;;; TREE-IL -> GLIL compiler
;; Copyright (C) 2001,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;; Code:
(define-module (language tree-il compile-glil)
#:use-module (system base syntax)
#:use-module (system base pmatch)
#:use-module (system base message)
#:use-module (ice-9 receive)
#:use-module (language glil)
#:use-module (system vm instruction)
#:use-module (language tree-il)
#:use-module (language tree-il optimize)
#:use-module (language tree-il canonicalize)
#:use-module (language tree-il analyze)
#:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter-map))
#:export (compile-glil))
;; allocation:
;; sym -> {lambda -> address}
;; lambda -> (labels . free-locs)
;; lambda-case -> (gensym . nlocs)
;; address ::= (local? boxed? . index)
;; labels ::= ((sym . lambda) ...)
;; free-locs ::= ((sym0 . address0) (sym1 . address1) ...)
;; free variable addresses are relative to parent proc.
(define *comp-module* (make-fluid))
(define %warning-passes
`((unused-variable . ,unused-variable-analysis)
(unused-toplevel . ,unused-toplevel-analysis)
(unbound-variable . ,unbound-variable-analysis)
(arity-mismatch . ,arity-analysis)
(format . ,format-analysis)))
(define (compile-glil x e opts)
(define warnings
(or (and=> (memq #:warnings opts) cadr)
;; Go through the warning passes.
(let ((analyses (filter-map (lambda (kind)
(assoc-ref %warning-passes kind))
(analyze-tree analyses x e))
(let* ((x (make-lambda (tree-il-src x) '()
(make-lambda-case #f '() #f #f #f '() '() x #f)))
(x (optimize! x e opts))
(x (canonicalize! x))
(allocation (analyze-lexicals x)))
(with-fluids ((*comp-module* e))
(values (flatten-lambda x #f allocation)
(define *primcall-ops* (make-hash-table))
(lambda (x) (hash-set! *primcall-ops* (car x) (cdr x)))
'(((eq? . 2) . eq?)
((eqv? . 2) . eqv?)
((equal? . 2) . equal?)
((= . 2) . ee?)
((< . 2) . lt?)
((> . 2) . gt?)
((<= . 2) . le?)
((>= . 2) . ge?)
((+ . 2) . add)
((- . 2) . sub)
((1+ . 1) . add1)
((1- . 1) . sub1)
((* . 2) . mul)
((/ . 2) . div)
((quotient . 2) . quo)
((remainder . 2) . rem)
((modulo . 2) . mod)
((ash . 2) . ash)
((logand . 2) . logand)
((logior . 2) . logior)
((logxor . 2) . logxor)
((not . 1) . not)
((pair? . 1) . pair?)
((cons . 2) . cons)
((car . 1) . car)
((cdr . 1) . cdr)
((set-car! . 2) . set-car!)
((set-cdr! . 2) . set-cdr!)
((null? . 1) . null?)
((list? . 1) . list?)
((symbol? . 1) . symbol?)
((vector? . 1) . vector?)
(list . list)
(vector . vector)
((class-of . 1) . class-of)
((vector-ref . 2) . vector-ref)
((vector-set! . 3) . vector-set)
((variable-ref . 1) . variable-ref)
;; nb, *not* variable-set! -- the args are switched
((variable-bound? . 1) . variable-bound?)
((struct? . 1) . struct?)
