shell bypass 403
# #
# File: Config/Generator/ #
# #
# Description: miscellaneous utilities for Config::Generator #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Generator::Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.1";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.13 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use Params::Validate qw(validate_pos :types);
# constants
use constant KB => 1024;
use constant MB => 1024 * KB;
use constant GB => 1024 * MB;
# format a profile file (shell exports)
sub format_profile (@) {
my(@list) = validate_pos(@_, ({ type => SCALAR }) x (@_ || 2));
my($name, $value, $contents);
dief("invalid invocation!") if @list % 2;
$contents = "";
while (@list) {
$name = shift(@list);
$value = shift(@list);
if ($name eq "#") {
if (length($value)) {
$contents .= "# $value\n";
} else {
$contents .= "#\n";
} else {
$contents .= "export $name=\"$value\"\n";
# return a list of things (handy with Config::General's list representation)
my @list_of_options = (
{ type => UNDEF | SCALAR | ARRAYREF },
sub list_of ($) {
my($list) = validate_pos(@_, @list_of_options);
return() unless defined($list);
return($list) unless ref($list) eq "ARRAY";
return(@{ $list });
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{$_}++, qw(KB MB GB format_profile list_of));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
Config::Generator::Util - miscellaneous utilities for Config::Generator
This module provides miscellaneous utilities for Config::Generator.
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item format_profile(NAME => VALUE, ...)
return a string representing the given shell profile (i.e. key/value pairs);
this is useful to create a configuration file with shell syntax; the key can
also be "#" to represent a comment
=item list_of(SOMETHING)
return a list of things depending on what has been given (undef, an array
reference or a scalar); this is very useful with L<Config::General>'s list
This module provides the following constants (none of them being exported by
default) with obvious values: C<KB>, C<MB> and C<GB>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016