shell bypass 403
# Copyright (c) 2011-2015 T.v.Dein <tlinden |AT|>.
# Licensed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0
# see:
package Crypt::PWSafe3::Record;
use Carp::Heavy;
use Carp;
use Exporter ();
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %map2name %map2type);
my %map2type = %Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2type;
my %map2name = %Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2name;
$Crypt::PWSafe3::Record::VERSION = '1.10';
foreach my $field (keys %map2type ) {
eval qq(
*Crypt::PWSafe3::Record::$field = sub {
my(\$this, \$arg) = \@_;
if (\$arg) {
return \$this->modifyfield("$field", \$arg);
else {
return \$this->{field}->{$field}->{value};
sub new {
# new record object
my($this, %param) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = \%param;
bless($self, $class);
$self->{field} = ();
# just in case this is a record to be filled by the user,
# initialize it properly
my $newuuid = $self->genuuid();
my $time = time;
name => 'uuid',
raw => $newuuid,
name => 'ctime',
value => $time,
name => 'mtime',
value => $time
name => 'lastmod',
value => $time
name => 'passwd',
value => ''
name => 'user',
value => ''
name => 'title',
value => ''
name => 'notes',
value => ''
name => 'group',
value => ''
return $self;
sub modifyfield {
# add or modify a record field
my($this, $name, $value) = @_;
if (exists $map2type{$name}) {
my $type = $map2type{$name};
my $field = Crypt::PWSafe3::Field->new(
type => $type,
value => $value
my $time = time;
# we are in fact just overwriting an eventually
# existing field with a new one, instead of modifying
# it, so we are using the conversion automatism in
# Field::new()
# mark the field as modified if it's passwd field
name => 'mtime',
value => $time
)) if $name eq 'passwd';
name => "lastmod",
value => $time
my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, @ignore) = caller(1);
# this looks a little bit weird but it's a cool feat.
# 'super' contains the vault object (of class Crypt::PWSafe3),
# which initially called our new() method, so we know to which
# vault we belong.
# therefore, if the user just calls $record->passwd('newpw'),
# then we can update the record directly on the vault object,
# so that the user doesn't have to call modifyrecord. this is
# especially usefull inside a loop.
# also note, that the 'super' parameter to Crypt::PWSafe3::Record::new()
# is not documented, so it's an internal parameter not to be used
# by users. however, maybe in the future it would be useful to
# have it populated so that if a user has a function which takes a
# record as parameter, then in this function he could access the
# vault as well. maybe.
# Thu May 21 10:04:15 CEST 2015 tlinden\
if (exists $this->{super} &&
"${package}::${subroutine}" !~ /Crypt::PWSafe3::modifyrecord$/ &&
"${package}::${subroutine}" !~ /Crypt::PWSafe3::newrecord$/ &&
"${package}::${subroutine}" !~ /Crypt::PWSafe3::Record::modifyfield$/
) {
# we've been called from the outside (the user in fact) and
# we're attached to a vault, so update ourselfes there as well
$this->{super}->modifyrecord($this->uuid, $name, $value);
return $field;
else {
croak "Unknown field $name";
sub genuuid {
# generate a v4 uuid string
my($this) = @_;
my $ug = Data::UUID->new();
my $uuid = $ug->create();
return $uuid;
sub addfield {
# add a field to the record
my ($this, $field) = @_;
my $name = $map2name{$field->type};
unless( defined($name) ) {
$name = $field->type; # consistent with Field->new
$this->{field}->{ $name } = $field;
sub policy {
# return or set a password policy
my ($this, $policy) = @_;
if($policy) {
$this->{policy} = $policy;
else {
$this->{policy} = Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy->new(raw => $this->pwpol);
return $this->{policy};
=head1 NAME
Crypt::PWSafe3::Record - Represents a Passwordsafe v3 data record
use Crypt::PWSafe3;
my $record = $vault->getrecord($uuid);
print $record->notes;
B<Crypt::PWSafe3::Record> represents a Passwordsafe v3 data record.
