shell bypass 403
# $Id:,v 1.25 2003/04/15 14:46:14 dclinton Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 DeWitt Clinton All Rights Reserved
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
package Cache::BaseCache;
use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA );
use Cache::Cache qw( $EXPIRES_NEVER $EXPIRES_NOW );
use Cache::CacheUtils qw( Assert_Defined Clone_Data );
use Cache::Object;
use Error;
@ISA = qw( Cache::Cache );
my $DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "Default";
# namespace that stores the keys used for the auto purge functionality
# map of expiration formats to their respective time in seconds
my %_Expiration_Units = ( map(($_, 1), qw(s second seconds sec)),
map(($_, 60), qw(m minute minutes min)),
map(($_, 60*60), qw(h hour hours)),
map(($_, 60*60*24), qw(d day days)),
map(($_, 60*60*24*7), qw(w week weeks)),
map(($_, 60*60*24*30), qw(M month months)),
map(($_, 60*60*24*365), qw(y year years)) );
# Takes the time the object was created, the default_expires_in and
# optionally the explicitly set expires_in and returns the time the
# object will expire. Calls _canonicalize_expiration to convert
# strings like "5m" into second values.
sub Build_Expires_At
my ( $p_created_at, $p_default_expires_in, $p_explicit_expires_in ) = @_;
my $expires_in = defined $p_explicit_expires_in ?
$p_explicit_expires_in : $p_default_expires_in;
return Sum_Expiration_Time( $p_created_at, $expires_in );
# Return a Cache::Object object
sub Build_Object
my ( $p_key, $p_data, $p_default_expires_in, $p_expires_in ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_key );
Assert_Defined( $p_default_expires_in );
my $now = time( );
my $object = new Cache::Object( );
$object->set_key( $p_key );
$object->set_data( $p_data );
$object->set_created_at( $now );
$object->set_accessed_at( $now );
$object->set_expires_at( Build_Expires_At( $now,
$p_expires_in ) );
return $object;
# Compare the expires_at to the current time to determine whether or
# not an object has expired (the time parameter is optional)
sub Object_Has_Expired
my ( $p_object, $p_time ) = @_;
if ( not defined $p_object )
return 1;
$p_time = $p_time || time( );
if ( $p_object->get_expires_at( ) eq $EXPIRES_NOW )
return 1;
elsif ( $p_object->get_expires_at( ) eq $EXPIRES_NEVER )
return 0;
elsif ( $p_time >= $p_object->get_expires_at( ) )
return 1;
return 0;
# Returns the sum of the base created_at time (in seconds since the epoch)
# and the canonical form of the expires_at string
sub Sum_Expiration_Time
my ( $p_created_at, $p_expires_in ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_created_at );
Assert_Defined( $p_expires_in );
if ( $p_expires_in eq $EXPIRES_NEVER )
return $p_created_at + Canonicalize_Expiration_Time( $p_expires_in );
# turn a string in the form "[number] [unit]" into an explicit number
# of seconds from the present. E.g, "10 minutes" returns "600"
sub Canonicalize_Expiration_Time
my ( $p_expires_in ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_expires_in );
my $secs;
if ( uc( $p_expires_in ) eq uc( $EXPIRES_NOW ) )
$secs = 0;
elsif ( uc( $p_expires_in ) eq uc( $EXPIRES_NEVER ) )
throw Error::Simple( "Internal error. expires_in eq $EXPIRES_NEVER" );
elsif ( $p_expires_in =~ /^\s*([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d*))\s*$/ )
$secs = $p_expires_in;
elsif ( $p_expires_in =~ /^\s*([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d*))\s*(\w*)\s*$/
and exists( $_Expiration_Units{ $2 } ))
$secs = ( $_Expiration_Units{ $2 } ) * $1;
throw Error::Simple( "invalid expiration time '$p_expires_in'" );
return $secs;
sub clear
my ( $self ) = @_;
$self->_get_backend( )->delete_namespace( $self->get_namespace( ) );
sub get
my ( $self, $p_key ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_key );
$self->_conditionally_auto_purge_on_get( ) unless
$self->get_namespace( ) eq $AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE;
my $object = $self->get_object( $p_key ) or
return undef;
if ( Object_Has_Expired( $object ) )
$self->remove( $p_key );
return undef;
return $object->get_data( );
sub get_keys
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->_get_backend( )->get_keys( $self->get_namespace( ) );
sub get_identifiers
my ( $self ) = @_;
warn( "get_identifiers has been marked deprepricated. use get_keys" );
return $self->get_keys( );
sub get_object
my ( $self, $p_key ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_key );
my $object =
