shell bypass 403
package DBD::Mock::st;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $imp_data_size = 0;
sub bind_col {
my ( $sth, $param_num, $ref, $attr ) = @_;
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
$tracker->bind_col( $param_num, $ref );
return 1;
sub bind_param {
my ( $sth, $param_num, $val, $attr ) = @_;
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
$tracker->bound_param( $param_num, $val, $attr );
return 1;
sub bind_param_array {
sub bind_param_inout {
my ( $sth, $param_num, $val, $max_len ) = @_;
# check that $val is a scalar ref
( UNIVERSAL::isa( $val, 'SCALAR' ) )
|| $sth->{Database}
->set_err( 1, "need a scalar ref to bind_param_inout, not $val" );
# check for positive $max_len
( $max_len > 0 )
|| $sth->{Database}
->set_err( 1, "need to specify a maximum length to bind_param_inout" );
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
$tracker->bound_param( $param_num, $val );
return 1;
sub execute_array {
my ( $sth, $attr, @bind_values ) = @_;
# no bind values means we're relying on prior calls to bind_param_array()
# for our data
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
# don't use a reference; there's some magic attached to it somewhere
# so make it a lovely, simple array as soon as possible
my @bound = @{ $tracker->bound_params() };
foreach my $p (@bound) {
my $result = $sth->execute( @$p );
# store the result from execute() if ArrayTupleStatus attribute is
# passed
push @{ $attr->{ArrayTupleStatus} }, $result
if (exists $attr->{ArrayTupleStatus});
# TODO: the docs say:
# When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
# number of tuples executed, or undef if an error occurred. Like
# execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true regardless
# of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero. If there were any
# errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to discover which tuples
# failed and with what errors.
# When called in list context the execute_array() method returns two
# scalars; $tuples is the same as calling execute_array() in scalar
# context and $rows is the number of rows affected for each tuple, if
# available or -1 if the driver cannot determine this.
# We have glossed over this...
return scalar @bound;
sub execute {
my ( $sth, @params ) = @_;
my $dbh = $sth->{Database};
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_connect} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "No connection present" );
return 0;
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_execute} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "Cannot execute" );
return 0;
$dbh->{mock_can_execute}++ if $dbh->{mock_can_execute} < 0;
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
if ( $tracker->has_failure() ) {
$dbh->set_err( $tracker->get_failure() );
return 0;
if (@params) {
if ( my $session = $dbh->{mock_session} ) {
eval {
my $state = $session->current_state;
$session->verify_statement( $sth->{Statement});
$session->verify_bound_params( $tracker->bound_params() );
# Load a copy of the results to return (minus the field
# names) into the tracker
my @results = @{ $state->{results} };
shift @results;
$tracker->{return_data} = \@results;
if ($@) {
my $session_error = $@;
chomp $session_error;
$sth->set_err( 1, "Session Error: ${session_error}" );
my $fields = $tracker->fields;
$sth->STORE( NUM_OF_FIELDS => scalar @{ $fields ? $fields : [] } );
$sth->STORE( NAME => $fields );
$sth->STORE( NUM_OF_PARAMS => $tracker->num_params );
# handle INSERT statements and the mock_last_insert_ids
# We should only increment these things after the last successful INSERT.
# -RobK, 2007-10-12
#use Data::Dumper;warn Dumper $dbh->{mock_last_insert_ids};
if ( $dbh->{Statement} =~ /^\s*?insert(?:\s+ignore)?\s+into\s+(\S+)/i ) {
if ( $dbh->{mock_last_insert_ids}
&& exists $dbh->{mock_last_insert_ids}{$1} )
$dbh->{mock_last_insert_id} = $dbh->{mock_last_insert_ids}{$1}++;
else {
#warn "$dbh->{mock_last_insert_id}\n";
# always return 0E0 for Selects
if ( $dbh->{Statement} =~ /^\s*?select/i ) {
return '0E0';
return ( $sth->rows() || '0E0' );
sub fetch {
my ($sth) = @_;
my $dbh = $sth->{Database};
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_connect} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "No connection present" );
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "Cannot fetch" );
$dbh->{mock_can_fetch}++ if $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} < 0;
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
my $record = $tracker->next_record
or return;
if ( my @cols = $tracker->bind_cols() ) {
for my $i ( grep { ref $cols[$_] } 0 .. $#cols ) {
${ $cols[$i] } = $record->[$i];
return $record;
sub fetchrow_array {
my ($sth) = @_;
my $row = $sth->DBD::Mock::st::fetch();
return unless ref($row) eq 'ARRAY';
return @{$row};
sub fetchrow_arrayref {
my ($sth) = @_;
return $sth->DBD::Mock::st::fetch();
sub fetchrow_hashref {
my ( $sth, $name ) = @_;
my $dbh = $sth->{Database};
# handle any errors since we are grabbing
# from the tracker directly
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_connect} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "No connection present" );
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "Cannot fetch" );
$dbh->{mock_can_fetch}++ if $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} < 0;
# first handle the $name, it will default to NAME
$name ||= 'NAME';
# then fetch the names from the $sth (per DBI spec)
my $fields = $sth->FETCH($name);