((struct-vtable . 1) . struct-vtable)
((struct-ref . 2) . struct-ref)
((struct-set! . 3) . struct-set)
(make-struct/no-tail . make-struct)
;; hack for javascript
((return . 1) . return)
;; hack for lua
(return/values . return/values)
((bytevector-u8-ref . 2) . bv-u8-ref)
((bytevector-u8-set! . 3) . bv-u8-set)
((bytevector-s8-ref . 2) . bv-s8-ref)
((bytevector-s8-set! . 3) . bv-s8-set)
((bytevector-u16-ref . 3) . bv-u16-ref)
((bytevector-u16-set! . 4) . bv-u16-set)
((bytevector-u16-native-ref . 2) . bv-u16-native-ref)
((bytevector-u16-native-set! . 3) . bv-u16-native-set)
((bytevector-s16-ref . 3) . bv-s16-ref)
((bytevector-s16-set! . 4) . bv-s16-set)
((bytevector-s16-native-ref . 2) . bv-s16-native-ref)
((bytevector-s16-native-set! . 3) . bv-s16-native-set)
((bytevector-u32-ref . 3) . bv-u32-ref)
((bytevector-u32-set! . 4) . bv-u32-set)
((bytevector-u32-native-ref . 2) . bv-u32-native-ref)
((bytevector-u32-native-set! . 3) . bv-u32-native-set)
((bytevector-s32-ref . 3) . bv-s32-ref)
((bytevector-s32-set! . 4) . bv-s32-set)
((bytevector-s32-native-ref . 2) . bv-s32-native-ref)
((bytevector-s32-native-set! . 3) . bv-s32-native-set)
((bytevector-u64-ref . 3) . bv-u64-ref)
((bytevector-u64-set! . 4) . bv-u64-set)
((bytevector-u64-native-ref . 2) . bv-u64-native-ref)
((bytevector-u64-native-set! . 3) . bv-u64-native-set)
((bytevector-s64-ref . 3) . bv-s64-ref)
((bytevector-s64-set! . 4) . bv-s64-set)
((bytevector-s64-native-ref . 2) . bv-s64-native-ref)
((bytevector-s64-native-set! . 3) . bv-s64-native-set)
((bytevector-ieee-single-ref . 3) . bv-f32-ref)
((bytevector-ieee-single-set! . 4) . bv-f32-set)
((bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref . 2) . bv-f32-native-ref)
((bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! . 3) . bv-f32-native-set)
((bytevector-ieee-double-ref . 3) . bv-f64-ref)
((bytevector-ieee-double-set! . 4) . bv-f64-set)
((bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref . 2) . bv-f64-native-ref)
((bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! . 3) . bv-f64-native-set)))
(define (make-label) (gensym ":L"))
(define (vars->bind-list ids vars allocation proc)
(map (lambda (id v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) proc)
((#t ,boxed? . ,n)
(list id boxed? n))
(,x (error "bad var list element" id v x))))
(define (emit-bindings src ids vars allocation proc emit-code)
(emit-code src (make-glil-bind
(vars->bind-list ids vars allocation proc))))
(define (with-output-to-code proc)
(let ((out '()))
(define (emit-code src x)
(set! out (cons x out))
(if src
(set! out (cons (make-glil-source src) out))))
(proc emit-code)
(reverse out)))
(define (flatten-lambda x self-label allocation)
(record-case x
((<lambda> src meta body)
(lambda (emit-code)
;; write source info for proc
(if src (emit-code #f (make-glil-source src)))
;; compile the body, yo
(flatten-lambda-case body allocation x self-label
(car (hashq-ref allocation x))
(define (flatten-lambda-case lcase allocation self self-label fix-labels
(define (emit-label label)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-label label)))
(define (emit-branch src inst label)
(emit-code src (make-glil-branch inst label)))
;; RA: "return address"; #f unless we're in a non-tail fix with labels
;; MVRA: "multiple-values return address"; #f unless we're in a let-values
(let comp ((x lcase) (context 'tail) (RA #f) (MVRA #f))
(define (comp-tail tree) (comp tree context RA MVRA))
(define (comp-push tree) (comp tree 'push #f #f))
(define (comp-drop tree) (comp tree 'drop #f #f))
(define (comp-vals tree MVRA) (comp tree 'vals #f MVRA))
(define (comp-fix tree RA) (comp tree context RA MVRA))
;; A couple of helpers. Note that if we are in tail context, we
;; won't have an RA.
(define (maybe-emit-return)
(if RA
(emit-branch #f 'br RA)
(if (eq? context 'tail)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return 1)))))
;; After lexical binding forms in non-tail context, call this
;; function to clear stack slots, allowing their previous values to
;; be collected.
(define (clear-stack-slots context syms)
(case context
((push drop)
(for-each (lambda (v)
;; Can be #f if the var is labels-allocated.
