shell bypass 403
# #
# File: Config/Generator/ #
# #
# Description: Config::Generator template support #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Generator::Template;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.1";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.17 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Config::Validator qw(is_true is_false);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use No::Worries::File qw(file_read);
use Params::Validate qw(validate_pos :types);
use Config::Generator qw(%Config $HomeDir @IncPath);
use Config::Generator::Schema qw(*);
# constants
use constant OPEN_TOKEN => "<{";
use constant CLOSE_TOKEN => "}>";
# global variables
our(%_RE, %_Registered);
$_RE{ALNUM} = "[a-zA-Z0-9]+";
$_RE{NAME} = "(?:$_RE{ALNUM}\[\\-\\_\\.\])*$_RE{ALNUM}";
$_RE{PATH} = "/?(?:$_RE{NAME}/)*$_RE{NAME}";
$_RE{TOKEN} = quotemeta(OPEN_TOKEN) . "|" . quotemeta(CLOSE_TOKEN);
# tokenize a string
sub _tokenize ($) {
my($string) = @_;
my($state, @list);
$state = 1;
foreach my $token (split(/($_RE{TOKEN})/o, $string)) {
if ($state == 1) {
if ($token eq OPEN_TOKEN) {
$state = 2;
} elsif ($token eq CLOSE_TOKEN) {
dief("unexpected %s: not after a %s", CLOSE_TOKEN, OPEN_TOKEN);
} else {
push(@list, $token);
} elsif ($state == 2) {
if ($token eq OPEN_TOKEN or $token eq CLOSE_TOKEN) {
dief("unexpected %s: after a %s", $token, OPEN_TOKEN);
} elsif ($token =~ /^($_RE{PATH})$/o) {
push(@list, [ "", $1 ]);
$state = 3;
} elsif ($token =~ /^($_RE{NAME})\(\)$/o) {
push(@list, [ $1 ]);
$state = 3;
} elsif ($token =~ /^($_RE{NAME})\(($_RE{PATH})\)$/o) {
push(@list, [ $1, $2 ]);
$state = 3;
} else {
dief("invalid syntax: %s%s", OPEN_TOKEN, $token);
} elsif ($state == 3) {
if ($token eq CLOSE_TOKEN) {
$state = 1;
} else {
dief("unexpected %s: after a %s", $token, OPEN_TOKEN);
} else {
dief("unexpected state: %s", $state);
# lookup a path in a list of hashes
sub _lookup ($@) {
my($path, @list) = @_;
my(@names, $name);
@names = grep(length($_), split(/\//, $path));
while (@names > 1) {
$name = shift(@names);
@list = grep(ref($_) eq "HASH", map($_->{$name}, @list));
return() unless @list;
$name = shift(@names);
@list = grep(defined($_) && ref($_) eq "", map($_->{$name}, @list));
return() unless @list;
# locate an ending conditional token
sub _locate ($$) {
my($name, $list) = @_;
$index = 0;
foreach my $token (@{ $list }) {
if ref($token) and $token->[0] eq "endif" and $token->[1] eq $name;
dief("no matching %sendif(%s)%s found", OPEN_TOKEN, $name, CLOSE_TOKEN);
# process a template string (private)
sub _process ($@);
sub _process ($@) {
my($string, @hashes) = @_;
my($result, @list, $token, $value, $index, $match);
$result = "";
@list = _tokenize($string);
while (@list) {
$token = shift(@list);
unless (ref($token)) {
$result .= $token;
unless (defined($token->[1])) {
if ($token->[0] eq "open") {
$result .= OPEN_TOKEN;
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "close") {
$result .= CLOSE_TOKEN;
} else {
dief("unexpected operator: %s", $token->[0]);
$value = _lookup($token->[1], @hashes);
if ($token->[0] =~ /^(if|ifnot|if_(true|false))?$/) {
# these macros need an existing path...
dief("unknown path: %s", $token->[1]) unless defined($value);
if ($token->[0] eq "") {
$result .= _process($value, @hashes);
if ($token->[0] eq "endif") {
dief("unexpected %sendif(%s)%s",
OPEN_TOKEN, $token->[1], CLOSE_TOKEN);
$index = _locate($token->[1], \@list);
if ($token->[0] eq "if") {
$match = $value;
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "ifnot") {
$match = not $value;
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "if_true") {
$match = is_true($value);
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "if_false") {
$match = is_false($value);
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "ifdef") {
$match = defined($value);
} elsif ($token->[0] eq "ifndef") {
$match = not defined($value);
} else {
dief("unexpected operator: %s", $token->[0]);
if ($match) {
splice(@list, $index, 1);
} else {
splice(@list, 0, $index + 1);
# declare one or more template names
sub declare_template (@) {
my(@names) = validate_pos(@_, ({ type => SCALAR }) x (@_ || 1));
foreach my $name (@names) {
dief("duplicate template declared: %s", $name)
if $_Registered{$name};
$_Registered{$name} = OPT_STRING;
# expand a template (given its name)
sub expand_template ($%) {
my($name, %hash) = @_;
return(_process(read_template($name), \%hash, \%Config));
# process a template string (public)
my @process_template_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub process_template ($@) {
my($string, @hashes) = validate_pos(@_, @process_template_options,
({ type => HASHREF }) x (@_ - 1),
return(_process($string, @hashes));
# read a template file (given its name)
sub read_template ($) {
my($name) = @_;
my($path, $contents);
$name = $Config{Template}{$name} || "$name.tpl";
if ($name =~ /\n/) {
# inline
$contents = $name;
} else {
# from file
foreach my $inc (@IncPath, "$HomeDir/tpl") {
next unless -e "$inc/$name";
$path = "$inc/$name";
dief("missing template file: %s", $name) unless $path;
$contents = file_read($path);
# remove trailing spaces and make it is newline terminated (unless empty)
$contents =~ s/\s*$/\n/s if length($contents);
# define the Template schema
register_schema("/Template", { type => "struct", fields => \%_Registered });
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{"${_}_template"}++, qw(declare expand process read));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
Config::Generator::Template - Config::Generator template support
This module eases configuration file generation by providing template support.
A template is a file with markup. Given a high-level configuration, the
template can be processed and transformed into a low-level configuration file.
=head1 SYNTAX
The template commands are enclosed within "<{" and "}>". If I<PATH> represents
a path in the high-level configuration:
=item * "<{PATH}>" will be replaced by the value of I<PATH>
=item * "<{open()}>" will be replaced by "<{"
=item * "<{close()}>" will be replaced by "}>"
=item * "<{if(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" will be replaced by "xxx" if PATH is
true or "" otherwise (this is done using Perl's conditional testing)
=item * "<{ifnot(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" is the same as "if()" but negated
=item * "<{if_true(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" is the same as "if()" but tested
using L<Config::Validator>'s is_true()
=item * "<{if_false(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" is the same as "if()" but
tested using L<Config::Validator>'s is_false()
=item * "<{ifdef(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" will be replaced by "xxx" if PATH
is defined (i.e. set) or "" otherwise
=item * "<{ifndef(PATH)}>xxx<{endif(PATH)}>" is the same as "ifdef()" but
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item declare_template(NAME...)
declare one or more template names so that they can be customized using the
C</Template> schema
=item expand_template(NAME[, HASH])
read and process the named template, using the given hash as well as the
high-level configuration
=item process_template(TEMPLATE, HASH...)
process the given template string using the given hashes
=item read_template(NAME)
return the contents of the named template (unprocessed)
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016