;;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
(define-module (language tree-il)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (system base pmatch)
#:use-module (system base syntax)
#:export (tree-il-src
<void> void? make-void void-src
<const> const? make-const const-src const-exp
<primitive-ref> primitive-ref? make-primitive-ref primitive-ref-src primitive-ref-name
<lexical-ref> lexical-ref? make-lexical-ref lexical-ref-src lexical-ref-name lexical-ref-gensym
<lexical-set> lexical-set? make-lexical-set lexical-set-src lexical-set-name lexical-set-gensym lexical-set-exp
<module-ref> module-ref? make-module-ref module-ref-src module-ref-mod module-ref-name module-ref-public?
<module-set> module-set? make-module-set module-set-src module-set-mod module-set-name module-set-public? module-set-exp
<toplevel-ref> toplevel-ref? make-toplevel-ref toplevel-ref-src toplevel-ref-name
<toplevel-set> toplevel-set? make-toplevel-set toplevel-set-src toplevel-set-name toplevel-set-exp
<toplevel-define> toplevel-define? make-toplevel-define toplevel-define-src toplevel-define-name toplevel-define-exp
<conditional> conditional? make-conditional conditional-src conditional-test conditional-consequent conditional-alternate
<application> application? make-application application-src application-proc application-args
<sequence> sequence? make-sequence sequence-src sequence-exps
<lambda> lambda? make-lambda lambda-src lambda-meta lambda-body
<lambda-case> lambda-case? make-lambda-case lambda-case-src
lambda-case-req lambda-case-opt lambda-case-rest lambda-case-kw
lambda-case-inits lambda-case-gensyms
lambda-case-body lambda-case-alternate
<let> let? make-let let-src let-names let-gensyms let-vals let-body
<letrec> letrec? make-letrec letrec-src letrec-in-order? letrec-names letrec-gensyms letrec-vals letrec-body
<fix> fix? make-fix fix-src fix-names fix-gensyms fix-vals fix-body
<let-values> let-values? make-let-values let-values-src let-values-exp let-values-body
<dynwind> dynwind? make-dynwind dynwind-src dynwind-winder dynwind-body dynwind-unwinder
<dynlet> dynlet? make-dynlet dynlet-src dynlet-fluids dynlet-vals dynlet-body
<dynref> dynref? make-dynref dynref-src dynref-fluid
<dynset> dynset? make-dynset dynset-src dynset-fluid dynset-exp
<prompt> prompt? make-prompt prompt-src prompt-tag prompt-body prompt-handler
<abort> abort? make-abort abort-src abort-tag abort-args abort-tail
(define (print-tree-il exp port)
(format port "#<tree-il ~S>" (unparse-tree-il exp)))
(define-syntax borrow-core-vtables
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
(let lp ((n 0) (out '()))
(if (< n (vector-length %expanded-vtables))
(lp (1+ n)
(let* ((vtable (vector-ref %expanded-vtables n))
(stem (struct-ref vtable (+ vtable-offset-user 0)))
(fields (struct-ref vtable (+ vtable-offset-user 2)))
(sfields (map
(lambda (f) (datum->syntax x f))
(type (datum->syntax x (symbol-append '< stem '>)))
(ctor (datum->syntax x (symbol-append 'make- stem)))
(pred (datum->syntax x (symbol-append stem '?))))
(let lp ((n 0) (fields fields)
(out (cons*
#`(define (#,ctor #,@sfields)
(make-struct #,type 0 #,@sfields))
#`(define (#,pred x)
(and (struct? x)
(eq? (struct-vtable x) #,type)))
#`(struct-set! #,type vtable-index-printer
#`(define #,type
(vector-ref %expanded-vtables #,n))
(if (null? fields)
(lp (1+ n)
(cdr fields)
(let ((acc (datum->syntax
x (symbol-append stem '- (car fields)))))
(cons #`(define #,acc
(lambda (x) (struct-ref x #,n))
(lambda (x v) (struct-set! x #,n v))))
#`(begin #,@(reverse out))))))))
;; (<void>)
;; (<const> exp)
;; (<primitive-ref> name)
;; (<lexical-ref> name gensym)
;; (<lexical-set> name gensym exp)
;; (<module-ref> mod name public?)
