shell bypass 403
package Array::Diff;
$Array::Diff::VERSION = '0.09';
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
use Algorithm::Diff 1.19;
eval q{ use Algorithm::Diff::XS; };
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/added deleted count diff_class/);
=head1 NAME
Array::Diff - Find the differences between two arrays
my @old = ( 'a', 'b', 'c' );
my @new = ( 'b', 'c', 'd' );
my $diff = Array::Diff->diff( \@old, \@new );
$diff->count # 2
$diff->added # [ 'd' ];
$diff->deleted # [ 'a' ];
This module compares two B<pre-sorted> arrays
and returns the added or deleted elements in two separate arrays.
It's a simple wrapper around L<Algorithm::Diff>.
B<Note>: the arrays must be sorted before you call C<diff>.
And if you need more complex array tools, check L<Array::Compare>.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new ()
Create a new C<Array::Diff> object.
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{diff_class} ||= $INC{'Algorithm/Diff/'} ? 'Algorithm::Diff::XS' : 'Algorithm::Diff';
=item diff ( OLD, NEW )
Compute the differences between two arrays. The results are stored
in the C<added>, C<deleted>, and C<count> properties that may be
examined using the corresponding methods.
This method may be invoked as an object method, in which case it will
recalculate the differences and repopulate the C<count>, C<added>, and
C<removed> properties, or as a static method, in which case it will
return a newly-created C<Array::Diff> object with the properties
set appropriately.
sub diff {
my ( $self, $old, $new ) = @_;
$self = $self->new unless ref $self;
$self->added( [] );
$self->deleted( [] );
$self->count( 0 );
my $diff = $self->diff_class->new( $old, $new );
while ( $diff->Next ) {
next if $diff->Same;
my @deleted = $diff->Items(1);
my @added = $diff->Items(2);
$self->{count} += @added + @deleted;
push @{$self->{deleted}}, @deleted if @deleted;
push @{$self->{added}}, @added if @added;
=item added ( [VALUES ] )
Get or set the elements present in the C<NEW> array and absent in
the C<OLD> one at the comparison performed by the last C<diff()>
=item deleted ( [VALUES] )
Get or set the elements present in the C<OLD> array and absent in
the C<NEW> one at the comparison performed by the last C<diff()>
=item count ( [VALUE] )
Get or set the total number of added or deleted elements at
the comparison performed by the last C<diff()> invocation.
This count should be equal to the sum of the number of elements in
the C<added> and C<deleted> properties.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Array::Compare> - performs the same function as this module,
but has options for controlling how it works.
L<List::Compare> - similar functionality, but again with more options.
L<Algorithm::Diff> - the underlying implementation of the diff algorithm.
If you've got L<Algorithm::Diff::XS> installed, that will be used.
L<YAML::Diff> - find difference between two YAML documents.
L<HTML::Differences> - find difference between two HTML documents.
This uses a more sane approach than L<HTML::Diff>.
L<XML::Diff> - find difference between two XML documents.
L<Hash::Diff> - find the differences between two Perl hashes.
L<Data::Diff> - find difference between two arbitrary data structures.
L<Text::Diff> - can find difference between two inputs, which can be
data structures or file names.
=head1 AUTHOR
Daisuke Murase <>
Copyright (c) 2009 by Daisuke Murase.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.