package DBM::Deep::Iterator::File::Index;
use 5.008_004;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
=head1 NAME
DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index - mediate between DBM::Deep::Iterator and DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index
=head1 PURPOSE
This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep>. It acts as the mediator
between the L<DBM::Deep::Iterator> object and a L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index>
This object, despite the implied class hierarchy, does B<NOT> inherit from
L<DBM::Deep::Iterator>. Instead, it delegates to it, essentially acting as a
facade over it. L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/get_next_key> will instantiate one of
these objects as needed to handle an Index sector.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(\%params)
The constructor takes a hashref of params and blesses it into the invoking class. The
hashref is assumed to have the following elements:
=over 4
=item * iterator (of type L<DBM::Deep::Iterator>
=item * sector (of type L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index>
sub new {
my $self = bless $_[1] => $_[0];
$self->{curr_index} = 0;
return $self;
=head2 at_end()
This takes no arguments.
This returns true/false indicating whether this sector has any more elements that can be
iterated over.
sub at_end {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{curr_index} >= $self->{iterator}{engine}->hash_chars;
=head2 get_next_iterator()
This takes no arguments.
This returns an iterator (built by L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/get_sector_iterator>) based
on the sector pointed to by the next occupied location in this index.
If the sector is exhausted, it returns nothing.
sub get_next_iterator {
my $self = shift;
my $loc;
while ( !$loc ) {
return if $self->at_end;
$loc = $self->{sector}->get_entry( $self->{curr_index}++ );
return $self->{iterator}->get_sector_iterator( $loc );