shell bypass 403
# #
# File: Config/Generator/ #
# #
# Description: Config::Generator file support #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Generator::File;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.1";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.21 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Dir qw(dir_ensure dir_parent);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use No::Worries::File qw(file_read file_write);
use No::Worries::Log qw(log_debug);
use No::Worries::Proc qw(proc_run);
use No::Worries::Stat qw(ST_MODE ST_UID ST_GID);
use No::Worries::String qw(string_quantify);
use No::Worries::Warn qw(warnf);
use Params::Validate qw(validate_pos :types);
use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
use Config::Generator qw($NoAction $Verbosity $RootDir);
# global variables
# printing helpers
sub _printf1 (@) { printf(@_) if $Verbosity >= 1 }
sub _printf2 (@) { printf(@_) if $Verbosity >= 2 }
# path absence helper
sub _ensure_absent ($) {
my($path) = @_;
lstat($path) or return;
if (-f _) {
$what = sprintf("file %s", $path);
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have removed %s\n", $what);
} elsif (unlink($path)) {
_printf1("removed %s\n", $what);
} else {
warnf("did not remove %s: %s", $what, $!);
} elsif (-d _) {
$what = sprintf("directory %s", $path);
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have removed %s\n", $what);
} elsif (rmdir($path)) {
_printf1("removed %s\n", $what);
} else {
warnf("did not remove %s: %s", $what, $!);
} else {
warnf("skipped alien file: %s", $path);
# directory parent helper
sub _ensure_parent ($) {
my($path) = @_;
$parent = $path = dir_parent($path);
return if -d $parent;
while (not -d $path) {
last if $_Registered{$path};
last if $path eq $RootDir;
$_Registered{$path} = { type => "parent" };
$path = dir_parent($path);
log_debug("making directory %s", $parent);
# (almost) atomic file write helper
sub _atomic_write ($$) {
my($path, $data) = @_;
my(@stat, $tmpath);
$tmpath = $path . ".tmp";
_unlink($tmpath) if -e $tmpath;
file_write($tmpath, data => $data);
@stat = stat($path);
if (@stat) {
_chmod($stat[ST_MODE] & oct(7777), $tmpath);
_chown($stat[ST_UID], $stat[ST_GID], $tmpath);
rename($tmpath, $path)
or dief("cannot rename(%s, %s): %s", $tmpath, $path, $!);
# file contents helper
sub _ensure_contents ($$) {
my($path, $contents) = @_;
log_debug("checking file %s", $path);
$what = sprintf("file %s", $path);
if (-e $path) {
dief("path exists already and is not a file: %s", $path)
unless -f _;
if (file_read($path) eq $contents) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} else {
command => [ "diff", "-u", $path, "-" ],
stdin => \$contents,
) if $Verbosity;
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have updated %s\n", $what);
} else {
_atomic_write($path, \$contents);
_printf1("updated %s\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have created %s\n", $what);
} else {
_atomic_write($path, \$contents);
_printf1("created %s\n", $what);
# fatal helpers
sub _chmod ($$) {
my($mode, $path) = @_;
chmod($mode, $path)
or dief("cannot chmod(%04o, %s): %s", $mode, $path, $!);
sub _chown ($$$) {
my($uid, $gid, $path) = @_;
chown($uid, $gid, $path)
or dief("cannot chown(%d, %d, %s): %s", $uid, $gid, $path, $!);
sub _symlink ($$) {
my($target, $path) = @_;
symlink($target, $path)
or dief("cannot symlink(%s, %s): %s", $target, $path, $!);
sub _unlink ($) {
my($path) = @_;
or dief("cannot unlink(%s): %s", $path, $!);
# ensure directory existence
my @ensure_directory_options = (
{ type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\// },
sub ensure_directory ($) {
my($path) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_directory_options);
my($rpath, $what);
$rpath = $RootDir . $path;
log_debug("checking directory %s", $rpath);
dief("duplicate directory: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path};
$_Registered{$path} = { type => "directory" };
$what = sprintf("directory %s", $rpath);
if (-d $rpath) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} else {
dief("path exists already and is not a directory: %s", $rpath)
if -e _;
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have created %s\n", $what);
} else {
_printf1("created %s\n", $what);
# ensure file contents
my @ensure_file_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub ensure_file ($$) {
my($path, $contents) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_file_options);
dief("duplicate file: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path};
$_Registered{$path} = { type => "file" };
_ensure_contents($RootDir . $path, $contents);
# ensure symlink target
my @ensure_symlink_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub ensure_symlink ($$) {
my($path, $target) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_symlink_options);
my($rpath, $what, @stat, $actual);
$rpath = $RootDir . $path;
log_debug("checking symlink %s", $rpath);
dief("duplicate symlink: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path};
$_Registered{$path} = { type => "symlink" };
$what = sprintf("symlink %s -> %s", $rpath, $target);
@stat = lstat($rpath);
if (-e _) {
dief("path exists already and is not a symlink: %s", $rpath)
unless -l _;
$actual = readlink($rpath);
dief("cannot readlink(%s): %s", $rpath, $!)
