shell bypass 403
package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Drawing;
# Drawing - A class for writing the Excel XLSX drawing.xml file.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX
# Copyright 2000-2019, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
# perltidy with the following options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola
use 5.008002;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet;
our @ISA = qw(Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter);
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# Public and private API methods.
# new()
# Constructor.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $self = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter->new( $fh );
$self->{_drawings} = [];
$self->{_embedded} = 0;
$self->{_orientation} = 0;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# _assemble_xml_file()
# Assemble and write the XML file.
sub _assemble_xml_file {
my $self = shift;
# Write the xdr:wsDr element.
if ( $self->{_embedded} ) {
my $index = 0;
for my $drawing_object ( @{ $self->{_drawings} } ) {
# Write the xdr:twoCellAnchor element.
$self->_write_two_cell_anchor( ++$index, $drawing_object );
else {
my $index = 0;
# Write the xdr:absoluteAnchor element.
$self->_write_absolute_anchor( ++$index );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:wsDr' );
# Close the XML writer filehandle.
# _add_drawing_object()
# Add a chart, image or shape sub object to the drawing.
sub _add_drawing_object {
my $self = shift;
my $drawing_object = {
_type => undef,
_dimensions => [],
_width => 0,
_height => 0,
_description => undef,
_shape => undef,
_anchor => undef,
_rel_index => 0,
_url_rel_index => 0,
_tip => undef
push @{ $self->{_drawings} }, $drawing_object;
return $drawing_object;
# Internal methods.
# XML writing methods.
# _write_drawing_workspace()
# Write the <xdr:wsDr> element.
sub _write_drawing_workspace {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns_xdr = $schema . '2006/spreadsheetDrawing';
my $xmlns_a = $schema . '2006/main';
my @attributes = (
'xmlns:xdr' => $xmlns_xdr,
'xmlns:a' => $xmlns_a,
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:wsDr', @attributes );
# _write_two_cell_anchor()
# Write the <xdr:twoCellAnchor> element.
sub _write_two_cell_anchor {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $drawing_object = shift;
my $type = $drawing_object->{_type};
my $dimensions = $drawing_object->{_dimensions};
my $col_from = $dimensions->[0];
my $row_from = $dimensions->[1];
my $col_from_offset = $dimensions->[2];
my $row_from_offset = $dimensions->[3];
my $col_to = $dimensions->[4];
my $row_to = $dimensions->[5];
my $col_to_offset = $dimensions->[6];
my $row_to_offset = $dimensions->[7];
my $col_absolute = $dimensions->[8];
my $row_absolute = $dimensions->[9];
my $width = $drawing_object->{_width};
my $height = $drawing_object->{_height};
my $description = $drawing_object->{_description};
my $shape = $drawing_object->{_shape};
my $anchor = $drawing_object->{_anchor};
my $rel_index = $drawing_object->{_rel_index};
my $url_rel_index = $drawing_object->{_url_rel_index};
my $tip = $drawing_object->{_tip};
my @attributes = ();
# Add attribute for images.
if ( $anchor == 2 ) {
push @attributes, ( editAs => 'oneCell' );
elsif ( $anchor == 3 ) {
push @attributes, ( editAs => 'absolute' );
# Add editAs attribute for shapes.
push @attributes, ( editAs => $shape->{_editAs} ) if $shape->{_editAs};
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:twoCellAnchor', @attributes );
# Write the xdr:from element.
# Write the xdr:from element.
if ( $type == 1 ) {
# Graphic frame.
# Write the xdr:graphicFrame element for charts.
$self->_write_graphic_frame( $index, $rel_index, $description );
elsif ( $type == 2 ) {
# Write the xdr:pic element.
$index, $rel_index, $col_absolute,
$row_absolute, $width, $height,
$description, $url_rel_index, $tip
else {
# Write the xdr:sp element for shapes.
$self->_write_sp( $index, $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width, $height,
$shape );
# Write the xdr:clientData element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:twoCellAnchor' );
# _write_absolute_anchor()
# Write the <xdr:absoluteAnchor> element.
sub _write_absolute_anchor {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:absoluteAnchor' );
# Different co-ordinates for horizonatal (= 0) and vertical (= 1).
if ( $self->{_orientation} == 0 ) {
# Write the xdr:pos element.
$self->_write_pos( 0, 0 );
# Write the xdr:ext element.
$self->_write_ext( 9308969, 6078325 );
else {
# Write the xdr:pos element.
$self->_write_pos( 0, -47625 );
# Write the xdr:ext element.
$self->_write_ext( 6162675, 6124575 );
# Write the xdr:graphicFrame element.
$self->_write_graphic_frame( $index, $index );
# Write the xdr:clientData element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:absoluteAnchor' );
# _write_from()
# Write the <xdr:from> element.
sub _write_from {
my $self = shift;
my $col = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $col_offset = shift;
my $row_offset = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:from' );
