shell bypass 403
package Data::Perl;
$Data::Perl::VERSION = '0.002009';
# ABSTRACT: Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types.
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(hash array counter string code bool number);
use strictures 1;
use Data::Perl::Collection::Array;
use Data::Perl::Collection::Hash;
use Data::Perl::Code;
use Data::Perl::Number;
use Data::Perl::Bool;
use Data::Perl::String;
use Data::Perl::Counter;
sub array { Data::Perl::Collection::Array->new(@_) }
sub hash { Data::Perl::Collection::Hash->new(@_) }
sub code { Data::Perl::Code->new(shift||sub {}) }
sub number { Data::Perl::Number->new(shift||0) }
sub bool { Data::Perl::Bool->new(shift||0) }
sub string { Data::Perl::String->new(shift||'') }
sub counter { Data::Perl::Counter->new(shift||0) }
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=head1 NAME
Data::Perl - Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.002009
use Data::Perl;
my $array = array(1,2,3, qw/a b c/);
$array->count; # 6
my @elements = $array->grep(sub {/b/}); # (b)
my $hash = hash(a => 1, b => 2);
$hash->keys; # ('a', 'b');
my $number = number(5);
$number->add(10); # 15
my $string = string("foo\n");
$string->chomp; # return 1, chomps string
my $counter = counter();
$counter->inc; # counter is now 1
my $sub = code(sub { 'foo' });
$sub->execute; # returns 'foo'
Data::Perl is a collection of classes that wrap fundamental data types that
exist in Perl. These classes and methods as they exist today are an attempt to
mirror functionality provided by Moose's Native Traits. One important thing to
note is all classes currently do no validation on constructor input.
Data::Perl is a container class for the following classes:
=over 4
=item * L<Data::Perl::Collection::Hash>
=item * L<Data::Perl::Collection::Array>
=item * L<Data::Perl::String>
=item * L<Data::Perl::Number>
=item * L<Data::Perl::Counter>
=item * L<Data::Perl::Bool>
=item * L<Data::Perl::Code>
=head1 ALPHA API
The API provided by these modules is as of now considered alpha and undecided.
The API B<WILL> change. If you are writing code that you will not touch again
for years, do not use this until this warning is removed.
Data::Perl exports helper constructor functions to interface with the above classes:
=over 4
=item * B<hash(key, value, ...)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Collection::Hash object initialized with the optionally passed in key/value args.
=item * B<array(@args)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Collection::Array object initialized with the optionally passed in values.
=item * B<string($arg)>
Returns a Data::Perl::String object initialized with the optionally passed in scalar arg.
=item * B<number($arg)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Number object initialized with the optionally passed in scalar arg.
=item * B<counter($arg)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Counter object initialized with the optionally passed in scalar arg.
=item * B<bool($arg)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Bool object initialized with the truth value of the passed in scalar arg.
=item * B<code($arg)>
Returns a Data::Perl::Code object initialized with the optionally passed in scalar coderef as an arg.
=head1 THANKS
Much thanks to the L<Moose> team for their work with native traits, for which
much of this work is based.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item * L<MooX::HandlesVia>
=head1 AUTHOR
Matthew Phillips <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Matthew Phillips <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.