(hashq-ref allocation v)
(lambda (h)
(pmatch (hashq-ref h self)
((#t _ . ,n)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set n)))
(,loc (error "bad let var allocation" x loc))))))
(record-case x
(case context
((push vals tail)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
((<const> src exp)
(case context
((push vals tail)
(emit-code src (make-glil-const exp))))
;; FIXME: should represent sequence as exps tail
((<sequence> exps)
(let lp ((exps exps))
(if (null? (cdr exps))
(comp-tail (car exps))
(comp-drop (car exps))
(lp (cdr exps))))))
((<application> src proc args)
;; FIXME: need a better pattern-matcher here
((and (primitive-ref? proc)
(eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) '@apply)
(>= (length args) 1))
(let ((proc (car args))
(args (cdr args)))
((and (primitive-ref? proc) (eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) 'values)
(not (eq? context 'push)) (not (eq? context 'vals)))
;; tail: (lambda () (apply values '(1 2)))
;; drop: (lambda () (apply values '(1 2)) 3)
;; push: (lambda () (list (apply values '(10 12)) 1))
(case context
((drop) (for-each comp-drop args) (maybe-emit-return))
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'return/values* (length args))))))
(case context
(comp-push proc)
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-apply (1+ (length args)))))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'new-frame 0))
(comp-push proc)
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'apply (1+ (length args))))
(make-application src (make-primitive-ref #f 'apply)
(cons proc args))
;; Well, shit. The proc might return any number of
;; values (including 0), since it's in a drop context,
;; yet apply does not create a MV continuation. So we
;; mv-call out to our trampoline instead.
(make-application src (make-primitive-ref #f 'apply)
(cons proc args)))
((and (primitive-ref? proc) (eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) 'values))
;; tail: (lambda () (values '(1 2)))
;; drop: (lambda () (values '(1 2)) 3)
;; push: (lambda () (list (values '(10 12)) 1))
;; vals: (let-values (((a b ...) (values 1 2 ...))) ...)
(case context
((drop) (for-each comp-drop args) (maybe-emit-return))
(case (length args)
;; FIXME: This is surely an error. We need to add a
;; values-mismatch warning pass.
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'new-frame 0))
(comp-push proc)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call 0))
;; Taking advantage of unspecified order of evaluation of
;; arguments.
(for-each comp-drop (cdr args))
(comp-push (car args))
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const (length args)))
(emit-branch src 'br MVRA))
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code src (let ((len (length args)))
(if (= len 1)
(make-glil-call 'return 1)
(make-glil-call 'return/values len)))))))
((and (primitive-ref? proc)
(eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) '@call-with-values)
(= (length args) 2))
;; (mv-call MV)
;; ([tail]-call 1)
;; goto POST
;; MV: [tail-]call/nargs
;; POST: (maybe-drop)
(case context
;; Fall back.
(make-application src (make-primitive-ref #f 'call-with-values)
(let ((MV (make-label)) (POST (make-label))
(producer (car args)) (consumer (cadr args)))
(if (not (eq? context 'tail))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'new-frame 0)))
(comp-push consumer)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'new-frame 0))
(comp-push producer)
(emit-code src (make-glil-mv-call 0 MV))
(case context
((tail) (emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-call 1)))
(else (emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call 1))
(emit-branch #f 'br POST)))
(emit-label MV)
(case context
((tail) (emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-call/nargs 0)))
(else (emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call/nargs 0))
(emit-label POST)
(if (eq? context 'drop)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'drop 1)))
((and (primitive-ref? proc)
(eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) '@call-with-current-continuation)
(= (length args) 1))
(case context
(comp-push (car args))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-call/cc 1)))
src (make-primitive-ref #f 'call-with-current-continuation)
(comp-push (car args))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call/cc 1))
;; Crap. Just like `apply' in drop context.
src (make-primitive-ref #f 'call-with-current-continuation)
;; A hack for variable-set, the opcode for which takes its args
;; reversed, relative to the variable-set! function
((and (primitive-ref? proc)
(eq? (primitive-ref-name proc) 'variable-set!)
