shell bypass 403
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser
# (C) 2003 by Roberto De Leo based on work
# (c) 2001-2002 by Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of Curses::UI. Curses::UI is free software.
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
# as perl itself.
# Currently maintained by Marcus Thiesen
# e-mail:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
package Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser;
use strict;
use Curses;
use Curses::UI::Window;
use Curses::UI::Common;
use Cwd;
use vars qw(
@ISA = qw(
$VERSION = '1.0';
sub new ()
my $class = shift;
my %userargs = @_;
my %args = (
-title => undef,
-path => undef,
-bg => -1,
-fg => -1,
-border => 1,
-centered => 1,
-titleinverse => 0,
-ipad => 1,
-selected_cache => {},
# Does -path not contain a path? Then use the
# current working directory.
if (not defined $args{-path} or $args{-path} =~ /^\s*$/) {
$args{-path} = cwd;
my $this = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
my $l = $this->root->lang;
# Start at home? Goto the homedirectory of the current user
# if the -path is not defined.
$this->goto_homedirectory unless defined $this->{-path};
my $buttons = $this->add(
'buttons', 'Buttonbox',
-y => -1,
-x => 0,
-width => undef,
-buttonalignment => 'middle',
-buttons => [ 'ok', 'cancel' ],
-bg => $this->{-bg},
-fg => $this->{-fg},
# Let the window in which the buttons are loose focus
# if a button is pressed.
$buttons->set_routine( 'press-button', \&press_button_callback );
my $one_up = $l->get('file_dirup');
my $dirbrowser = $this->add(
'dirbrowser', 'Listbox',
-y => 0,
-border => 1,
-width => $this->canvaswidth - 2,
-padbottom => 6,
-values => [],
-vscrollbar => 1,
-labels => { '..' => ".. ($one_up)" },
-bg => $this->{-bg},
-fg => $this->{-fg},
-bbg => $this->{-bg},
-bfg => $this->{-fg},
$dirbrowser->set_binding('goto-homedirectory', '~');
# Get language specific data.
my $l_path = $l->get('file_path');
my $l_mask = $l->get('file_mask');
my $l_file = $l->get('file_file');
my $l_len = $l->get('file_labelsize');
my $labeloffset = 1;
my $textoffset = $l_len + 2;
'pathlabel', 'Label',
-x => $labeloffset,
-y => $this->canvasheight - 5,
-text => $l_path,
-bg => $this->{-bg},
-fg => $this->{-fg},
'pathvalue', 'Label',
-x => $textoffset,
-y => $this->canvasheight - 5,
-width => $this->canvaswidth - 6,
-text => $this->{-path},
-bg => $this->{-bg},
-fg => $this->{-fg},
my $this = shift;
$this->getobj('buttons')->{-selected} = 1;
return bless $this, $class;
sub layout()
my $this = shift;
my $w = 50;
my $h = 18;
$this->{-width} = $w,
$this->{-height} = $h,
$this->SUPER::layout() or return;
return $this;
sub get_dir()
my $this = shift;
# Get pathvalue, filevalue, dirbrowser and filebrowser objects.
my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue');
my $db = $this->getobj('dirbrowser');
my $path = $pv->text;
# Resolve path.
$path =~ s|/+|/|g;
my @path = split /\//, $path;
my @resolved = ();
foreach my $dir (@path)
if ($dir eq '.') { next }
elsif ($dir eq '..') { pop @resolved if @resolved }
else { push @resolved, $dir }
$path = join "/", @resolved;
# Catch totally bogus paths.
if (not -d $path) { $path = "/" }
my @dirs = ();
unless (opendir D, $path)
my $l = $this->root->lang();
my $error = $l->get('file_err_opendir_pre')
. $path
. $l->get('file_err_opendir_post')
. ":\n$!";
foreach my $f (sort readdir D)
next if $f =~ /^\.$|^\.\.$/;
next if $f =~ /^\./ and not $this->{-show_hidden};
push @dirs, $f if -d "$path/$f";
closedir D;
unshift @dirs, ".." if $path ne '/';
$db->{-ypos} = $this->{-selected_cache}->{$path};
$db->{-ypos} = 0 unless defined $db->{-ypos};
$db->{-selected} = undef;
return $this;
