shell bypass 403
package DBIx::Connector::Driver;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.56';
sub new {
my ($class, $driver) = @_;
return $DRIVERS{$driver} ||= do {
my $subclass = __PACKAGE__ . "::$driver";
eval "require $subclass";
$class = $subclass unless $@;
bless { driver => $driver } => $class;
sub _connect {
my ($self, $dbh, $dsn, $username, $password, $attrs) = @_;
sub ping {
my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
sub begin_work {
my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
sub commit {
my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
sub rollback {
my ($self, $dbh) = @_;
sub _rollback {
my ($self, $dbh, $err) = @_;
local $@;
eval { $dbh->rollback };
return $@ ? DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError->new(
error => $err,
rollback_error => $@,
) : $err;
sub _rollback_and_release {
my ($self, $dbh, $name, $err) = @_;
local $@;
eval {
$self->rollback_to($dbh, $name);
$self->release($dbh, $name);
return $@ ? DBIx::Connector::SvpRollbackError->new(
error => $err,
rollback_error => $@,
) : $err;
sub savepoint {
my ($self, $dbh, $name) = @_;
sub release {
my ($self, $dbh, $name) = @_;
sub rollback_to {
my ($self, $dbh, $name) = @_;
package DBIx::Connector::RollbackError;
our $VERSION = '0.56';
# an exception is always true
use overload bool => sub {1}, '""' => 'as_string', fallback => 1;
sub new { my $c = shift; bless {@_} => $c; }
sub error { shift->{error} }
sub rollback_error { shift->{rollback_error} }
sub as_string {
my $self = shift;
my $label = $self->_label;
return "$label aborted: " . $self->error
. "$label rollback failed: " . $self->rollback_error;
package DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError;
our $VERSION = '0.56';
our @ISA = ('DBIx::Connector::RollbackError');
sub _label { 'Transaction' }
package DBIx::Connector::SvpRollbackError;
our $VERSION = '0.56';
our @ISA = ('DBIx::Connector::RollbackError');
sub _label { 'Savepoint' }
=head1 Name
DBIx::Connector::Driver - Database-specific connection interface
=head1 Description
Some of the things that DBIx::Connector does are implemented differently by
different drivers, or the official interface provided by the DBI may not be
implemented for a particular driver. The driver-specific code therefore is
encapsulated in this separate driver class.
Most of the DBI drivers work uniformly, so in most cases the implementation
provided here in DBIx::Connector::Driver will work just fine. It's only when
something is different that a driver subclass needs to be added. In such a
case, the subclass's name is the same as the DBI driver. For example the
driver for DBD::Pg is
L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg> and the driver
for DBD::mysql is
If you're just a user of DBIx::Connector, you can ignore the driver classes.
DBIx::Connector uses them internally to do its magic, so you needn't worry
about them.
=head1 Interface
In case you need to implement a driver, here's the interface you can modify.
=head2 Constructor
=head3 C<new>
my $driver = DBIx::Connector::Driver->new( $driver );
Constructs and returns a driver object. Each driver class is implemented as a
singleton, so the same driver object is always returned for the same driver.
The C<driver> parameter should be a Perl DBI driver name, such as C<Pg> for
L<DBD::Pg|DBD::Pg> or C<SQLite> for L<DBD::SQLite|DBD::SQLite>. If a subclass
has been defined for C<$driver>, then the object will be of that class.
Otherwise it will be an instance of the driver base class.
=head2 Instance Methods
=head3 C<ping>
Calls C<< $dbh->ping >>. Override if for some reason the DBI driver doesn't do
it right.
=head3 C<begin_work>
Calls C<< $dbh->begin_work >>. Override if for some reason the DBI driver
doesn't do it right.
=head3 C<commit>
Calls C<< $dbh->commit >>. Override if for some reason the DBI driver doesn't
do it right.
=head3 C<rollback>
Calls C<< $dbh->rollback >>. Override if for some reason the DBI driver
doesn't do it right.
=head3 C<savepoint>
$driver->savepoint($dbh, $name);
A no-op. Override if your database does in fact support savepoints. The driver
subclass should create a savepoint with the given C<$name>. See the
implementations in L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg>
and L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle> for
=head3 C<release>
$driver->release($dbh, $name);
A no-op. Override if your database does in fact support savepoints. The driver
subclass should release the savepoint with the given C<$name>. See the
implementations in L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg>
and L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle> for
=head3 C<rollback_to>
$driver->rollback_to($dbh, $name);
A no-op. Override if your database does in fact support savepoints. The driver
subclass should rollback to the savepoint with the given C<$name>. See the
implementations in L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg>
and L<DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle|DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle> for
=head1 Authors
This module was written and is maintained by:
=item David E. Wheeler <>
It is based on code written by:
=item Matt S. Trout <>
=item Peter Rabbitson <>
=head1 Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 David E. Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.