$self->_get_backend( )->restore( $self->get_namespace( ), $p_key ) or
return undef;
$object->set_size( $self->_get_backend( )->
get_size( $self->get_namespace( ), $p_key ) );
$object->set_key( $p_key );
return $object;
sub purge
my ( $self ) = @_;
foreach my $key ( $self->get_keys( ) )
$self->get( $key );
sub remove
my ( $self, $p_key ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_key );
$self->_get_backend( )->delete_key( $self->get_namespace( ), $p_key );
sub set
my ( $self, $p_key, $p_data, $p_expires_in ) = @_;
Assert_Defined( $p_key );
$self->_conditionally_auto_purge_on_set( );
$self->set_object( $p_key,
Build_Object( $p_key,
$self->get_default_expires_in( ),
$p_expires_in ) );
sub set_object
my ( $self, $p_key, $p_object ) = @_;
my $object = Clone_Data( $p_object );
$object->set_size( undef );
$object->set_key( undef );
$self->_get_backend( )->store( $self->get_namespace( ), $p_key, $object );
sub size
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $size = 0;
foreach my $key ( $self->get_keys( ) )
$size += $self->_get_backend( )->get_size( $self->get_namespace( ), $key );
return $size;
sub get_namespaces
my ( $self ) = @_;
return grep {!/$AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE/} $self->_get_backend( )->get_namespaces( );
sub _new
my ( $proto, $p_options_hash_ref ) = @_;
my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
$self->_initialize_base_cache( $p_options_hash_ref );
return $self;
sub _complete_initialization
my ( $self ) = @_;
$self->_initialize_auto_purge_interval( );
sub _initialize_base_cache
my ( $self, $p_options_hash_ref ) = @_;
$self->_initialize_options_hash_ref( $p_options_hash_ref );
$self->_initialize_namespace( );
$self->_initialize_default_expires_in( );
$self->_initialize_auto_purge_on_set( );
$self->_initialize_auto_purge_on_get( );
sub _initialize_options_hash_ref
my ( $self, $p_options_hash_ref ) = @_;
$self->_set_options_hash_ref( defined $p_options_hash_ref ?
$p_options_hash_ref :
{ } );
sub _initialize_namespace
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $namespace = $self->_read_option( 'namespace', $DEFAULT_NAMESPACE );
$self->set_namespace( $namespace );
sub _initialize_default_expires_in
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $default_expires_in =
$self->_read_option( 'default_expires_in', $DEFAULT_EXPIRES_IN );
$self->_set_default_expires_in( $default_expires_in );
sub _initialize_auto_purge_interval
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $auto_purge_interval = $self->_read_option( 'auto_purge_interval' );
if ( defined $auto_purge_interval )
$self->set_auto_purge_interval( $auto_purge_interval );
$self->_auto_purge( );
sub _initialize_auto_purge_on_set
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $auto_purge_on_set =
$self->_read_option( 'auto_purge_on_set', $DEFAULT_AUTO_PURGE_ON_SET );
$self->set_auto_purge_on_set( $auto_purge_on_set );
sub _initialize_auto_purge_on_get
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $auto_purge_on_get =
$self->_read_option( 'auto_purge_on_get', $DEFAULT_AUTO_PURGE_ON_GET );
$self->set_auto_purge_on_get( $auto_purge_on_get );
# _read_option looks for an option named 'option_name' in the
# option_hash associated with this instance. If it is not found, then
# 'default_value' will be returned instead
sub _read_option
my ( $self, $p_option_name, $p_default_value ) = @_;
my $options_hash_ref = $self->_get_options_hash_ref( );
if ( defined $options_hash_ref->{ $p_option_name } )
return $options_hash_ref->{ $p_option_name };
return $p_default_value;
# this method checks to see if the auto_purge property is set for a
# particular cache. If it is, then it switches the cache to the
# $AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE and stores that value under the name of the
# current cache namespace
sub _reset_auto_purge_interval
my ( $self ) = @_;
return if not $self->_should_auto_purge( );
my $real_namespace = $self->get_namespace( );
$self->set_namespace( $AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE );
if ( not defined $self->get( $real_namespace ) )
$self->_insert_auto_purge_object( $real_namespace );
$self->set_namespace( $real_namespace );
sub _should_auto_purge
my ( $self ) = @_;
return ( defined $self->get_auto_purge_interval( ) &&
$self->get_auto_purge_interval( ) ne $EXPIRES_NEVER );
sub _insert_auto_purge_object
my ( $self, $p_real_namespace ) = @_;
my $object = Build_Object( $p_real_namespace,
$self->get_auto_purge_interval( ),
