shell bypass 403
package DBD::Mock::dr;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(reduce);
our $imp_data_size = 0;
my @connect_callbacks;
sub connect {
my ( $drh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attributes ) = @_;
if ( $drh->{'mock_connect_fail'} == 1 ) {
$drh->set_err( 1, "Could not connect to mock database" );
$attributes ||= {};
my %driverParameters = _parse_driver_dsn( $dbname );
if ( $dbname && $DBD::Mock::AttributeAliasing ) {
# this is the DB we are mocking
$attributes->{mock_attribute_aliases} =
$attributes->{mock_database_name} = $driverParameters{database};
# holds statement parsing coderefs/objects
$attributes->{mock_parser} = [];
# holds all statements applied to handle until manually cleared
$attributes->{mock_statement_history} = [];
# ability to fake a failed DB connection
$attributes->{mock_can_connect} = 1;
# ability to make other things fail :)
$attributes->{mock_can_prepare} = 1;
$attributes->{mock_can_execute} = 1;
$attributes->{mock_can_fetch} = 1;
my $dbh = DBI::_new_dbh( $drh, { Name => $dbname } )
|| return;
foreach my $callback (@connect_callbacks) {
$callback->( $dbh, $dbname, $user, $auth, $attributes );
return $dbh;
sub FETCH {
my ( $drh, $attr ) = @_;
if ( $attr =~ /^mock_/ ) {
if ( $attr eq 'mock_connect_fail' ) {
return $drh->{'mock_connect_fail'};
elsif ( $attr eq 'mock_data_sources' ) {
unless ( defined $drh->{'mock_data_sources'} ) {
$drh->{'mock_data_sources'} = ['DBI:Mock:'];
return $drh->{'mock_data_sources'};
else {
return $drh->SUPER::FETCH($attr);
else {
return $drh->SUPER::FETCH($attr);
sub STORE {
my ( $drh, $attr, $value ) = @_;
if ( $attr =~ /^mock_/ ) {
if ( $attr eq 'mock_connect_fail' ) {
return $drh->{'mock_connect_fail'} = $value ? 1 : 0;
elsif ( $attr eq 'mock_data_sources' ) {
if ( ref($value) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
$drh->set_err( 1,
"You must pass an array ref of data sources" );
return $drh->{'mock_data_sources'} = $value;
elsif ( $attr eq 'mock_add_data_sources' ) {
return push @{ $drh->{'mock_data_sources'} } => $value;
else {
return $drh->SUPER::STORE( $attr, $value );
sub data_sources {
my $drh = shift;
map { (/^DBI\:Mock\:/i) ? $_ : "DBI:Mock:$_" }
@{ $drh->FETCH('mock_data_sources') };
# Necessary to support DBI < 1.34
# from CPAN RT bug #7057
sub disconnect_all {
# no-op
sub DESTROY { undef }
sub set_connect_callbacks {
@connect_callbacks = map { die "connect callbacks needs to be a reference to a function " unless ref $_ eq "CODE"; $_ } @_;
sub add_connect_callbacks {
push @connect_callbacks, map { die "connect callbacks needs to be a reference to a function " unless ref $_ eq "CODE"; $_ } @_;
sub _parse_driver_dsn {
my ( $driverDsn ) = @_;
$driverDsn = $driverDsn ? $driverDsn : '';
my %driverParameters;
foreach my $parameter ( split /;/, $driverDsn ) {
if ( my ( $key, $value ) = $parameter =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/ ) {
$driverParameters{ $key } = $value;
$driverParameters{database} = $driverDsn unless %driverParameters;
return %driverParameters;