shell bypass 403
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Curses::UI::Calendar
# (c) 2001-2002 by Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of Curses::UI. Curses::UI is free software.
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
# as perl itself.
# Currently maintained by Marcus Thiesen
# e-mail:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#TODO: fix dox
package Curses::UI::Calendar;
use strict;
use Curses;
use Curses::UI::Common;
use Curses::UI::Widget;
use vars qw(
$VERSION = '1.10';
@ISA = qw(
my @days = ();
my @months = ();
my %routines = (
'loose-focus' => \&loose_focus,
'date-select' => \&date_select,
'date-selected' => \&date_selected,
'date-nextday' => \&date_nextday,
'date-prevday' => \&date_prevday,
'date-nextweek' => \&date_nextweek,
'date-prevweek' => \&date_prevweek,
'date-nextmonth' => \&date_nextmonth,
'date-prevmonth' => \&date_prevmonth,
'date-nextyear' => \&date_nextyear,
'date-prevyear' => \&date_prevyear,
'date-today' => \&date_today,
'mouse-button' => \&mouse_button,
my %bindings = (
CUI_TAB() => 'loose-focus',
KEY_BTAB() => 'loose-focus',
KEY_LEFT() => 'date-prevday',
"h" => 'date-prevday',
KEY_RIGHT() => 'date-nextday',
"l" => 'date-nextday',
KEY_DOWN() => 'date-nextweek',
"j" => 'date-nextweek',
KEY_UP() => 'date-prevweek',
"k" => 'date-prevweek',
KEY_NPAGE() => 'date-nextmonth',
"J", => 'date-nextmonth',
KEY_PPAGE() => 'date-prevmonth',
"K", => 'date-prevmonth',
"L", => 'date-nextyear',
"H", => 'date-prevyear',
"n", => 'date-nextyear',
"p", => 'date-prevyear',
KEY_HOME() => 'date-selected',
"\cA" => 'date-selected',
"c" => 'date-selected',
"t" => 'date-today',
KEY_ENTER() => 'date-select',
CUI_SPACE() => 'date-select',
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub new ()
my $class = shift;
my %userargs = @_;
my %args = (
-date => undef, # The date to start width
-width => 0, # Widget will fix width itself
-height => 0, # Widget will fix height itself
-onchange => undef, # Event handler
-fg => -1,
-bg => -1,
-drawline => 1, # Draw a line under the widget?
-routines => {%routines},
-bindings => {%bindings},
-ipadleft => 1,
-ipadright => 1,
-ipadbottom => 0,
-ipadtop => 0,
-focus => 0,
-nocursor => 1,
# The widget width should be at least 20.
my $min_width = width_by_windowscrwidth(20, %args);
$args{-width} = $min_width if $args{-width} != -1
and $args{-width} < $min_width;
# The widget height should be at least 11.
my $min_height = height_by_windowscrheight(11, %args);
$args{-height} = $min_height if $args{-height} != -1
and $args{-height} < $min_height;
my $this = $class->SUPER::new( %args );
# Split up and fix the date.
$this->setdate($this->{-date}, 1);
# Set cursor to current date.
$this->{-cyear} = $this->{-year};
$this->{-cmonth} = $this->{-month};
$this->{-cday} = $this->{-day};
# Load day- and monthnames.
@days = $this->root->lang->getarray('days_short');
@months = (undef, $this->root->lang->getarray('months'));
if ($Curses::UI::ncurses_mouse) {
'mouse-button', BUTTON1_CLICKED(), BUTTON3_CLICKED());
return $this;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Methods
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub onChange(;$) { shift()->set_event('-onchange', shift()) }
sub day($;) { shift()->accessor('-day', shift()) }
sub month($;) { shift()->accessor('-month', shift()) }
sub year($;) { shift()->accessor('-year', shift()) }
sub layout()
my $this = shift;
$this->SUPER::layout() or return;
return $this;
sub setdate($;$)
my $this = shift;
my $date = shift;
my $nodraw = shift || 0;
if (not defined $date)
$this->{-year} = undef;
$this->{-month} = undef;
$this->{-day} = undef;
elsif ($date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d+)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/)
$this->{-year} = $1;
$this->{-month} = $2;
$this->{-day} = $3;
elsif ($date =~ /^(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d\d\d\d+)$/)
$this->{-year} = $3;
$this->{-month} = $2;
$this->{-day} = $1;
elsif ($date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d+)\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})$/)
$this->{-year} = $1;
$this->{-month} = $2;
$this->{-day} = $3;
$this->intellidraw unless $nodraw;
return $this;
sub make_sane_date()
my $this = shift;
my $cursor = shift;
my $c = $cursor ? 'c' : '';
# Determine 'today'.
my @now = localtime(); $now[4]++; $now[5]+=1900;
