed in MHz. Even if MT/s is not accurately
# equivalent to MHz, we nned to return the value so server can extract it
$unit eq 'ghz' ? $value * 1000 :
$unit eq 'mhz' ? $value :
$unit eq 'mt/s' ? $value :
undef ;
sub getCanonicalInterfaceSpeed {
# Expected unit is Mb/s as specified in inventory protocol
my ($speed) = @_;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless $speed;
return undef unless $speed =~ /^([,.\d]+) \s? (\S\S)\S*$/x;
my $value = $1;
my $unit = lc($2);
$unit eq 'gb' ? $value * 1000 :
$unit eq 'mb' ? $value :
$unit eq 'kb' ? int($value / 1000) :
undef ;
sub getCanonicalSize {
my ($size, $base) = @_;
$base ||= 1000;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless $size;
return $size if $size =~ /^\d+$/;
$size =~ s/ //g;
return undef unless $size =~ /^([,.\d]+) (\S+)$/x;
my $value = $1;
my $unit = lc($2);
# check if the number has groups separated by commas or spaces
if ($value =~ /^(0|[1-9](\d*|\d{0,2}([, ]\d{3})+))(\.\d+)?$/) {
$value =~ s/,| //g;
} else {
$value =~ s/,/\./;
$unit eq 'tb' ? $value * $base * $base :
$unit eq 'gb' ? $value * $base :
$unit eq 'mb' ? $value :
$unit eq 'kb' ? int($value / ($base)) :
$unit eq 'bytes' ? int($value / ($base * $base)) :
undef ;
sub compareVersion {
my ($major, $minor, $min_major, $min_minor) = @_;
$major = 0 unless $major;
$minor = 0 unless $minor;
$min_major = 0 unless $min_major;
$min_minor = 0 unless $min_minor;
$major > $min_major
$major == $min_major
$minor >= $min_minor
sub getUtf8String {
my ($string) = @_;
return unless defined $string;
# encode to utf-8 if needed
if (!Encode::is_utf8($string) && $string !~ m/\A(
[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
)*\z/x) {
$string = encode("UTF-8", $string);
return $string;
sub getSanitizedString {
my ($string) = @_;
return unless defined $string;
# clean control caracters
$string =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
return getUtf8String($string);
sub trimWhitespace {
my ($value) = @_;
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$value =~ s/\s+/ /g;
return $value;
sub getDirectoryHandle {
my (%params) = @_;
die "no directory parameter given" unless $params{directory};
my $handle;
if (!opendir $handle, $params{directory}) {
$params{logger}->error("Can't open directory $params{directory}: $ERRNO")
if $params{logger};
return $handle;
my $cmdtemplate = $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? "%s 2>nul" : "exec %s 2>/dev/null";
sub getFileHandle {
my (%params) = @_;
my $handle;
if ($params{file}) {
if (!open $handle, '<', $params{file}) {
"Can't open file $params{file}: $ERRNO"
) if $params{logger};
last SWITCH;
if ($params{command}) {
# FIXME: 'Bad file descriptor' error message on Windows
$params{logger}->debug2("executing $params{command}")
if $params{logger};
# Turn off localised output for commands
local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
local $ENV{LANG} = 'C';
# Ignore 'Broken Pipe' warnings on Solaris
local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE' if $OSNAME eq 'solaris';
my $command = sprintf($cmdtemplate, $params{command});
my $cmdpid = open($handle, '-|', $command);
if (!$cmdpid) {
"Can't run command $params{command}: $ERRNO"
) if $params{logger};
# Kill command if a timeout was set
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { kill 'KILL', $cmdpid ; die "alarm\n"; } if $SIG{ALRM};
last SWITCH;
if ($params{string}) {
open $handle, "<", \$params{string} or die;
last SWITCH;
die "neither command, file or string parameter given";
return $handle;
sub getFirstLine {
my (%params) = @_;
my $handle = getFileHandle(%params);
return unless $handle;
my $result = <$handle>;
close $handle;
chomp $result if defined $result;
return $result;
sub getLastLine {
my (%params) = @_;
my $handle = getFileHandle(%params);
return unless $handle;
my $result;
while (my $line = <$handle>) {
$result = $line;
close $handle;
chomp $result if defined $result;
return $result;
sub getFirstMatch {
my (%params) = @_;
return unless $params{pattern};
my $handle = getFileHandle(%params);
return unless $handle;
my @results;
while (my $line = <$handle>) {
@results = $line =~ $params{pattern};
last if @results;
close $handle;
return wantarray ? @results : first { defined $_ } @results;
sub getAllLines {
my (%params) = @_;
my $handle = getFileHandle(%params);
return unless $handle;
if (wantarray) {
my @lines = map { chomp; $_ } <$handle>;
close $handle;
return @lines;
} else {
local $RS;
my $lines = <$handle>;
close $handle;
return $lines;
sub getLinesCount {
my (%params) = @_;
my $handle = getFileHandle(%params);
return unless $handle;
my $count = 0;
while (my $line = <$handle>) {
close $handle;
return $count;
sub canRun {
my ($binary) = @_;
return $binary =~ m{^/} ?
