shell bypass 403
package Eval::WithLexicals;
use Moo;
use Moo::Role ();
use Sub::Quote;
our $VERSION = '1.003006'; # v1.3.6
has lexicals => (is => 'rw', default => quote_sub q{ {} });
my %valid_contexts = map +($_ => 1), qw(list scalar void);
has context => (
is => 'rw', default => quote_sub(q{ 'list' }),
isa => sub {
my ($val) = @_;
die "Invalid context type $val - should be list, scalar or void"
unless $valid_contexts{$val};
has in_package => (
is => 'rw', default => quote_sub q{ 'Eval::WithLexicals::Scratchpad' }
has prelude => (
is => 'rw', default => quote_sub q{ 'use strictures 1;' }
sub with_plugins {
my($class, @names) = @_;
map "Eval::WithLexicals::With$_", @names);
sub setup_code {
my($self) = @_;
sub capture_code {
( qq{ BEGIN { Eval::WithLexicals::Util::capture_list() } } )
sub eval {
my ($self, $to_eval) = @_;
local *Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::current_line;
local *Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::pad_capture;
local *Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::grab_captures;
my $package = $self->in_package;
my $setup_code = join '', $self->setup_code,
# $_[2] being what is passed to _eval_do below
Sub::Quote::capture_unroll('$_[2]', $self->lexicals, 2);
my $capture_code = join '', $self->capture_code;
local our $current_code = qq!
sub Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::current_line {
package ${package};
#line 1 "(eval)"
;sub Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::pad_capture { }
sub Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::grab_captures {
no warnings 'closure'; no strict 'vars';
package! # hide from PAUSE
.q! Eval::WithLexicals::VarScope;!;
# rest is appended by Eval::WithLexicals::Util::capture_list, called
# during parsing by the BEGIN block from capture_code.
$self->_eval_do(\$current_code, $self->lexicals, $to_eval);
sub _run {
my($self, $code) = @_;
my @ret;
my $ctx = $self->context;
if ($ctx eq 'list') {
@ret = $code->();
} elsif ($ctx eq 'scalar') {
$ret[0] = $code->();
} else {
sub _grab_captures {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cap = Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::grab_captures();
foreach my $key (keys %$cap) {
my ($sigil, $name) = $key =~ /^(.)(.+)$/;
my $var_scope_name = $sigil.'Eval::WithLexicals::VarScope::'.$name;
if ($cap->{$key} eq eval "\\${var_scope_name}") {
delete $cap->{$key};
sub _eval_do {
my ($self, $text_ref, $lexical, $original) = @_;
local @INC = (sub {
if ($_[1] eq '/eval_do') {
open my $fh, '<', $text_ref;
} else {
}, @INC);
do '/eval_do' or die $@;
package # hide from PAUSE
use B qw(svref_2object);
sub capture_list {
my $pad_capture = \&Eval::WithLexicals::Cage::pad_capture;
my @names = grep defined && length > 1, map $_->PV, grep $_->can('PV'),
$Eval::WithLexicals::current_code .=
'+{ '.join(', ', map "'$_' => \\$_", @names).' };'
=head1 NAME
Eval::WithLexicals - pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables
# file: bin/tinyrepl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strictures 1;
use Eval::WithLexicals;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
"plugin=s" => \my @plugins
$SIG{INT} = sub { warn "SIGINT\n" };
{ package Data::Dumper; no strict 'vars';
$Terse = $Indent = $Useqq = $Deparse = $Sortkeys = 1;
$Quotekeys = 0;
my $eval = @plugins
? Eval::WithLexicals->with_plugins(@plugins)->new
: Eval::WithLexicals->new;
my $read = Term::ReadLine->new('Perl REPL');
while (1) {
my $line = $read->readline('$ ');
exit unless defined $line;
my @ret; eval {
local $SIG{INT} = sub { die "Caught SIGINT" };
@ret = $eval->eval($line); 1;
} or @ret = ("Error!", $@);
print Dumper @ret;
# shell session:
$ perl -Ilib bin/tinyrepl$ my $x = 0;
0$ ++$x;
1$ $x + 3;
4$ ^D
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new(
lexicals => { '$x' => \1 }, # default {}
in_package => 'PackageToEvalIn', # default Eval::WithLexicals::Scratchpad
context => 'scalar', # default 'list'
prelude => 'use warnings', # default 'use strictures 1'
=head2 eval
my @return_value = $eval->eval($code_to_eval);
=head2 lexicals
my $current_lexicals = $eval->lexicals;
=head2 in_package
my $current_package = $eval->in_package;
=head2 context
my $current_context = $eval->context;
$eval->context($new_context); # 'list', 'scalar' or 'void'
=head2 prelude
Code to run before evaling code. Loads L<strictures> by default.
my $current_prelude = $eval->prelude;
$eval->prelude(q{use warnings}); # only warnings, not strict.
=head2 with_plugins
my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->with_plugins("HintPersistence")->new;
Construct a class with the given plugins. Plugins are roles located under
a package name like C<Eval::WithLexicals::With*>.
Current plugins are:
=over 4
=item * HintPersistence
When enabled this will persist pragams and other compile hints between evals
(for example the L<strict> and L<warnings> flags in effect). See
L<Eval::WithLexicals::WithHintPersistence> for further details.
=head1 AUTHOR
Matt S. Trout <>
David Leadbeater <>
haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) <>
Copyright (c) 2010 the Eval::WithLexicals L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
as listed above.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms
as perl itself.