(= (length args) 2))
(comp-push (cadr args))
(comp-push (car args))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'variable-set 2))
(case context
((tail push vals) (emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
((and (primitive-ref? proc)
(or (hash-ref *primcall-ops*
(cons (primitive-ref-name proc) (length args)))
(hash-ref *primcall-ops* (primitive-ref-name proc))))
=> (lambda (op)
(for-each comp-push args)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call op (length args)))
(case (instruction-pushes op)
(case context
((tail push vals) (emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
(case context
((drop) (emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'drop 1))))
;; A control instruction, like return/values. Here we
;; just have to hope that the author of the tree-il
;; knew what they were doing.
(error "bad primitive op: too many pushes"
op (instruction-pushes op))))))
;; call to the same lambda-case in tail position
((and (lexical-ref? proc)
self-label (eq? (lexical-ref-gensym proc) self-label)
(eq? context 'tail)
(not (lambda-case-kw lcase))
(not (lambda-case-rest lcase))
(= (length args)
(+ (length (lambda-case-req lcase))
(or (and=> (lambda-case-opt lcase) length) 0))))
(for-each comp-push args)
(for-each (lambda (sym)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation sym) self)
((#t #f . ,index) ; unboxed
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set index)))
((#t #t . ,index) ; boxed
;; new box
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box index)))
(,x (error "bad lambda-case arg allocation" x))))
(reverse (lambda-case-gensyms lcase)))
(emit-branch src 'br (car (hashq-ref allocation lcase))))
;; lambda, the ultimate goto
((and (lexical-ref? proc)
(assq (lexical-ref-gensym proc) fix-labels))
;; like the self-tail-call case, though we can handle "drop"
;; contexts too. first, evaluate new values, pushing them on
;; the stack
(for-each comp-push args)
;; find the specific case, rename args, and goto the case label
(let lp ((lcase (lambda-body
(assq-ref fix-labels (lexical-ref-gensym proc)))))
((and (lambda-case? lcase)
(not (lambda-case-kw lcase))
(not (lambda-case-opt lcase))
(not (lambda-case-rest lcase))
(= (length args) (length (lambda-case-req lcase))))
;; we have a case that matches the args; rename variables
;; and goto the case label
(for-each (lambda (sym)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation sym) self)
((#t #f . ,index) ; unboxed
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set index)))
((#t #t . ,index) ; boxed
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box index)))
(,x (error "bad lambda-case arg allocation" x))))
(reverse (lambda-case-gensyms lcase)))
(emit-branch src 'br (car (hashq-ref allocation lcase))))
((lambda-case? lcase)
;; no match, try next case
(lp (lambda-case-alternate lcase)))
;; no cases left. we can't really handle this currently.
;; ideally we would push on a new frame, then do a "local
;; call" -- which doesn't require consing up a program
;; object. but for now error, as this sort of case should
;; preclude label allocation.
(error "couldn't find matching case for label call" x)))))
(if (not (eq? context 'tail))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'new-frame 0)))
(comp-push proc)
(for-each comp-push args)
(let ((len (length args)))
(case context
((tail) (if (<= len #xff)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-call len))
(comp-push (make-const #f len))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'tail-call/nargs 0)))))
((push) (if (<= len #xff)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call len))
(comp-push (make-const #f len))
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'call/nargs 0))))
;; FIXME: mv-call doesn't have a /nargs variant, so it is
;; limited to 255 args. Can work around it with a
;; trampoline and tail-call/nargs, but it's not so nice.