# Write the xdr:col element.
$self->_write_col( $col );
# Write the xdr:colOff element.
$self->_write_col_off( $col_offset );
# Write the xdr:row element.
$self->_write_row( $row );
# Write the xdr:rowOff element.
$self->_write_row_off( $row_offset );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:from' );
# _write_to()
# Write the <xdr:to> element.
sub _write_to {
my $self = shift;
my $col = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $col_offset = shift;
my $row_offset = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:to' );
# Write the xdr:col element.
$self->_write_col( $col );
# Write the xdr:colOff element.
$self->_write_col_off( $col_offset );
# Write the xdr:row element.
$self->_write_row( $row );
# Write the xdr:rowOff element.
$self->_write_row_off( $row_offset );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:to' );
# _write_col()
# Write the <xdr:col> element.
sub _write_col {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
$self->xml_data_element( 'xdr:col', $data );
# _write_col_off()
# Write the <xdr:colOff> element.
sub _write_col_off {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
$self->xml_data_element( 'xdr:colOff', $data );
# _write_row()
# Write the <xdr:row> element.
sub _write_row {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
$self->xml_data_element( 'xdr:row', $data );
# _write_row_off()
# Write the <xdr:rowOff> element.
sub _write_row_off {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
$self->xml_data_element( 'xdr:rowOff', $data );
# _write_pos()
# Write the <xdr:pos> element.
sub _write_pos {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my @attributes = (
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'xdr:pos', @attributes );
# _write_ext()
# Write the <xdr:ext> element.
sub _write_ext {
my $self = shift;
my $cx = shift;
my $cy = shift;
my @attributes = (
'cx' => $cx,
'cy' => $cy,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'xdr:ext', @attributes );
# _write_graphic_frame()
# Write the <xdr:graphicFrame> element.
sub _write_graphic_frame {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $rel_index = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $macro = '';
my @attributes = ( 'macro' => $macro );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:graphicFrame', @attributes );
# Write the xdr:nvGraphicFramePr element.
$self->_write_nv_graphic_frame_pr( $index, $name );
# Write the xdr:xfrm element.
# Write the a:graphic element.
$self->_write_atag_graphic( $rel_index );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:graphicFrame' );
# _write_nv_graphic_frame_pr()
# Write the <xdr:nvGraphicFramePr> element.
sub _write_nv_graphic_frame_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $name = shift;
if ( !$name ) {
$name = 'Chart ' . $index;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:nvGraphicFramePr' );
# Write the xdr:cNvPr element.
$self->_write_c_nv_pr( $index + 1, $name );
# Write the xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:nvGraphicFramePr' );
# _write_c_nv_pr()
# Write the <xdr:cNvPr> element.
sub _write_c_nv_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $description = shift;
my $url_rel_index = shift;
my $tip = shift;
my @attributes = (
'id' => $index,
'name' => $name,
# Add description attribute for images.
if ( defined $description ) {
push @attributes, ( descr => $description );
if ($url_rel_index) {
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cNvPr', @attributes );
# Write the a:hlinkClick element.
$self->_write_a_hlink_click($url_rel_index, $tip);
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cNvPr');
else {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'xdr:cNvPr', @attributes );
# _write_a_hlink_click()
# Write the <a:hlinkClick> element.
sub _write_a_hlink_click {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $tip = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns_r = $schema . '2006/relationships';
my $r_id = 'rId' . $index;
my @attributes = (
'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,
'r:id' => $r_id,
push( @attributes, ( 'tooltip' => $tip ) ) if $tip;
$self->xml_empty_tag('a:hlinkClick', @attributes );
# _write_c_nv_graphic_frame_pr()
# Write the <xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr> element.
sub _write_c_nv_graphic_frame_pr {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->{_embedded} ) {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr' );
else {
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr' );
# Write the a:graphicFrameLocks element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr' );
# _write_a_graphic_frame_locks()
# Write the <a:graphicFrameLocks> element.
sub _write_a_graphic_frame_locks {
my $self = shift;
my $no_grp = 1;
my @attributes = ( 'noGrp' => $no_grp );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:graphicFrameLocks', @attributes );
# _write_xfrm()
# Write the <xdr:xfrm> element.
sub _write_xfrm {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:xfrm' );
# Write the xfrmOffset element.
# Write the xfrmOffset element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:xfrm' );
# _write_xfrm_offset()
# Write the <a:off> xfrm sub-element.
sub _write_xfrm_offset {
my $self = shift;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my @attributes = (
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:off', @attributes );
# _write_xfrm_extension()
# Write the <a:ext> xfrm sub-element.
sub _write_xfrm_extension {
my $self = shift;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my @attributes = (
'cx' => $x,
'cy' => $y,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:ext', @attributes );
# _write_atag_graphic()
# Write the <a:graphic> element.
sub _write_atag_graphic {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:graphic' );