# Set $this->{-path} to the homedirectory of the current user.
sub goto_homedirectory()
my $this = shift;
my @pw = getpwuid($>);
if (@pw) {
if (-d $pw[7]) {
$this->{-path} = $pw[7];
} else {
$this->{-path} = '/';
$this->root->error("Homedirectory $pw[7] not found");
} else {
$this->{-path} = '/';
$this->root->error("Can't find a passwd entry for uid $>");
return $this;
sub select_homedirectory()
my $b = shift; # dir-/filebrowser
my $this = $b->parent;
my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue');
$this->goto_homedirectory or return $b;
return $b;
sub dirselect()
my $db = shift; # dirbrowser
my $this = $db->parent;
my $pv = $this->getobj('pathvalue');
# Find the new path.
my $add = $db->values->[$db->{-ypos}];
my $savepath = $pv->text;
$this->{-selected_cache}->{$savepath} = $db->{-ypos};
# Get the selected directory.
unless ($this->get_dir) {
return $db;
sub maskbox_onchange()
my $maskbox = shift;
my $this = $maskbox->parent;
$this->{-activemask} = $maskbox->get;
return $maskbox;
sub draw(;$)
my $this = shift;
my $no_doupdate = shift || 0;
# Draw Window
$this->SUPER::draw(1) or return $this;
doupdate() unless $no_doupdate;
return $this;
sub get()
my $this = shift;
if ($this->getobj('buttons')->get) {
my $file = $this->getobj('pathvalue')->get;
$file =~ s|/+|/|g;
return $file;
} else {
sub press_button_callback()
my $buttons = shift;
my $this = $buttons->parent;
my $file = $this->get;
my $ok_pressed = $buttons->get;
if ($ok_pressed and $file =~ m|/$|) {
my $l = $this->root->lang;
} else {
=head1 NAME
Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser - Create and manipulate filebrowser dialogs
use Curses::UI;
my $cui = new Curses::UI;
my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window');
# The hard way.
# -------------
my $dialog = $win->add(
'mydialog', 'Dialog::Dirbrowser'
my $file = $dialog->get();
# The easy way (see Curses::UI documentation).
# --------------------------------------------
$file = $cui->filebrowser();
$file = $cui->loadfilebrowser();
$file = $cui->savefilebrowser();
Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser is a dirbrowser dialog.
This type of dialog can be used to select a directory, anywhere
on the filesystem.
See exampes/demo-Curses::UI::Dialog::Dirbrowser in the
distribution for a short demo.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item * B<-title> < TEXT >
Set the title of the dialog window to TEXT.
=item * B<-path> < PATH >
Set the path to start with to PATH. If this path
does not exist, the filebrowser will start in the
=item * B<-show_hidden> < BOOLEAN >
If BOOLEAN has a true value, hidden files (the filename
starts with a dot) will also be shown. By default this
option is set to false.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item * B<new> ( OPTIONS )
=item * B<layout> ( )
=item * B<draw> ( BOOLEAN )
=item * B<focus> ( )
These are standard methods. See L<Curses::UI::Container|Curses::UI::Container>
for an explanation of these.
=item * B<get> ( )
This method will return the complete path to the file that was
selected using the filebrowser. If no file was selected, this
method will return an undefined value.
=over 4
=item * B<escape>
This will invoke the cancel button, so the filebrowser widget
returns without selecting any file.
=item * B<~>
If the directory- or filelistbox of the dialog window has the
focus and the tilde (~) button is pressed, the filebrowser
will chdir to the homedirectory of the current user.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Maurice Makaay. All rights reserved.
Maintained by Marcus Thiesen (
This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
under the same terms as perl itself.