((vals) (emit-code src (make-glil-mv-call len MVRA))
((drop) (let ((MV (make-label)) (POST (make-label)))
(emit-code src (make-glil-mv-call len MV))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'drop 1))
(emit-branch #f 'br (or RA POST))
(emit-label MV)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-mv-bind 0 #f))
(if RA
(emit-branch #f 'br RA)
(emit-label POST)))))))))
((<conditional> src test consequent alternate)
;; (br-if-not L1)
;; consequent
;; (br L2)
;; L1: alternate
;; L2:
(let ((L1 (make-label)) (L2 (make-label)))
;; need a pattern matcher
(record-case test
((<application> proc args)
(record-case proc
((<primitive-ref> name)
(let ((len (length args)))
((and (eq? name 'eq?) (= len 2))
(comp-push (car args))
(comp-push (cadr args))
(emit-branch src 'br-if-not-eq L1))
((and (eq? name 'null?) (= len 1))
(comp-push (car args))
(emit-branch src 'br-if-not-null L1))
((and (eq? name 'not) (= len 1))
(let ((app (car args)))
(record-case app
((<application> proc args)
(let ((len (length args)))
(record-case proc
((<primitive-ref> name)
((and (eq? name 'eq?) (= len 2))
(comp-push (car args))
(comp-push (cadr args))
(emit-branch src 'br-if-eq L1))
((and (eq? name 'null?) (= len 1))
(comp-push (car args))
(emit-branch src 'br-if-null L1))
(comp-push app)
(emit-branch src 'br-if L1))))
(comp-push app)
(emit-branch src 'br-if L1)))))
(comp-push app)
(emit-branch src 'br-if L1)))))
(comp-push test)
(emit-branch src 'br-if-not L1)))))
(comp-push test)
(emit-branch src 'br-if-not L1))))
(comp-push test)
(emit-branch src 'br-if-not L1)))
(comp-tail consequent)
;; if there is an RA, comp-tail will cause a jump to it -- just
;; have to clean up here if there is no RA.
(if (and (not RA) (not (eq? context 'tail)))
(emit-branch #f 'br L2))
(emit-label L1)
(comp-tail alternate)
(if (and (not RA) (not (eq? context 'tail)))
(emit-label L2))))
((<primitive-ref> src name)
((eq? (module-variable (fluid-ref *comp-module*) name)
(module-variable the-root-module name))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code src (make-glil-toplevel 'ref name))))
((module-variable the-root-module name)
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code src (make-glil-module 'ref '(guile) name #f))))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code src (make-glil-module
'ref (module-name (fluid-ref *comp-module*)) name #f))))
((<lexical-ref> src gensym)
(case context
((push vals tail)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation gensym) self)
((,local? ,boxed? . ,index)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical local? boxed? 'ref index)))
(error "bad lexical allocation" x loc)))))
((<lexical-set> src gensym exp)
(comp-push exp)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation gensym) self)
((,local? ,boxed? . ,index)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical local? boxed? 'set index)))
(error "bad lexical allocation" x loc)))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
((<module-ref> src mod name public?)
(emit-code src (make-glil-module 'ref mod name public?))
(case context
((drop) (emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'drop 1))))
((<module-set> src mod name public? exp)
(comp-push exp)
(emit-code src (make-glil-module 'set mod name public?))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
((<toplevel-ref> src name)
(emit-code src (make-glil-toplevel 'ref name))
(case context
((drop) (emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'drop 1))))
((<toplevel-set> src name exp)
(comp-push exp)
(emit-code src (make-glil-toplevel 'set name))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
((<toplevel-define> src name exp)
(comp-push exp)
(emit-code src (make-glil-toplevel 'define name))
(case context
((tail push vals)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
(let ((free-locs (cdr (hashq-ref allocation x))))
(case context
((push vals tail)
(emit-code #f (flatten-lambda x #f allocation))
(if (not (null? free-locs))
(lambda (loc)
(pmatch loc
((,local? ,boxed? . ,n)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical local? #f 'ref n)))
(else (error "bad lambda free var allocation" x loc))))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'make-closure
(length free-locs))))))))
((<lambda-case> src req opt rest kw inits gensyms alternate body)
;; o/~ feature on top of feature o/~
;; req := (name ...)
;; opt := (name ...) | #f
;; rest := name | #f
;; kw: (allow-other-keys? (keyword name var) ...) | #f
;; gensyms: (sym ...)
;; init: tree-il in context of gensyms
;; gensyms map to named arguments in the following order:
;; required, optional (positional), rest, keyword.
