shell bypass 403
package Convert::Base32;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Carp qw( );
use Exporter qw( );
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT );
$VERSION = '0.06';
push @ISA, 'Exporter';
@EXPORT = qw( encode_base32 decode_base32 );
my @syms = ( 'a'..'z', '2'..'7' );
my %bits2char;
my @char2bits;
for (0..$#syms) {
my $sym = $syms[$_];
my $bin = sprintf('%05b', $_);
$char2bits[ ord lc $sym ] = $bin;
$char2bits[ ord uc $sym ] = $bin;
do {
$bits2char{$bin} = $sym;
} while $bin =~ s/(.+)0\z/$1/s;
sub encode_base32_pre58($) {
length($_[0]) == bytes::length($_[0])
or Carp::croak('Data contains non-bytes');
my $str = unpack('B*', $_[0]);
if (length($str) < 8*1024) {
return join '', @bits2char{ $str =~ /.{1,5}/g };
} else {
# Slower, but uses less memory
$str =~ s/(.{5})/$bits2char{$1}/sg;
return $str;
sub encode_base32_perl58($) {
$_[0] =~ tr/\x00-\xFF//c
and Carp::croak('Data contains non-bytes');
my $str = unpack('B*', $_[0]);
if (length($str) < 8*1024) {
return join '', @bits2char{ unpack '(a5)*', $str };
} else {
# Slower, but uses less memory
$str =~ s/(.{5})/$bits2char{$1}/sg;
return $str;
sub decode_base32_pre58($) {
( length($_[0]) != bytes::length($_[0]) || $_[0] =~ tr/a-zA-Z2-7//c )
and Carp::croak('Data contains non-base32 characters');
my $str;
if (length($_[0]) < 8*1024) {
$str = join '', @char2bits[ unpack 'C*', $_[0] ];
} else {
# Slower, but uses less memory
($str = $_[0]) =~ s/(.)/$char2bits[ord($1)]/sg;
my $padding = length($str) % 8;
$padding < 5
or Carp::croak('Length of data invalid');
$str =~ s/0{$padding}\z//
or Carp::croak('Padding bits at the end of output buffer are not all zero');
return pack('B*', $str);
sub decode_base32_perl58($) {
$_[0] =~ tr/a-zA-Z2-7//c
and Carp::croak('Data contains non-base32 characters');
my $str;
if (length($_[0]) < 8*1024) {
$str = join '', @char2bits[ unpack 'C*', $_[0] ];
} else {
# Slower, but uses less memory
($str = $_[0]) =~ s/(.)/$char2bits[ord($1)]/sg;
my $padding = length($str) % 8;
$padding < 5
or Carp::croak('Length of data invalid');
$str =~ s/0{$padding}\z//
or Carp::croak('Padding bits at the end of output buffer are not all zero');
return pack('B*', $str);
if ($] lt '5.800000') {
require bytes;
*encode_base32 = \&encode_base32_pre58;
*decode_base32 = \&decode_base32_pre58;
} else {
*encode_base32 = \&encode_base32_perl58;
*decode_base32 = \&decode_base32_perl58;
=head1 NAME
Convert::Base32 - Encoding and decoding of base32 strings
use Convert::Base32;
$encoded = encode_base32("\x3a\x27\x0f\x93");
$decoded = decode_base32($encoded);
This module provides functions to convert string from / to Base32
encoding, specified in RACE internet-draft. The Base32 encoding is
designed to encode non-ASCII characters in DNS-compatible host name
See for more details.
Following functions are provided; like C<MIME::Base64>, they are in
B<@EXPORT> array. See L<Exporter> for details.
=over 4
=item encode_base32($str)
Encode data by calling the encode_base32() function. This function
takes a string of bytes to encode and returns the encoded base32 string.
=item decode_base32($str)
Decode a base32 string by calling the decode_base32() function. This
function takes a string to decode and returns the decoded string.
This function might throw the exceptions such as "Data contains
non-base32 characters", "Length of data invalid" and "Padding
bits at the end of output buffer are not all zero".
decode_base32 differs from the specification in that upper case
letters are treated as their lower case equivalent rather than
producing an error.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>
Eric Brine <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO, L<MIME::Base64>, L<Convert::RACE>.