;;; Guile VM program functions
;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2010, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;; Code:
(define-module (system vm program)
#:use-module (system base pmatch)
#:use-module (system vm instruction)
#:use-module (system vm objcode)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:export (make-program
make-binding binding:name binding:boxed? binding:index
binding:start binding:end
source:addr source:line source:column source:file
program-sources program-sources-pre-retire program-source
program-bindings program-bindings-by-index program-bindings-for-ip
program-arities program-arity arity:start arity:end
arity:nreq arity:nopt arity:rest? arity:kw arity:allow-other-keys?
program-arguments-alist program-lambda-list
program-objcode program? program-objects
program-module program-base
program-free-variable-ref program-free-variable-set!))
(load-extension (string-append "libguile-" (effective-version))
(define (make-binding name boxed? index start end)
(list name boxed? index start end))
(define (binding:name b) (list-ref b 0))
(define (binding:boxed? b) (list-ref b 1))
(define (binding:index b) (list-ref b 2))
(define (binding:start b) (list-ref b 3))
(define (binding:end b) (list-ref b 4))
(define (source:addr source)
(car source))
(define (source:file source)
(cadr source))
(define (source:line source)
(caddr source))
(define (source:column source)
(cdddr source))
;; Lines are zero-indexed inside Guile, but users expect them to be
;; one-indexed. Columns, on the other hand, are zero-indexed to both. Go
;; figure.
(define (source:line-for-user source)
(1+ (source:line source)))
;; FIXME: pull this definition from elsewhere.
(define *bytecode-header-len* 8)
;; We could decompile the program to get this, but that seems like a
;; waste.
(define (bytecode-instruction-length bytecode ip)
(let* ((idx (+ ip *bytecode-header-len*))
(inst (opcode->instruction (bytevector-u8-ref bytecode idx))))
;; 1+ for the instruction itself.
(1+ (cond
((eq? inst 'load-program)
(+ (bytevector-u32-native-ref bytecode (+ idx 1))
(bytevector-u32-native-ref bytecode (+ idx 5))))
((< (instruction-length inst) 0)
;; variable length instruction -- the length is encoded in the
;; instruction stream.
(+ (ash (bytevector-u8-ref bytecode (+ idx 1)) 16)
(ash (bytevector-u8-ref bytecode (+ idx 2)) 8)
(bytevector-u8-ref bytecode (+ idx 3))))
;; fixed length
(instruction-length inst))))))
;; Source information could in theory be correlated with the ip of the
;; instruction, or the ip just after the instruction is retired. Guile
;; does the latter, to make backtraces easy -- an error produced while
;; running an opcode always happens after it has retired its arguments.
;; But for breakpoints and such, we need the ip before the instruction
;; is retired -- before it has had a chance to do anything. So here we
;; change from the post-retire addresses given by program-sources to
;; pre-retire addresses.
(define (program-sources-pre-retire proc)
(let ((bv (objcode->bytecode (program-objcode proc))))
(let lp ((in (program-sources proc))
(out '())
(ip 0))
((null? in)
(reverse out))
(pmatch (car in)
((,post-ip . ,source)
(let lp2 ((ip ip)
(next ip))
(if (< next post-ip)
(lp2 next (+ next (bytecode-instruction-length bv next)))
(lp (cdr in)
(acons ip source out)
(error "unexpected"))))))))
(define (collapse-locals locs)
(let lp ((ret '()) (locs locs))
(if (null? locs)
(map cdr (sort! ret
(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
(let ((b (car locs)))
((assv-ref ret (binding:index b))
=> (lambda (bindings)
(append! bindings (list b))
(lp ret (cdr locs))))
(lp (acons (binding:index b) (list b) ret)
(cdr locs))))))))
;; returns list of list of bindings
;; (list-ref ret N) == bindings bound to the Nth local slot
(define (program-bindings-by-index prog)
(cond ((program-bindings prog) => collapse-locals)
(else '())))
(define (program-bindings-for-ip prog ip)