(let* ((nreq (length req))
(nopt (if opt (length opt) 0))
(rest-idx (and rest (+ nreq nopt)))
(opt-names (or opt '()))
(allow-other-keys? (if kw (car kw) #f))
(kw-indices (map (lambda (x)
(pmatch x
((,key ,name ,var)
(cons key (list-index gensyms var)))
(else (error "bad kwarg" x))))
(if kw (cdr kw) '())))
(nargs (apply max (+ nreq nopt (if rest 1 0))
(map 1+ (map cdr kw-indices))))
(nlocs (cdr (hashq-ref allocation x)))
(alternate-label (and alternate (make-label))))
(or (= nargs
(length gensyms)
(+ nreq (length inits) (if rest 1 0)))
(error "lambda-case gensyms don't correspond to args"
req opt rest kw inits gensyms nreq nopt kw-indices nargs))
;; the prelude, to check args & reset the stack pointer,
;; allowing room for locals
(make-glil-kw-prelude nreq nopt rest-idx kw-indices
allow-other-keys? nlocs alternate-label))
((or rest opt)
(make-glil-opt-prelude nreq nopt rest-idx nlocs alternate-label))
(make-glil-std-prelude nreq nlocs alternate-label))))
;; box args if necessary
(lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'ref n))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box n)))))
;; write bindings info
(if (not (null? gensyms))
(let lp ((kw (if kw (cdr kw) '()))
(names (append (reverse opt-names) (reverse req)))
(gensyms (list-tail gensyms (+ nreq nopt
(if rest 1 0)))))
(pmatch kw
;; fixme: check that gensyms is empty
(reverse (if rest (cons rest names) names)))
(((,key ,name ,var) . ,kw)
(if (memq var gensyms)
(lp kw (cons name names) (delq var gensyms))
(lp kw names gensyms)))
(,kw (error "bad keywords, yo" kw))))
gensyms allocation self emit-code))
;; init optional/kw args
(let lp ((inits inits) (n nreq) (gensyms (list-tail gensyms nreq)))
((null? inits)) ; done
((and rest-idx (= n rest-idx))
(lp inits (1+ n) (cdr gensyms)))
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation (car gensyms)) self)
((#t ,boxed? . ,n*) (guard (= n* n))
(let ((L (make-label)))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t boxed? 'bound? n))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-branch 'br-if L))
(comp-push (car inits))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t boxed? 'set n))
(emit-label L)
(lp (cdr inits) (1+ n) (cdr gensyms))))
(#t (error "bad arg allocation" (car gensyms) inits))))))
;; post-prelude case label for label calls
(emit-label (car (hashq-ref allocation x)))
(comp-tail body)
(if (not (null? gensyms))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind)))
(if alternate-label
(emit-label alternate-label)
(flatten-lambda-case alternate allocation self self-label
fix-labels emit-code)))))
((<let> src names gensyms vals body)
(for-each comp-push vals)
(emit-bindings src names gensyms allocation self emit-code)
(for-each (lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #f . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set n)))
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box n)))
(,loc (error "bad let var allocation" x loc))))
(reverse gensyms))
(comp-tail body)
(clear-stack-slots context gensyms)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind)))
((<letrec> src in-order? names gensyms vals body)
;; First prepare heap storage slots.
(for-each (lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'empty-box n)))
(,loc (error "bad letrec var allocation" x loc))))
;; Even though the slots are empty, the bindings are valid.
(emit-bindings src names gensyms allocation self emit-code)
;; For letrec*, bind values in order.
(for-each (lambda (name v val)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #t . ,n)
(comp-push val)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'set n)))
(,loc (error "bad letrec var allocation" x loc))))
names gensyms vals))
;; But for letrec, eval all values, then bind.
(for-each comp-push vals)
(for-each (lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'set n)))
(,loc (error "bad letrec var allocation" x loc))))
(reverse gensyms))))
(comp-tail body)
(clear-stack-slots context gensyms)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind)))
((<fix> src names gensyms vals body)
;; The ideal here is to just render the lambda bodies inline, and
;; wire the code together with gotos. We can do that if
;; analyze-lexicals has determined that a given var has "label"
;; allocation -- which is the case if it is in `fix-labels'.
;; But even for closures that we can't inline, we can do some
;; tricks to avoid heap-allocation for the binding itself. Since
;; we know the vals are lambdas, we can set them to their local
;; var slots first, then capture their bindings, mutating them in
;; place.