unless defined($actual);
if ($target eq $actual) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have updated %s\n", $what);
} else {
_symlink($target, $rpath);
_printf1("updated %s\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have created %s\n", $what);
} else {
_symlink($target, $rpath);
_printf1("created %s\n", $what);
# ensure file mode
my @ensure_mode_options = (
{ type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\d+$/ },
sub ensure_mode ($$) {
my($path, $mode) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_mode_options);
my($rpath, $what, @stat);
$rpath = $RootDir . $path;
log_debug("checking mode %s", $rpath);
dief("not a registered file or directory: %s", $path)
unless $_Registered{$path}
and $_Registered{$path}{type} =~ /^(file|directory)$/;
dief("duplicate mode: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path}{mode};
$_Registered{$path}{mode} = sprintf("%04o", $mode);
dief("invalid mode: %s", $_Registered{$path}{mode})
unless 0 < $mode and $mode <= oct(7777);
$what = sprintf("the mode of %s: %s", $rpath, $_Registered{$path}{mode});
@stat = stat($rpath);
unless (@stat) {
dief("cannot stat(%s): %s", $rpath, $!)
unless $NoAction and $! == ENOENT;
_printf2("would have checked %s (but it does no exist yet)\n", $what);
if (($stat[ST_MODE] & oct(7777)) == $mode) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} elsif ($> and $_Registered{$path}{type} eq "directory") {
# we should not change a directory mode if we are not root
# (we could shoot ourself in the foot with a read-only directory)
_printf2("would have changed %s (but we are not root)\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have changed %s\n", $what);
} else {
_chmod($mode, $rpath);
_printf1("changed %s\n", $what);
# ensure file user
my @ensure_user_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub ensure_user ($$) {
my($path, $user) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_user_options);
my($rpath, $what, $uid, @stat);
$rpath = $RootDir . $path;
log_debug("checking user %s", $rpath);
dief("not a registered file or directory: %s", $path)
unless $_Registered{$path}
and $_Registered{$path}{type} =~ /^(file|directory)$/;
dief("duplicate user: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path}{user};
$_Registered{$path}{user} = $user;
$what = sprintf("the user of %s: %s", $rpath, $_Registered{$path}{user});
if ($>) {
# we do not change the user if we are not root
# (and we stop immediately since the user may not even exist)
_printf2("would have checked %s (but we are not root)\n", $what);
$uid = getpwnam($user);
dief("unknown user: %s", $user) unless defined($uid);
@stat = stat($rpath);
unless (@stat) {
dief("cannot stat(%s): %s", $rpath, $!)
unless $NoAction and $! == ENOENT;
_printf2("would have checked %s (but it does no exist yet)\n", $what);
if ($stat[ST_UID] == $uid) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have changed %s\n", $what);
} else {
_chown($uid, $stat[ST_GID], $rpath);
_printf1("changed %s\n", $what);
# ensure file group
my @ensure_group_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub ensure_group ($$) {
my($path, $group) = validate_pos(@_, @ensure_group_options);
my($rpath, $what, $gid, @stat);
$rpath = $RootDir . $path;
log_debug("checking group %s", $rpath);
dief("not a registered file or directory: %s", $path)
unless $_Registered{$path}
and $_Registered{$path}{type} =~ /^(file|directory)$/;
dief("duplicate group: %s", $path) if $_Registered{$path}{group};
$_Registered{$path}{group} = $group;
$what = sprintf("the group of %s: %s", $rpath, $_Registered{$path}{group});
if ($>) {
# we do not change the group if we are not root
# (and we stop immediately since the group may not even exist)
_printf2("would have checked %s (but we are not root)\n", $what);
$gid = getgrnam($group);
dief("unknown group: %s", $group) unless defined($gid);
@stat = stat($rpath);
unless (@stat) {
dief("cannot stat(%s): %s", $rpath, $!)