;; (<module-set> mod name public? exp)
;; (<toplevel-ref> name)
;; (<toplevel-set> name exp)
;; (<toplevel-define> name exp)
;; (<conditional> test consequent alternate)
;; (<application> proc args)
;; (<sequence> exps)
;; (<lambda> meta body)
;; (<lambda-case> req opt rest kw inits gensyms body alternate)
;; (<let> names gensyms vals body)
;; (<letrec> in-order? names gensyms vals body)
;; (<dynlet> fluids vals body)
(define-type (<tree-il> #:common-slots (src) #:printer print-tree-il)
(<fix> names gensyms vals body)
(<let-values> exp body)
(<dynwind> winder body unwinder)
(<dynref> fluid)
(<dynset> fluid exp)
(<prompt> tag body handler)
(<abort> tag args tail))
(define (location x)
(and (pair? x)
(let ((props (source-properties x)))
(and (pair? props) props))))
(define (parse-tree-il exp)
(let ((loc (location exp))
(retrans (lambda (x) (parse-tree-il x))))
(pmatch exp
(make-void loc))
((apply ,proc . ,args)
(make-application loc (retrans proc) (map retrans args)))
((if ,test ,consequent ,alternate)
(make-conditional loc (retrans test) (retrans consequent) (retrans alternate)))
((primitive ,name) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-primitive-ref loc name))
((lexical ,name) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-lexical-ref loc name name))
((lexical ,name ,sym) (guard (symbol? name) (symbol? sym))
(make-lexical-ref loc name sym))
((set! (lexical ,name) ,exp) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-lexical-set loc name name (retrans exp)))
((set! (lexical ,name ,sym) ,exp) (guard (symbol? name) (symbol? sym))
(make-lexical-set loc name sym (retrans exp)))
((@ ,mod ,name) (guard (and-map symbol? mod) (symbol? name))
(make-module-ref loc mod name #t))
((set! (@ ,mod ,name) ,exp) (guard (and-map symbol? mod) (symbol? name))
(make-module-set loc mod name #t (retrans exp)))
((@@ ,mod ,name) (guard (and-map symbol? mod) (symbol? name))
(make-module-ref loc mod name #f))
((set! (@@ ,mod ,name) ,exp) (guard (and-map symbol? mod) (symbol? name))
(make-module-set loc mod name #f (retrans exp)))
((toplevel ,name) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-toplevel-ref loc name))
((set! (toplevel ,name) ,exp) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-toplevel-set loc name (retrans exp)))
((define ,name ,exp) (guard (symbol? name))
(make-toplevel-define loc name (retrans exp)))
((lambda ,meta ,body)
(make-lambda loc meta (retrans body)))
((lambda-case ((,req ,opt ,rest ,kw ,inits ,gensyms) ,body) ,alternate)
(make-lambda-case loc req opt rest kw
(map retrans inits) gensyms
(retrans body)
(and=> alternate retrans)))
((lambda-case ((,req ,opt ,rest ,kw ,inits ,gensyms) ,body))
(make-lambda-case loc req opt rest kw
(map retrans inits) gensyms
(retrans body)
((const ,exp)
(make-const loc exp))
((begin . ,exps)
(make-sequence loc (map retrans exps)))
((let ,names ,gensyms ,vals ,body)
(make-let loc names gensyms (map retrans vals) (retrans body)))
((letrec ,names ,gensyms ,vals ,body)
(make-letrec loc #f names gensyms (map retrans vals) (retrans body)))
((letrec* ,names ,gensyms ,vals ,body)
(make-letrec loc #t names gensyms (map retrans vals) (retrans body)))
((fix ,names ,gensyms ,vals ,body)
(make-fix loc names gensyms (map retrans vals) (retrans body)))
((let-values ,exp ,body)
(make-let-values loc (retrans exp) (retrans body)))
((dynwind ,winder ,body ,unwinder)
(make-dynwind loc (retrans winder) (retrans body) (retrans unwinder)))
((dynlet ,fluids ,vals ,body)
(make-dynlet loc (map retrans fluids) (map retrans vals) (retrans body)))
((dynref ,fluid)
(make-dynref loc (retrans fluid)))
((dynset ,fluid ,exp)
(make-dynset loc (retrans fluid) (retrans exp)))
((prompt ,tag ,body ,handler)
(make-prompt loc (retrans tag) (retrans body) (retrans handler)))
((abort ,tag ,args ,tail)
(make-abort loc (retrans tag) (map retrans args) (retrans tail)))
(error "unrecognized tree-il" exp)))))
(define (unparse-tree-il tree-il)
(record-case tree-il
((<application> proc args)
`(apply ,(unparse-tree-il proc) ,@(map unparse-tree-il args)))
((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
`(if ,(unparse-tree-il test) ,(unparse-tree-il consequent) ,(unparse-tree-il alternate)))
((<primitive-ref> name)
`(primitive ,name))
((<lexical-ref> name gensym)
`(lexical ,name ,gensym))
((<lexical-set> name gensym exp)
`(set! (lexical ,name ,gensym) ,(unparse-tree-il exp)))
((<module-ref> mod name public?)