(let lp ((in (program-bindings-by-index prog)) (out '()))
(if (null? in)
(reverse out)
(lp (cdr in)
(let inner ((binds (car in)))
(cond ((null? binds) out)
((<= (binding:start (car binds))
(binding:end (car binds)))
(cons (car binds) out))
(else (inner (cdr binds)))))))))
(define (arity:start a)
(pmatch a ((,start ,end . _) start) (else (error "bad arity" a))))
(define (arity:end a)
(pmatch a ((,start ,end . _) end) (else (error "bad arity" a))))
(define (arity:nreq a)
(pmatch a ((_ _ ,nreq . _) nreq) (else 0)))
(define (arity:nopt a)
(pmatch a ((_ _ ,nreq ,nopt . _) nopt) (else 0)))
(define (arity:rest? a)
(pmatch a ((_ _ ,nreq ,nopt ,rest? . _) rest?) (else #f)))
(define (arity:kw a)
(pmatch a ((_ _ ,nreq ,nopt ,rest? (_ . ,kw)) kw) (else '())))
(define (arity:allow-other-keys? a)
(pmatch a ((_ _ ,nreq ,nopt ,rest? (,aok . ,kw)) aok) (else #f)))
(define (program-arity prog ip)
(let ((arities (program-arities prog)))
(and arities
(let lp ((arities arities))
(cond ((null? arities) #f)
((not ip) (car arities)) ; take the first one
((and (< (arity:start (car arities)) ip)
(<= ip (arity:end (car arities))))
(car arities))
(else (lp (cdr arities))))))))
(define (arglist->arguments-alist arglist)
(pmatch arglist
((,req ,opt ,keyword ,allow-other-keys? ,rest . ,extents)
`((required . ,req)
(optional . ,opt)
(keyword . ,keyword)
(allow-other-keys? . ,allow-other-keys?)
(rest . ,rest)
(extents . ,extents)))
(else #f)))
(define* (arity->arguments-alist prog arity
(lambda (i) (string->symbol "_"))))
(define var-by-index
(let ((rbinds (map (lambda (x)
(cons (binding:index x) (binding:name x)))
(program-bindings-for-ip prog
(arity:start arity)))))
(lambda (i)
(or (assv-ref rbinds i)
;; if we don't know the name, return a placeholder
(make-placeholder i)))))
(let lp ((nreq (arity:nreq arity)) (req '())
(nopt (arity:nopt arity)) (opt '())
(rest? (arity:rest? arity)) (rest #f)
(n 0))
((< 0 nreq)
(lp (1- nreq) (cons (var-by-index n) req)
nopt opt rest? rest (1+ n)))
((< 0 nopt)
(lp nreq req
(1- nopt) (cons (var-by-index n) opt)
rest? rest (1+ n)))
(lp nreq req nopt opt
#f (var-by-index (+ n (length (arity:kw arity))))
(1+ n)))
`((required . ,(reverse req))
(optional . ,(reverse opt))
(keyword . ,(arity:kw arity))
(allow-other-keys? . ,(arity:allow-other-keys? arity))
(rest . ,rest))))))
;; the name "program-arguments" is taken by features.c...
(define* (program-arguments-alist prog #:optional ip)
"Returns the signature of the given procedure in the form of an association list."
(let ((arity (program-arity prog ip)))
(and arity
(arity->arguments-alist prog arity))))
(define* (program-lambda-list prog #:optional ip)
"Returns the signature of the given procedure in the form of an argument list."
(and=> (program-arguments-alist prog ip) arguments-alist->lambda-list))
(define (arguments-alist->lambda-list arguments-alist)
(let ((req (or (assq-ref arguments-alist 'required) '()))
(opt (or (assq-ref arguments-alist 'optional) '()))
(key (map keyword->symbol
(map car (or (assq-ref arguments-alist 'keyword) '()))))
(rest (or (assq-ref arguments-alist 'rest) '())))
,@(if (pair? opt) (cons #:optional opt) '())
,@(if (pair? key) (cons #:key key) '())
. ,rest)))
(define (program-free-variables prog)
"Return the list of free variables of PROG."
(let ((count (program-num-free-variables prog)))
(unfold (lambda (i) (>= i count))
(cut program-free-variable-ref prog <>)
(define (write-program prog port)
(format port "#<procedure ~a~a>"
(or (procedure-name prog)
(and=> (program-source prog 0)
(lambda (s)
(format #f "~a at ~a:~a:~a"
(number->string (object-address prog) 16)
(or (source:file s)
(if s "<current input>" "<unknown port>"))
(source:line-for-user s) (source:column s))))
(number->string (object-address prog) 16))
(let ((arities (program-arities prog)))
(if (or (not arities) (null? arities))
" " (string-join (map (lambda (a)
(arity->arguments-alist prog a))))
" | "))))))