;;; Describe objects
;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;; Code:
(define-module (system repl describe)
#:use-module (oop goops)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
#:use-module (ice-9 and-let-star)
#:export (describe))
(define-method (describe (symbol <symbol>))
(format #t "`~s' is " symbol)
(if (not (defined? symbol))
(display "not defined in the current module.\n")
(describe-object (module-ref (current-module) symbol))))
;;; Display functions
(define (safe-class-name class)
(if (slot-bound? class 'name)
(class-name class)
(define-method (display-class class . args)
(let* ((name (safe-class-name class))
(desc (if (pair? args) (car args) name)))
(if (eq? *describe-format* 'tag)
(format #t "@class{~a}{~a}" name desc)
(format #t "~a" desc))))
(define (display-list title list)
(if title (begin (display title) (display ":\n\n")))
(if (null? list)
(display "(not defined)\n")
(for-each display-summary list)))
(define (display-slot-list title instance list)
(if title (begin (display title) (display ":\n\n")))
(if (null? list)
(display "(not defined)\n")
(for-each (lambda (slot)
(let ((name (slot-definition-name slot)))
(display "Slot: ")
(display name)
(if (and instance (slot-bound? instance name))
(display " = ")
(display (slot-ref instance name))))
(define (display-file location)
(display "Defined in ")
(if (eq? *describe-format* 'tag)
(format #t "@location{~a}.\n" location)
(format #t "`~a'.\n" location)))
(define (format-documentation doc)
(with-current-buffer (make-buffer #:text doc)
(lambda ()
(let ((regexp (make-regexp "@([a-z]*)(\\{([^}]*)\\})?")))
(do-while (match (re-search-forward regexp))
(let ((key (string->symbol (match:substring match 1)))
(value (match:substring match 3)))
(case key
(delete-region! (match:start match)
(begin (forward-line) (point))))
(replace-match! match 0 (string-upcase value)))
(replace-match! match 0 (string-append "`" value "'")))))))
(display (string (current-buffer)))
;;; Top
(define description-table
(cons <boolean> "a boolean")
(cons <null> "an empty list")
(cons <integer> "an integer")
(cons <real> "a real number")
(cons <complex> "a complex number")
(cons <char> "a character")
(cons <symbol> "a symbol")
(cons <keyword> "a keyword")
(cons <promise> "a promise")
(cons <hook> "a hook")
(cons <fluid> "a fluid")
(cons <stack> "a stack")
(cons <variable> "a variable")
(cons <regexp> "a regexp object")
(cons <module> "a module object")
(cons <unknown> "an unknown object")))
(define-generic describe-object)
(export describe-object)
(define-method (describe-object (obj <top>))
(display-type obj)
(display-location obj)
(display-value obj)
(display-documentation obj))
(define-generic display-object)
(define-generic display-summary)
(define-generic display-type)
(define-generic display-value)
(define-generic display-location)
(define-generic display-description)
(define-generic display-documentation)
(export display-object display-summary display-type display-value
display-location display-description display-documentation)
(define-method (display-object (obj <top>))
(write obj))
(define-method (display-summary (obj <top>))
(display "Value: ")
(display-object obj)
(define-method (display-type (obj <top>))
((eof-object? obj) (display "the end-of-file object"))
((unspecified? obj) (display "unspecified"))
(else (let ((class (class-of obj)))
(display-class class (or (assq-ref description-table class)
(safe-class-name class))))))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-value (obj <top>))
(if (not (unspecified? obj))
(begin (display-object obj) (newline))))
(define-method (display-location (obj <top>))
(define-method (display-description (obj <top>))
(let* ((doc (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display-documentation obj))))
(index (string-index doc #\newline)))
(display (substring doc 0 (1+ index)))))
(define-method (display-documentation (obj <top>))
(display "Not documented.\n"))
;;; Pairs
(define-method (display-type (obj <pair>))
((list? obj) (display-class <list> "a list"))
((pair? (cdr obj)) (display "an improper list"))
(else (display-class <pair> "a pair")))
(display ".\n"))
;;; Strings
(define-method (display-type (obj <string>))
(if (read-only-string? 'obj)
(display "a read-only string")
(display-class <string> "a string"))
(display ".\n"))
;;; Procedures
(define-method (display-object (obj <procedure>))
;; FIXME: VM programs, ...
;; Primitive procedure. Let's lookup the dictionary.
(and-let* ((entry (lookup-procedure obj)))
(let ((name (entry-property entry 'name))
(print-arg (lambda (arg)
(display " ")
(display (string-upcase (symbol->string arg))))))
(display "(")
(display name)
(and-let* ((args (entry-property entry 'args)))
(for-each print-arg args))
(and-let* ((opts (entry-property entry 'opts)))
(display " &optional")
(for-each print-arg opts))
(and-let* ((rest (entry-property entry 'rest)))
(display " &rest")
(print-arg rest))
(display ")"))))))
(define-method (display-summary (obj <procedure>))
(display "Procedure: ")
(display-object obj)
(display " ")
(display-description obj))
(define-method (display-type (obj <procedure>))
((and (thunk? obj) (not (procedure-name obj))) (display "a thunk"))
((procedure-with-setter? obj)
(display-class <procedure-with-setter> "a procedure with setter"))
(else (display-class <procedure> "a procedure")))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-location (obj <procedure>))
(and-let* ((entry (lookup-procedure obj)))
(display-file (entry-file entry))))
(define-method (display-documentation (obj <procedure>))
(cond ((or (procedure-documentation obj)
(and=> (lookup-procedure obj) entry-text))
=> format-documentation)
(else (next-method))))
;;; Classes
(define-method (describe-object (obj <class>))
(display-type obj)
(display-location obj)
(display-documentation obj)
(display-value obj))
(define-method (display-summary (obj <class>))
(display "Class: ")
(display-class obj)
(display " ")
(display-description obj))
(define-method (display-type (obj <class>))
(display-class <class> "a class")
(if (not (eq? (class-of obj) <class>))
(begin (display " of ") (display-class (class-of obj))))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-value (obj <class>))
(display-list "Class precedence list" (class-precedence-list obj))
(display-list "Direct superclasses" (class-direct-supers obj))
(display-list "Direct subclasses" (class-direct-subclasses obj))
(display-slot-list "Direct slots" #f (class-direct-slots obj))
(display-list "Direct methods" (class-direct-methods obj)))
;;; Instances
(define-method (display-type (obj <object>))
(display-class <object> "an instance")
(display " of class ")
(display-class (class-of obj))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-value (obj <object>))
(display-slot-list #f obj (class-slots (class-of obj))))
;;; Generic functions
(define-method (display-type (obj <generic>))
(display-class <generic> "a generic function")
(display " of class ")
(display-class (class-of obj))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-value (obj <generic>))
(display-list #f (generic-function-methods obj)))
;;; Methods
(define-method (display-object (obj <method>))
(display "(")
(let ((gf (method-generic-function obj)))
(display (if gf (generic-function-name gf) "#<anonymous>")))
(let loop ((args (method-specializers obj)))
((null? args))
((pair? args)
(display " ")
(display-class (car args))
(loop (cdr args)))
(else (display " . ") (display-class args))))
(display ")"))
(define-method (display-summary (obj <method>))
(display "Method: ")
(display-object obj)
(display " ")
(display-description obj))
(define-method (display-type (obj <method>))
(display-class <method> "a method")
(display " of class ")
(display-class (class-of obj))
(display ".\n"))
(define-method (display-documentation (obj <method>))
(let ((doc (procedure-documentation (method-procedure obj))))
(if doc (format-documentation doc) (next-method))))