`(,(if public? '@ '@@) ,mod ,name))
((<module-set> mod name public? exp)
`(set! (,(if public? '@ '@@) ,mod ,name) ,(unparse-tree-il exp)))
((<toplevel-ref> name)
`(toplevel ,name))
((<toplevel-set> name exp)
`(set! (toplevel ,name) ,(unparse-tree-il exp)))
((<toplevel-define> name exp)
`(define ,name ,(unparse-tree-il exp)))
((<lambda> meta body)
(if body
`(lambda ,meta ,(unparse-tree-il body))
`(lambda ,meta (lambda-case))))
((<lambda-case> req opt rest kw inits gensyms body alternate)
`(lambda-case ((,req ,opt ,rest ,kw ,(map unparse-tree-il inits) ,gensyms)
,(unparse-tree-il body))
. ,(if alternate (list (unparse-tree-il alternate)) '())))
((<const> exp)
`(const ,exp))
((<sequence> exps)
`(begin ,@(map unparse-tree-il exps)))
((<let> names gensyms vals body)
`(let ,names ,gensyms ,(map unparse-tree-il vals) ,(unparse-tree-il body)))
((<letrec> in-order? names gensyms vals body)
`(,(if in-order? 'letrec* 'letrec) ,names ,gensyms
,(map unparse-tree-il vals) ,(unparse-tree-il body)))
((<fix> names gensyms vals body)
`(fix ,names ,gensyms ,(map unparse-tree-il vals) ,(unparse-tree-il body)))
((<let-values> exp body)
`(let-values ,(unparse-tree-il exp) ,(unparse-tree-il body)))
((<dynwind> winder body unwinder)
`(dynwind ,(unparse-tree-il winder) ,(unparse-tree-il body)
,(unparse-tree-il unwinder)))
((<dynlet> fluids vals body)
`(dynlet ,(map unparse-tree-il fluids) ,(map unparse-tree-il vals)
,(unparse-tree-il body)))
((<dynref> fluid)
`(dynref ,(unparse-tree-il fluid)))
((<dynset> fluid exp)
`(dynset ,(unparse-tree-il fluid) ,(unparse-tree-il exp)))
((<prompt> tag body handler)
`(prompt ,(unparse-tree-il tag) ,(unparse-tree-il body) ,(unparse-tree-il handler)))
((<abort> tag args tail)
`(abort ,(unparse-tree-il tag) ,(map unparse-tree-il args)
,(unparse-tree-il tail)))))
(define* (tree-il->scheme e #:optional (env #f) (opts '()))
(values ((@ (language scheme decompile-tree-il)
e env opts)))
(define (tree-il-fold leaf down up seed tree)
"Traverse TREE, calling LEAF on each leaf encountered, DOWN upon descent
into a sub-tree, and UP when leaving a sub-tree. Each of these procedures is
invoked as `(PROC TREE SEED)', where TREE is the sub-tree or leaf considered
and SEED is the current result, intially seeded with SEED.
This is an implementation of `foldts' as described by Andy Wingo in
``Applications of fold to XML transformation''."
(let loop ((tree tree)
(result seed))
(if (or (null? tree) (pair? tree))
(fold loop result tree)
(record-case tree
((<lexical-set> exp)
(up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
((<module-set> exp)
(up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
((<toplevel-set> exp)
(up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
((<toplevel-define> exp)
(up tree (loop exp (down tree result))))
((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
(up tree (loop alternate
(loop consequent
(loop test (down tree result))))))
((<application> proc args)
(up tree (loop (cons proc args) (down tree result))))
((<sequence> exps)
(up tree (loop exps (down tree result))))
((<lambda> body)
(let ((result (down tree result)))
(up tree
(if body
(loop body result)
((<lambda-case> inits body alternate)
(up tree (if alternate
(loop alternate
(loop body (loop inits (down tree result))))
(loop body (loop inits (down tree result))))))
((<let> vals body)
(up tree (loop body
(loop vals
(down tree result)))))
((<letrec> vals body)
(up tree (loop body
(loop vals
(down tree result)))))
((<fix> vals body)
(up tree (loop body
(loop vals
(down tree result)))))
((<let-values> exp body)
(up tree (loop body (loop exp (down tree result)))))
((<dynwind> body winder unwinder)
(up tree (loop unwinder
(loop winder
(loop body (down tree result))))))
((<dynlet> fluids vals body)
(up tree (loop body
(loop vals
(loop fluids (down tree result))))))
((<dynref> fluid)
(up tree (loop fluid (down tree result))))
((<dynset> fluid exp)
(up tree (loop exp (loop fluid (down tree result)))))
((<prompt> tag body handler)
(up tree
(loop tag (loop body (loop handler
(down tree result))))))
((<abort> tag args tail)
(up tree (loop tail (loop args (loop tag (down tree result))))))
(leaf tree result))))))
(define-syntax-rule (make-tree-il-folder seed ...)