# Use today's values if undefined.
$this->{"-${c}day"} = $now[3]
unless defined $this->{"-${c}day"};
$this->{"-${c}month"} = $now[4]
unless defined $this->{"-${c}month"};
$this->{"-${c}year"} = $now[5]
unless defined $this->{"-${c}year"};
if ($this->{"-${c}year"} < 0) { $this->{"-${c}year"} = 0 }
if ($this->{"-${c}year"} > 9999) { $this->{"-${c}year"} = 9999 }
if ($this->{"-${c}month"} < 1) { $this->{"-${c}month"} = 1 }
if ($this->{"-${c}month"} > 12) { $this->{"-${c}month"} = 12 }
my $days = days_in_month($this->{"-${c}year"}, $this->{"-${c}month"});
if ($this->{"-${c}day"} < 1) { $this->{"-${c}day"} = 1 }
if ($this->{"-${c}day"} > $days) { $this->{"-${c}day"} = $days }
# undef value?
if ($this->{"-${c}year"} == 1752 and $this->{"-${c}month"} == 9) {
if ($this->{"-${c}day"} > 2 and $this->{"-${c}day"} < 14) {
$this->{"-${c}day"} = ($this->{"-${c}day"} > 8 ? 14 : 2);
return $this;
sub draw(;$)
my $this = shift;
my $no_doupdate = shift || 0;
# Draw the widget
$this->SUPER::draw(1) or return $this;
# Let there be color
if ($Curses::UI::color_support) {
my $co = $Curses::UI::color_object;
my $pair = $co->get_color_pair(
# Bold font on if the widget has focus and the selected
# date is the active date.
if $this->{-focus} and
$this->{-cyear} == $this->{-year} and
$this->{-cmonth} == $this->{-month} and
$this->{-cday} == $this->{-day};
# Draw day, month and year. If the widget has focus,
# show the cursor position. Else show the selected position.
my $c = $this->{-focus} ? 'c' : '';
$this->{-canvasscr}->addstr(0,0," "x$this->canvaswidth);
$this->{-canvasscr}->addstr(0,0, $months[$this->{"-${c}month"}]
. " " . $this->{"-${c}day"});
# Draw daynames
$this->{-canvasscr}->attron(A_BOLD) if $this->{-focus};
$this->{-canvasscr}->addstr(2,0,join " ", @days);
# Reset bold font attribute.
$this->{-canvasscr}->attroff(A_BOLD) if $this->{-focus};
# Draw a line under the date.
if ($this->{-drawline}) {
# Create the list of days in the current month.
my @month = build_month($this->{"-${c}year"}, $this->{"-${c}month"});
# Draw the days.
my $month = $this->{"-${c}month"};
my $year = $this->{"-${c}year"};
my $y = 4;
my $weekday = 0;
foreach my $day (@month)
unless (defined $day) {
# Make current date bold.
if $this->{-day} == $day and
$this->{-month} == $month and
$this->{-year} == $year;
# Make selected date inverse if widget has focus.
if $this->{-focus} and
$this->{-cday} == $day and
$this->{-cmonth} == $month and
$this->{-cyear} == $year;
# Draw the day.
$this->{-canvasscr}->addstr($y, $weekday*3, sprintf("%2d",$day));
# Reset attributes.
if ($weekday == 7) {
$weekday = 0;