(let ((new-RA (if (or (eq? context 'tail) RA) #f (make-label))))
(lambda (x v)
((hashq-ref allocation x)
;; allocating a closure
(emit-code #f (flatten-lambda x v allocation))
(let ((free-locs (cdr (hashq-ref allocation x))))
(if (not (null? free-locs))
;; Need to make-closure first, so we have a fresh closure on
;; the heap, but with a temporary free values.
(for-each (lambda (loc)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const #f)))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'make-closure
(length free-locs))))))
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #f . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set n)))
(,loc (error "bad fix var allocation" x loc))))
;; labels allocation: emit label & body, but jump over it
(let ((POST (make-label)))
(emit-branch #f 'br POST)
(let lp ((lcase (lambda-body x)))
(if lcase
(record-case lcase
((<lambda-case> src req gensyms body alternate)
(emit-label (car (hashq-ref allocation lcase)))
;; FIXME: opt & kw args in the bindings
(emit-bindings #f req gensyms allocation self emit-code)
(if src
(emit-code #f (make-glil-source src)))
(comp-fix body (or RA new-RA))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind))
(lp alternate)))
(emit-label POST)))))))
;; Emit bindings metadata for closures
(let ((binds (let lp ((out '()) (gensyms gensyms) (names names))
(cond ((null? gensyms) (reverse! out))
((assq (car gensyms) fix-labels)
(lp out (cdr gensyms) (cdr names)))
(lp (acons (car gensyms) (car names) out)
(cdr gensyms) (cdr names)))))))
(emit-bindings src (map cdr binds) (map car binds)
allocation self emit-code))
;; Now go back and fix up the bindings for closures.
(lambda (x v)
(let ((free-locs (if (hashq-ref allocation x)
(cdr (hashq-ref allocation x))
;; can hit this latter case for labels allocation
(if (not (null? free-locs))
(lambda (loc)
(pmatch loc
((,local? ,boxed? . ,n)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical local? #f 'ref n)))
(else (error "bad free var allocation" x loc))))
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #f . ,n)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'fix n)))
(,loc (error "bad fix var allocation" x loc)))))))
(comp-tail body)
(if new-RA
(emit-label new-RA))
(clear-stack-slots context gensyms)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind))))
((<let-values> src exp body)
(record-case body
((<lambda-case> req opt kw rest gensyms body alternate)
(if (or opt kw alternate)
(error "unexpected lambda-case in let-values" x))
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals exp MV)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const 1))
(emit-label MV)
(emit-code src (make-glil-mv-bind
(append req (if rest (list rest) '()))
gensyms allocation self)
(and rest #t)))
(for-each (lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #f . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set n)))
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box n)))
(,loc (error "bad let-values var allocation" x loc))))
(reverse gensyms))
(comp-tail body)
(clear-stack-slots context gensyms)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind))))))
;; much trickier than i thought this would be, at first, due to the need
;; to have body's return value(s) on the stack while the unwinder runs,
;; then proceed with returning or dropping or what-have-you, interacting
;; with RA and MVRA. What have you, I say.
((<dynwind> src body winder unwinder)
(comp-push winder)
(comp-push unwinder)
(comp-drop (make-application src winder '()))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'wind 2))
(case context
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: unwind...
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(comp-drop (make-application src unwinder '()))
;; ...and return the val
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return 1))
(emit-label MV)
;; multiple values: unwind...
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(comp-drop (make-application src unwinder '()))
;; and return the values.
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return/nvalues 1))))
;; we only want one value. so ask for one value
(comp-push body)
;; and unwind, leaving the val on the stack
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(comp-drop (make-application src unwinder '())))
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: push 1 and fall through to MV case
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const 1))
(emit-label MV)
;; multiple values: unwind...
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(comp-drop (make-application src unwinder '()))
;; and goto the MVRA.
(emit-branch #f 'br MVRA)))
;; compile body, discarding values. then unwind...
(comp-drop body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(comp-drop (make-application src unwinder '()))
;; and fall through, or goto RA if there is one.
(if RA
(emit-branch #f 'br RA)))))
((<dynlet> src fluids vals body)
(for-each comp-push fluids)
(for-each comp-push vals)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'wind-fluids (length fluids)))
(case context
(let ((MV (make-label)))
;; NB: in tail case, it is possible to preserve asymptotic tail
;; recursion, via merging unwind-fluids structures -- but we'd need
;; to compile in the body twice (once in tail context, assuming the
;; caller unwinds, and once with this trampoline thing, unwinding
;; ourselves).