(lambda (tree down up seed ...)
(define (fold-values proc exps seed ...)
(if (null? exps)
(values seed ...)
(let-values (((seed ...) (proc (car exps) seed ...)))
(fold-values proc (cdr exps) seed ...))))
(let foldts ((tree tree) (seed seed) ...)
(((seed ...) (down tree seed ...))
((seed ...)
(record-case tree
((<lexical-set> exp)
(foldts exp seed ...))
((<module-set> exp)
(foldts exp seed ...))
((<toplevel-set> exp)
(foldts exp seed ...))
((<toplevel-define> exp)
(foldts exp seed ...))
((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts test seed ...))
((seed ...) (foldts consequent seed ...)))
(foldts alternate seed ...)))
((<application> proc args)
(let-values (((seed ...) (foldts proc seed ...)))
(fold-values foldts args seed ...)))
((<sequence> exps)
(fold-values foldts exps seed ...))
((<lambda> body)
(if body
(foldts body seed ...)
(values seed ...)))
((<lambda-case> inits body alternate)
(let-values (((seed ...) (fold-values foldts inits seed ...)))
(if alternate
(let-values (((seed ...) (foldts body seed ...)))
(foldts alternate seed ...))
(foldts body seed ...))))
((<let> vals body)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (fold-values foldts vals seed ...)))
(foldts body seed ...)))
((<letrec> vals body)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (fold-values foldts vals seed ...)))
(foldts body seed ...)))
((<fix> vals body)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (fold-values foldts vals seed ...)))
(foldts body seed ...)))
((<let-values> exp body)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts exp seed ...)))
(foldts body seed ...)))
((<dynwind> body winder unwinder)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts body seed ...))
((seed ...) (foldts winder seed ...)))
(foldts unwinder seed ...)))
((<dynlet> fluids vals body)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (fold-values foldts fluids seed ...))
((seed ...) (fold-values foldts vals seed ...)))
(foldts body seed ...)))
((<dynref> fluid)
(foldts fluid seed ...))
((<dynset> fluid exp)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts fluid seed ...)))
(foldts exp seed ...)))
((<prompt> tag body handler)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts tag seed ...))
((seed ...) (foldts body seed ...)))
(foldts handler seed ...)))
((<abort> tag args tail)
(let*-values (((seed ...) (foldts tag seed ...))
((seed ...) (fold-values foldts args seed ...)))
(foldts tail seed ...)))
(values seed ...)))))
(up tree seed ...)))))
(define (post-order! f x)
(let lp ((x x))
(record-case x
((<application> proc args)
(set! (application-proc x) (lp proc))
(set! (application-args x) (map lp args)))
((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
(set! (conditional-test x) (lp test))
(set! (conditional-consequent x) (lp consequent))
(set! (conditional-alternate x) (lp alternate)))
((<lexical-set> name gensym exp)
(set! (lexical-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<module-set> mod name public? exp)
(set! (module-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<toplevel-set> name exp)
(set! (toplevel-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<toplevel-define> name exp)
(set! (toplevel-define-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<lambda> body)
(if body
(set! (lambda-body x) (lp body))))
((<lambda-case> inits body alternate)
(set! inits (map lp inits))
(set! (lambda-case-body x) (lp body))
(if alternate
(set! (lambda-case-alternate x) (lp alternate))))
((<sequence> exps)
(set! (sequence-exps x) (map lp exps)))
((<let> gensyms vals body)
(set! (let-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (let-body x) (lp body)))
((<letrec> gensyms vals body)
(set! (letrec-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (letrec-body x) (lp body)))
((<fix> gensyms vals body)
(set! (fix-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (fix-body x) (lp body)))
((<let-values> exp body)
(set! (let-values-exp x) (lp exp))
(set! (let-values-body x) (lp body)))
((<dynwind> body winder unwinder)
(set! (dynwind-body x) (lp body))
(set! (dynwind-winder x) (lp winder))
(set! (dynwind-unwinder x) (lp unwinder)))
((<dynlet> fluids vals body)
(set! (dynlet-fluids x) (map lp fluids))