Each record consists of a number of fields of type B<Crypt::PWSafe3::Field>.
The class provides get/set methods to access the values of those
It is also possible to access the raw unencoded values of the fields
by accessing them directly, refer to L<Crypt::PWSafe3::Field> for more
details on this.
If the record object has been created by L<Crypt::PWSafe3> (and fetched with
Crypt::PWSafe3::getrecord), then it's still associated with the L<Crypt::PWSafe3>
parent object. Changes to the record will therefore automatically populated
back into the parent object (the vault). This is not the case if you created
the record object yourself.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 B<uuid([string])>
Returns the UUID without argument. Sets the UUID if an argument
is given. Must be a hex representation of an L<Data::UUID> object.
This will be generated automatically for new records, so you
normally don't have to cope with.
=head2 B<user([string])>
Returns the username without argument. Sets the username
if an argument is given.
=head2 B<title([string])>
Returns the title without argument. Sets the title
if an argument is given.
=head2 B<passwd([string])>
Returns the password without argument. Sets the password
if an argument is given.
=head2 B<notes([string])>
Returns the notes without argument. Sets the notes
if an argument is given.
=head2 B<group([string])>
Returns the group without argument. Sets the group
if an argument is given.
Group hierarchy can be done by separating subgroups
by dot, eg:
=head2 B<ctime([time_t])>
Returns the creation time without argument. Sets the creation time
if an argument is given. Argument must be an integer timestamp
as returned by L<time()>.
This will be generated automatically for new records, so you
normally don't have to cope with.
=head2 B<atime([time_t])>
Returns the access time without argument. Sets the access time
if an argument is given. Argument must be an integer timestamp
as returned by L<time()>.
B<Crypt::PWSafe3> doesn't update the atime field currently. So if
you mind, do it yourself.
=head2 B<mtime([time_t])>
Returns the modification time of the passwd field without argument. Sets the modification time
if an argument is given. Argument must be an integer timestamp
as returned by L<time()>.
This will be generated automatically for modified records if the passwd field changed, so you
normally don't have to cope with.
=head2 B<lastmod([string])>
Returns the modification time without argument. Sets the modification time
if an argument is given. Argument must be an integer timestamp
as returned by L<time()>.
This will be generated automatically for modified records, so you
normally don't have to cope with.
=head2 B<url([string])>
Returns the url without argument. Sets the url
if an argument is given. The url must be in the well
known notation as:
=head2 B<pwhist([string])>
Returns the password history without argument. Sets the password history
if an argument is given.
B<Crypt::PWSafe3> doesn't update the pwhist field currently. So if
you mind, do it yourself. Refer to L<Crypt::PWSafe3::Databaseformat>
for more details.
=head2 B<pwpol([string])>
Returns the password policy without argument. Sets the password policy
if an argument is given.
This is the raw encoded policy string. If you want to access it, use the
B<policy()> method, see below.
=head2 B<policy([Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy object])>
If called without arguments, returns a Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy
object. See L<Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy> for details, how to access
To modify the password policy, create new Crypt::PWSafe3::PasswordPolicy
object or modify the existing one and pass it as argument to the
B<policy> method.
=head2 B<pwexp([string])>
Returns the password expire time without argument. Sets the password expire time
if an argument is given.
B<Crypt::PWSafe3> doesn't update the pwexp field currently. So if
you mind, do it yourself. Refer to L<Crypt::PWSafe3::Databaseformat>
for more details.
B<Crypt::PWSafe3::Record> creates the following fields automatically
on creation, because those fields are mandatory:
B<uuid> will be generated using L<Data::UUID>.
B<user, password, title> will be set to the empty string.
B<ctime, atime, mtime, lastmod> will be set to current
time of creation time.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
T.v.Dein <>
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 by T.v.Dein <>.
All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms of the Artistic
License 2.0, see: L<>