shell bypass 403
package Cache::LRU;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008_001;
use Scalar::Util qw();
our $VERSION = '0.04';
sub GC_FACTOR () { 10 }
sub new {
my ($klass, %args) = @_;
return bless {
size => 1024,
_entries => {}, # $key => $weak_valueref
_fifo => [], # fifo queue of [ $key, $valueref ]
}, $klass;
sub set {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
my $entries = $self->{_entries};
if (my $old_value_ref = $entries->{$key}) {
$$old_value_ref = undef;
# register
my $value_ref = \$value;
Scalar::Util::weaken($entries->{$key} = $value_ref);
$self->_update_fifo($key, $value_ref);
# expire the oldest entry if full
while (scalar(keys %$entries) > $self->{size}) {
my $exp_key = shift(@{$self->{_fifo}})->[0];
delete $entries->{$exp_key}
unless $entries->{$exp_key};
sub remove {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $value_ref = delete $self->{_entries}->{$key};
return undef unless $value_ref;
my $value = $$value_ref;
$$value_ref = undef;
sub get {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $value_ref = $self->{_entries}->{$key};
return undef unless $value_ref;
$self->_update_fifo($key, $value_ref);
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_entries} = {};
$self->{_fifo} = [];
sub _update_fifo {
# precondition: $self->{_entries} should contain given key
my ($self, $key, $value_ref) = @_;
my $fifo = $self->{_fifo};
push @$fifo, [ $key, $value_ref ];
if (@$fifo >= $self->{size} * GC_FACTOR) {
my $entries = $self->{_entries};
my @new_fifo;
my %need = map { $_ => 1 } keys %$entries;
while (%need) {
my $fifo_entry = pop @$fifo;
unshift @new_fifo, $fifo_entry
if delete $need{$fifo_entry->[0]};
$self->{_fifo} = \@new_fifo;
=head1 NAME
Cache::LRU - a simple, fast implementation of LRU cache in pure perl
use Cache::LRU;
my $cache = Cache::LRU->new(
size => $max_num_of_entries,
$cache->set($key => $value);
$value = $cache->get($key);
$removed_value = $cache->remove($key);
Cache::LRU is a simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache in pure perl.
=head2 Cache::LRU->new(size => $max_num_of_entries)
Creates a new cache object. Takes a hash as the only argument. The only parameter currently recognized is the C<size> parameter that specifies the maximum number of entries to be stored within the cache object.
=head2 $cache->get($key)
Returns the cached object if exists, or undef otherwise.
=head2 $cache->set($key => $value)
Stores the given key-value pair.
=head2 $cache->remove($key)
Removes data associated to the given key and returns the old value, if any.
=head2 $cache->clear($key)
Removes all entries from the cache.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kazuho Oku
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See <>