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: unwind and return
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind-fluids 0))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return 1))
(emit-label MV)
;; multiple values: unwind and return values
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind-fluids 0))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return/nvalues 1))))
(comp-push body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind-fluids 0)))
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: push 1 and fall through to MV case
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const 1))
(emit-label MV)
;; multiple values: unwind and goto MVRA
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind-fluids 0))
(emit-branch #f 'br MVRA)))
;; compile body, discarding values. then unwind...
(comp-drop body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind-fluids 0))
;; and fall through, or goto RA if there is one.
(if RA
(emit-branch #f 'br RA)))))
((<dynref> src fluid)
(case context
(comp-drop fluid))
((push vals tail)
(comp-push fluid)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'fluid-ref 1))))
((<dynset> src fluid exp)
(comp-push fluid)
(comp-push exp)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'fluid-set 2))
(case context
((push vals tail)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-void))))
;; What's the deal here? The deal is that we are compiling the start of a
;; delimited continuation. We try to avoid heap allocation in the normal
;; case; so the body is an expression, not a thunk, and we try to render
;; the handler inline. Also we did some analysis, in analyze.scm, so that
;; if the continuation isn't referenced, we don't reify it. This makes it
;; possible to implement catch and throw with delimited continuations,
;; without any overhead.
((<prompt> src tag body handler)
(let ((H (make-label))
(POST (make-label))
(escape-only? (hashq-ref allocation x)))
;; First, set up the prompt.
(comp-push tag)
(emit-code src (make-glil-prompt H escape-only?))
;; Then we compile the body, with its normal return path, unwinding
;; before proceeding.
(case context
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: unwind and return
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return 1))
;; multiple values: unwind and return
(emit-label MV)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return/nvalues 1))))
;; we only want one value. so ask for one value, unwind, and jump to
;; post
(comp-push body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(emit-branch #f 'br (or RA POST)))
(let ((MV (make-label)))
(comp-vals body MV)
;; one value: push 1 and fall through to MV case
(emit-code #f (make-glil-const 1))
;; multiple values: unwind and goto MVRA
(emit-label MV)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(emit-branch #f 'br MVRA)))
;; compile body, discarding values, then unwind & fall through.
(comp-drop body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'unwind 0))
(emit-branch #f 'br (or RA POST))))
(emit-label H)
;; Now the handler. The stack is now made up of the continuation, and
;; then the args to the continuation (pushed separately), and then the
;; number of args, including the continuation.
(record-case handler
((<lambda-case> req opt kw rest gensyms body alternate)
(if (or opt kw alternate)
(error "unexpected lambda-case in prompt" x))
(emit-code src (make-glil-mv-bind
(append req (if rest (list rest) '()))
gensyms allocation self)
(and rest #t)))
(for-each (lambda (v)
(pmatch (hashq-ref (hashq-ref allocation v) self)
((#t #f . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #f 'set n)))
((#t #t . ,n)
(emit-code src (make-glil-lexical #t #t 'box n)))
(error "bad prompt handler arg allocation" x loc))))
(reverse gensyms))
(comp-tail body)
(emit-code #f (make-glil-unbind))))
(if (and (not RA)
(or (eq? context 'push) (eq? context 'drop)))
(emit-label POST))))
((<abort> src tag args tail)
(comp-push tag)
(for-each comp-push args)
(comp-push tail)
(emit-code src (make-glil-call 'abort (length args)))
;; so, the abort can actually return. if it does, the values will be on
;; the stack, then the MV marker, just as in an MV context.
(case context
;; Return values.
(emit-code #f (make-glil-call 'return/nvalues 1)))
;; Drop all values and goto RA, or otherwise fall through.
(emit-code #f (make-glil-mv-bind 0 #f))
(if RA (emit-branch #f 'br RA)))
;; Truncate to one value.
(emit-code #f (make-glil-mv-bind 1 #f)))
;; Go to MVRA.
(emit-branch #f 'br MVRA)))))))