(set! (dynlet-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (dynlet-body x) (lp body)))
((<dynref> fluid)
(set! (dynref-fluid x) (lp fluid)))
((<dynset> fluid exp)
(set! (dynset-fluid x) (lp fluid))
(set! (dynset-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<prompt> tag body handler)
(set! (prompt-tag x) (lp tag))
(set! (prompt-body x) (lp body))
(set! (prompt-handler x) (lp handler)))
((<abort> tag args tail)
(set! (abort-tag x) (lp tag))
(set! (abort-args x) (map lp args))
(set! (abort-tail x) (lp tail)))
(else #f))
(or (f x) x)))
(define (pre-order! f x)
(let lp ((x x))
(let ((x (or (f x) x)))
(record-case x
((<application> proc args)
(set! (application-proc x) (lp proc))
(set! (application-args x) (map lp args)))
((<conditional> test consequent alternate)
(set! (conditional-test x) (lp test))
(set! (conditional-consequent x) (lp consequent))
(set! (conditional-alternate x) (lp alternate)))
((<lexical-set> exp)
(set! (lexical-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<module-set> exp)
(set! (module-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<toplevel-set> exp)
(set! (toplevel-set-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<toplevel-define> exp)
(set! (toplevel-define-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<lambda> body)
(if body
(set! (lambda-body x) (lp body))))
((<lambda-case> inits body alternate)
(set! inits (map lp inits))
(set! (lambda-case-body x) (lp body))
(if alternate (set! (lambda-case-alternate x) (lp alternate))))
((<sequence> exps)
(set! (sequence-exps x) (map lp exps)))
((<let> vals body)
(set! (let-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (let-body x) (lp body)))
((<letrec> vals body)
(set! (letrec-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (letrec-body x) (lp body)))
((<fix> vals body)
(set! (fix-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (fix-body x) (lp body)))
((<let-values> exp body)
(set! (let-values-exp x) (lp exp))
(set! (let-values-body x) (lp body)))
((<dynwind> body winder unwinder)
(set! (dynwind-body x) (lp body))
(set! (dynwind-winder x) (lp winder))
(set! (dynwind-unwinder x) (lp unwinder)))
((<dynlet> fluids vals body)
(set! (dynlet-fluids x) (map lp fluids))
(set! (dynlet-vals x) (map lp vals))
(set! (dynlet-body x) (lp body)))
((<dynref> fluid)
(set! (dynref-fluid x) (lp fluid)))
((<dynset> fluid exp)
(set! (dynset-fluid x) (lp fluid))
(set! (dynset-exp x) (lp exp)))
((<prompt> tag body handler)
(set! (prompt-tag x) (lp tag))
(set! (prompt-body x) (lp body))
(set! (prompt-handler x) (lp handler)))
((<abort> tag args tail)
(set! (abort-tag x) (lp tag))
(set! (abort-args x) (map lp args))
(set! (abort-tail x) (lp tail)))
(else #f))
;; FIXME: We should have a better primitive than this.
(define (struct-nfields x)
(/ (string-length (symbol->string (struct-layout x))) 2))
(define (tree-il=? a b)
((struct? a)
(and (struct? b)
(eq? (struct-vtable a) (struct-vtable b))
;; Assume that all structs are tree-il, so we skip over the
;; src slot.
(let lp ((n (1- (struct-nfields a))))
(or (zero? n)
(and (tree-il=? (struct-ref a n) (struct-ref b n))
(lp (1- n)))))))
((pair? a)
(and (pair? b)
(tree-il=? (car a) (car b))
(tree-il=? (cdr a) (cdr b))))
(equal? a b))))
(define-syntax hash-bits
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
(identifier? #'var)
(logcount most-positive-fixnum))))))
(define (tree-il-hash exp)
(let ((hash-depth 4)
(hash-width 3))
(define (hash-exp exp depth)
(define (rotate x bits)
(logior (ash x (- bits))
(ash (logand x (1- (ash 1 bits))) (- hash-bits bits))))
(define (mix h1 h2)
(logxor h1 (rotate h2 8)))
(define (hash-struct s)
(let ((len (struct-nfields s))
(h (hashq (struct-vtable s) most-positive-fixnum)))
(if (zero? depth)
(let lp ((i (max (- len hash-width) 1)) (h h))
(if (< i len)
(lp (1+ i) (mix (hash-exp (struct-ref s i) (1+ depth)) h))
(define (hash-list l)
(let ((h (hashq 'list most-positive-fixnum)))
(if (zero? depth)
(let lp ((l l) (width 0) (h h))
(if (< width hash-width)
(lp (cdr l) (1+ width)
(mix (hash-exp (car l) (1+ depth)) h))
((struct? exp) (hash-struct exp))
((list? exp) (hash-list exp))
(else (hash exp most-positive-fixnum))))
(hash-exp exp 0)))