unless $NoAction and $! == ENOENT;
_printf2("would have checked %s (but it does no exist yet)\n", $what);
if ($stat[ST_GID] == $gid) {
_printf2("checked %s\n", $what);
} else {
if ($NoAction) {
_printf1("would have changed %s\n", $what);
} else {
_chown($stat[ST_UID], $gid, $rpath);
_printf1("changed %s\n", $what);
# return the list of registered files (paths only)
sub files_manifest () {
@lines = sort(keys(%_Registered));
return(@lines) if wantarray();
return(join("", map("$_\n", @lines)));
# return the list of registered files (rpm spec %files format)
# note: this assumes an initial "%defattr(-,root,root,-)" line
sub files_spec () {
my(%defattr, @lines, @list, $mode, $user, $group);
%defattr = (
mode => "-",
user => "root",
group => "root",
foreach my $path (sort(keys(%_Registered))) {
@list = ();
$mode = $_Registered{$path}{mode} || $defattr{mode};
$user = $_Registered{$path}{user} || $defattr{user};
$group = $_Registered{$path}{group} || $defattr{group};
push(@list, "%attr($mode, $user, $group)")
if $mode ne $defattr{mode}
or $user ne $defattr{user}
or $group ne $defattr{group};
push(@list, "%dir") if $_Registered{$path}{type} eq "directory";
push(@list, $path);
push(@lines, "@list");
return(@lines) if wantarray();
return(join("", map("$_\n", @lines)));
# handle a manifest file
my @handle_manifest_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
{ type => BOOLEAN },
sub handle_manifest ($$) {
my($manifest, $clean) = validate_pos(@_, @handle_manifest_options);
my($keep, %tokeep, %toclean, @list);
if ($clean) {
if (-e $manifest) {
# we keep from the old manifest registered files and their parents
foreach my $path (keys(%_Registered)) {
$keep = $path;
while ($keep ne "/") {
$keep = dir_parent($keep);
log_debug("loading manifest %s...", $manifest);
foreach my $path (split(/\n/, file_read($manifest))) {
$_Registered{$path} = { type => "parent" }
if $tokeep{$path} and not $_Registered{$path};
$toclean{$path}++ unless $tokeep{$path};
@list = sort({ length($b) <=> length($a) } keys(%toclean));
log_debug("found %s to clean", string_quantify(scalar(@list), "path"));
foreach my $path (@list) {
_ensure_absent($RootDir . $path);
_ensure_contents($manifest, scalar(files_manifest()));
# handle a spec file
my @handle_spec_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub handle_spec ($) {
my($spec) = validate_pos(@_, @handle_spec_options);
_ensure_contents($spec, scalar(files_spec()));
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
qw(directory file symlink mode user group));
grep($exported{"files_${_}"}++, qw(manifest spec));
grep($exported{"handle_${_}"}++, qw(manifest spec));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
Config::Generator::File - Config::Generator file support
This module eases the manipulation of files, directories and symbolic links.
The goal is to perform B<all> the file related operations through this module
so that there is a consistent handling of the L<Config::Generator> variables:
C<$NoAction>, C<$RootDir> and C<$Verbosity>.
In addition, rpm compatible spec files snippets can be generated and the
B<yacg> command can use a "manifest" file to record which files it did
create. This is required in order to be able to "clean out the junk", see
B<yacg>'s B<--clean> option.
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item ensure_directory(PATH)
make sure the given PATH is a directory
=item ensure_file(PATH, CONTENTS)
make sure the given PATH is a file with the given CONTENTS
=item ensure_symlink(PATH, TARGET)
make sure the given PATH is a symbolic link with the given TARGET
=item ensure_mode(PATH, MODE)
make sure the given PATH has the given numerical MODE
=item ensure_user(PATH, USER)
make sure the given PATH is owned by the given USER
=item ensure_group(PATH, GROUP)
make sure the given PATH is owned by the given GROUP
=item files_manifest()
return the list of all the files that have been manipulated by this module
=item files_spec()
return the list of all the files that have been manipulated by this module, in
a format compatible with rpm's spec %files
=item handle_manifest(PATH, CLEAN)
write the list of all the files that have been manipulated by this module in a
"manifest" file at the given PATH; if CLEAN is true, also remove all the files
and directories that were in the previous manifest and are not present anymore
=item handle_spec(PATH)
write the list of all the files that have been manipulated by this module in a
"spec" file at the given PATH
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016