undef );
$self->set_object( $p_real_namespace, $object );
# this method checks to see if the auto_purge property is set, and if
# it is, switches to the $AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE and sees if a value
# exists at the location specified by a key named for the current
# namespace. If that key doesn't exist, then the purge method is
# called on the cache
sub _auto_purge
my ( $self ) = @_;
if ( $self->_needs_auto_purge( ) )
$self->purge( );
$self->_reset_auto_purge_interval( );
sub _get_auto_purge_object
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $real_namespace = $self->get_namespace( );
$self->set_namespace( $AUTO_PURGE_NAMESPACE );
my $auto_purge_object = $self->get_object( $real_namespace );
$self->set_namespace( $real_namespace );
return $auto_purge_object;
sub _needs_auto_purge
my ( $self ) = @_;
return ( $self->_should_auto_purge( ) &&
Object_Has_Expired( $self->_get_auto_purge_object( ) ) );
# call auto_purge if the auto_purge_on_set option is true
sub _conditionally_auto_purge_on_set
my ( $self ) = @_;
if ( $self->get_auto_purge_on_set( ) )
$self->_auto_purge( );
# call auto_purge if the auto_purge_on_get option is true
sub _conditionally_auto_purge_on_get
my ( $self ) = @_;
if ( $self->get_auto_purge_on_get( ) )
$self->_auto_purge( );
sub _get_options_hash_ref
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Options_Hash_Ref};
sub _set_options_hash_ref
my ( $self, $options_hash_ref ) = @_;
$self->{_Options_Hash_Ref} = $options_hash_ref;
sub get_namespace
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Namespace};
sub set_namespace
my ( $self, $namespace ) = @_;
$self->{_Namespace} = $namespace;
sub get_default_expires_in
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Default_Expires_In};
sub _set_default_expires_in
my ( $self, $default_expires_in ) = @_;
$self->{_Default_Expires_In} = $default_expires_in;
sub get_auto_purge_interval
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Auto_Purge_Interval};
sub set_auto_purge_interval
my ( $self, $auto_purge_interval ) = @_;
$self->{_Auto_Purge_Interval} = $auto_purge_interval;
$self->_reset_auto_purge_interval( );
sub get_auto_purge_on_set
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Auto_Purge_On_Set};
sub set_auto_purge_on_set
my ( $self, $auto_purge_on_set ) = @_;
$self->{_Auto_Purge_On_Set} = $auto_purge_on_set;
sub get_auto_purge_on_get
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{_Auto_Purge_On_Get};
sub set_auto_purge_on_get
my ( $self, $auto_purge_on_get ) = @_;
$self->{_Auto_Purge_On_Get} = $auto_purge_on_get;
sub _get_backend
my ( $self ) = @_;
return $self->{ _Backend };
sub _set_backend
my ( $self, $p_backend ) = @_;
$self->{ _Backend } = $p_backend;
=head1 NAME
Cache::BaseCache -- abstract cache base class
BaseCache provides functionality common to all instances of a cache.
It differs from the CacheUtils package insofar as it is designed to
be used as superclass for cache implementations.
Cache::BaseCache is to be used as a superclass for cache
implementations. The most effective way to use BaseCache is to use
the protected _set_backend method, which will be used to retrieve the
persistence mechanism. The subclass can then inherit the BaseCache's
implementation of get, set, etc. However, due to the difficulty
inheriting static methods in Perl, the subclass will likely need to
explicitly implement Clear, Purge, and Size. Also, a factory pattern
should be used to invoke the _complete_initialization routine after
the object is constructed.
package Cache::MyCache;
use vars qw( @ISA );
use Cache::BaseCache;
use Cache::MyBackend;
@ISA = qw( Cache::BaseCache );
sub new
my ( $self ) = _new( @_ );
$self->_complete_initialization( );
return $self;
sub _new
my ( $proto, $p_options_hash_ref ) = @_;
my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::_new( $p_options_hash_ref );
$self->_set_backend( new Cache::MyBackend( ) );
return $self;
sub Clear
foreach my $namespace ( _Namespaces( ) )
_Get_Backend( )->delete_namespace( $namespace );
sub Purge
foreach my $namespace ( _Namespaces( ) )
_Get_Cache( $namespace )->purge( );
sub Size
my $size = 0;
foreach my $namespace ( _Namespaces( ) )
$size += _Get_Cache( $namespace )->size( );
return $size;
=head1 SEE ALSO
Cache::Cache, Cache::FileCache, Cache::MemoryCache
=head1 AUTHOR
Original author: DeWitt Clinton <>
Last author: $Author: dclinton $
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 DeWitt Clinton