# now check the tracker ...
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
# and collect the results
if ( my $record = $tracker->next_record() ) {
my @values = @{$record};
return { map { $_ => shift(@values) } @{$fields} };
return undef;
#XXX Isn't this supposed to return an array of hashrefs? -RobK, 2007-10-15
sub fetchall_hashref {
my ( $sth, $keyfield ) = @_;
my $dbh = $sth->{Database};
# handle any errors since we are grabbing
# from the tracker directly
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_connect} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "No connection present" );
unless ( $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} ) {
$dbh->set_err( 1, "Cannot fetch" );
$dbh->{mock_can_fetch}++ if $dbh->{mock_can_fetch} < 0;
# get the case conversion to use for hash key names (NAME/NAME_lc/NAME_uc)
my $hash_key_name = $sth->{Database}->FETCH('FetchHashKeyName') || 'NAME';
# get a hashref mapping field names to their corresponding indexes. indexes
# start at zero
my $names_hash = $sth->FETCH("${hash_key_name}_hash");
# as of DBI v1.48, the $keyfield argument can be either an arrayref of field
# names/indexes or a single field name/index
my @key_fields = ref $keyfield ? @{$keyfield} : $keyfield;
my $num_fields = $sth->FETCH('NUM_OF_FIELDS');
# get the index(es) of the given key field(s). a key field can be specified
# as either the name of a field or an integer column number
my @key_indexes;
foreach my $field (@key_fields) {
if (defined $names_hash->{$field}) {
push @key_indexes, $names_hash->{$field};
elsif (DBI::looks_like_number($field) && $field >= 1 && $field <= $num_fields) {
# convert from column number to array index. column numbers start at
# one, while indexes start at zero
push @key_indexes, $field - 1;
else {
my $err = "Could not find key field '$field' (not one of " .
join(' ', keys %{$names_hash}) . ')';
$dbh->set_err( 1, $err );
my $tracker = $sth->FETCH('mock_my_history');
my $rethash = {};
# now loop through all the records ...
while ( my $record = $tracker->next_record() ) {
# populate the hash, adding a layer of nesting for each key field
# specified by the user
my $ref = $rethash;
foreach my $index (@key_indexes) {
my $value = $record->[$index];
$ref->{$value} = {} if ! defined $ref->{$value};
$ref = $ref->{$value};
# copy all of the returned data into the most-nested level of the hash
foreach my $field (keys %{$names_hash}) {
my $index = $names_hash->{$field};
$ref->{$field} = $record->[$index];
return $rethash;
sub finish {
my ($sth) = @_;
sub rows {
my ($sth) = @_;
sub FETCH {
my ( $sth, $attrib ) = @_;
$sth->trace_msg("Fetching ST attribute '$attrib'\n");
my $tracker = $sth->{mock_my_history};
$sth->trace_msg( "Retrieved tracker: " . ref($tracker) . "\n" );
# NAME attributes
if ( $attrib eq 'NAME' ) {
return [ @{ $tracker->fields } ];
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NAME_lc' ) {
return [ map { lc($_) } @{ $tracker->fields } ];
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NAME_uc' ) {
return [ map { uc($_) } @{ $tracker->fields } ];
# NAME_hash attributes
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NAME_hash' ) {
my $i = 0;
return { map { $_ => $i++ } @{ $tracker->fields } };
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NAME_hash_lc' ) {
my $i = 0;
return { map { lc($_) => $i++ } @{ $tracker->fields } };
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NAME_hash_uc' ) {
my $i = 0;
return { map { uc($_) => $i++ } @{ $tracker->fields } };
# others
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NUM_OF_FIELDS' ) {
return $tracker->num_fields;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'NUM_OF_PARAMS' ) {
return $tracker->num_params;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'TYPE' ) {
my $num_fields = $tracker->num_fields;
return [ map { $DBI::SQL_VARCHAR } ( 0 .. $num_fields ) ];
elsif ( $attrib eq 'Active' ) {
return $tracker->is_active;
elsif ( $attrib !~ /^mock/ ) {
if ( $sth->{Database}->{mock_attribute_aliases} ) {
if (
exists ${ $sth->{Database}->{mock_attribute_aliases}->{st} }
{$attrib} )
my $mock_attrib =
if ( ref($mock_attrib) eq 'CODE' ) {
return $mock_attrib->($sth);
else {
return $sth->FETCH($mock_attrib);
return $sth->SUPER::FETCH($attrib);
# now do our stuff...
if ( $attrib eq 'mock_my_history' ) {
return $tracker;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_execution_history' ) {
return $tracker->execution_history();
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_statement' ) {
return $tracker->statement;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_params' ) {
return $tracker->bound_params;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_param_attrs' ) {
return $tracker->bound_param_attrs;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_records' ) {
return $tracker->return_data;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_num_records' || $attrib eq 'mock_num_rows' ) {
return $tracker->num_rows;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_current_record_num' ) {
return $tracker->current_record_num;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_fields' ) {
return $tracker->fields;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_is_executed' ) {
return $tracker->is_executed;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_is_finished' ) {
return $tracker->is_finished;
elsif ( $attrib eq 'mock_is_depleted' ) {
return $tracker->is_depleted;
else {
die "I don't know how to retrieve statement attribute '$attrib'\n";
sub STORE {
my ( $sth, $attrib, $value ) = @_;
$sth->trace_msg("Storing ST attribute '$attrib'\n");
if ( $attrib =~ /^mock/ ) {
return $sth->{$attrib} = $value;
elsif ( $attrib =~ /^NAME/ ) {
# no-op...
else {
$value ||= 0;
return $sth->SUPER::STORE( $attrib, $value );
sub DESTROY { undef }