-x $binary : # full path
scalar(which($binary)); # executable name
sub hex2char {
my ($value) = @_;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless defined $value;
return $value unless $value =~ /^0x/;
$value =~ s/^0x//; # drop hex prefix
return pack('H*', $value);
sub hex2dec {
my ($value) = @_;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless defined $value;
return $value unless $value =~ /^0x/;
return oct($value);
sub dec2hex {
my ($value) = @_;
## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef)
return undef unless defined $value;
return $value if $value =~ /^0x/;
return sprintf("0x%x", $value);
# shamelessly imported from List::MoreUtils to avoid a dependency
sub any (&@) { ## no critic (SubroutinePrototypes)
my $f = shift;
foreach ( @_ ) {
return 1 if $f->();
return 0;
sub all (&@) { ## no critic (SubroutinePrototypes)
my $f = shift;
foreach ( @_ ) {
return 0 unless $f->();
return 1;
sub none (&@) { ## no critic (SubroutinePrototypes)
my $f = shift;
foreach ( @_ ) {
return 0 if $f->();
return 1;
sub uniq (@) { ## no critic (SubroutinePrototypes)
my %seen = ();
grep { not $seen{$_}++ } @_;
sub file2module {
my ($file) = @_;
$file =~ s{.pm$}{};
$file =~ s{/}{::}g;
return $file;
sub module2file {
my ($module) = @_;
$module .= '.pm';
$module =~ s{::}{/}g;
return $module;
sub runFunction {
my (%params) = @_;
my $logger = $params{logger};
# ensure module is loaded
if ($params{load}) {
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->debug("Failed to load $params{module}: $EVAL_ERROR")
if $logger;
my $result;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
# set a timeout if needed
if ($params{timeout}) {
alarm $params{timeout};
setExpirationTime(timeout => $params{timeout});
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict)
$result = &{$params{module} . '::' . $params{function}}(
ref $params{params} eq 'HASH' ? %{$params{params}} :
ref $params{params} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$params{params}} :
# Reset timeout
alarm 0;
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
my $message = $EVAL_ERROR eq "alarm\n" ?
"$params{module} killed by a timeout" :
"unexpected error in $params{module}: $EVAL_ERROR";
$logger->debug($message) if $logger;
return $result;
sub delay {
my ($delay) = @_;
if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32') {
} else {
sub slurp {
my($file) = @_;
my $handler;
return unless open $handler, '<', $file;
local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; # Set input to "slurp" mode.
my $content = <$handler>;
close $handler;
return $content;
=head1 NAME
FusionInventory::Agent::Tools - OS-independent generic functions
This module provides some OS-independent generic functions.
=head2 getFormatedLocalTime($time)
Returns a formated date from given Unix timestamp.
=head2 getFormatedGMTTime($time)
Returns a formated date from given Unix timestamp.