# Move the cursor to the bottomright corner of the widget
# (in case the terminal does not support widget hiding).
$this->{-canvasscr}->move($this->canvasheight-1, $this->canvaswidth-1);
doupdate() unless $no_doupdate;
return $this;
sub date_selected()
my $this = shift;
$this->{-cyear} = $this->{-year};
$this->{-cmonth} = $this->{-month};
$this->{-cday} = $this->{-day};
return $this;
sub date_today()
my $this = shift;
$this->{-cmonth} = undef;
$this->{-cday} = undef;
$this->{-cyear} = undef;
return $this;
sub date_prevyear()
my $this = shift;
$this->{-cyear} = 0 if $this->{-cyear} < 0;
return $this;
sub date_nextyear()
my $this = shift;
$this->{-cyear} = 9999 if $this->{-cyear} > 9999;
return $this;
sub date_prevmonth()
my $this = shift;
if ($this->{-cmonth} < 1 and $this->{-cyear} > 0) {
$this->{-cmonth} = 12;
return $this;
sub date_nextmonth()
my $this = shift;
if ($this->{-cmonth} > 12 and $this->{-cyear} < 9999) {
$this->{-cmonth} = 1;
return $this;
sub date_delta_days($;)
my $this = shift;
my $delta = shift;
if ($delta < 0)
my $startday = $this->{-cday};
$this->{-cday} += $delta;
if ($this->{-cday} < 1)
if ( ($this->{-cmonth} >= 1 and $this->{-cyear} >= 1) or
($this->{-cmonth} >= 2 and $this->{-cyear} >= 0) )
my $days = days_in_month($this->{-cyear}, $this->{-cmonth});
$this->{-cday} = $startday + $delta + $days;
} else {
my $days = days_in_month($this->{-cyear}, $this->{-cmonth});
my $newday = $this->{-cday} + $delta - $days;
$this->{-cday} += $delta;
if ($this->{-cday} > $days and
$this->{-cyear} < 9999)
$this->{-cday} = $newday;
if ($this->{-cyear} == 1752 and $this->{-cmonth} == 9) {
if ($this->{-cday} > 2 and $this->{-cday} < 14) {
$this->{-cday} = ($delta > 0 ? 14 : 2);
sub date_prevweek()
my $this = shift;
return $this;
sub date_nextweek()
my $this = shift;
return $this;
sub date_prevday()
my $this = shift;
return $this;
sub date_nextday()
my $this = shift;
return $this;
sub date_select()
my $this = shift;
$this->{-day} = $this->{-cday};
$this->{-month} = $this->{-cmonth};
$this->{-year} = $this->{-cyear};
return $this;
sub mouse_button($$$$;)
my $this = shift;
my $event = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
# Click in the day area?
if ($y > 3 and $y < 10)
my @month = build_month($this->{-cyear}, $this->{-cmonth});
my $weekday = 0;
my $ty = 4;
foreach my $day (@month)
unless (defined $day) { $weekday++; next }
my ($dx, $dy) = ($weekday*3, $ty);
if ($x >= $dx and $x < $dx+2 and $y == $dy) {
$this->{-cday} = $day;
if ($weekday == 7) {
$weekday = 0;
# Click on the year?
elsif ($y == 0 and
$x > ($this->canvaswidth-5) and
$x < $this->canvaswidth)
# Select year
if ( $event->{-bstate} == BUTTON3_CLICKED() ) {
} else {
# Click on the month?
elsif ( $y == 0 and
$x >= 0 and
$x < length($months[$this->{-cmonth}]) )
if ( $event->{-bstate} == BUTTON3_CLICKED() ) {
} else {
return $this;
sub get()
my $this = shift;
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",
$this->{-year}, $this->{-month}, $this->{-day});
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date calculation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my @days_in_month = (undef,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
sub is_julian ($$;)
my ($year, $month) = @_;
return $year < 1752 or ($year == 1752 and $month <= 9);
sub day_of_week($$$;)
my $year = shift;
my $month = shift;
my $day = shift;
my $a = int( (14 - $month)/12 );
my $y = $year - $a;
my $m = $month + (12 * $a) - 2;
my $day_of_week;
if (is_julian($year, $month))
$day_of_week = (
+ $day
+ $y + int($y/4)
+ int(31*$m/12)
) % 7;
} else {
$day_of_week = (
+ $y + int($y/4)
- int($y/100)
+ int($y/400)
+ int(31*$m/12)
) % 7;
return $day_of_week;
sub days_in_month($$;)
my $year = shift;
my $month = shift;
if($month == 2 and is_leap_year($year)) {
return 29;
} else {
return $days_in_month[$month];
sub is_leap_year($;)
my $year = shift;
if (is_julian($year,1)) {
return 1 if $year % 4 == 0;
} else {
return 1 if ($year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 != 0)
or $year % 400 == 0;
return 0;
sub build_month ($$;)
my $year = shift;
my $month = shift;
my $first_weekday = day_of_week($year, $month, 1);
my $number_of_days = days_in_month($year, $month);
if ($year == 1752 and $month == 9) {
$number_of_days = 19;
my @month = ();
for (1..$first_weekday) {
push @month, undef;
my $realday = 1;
for( my $day = 1; $day <= $number_of_days; $day++ )
push @month, $realday;
if ($year == 1752 and $month == 9 and $realday == 2) {
$realday = 13;
return @month;
=head1 NAME
Curses::UI::Calendar - Create and manipulate calendar widgets
use Curses::UI;
my $cui = new Curses::UI;
my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window');
my $calendar = $win->add(
'mycalendar', 'Calendar',
-date => '2002-1-14'
my $date = $calendar->get();
Curses::UI::Calendar is a widget that can be used to create
a calendar in which the user can select a date. The calendar
widget looks like this:
| mmm dd yyyy |
| su mo tu we th fr sa |
| |
| 01 02 03 04 05 |
| 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 |
| 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
| 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 |
| 27 28 29 30 31 |
See exampes/demo-Curses::UI::Calendar in the distribution
for a short demo.