=head2 getFormatedDate($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec)
Returns a formated date from given date elements.
=head2 getCanonicalManufacturer($manufacturer)
Returns a normalized manufacturer value for given one.
=head2 getCanonicalSpeed($speed)
Returns a normalized speed value (in Mhz) for given one.
=head2 getCanonicalInterfaceSpeed($speed)
Returns a normalized network interface speed value (in Mb/s) for given one.
=head2 getCanonicalSize($size, $base)
Returns a normalized size value (in Mb) for given one.
=head2 getSanitizedString($string)
Returns the input stripped from any control character, properly encoded in
=head2 getUtf8String($string)
Returns the input properly encoded in UTF-8.
=head2 trimWhitespace($string)
Remove leading and trailing whitespace, and fold multiple whitespace
characters into a single one.
=head2 compareVersion($major, $minor, $min_major, $min_minor)
Returns true if software with given major and minor version meet minimal
version requirements.
=head2 getDirectoryHandle(%params)
Returns an open file handle on either a command output, or a file.
=item logger a logger object
=item directory the directory to use
=head2 getFileHandle(%params)
Returns an open file handle on either a command output, a file, or a string.
=item logger a logger object
=item command the command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=item string the string to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 getFirstLine(%params)
Returns the first line of given command output or given file content, with end
of line removed.
=item logger a logger object
=item command the exact command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 getAllLines(%params)
Returns all the lines of given command output or given file content, as a list
of strings with end of line removed in list context, as a single string
=item logger a logger object
=item command the exact command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 getFirstMatch(%params)
Returns the result of applying given pattern on the first matching line of
given command output or given file content.
=item pattern a regexp
=item logger a logger object
=item command the exact command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 getLastLine(%params)
Returns the last line of given command output or given file content.
=item logger a logger object
=item command the exact command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 getLinesCount(%params)
Returns the number of lines of given command output or given file content.
=item logger a logger object
=item command the exact command to use
=item file the file to use, as an alternative to the command
=head2 canRun($binary)
Returns true if given binary can be executed.
=head2 canRead($file)
Returns true if given file can be read.
=head2 canLoad($module)
Returns true if given perl module can be loaded (and actually loads it).
=head2 hex2char($value)
Returns the value converted to a character if it starts with hexadecimal
prefix, the unconverted value otherwise. Eg. 0x41 -> A, 41 -> 41.
=head2 hex2dec($value)
Returns the value converted to a decimal if it starts with hexadecimal prefix,
the unconverted value otherwise. Eg. 0x41 -> 65, 41 -> 41.
=head2 dec2hex($value)
Returns the value converted to an hexadecimal if it doesn't start with
hexadecimal prefix, the unconverted value otherwise. Eg. 65 -> 0x41, 0x41 ->
=head2 any BLOCK LIST
Returns a true value if any item in LIST meets the criterion given through
=head2 first BLOCK LIST
Returns the first value from LIST meeting the criterion given through BLOCK or
=head2 all BLOCK LIST
Returns a true value if all items in LIST meet the criterion given through
=head2 none BLOCK LIST
Returns a true value if no item in LIST meets the criterion given through BLOCK.
=head2 uniq BLOCK LIST
Returns a new list by stripping duplicate values in LIST.
=head2 file2module($string)
Converts a perl file name to a perl module name (Foo/ -> Foo::Bar)
=head2 module2file($string)
Converts a perl module name to a perl file name ( Foo::Bar -> Foo/
=head2 runFunction(%params)
Run a function whose name is computed at runtime and return its result.
=item logger a logger object
=item module the function namespace
=item function the function name
=item timeout timeout for function execution
=item load enforce module loading first
=head2 delay($second)
Wait for $second. It uses sleep() or Win32::Sleep() depending
on the Operating System.
=head2 slurp($file)
Return the content of a given file.
=head2 isParamArrayAndFilled($hash, $paramName)
Return if $hash has a key $paramName which value is a ARRAY ref not empty.