B<-parent>, B<-x>, B<-y>, B<-width>, B<-height>,
B<-pad>, B<-padleft>, B<-padright>, B<-padtop>, B<-padbottom>,
B<-ipad>, B<-ipadleft>, B<-ipadright>, B<-ipadtop>, B<-ipadbottom>,
B<-title>, B<-titlefullwidth>, B<-titlereverse>, B<-onfocus>,
For an explanation of these standard options, see
B<Remark>: B<-width> and B<-height> can be set, but this widget
really want to have its content space at a minimum size. If your
B<-width> or B<-height> is not large enough, the widget will
automatically fix its value.
=over 4
=item * B<-date> < DATE >
This option sets the date to start with.
If you do not specify a date, today's
date will be used automatically. The format that
you can use for this date is one of:
* B<YYYY-M-D> (e.g. 2002-1-10 or 2002-01-10)
* B<YYYY/M/D> (e.g. 2002/1/10 or 2002/01/10))
* B<YYYYMMDD> (e.g. 20020110)
* B<D-M-YYYY> (e.g. 10-1-2002 or 10/01/2002)
* B<D/M/YYYY> (e.g. 10/1/2002 or 10/01/2002)
=item * B<-onchange> < CODEREF >
This sets the onChange event handler for the calendar widget.
If a new date is selected, the code in CODEREF will be executed.
It will get the widget reference as its argument.
=item * B<-drawline> < CODEREF >
This option specifies whether or not a line should be drawn under
the calendar.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item * B<new> ( OPTIONS )
=item * B<layout> ( )
=item * B<draw> ( BOOLEAN )
=item * B<focus> ( )
=item * B<onFocus> ( CODEREF )
=item * B<onBlur> ( CODEREF )
=item * B<intellidraw> ( )
These are standard methods. See L<Curses::UI::Widget|Curses::UI::Widget>
for an explanation of these.
=item * B<get> ( )
This method will return the currently selected date in the
format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
=item * B<setdate> ( DATE, [BOOLEAN] )
Set the selected date of the widget to DATE. See B<-date> above for
the possible formats. The widget will redraw itself, unless BOOLEAN
has a true value.
=item * B<onChange> ( CODEREF )
This method can be used to set the B<-onchange> event handler
(see above) after initialization of the calendar.
=over 4
=item * <B<tab>>
Call the 'loose-focus' routine. This will have the menubar
loose its focus and return the value 'LOOSE_FOCUS' to
the calling routine.
=item * <B<enter>>, <B<space>>
Call the 'date-select' routine. This will select the date on
which the cursor is.
=item * <B<cursor-left>>, <B<h>>
Call the 'date-prevday' routine. This will have the date
cursor go back one day.
=item * <B<cursor-right>, <B<l>>
Call the 'date-nextday' routine. This will have the
date cursor go forward one day.
=item * <B<cursor-down>>, <B<j>>
Call the 'date-nextweek' routine. This will have the
date cursor go forward one week.
=item * <B<cursor-up>>, <B<k>>
Call the 'date-prevweek' routine. This will have the
date cursor go back one week.
=item * <B<page-up>>, <B<SHIFT+K>>
Call the 'date-prevmonth' routine. This will have the
date cursor go back one month.
=item * <B<page-down>>, <B<SHIFT+J>>
Call the 'date-nextmonth' routine. This will have the
date cursor go forward one month.
=item * <B<p>>, <B<SHIFT+H>>
Call the 'date-prevyear' routine. This will have the
date cursor go back one year.
=item * <B<n>>, <B<SHIFT+L>>
Call the 'date-nextyear' routine. This will have the
date cursor go forward one year.
=item * <B<home>>, <B<CTRL+A>>, <B<c>>
Call the 'date-selected' routine. This will have the
date cursor go to the current selected date.
=item * <B<t>>
Call the 'date-today' routine. This will have the date cursor
go to today's date.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
Maintained by Marcus Thiesen (
This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
under the same terms as perl itself.