# Write the a:graphicData element.
$self->_write_atag_graphic_data( $index );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:graphic' );
# _write_atag_graphic_data()
# Write the <a:graphicData> element.
sub _write_atag_graphic_data {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $uri = '';
my @attributes = ( 'uri' => $uri, );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:graphicData', @attributes );
# Write the c:chart element.
$self->_write_c_chart( 'rId' . $index );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:graphicData' );
# _write_c_chart()
# Write the <c:chart> element.
sub _write_c_chart {
my $self = shift;
my $r_id = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns_c = $schema . 'drawingml/2006/chart';
my $xmlns_r = $schema . 'officeDocument/2006/relationships';
my @attributes = (
'xmlns:c' => $xmlns_c,
'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,
'r:id' => $r_id,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:chart', @attributes );
# _write_client_data()
# Write the <xdr:clientData> element.
sub _write_client_data {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'xdr:clientData' );
# _write_sp()
# Write the <xdr:sp> element.
sub _write_sp {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $shape = shift;
if ( $shape->{_connect} ) {
my @attributes = ( macro => '' );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cxnSp', @attributes );
# Write the xdr:nvCxnSpPr element.
$self->_write_nv_cxn_sp_pr( $index, $shape );
# Write the xdr:spPr element.
$self->_write_xdr_sp_pr( $index, $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width,
$height, $shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cxnSp' );
else {
# Add attribute for shapes.
my @attributes = ( macro => '', textlink => '' );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:sp', @attributes );
# Write the xdr:nvSpPr element.
$self->_write_nv_sp_pr( $index, $shape );
# Write the xdr:spPr element.
$self->_write_xdr_sp_pr( $index, $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width,
$height, $shape );
# Write the xdr:txBody element.
if ( $shape->{_text} ) {
$self->_write_txBody( $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width, $height,
$shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:sp' );
# _write_nv_cxn_sp_pr()
# Write the <xdr:nvCxnSpPr> element.
sub _write_nv_cxn_sp_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $shape = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:nvCxnSpPr' );
$shape->{_name} = join( ' ', $shape->{_type}, $index )
unless defined $shape->{_name};
$self->_write_c_nv_pr( $shape->{_id}, $shape->{_name} );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cNvCxnSpPr' );
my @attributes = ( noChangeShapeType => '1' );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:cxnSpLocks', @attributes );
if ( $shape->{_start} ) {
@attributes =
( 'id' => $shape->{_start}, 'idx' => $shape->{_start_index} );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:stCxn', @attributes );
if ( $shape->{_end} ) {
@attributes = ( 'id' => $shape->{_end}, 'idx' => $shape->{_end_index} );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:endCxn', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cNvCxnSpPr' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:nvCxnSpPr' );
# _write_nv_sp_pr()
# Write the <xdr:NvSpPr> element.
sub _write_nv_sp_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $shape = shift;
my @attributes = ();
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:nvSpPr' );
my $shape_name = $shape->{_type} . ' ' . $index;
$self->_write_c_nv_pr( $shape->{_id}, $shape_name );
@attributes = ( 'txBox' => 1 ) if $shape->{_txBox};
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cNvSpPr', @attributes );
@attributes = ( noChangeArrowheads => '1' );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:spLocks', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cNvSpPr' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:nvSpPr' );
# _write_pic()
# Write the <xdr:pic> element.
sub _write_pic {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $rel_index = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $description = shift;
my $url_rel_index = shift;
my $tip = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:pic' );
# Write the xdr:nvPicPr element.
$self->_write_nv_pic_pr( $index, $rel_index, $description, $url_rel_index,
$tip );
# Write the xdr:blipFill element.
$self->_write_blip_fill( $rel_index );
# Pictures are rectangle shapes by default.
my $shape = { _type => 'rect' };
# Write the xdr:spPr element.
$self->_write_sp_pr( $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width, $height,
$shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:pic' );
# _write_nv_pic_pr()
# Write the <xdr:nvPicPr> element.
sub _write_nv_pic_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $rel_index = shift;
my $description = shift;
my $url_rel_index = shift;
my $tip = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:nvPicPr' );
# Write the xdr:cNvPr element.
$self->_write_c_nv_pr( $index + 1, 'Picture ' . $index,
$description, $url_rel_index, $tip );
# Write the xdr:cNvPicPr element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:nvPicPr' );
# _write_c_nv_pic_pr()
# Write the <xdr:cNvPicPr> element.
sub _write_c_nv_pic_pr {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:cNvPicPr' );
# Write the a:picLocks element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:cNvPicPr' );
# _write_a_pic_locks()
# Write the <a:picLocks> element.
sub _write_a_pic_locks {
my $self = shift;
my $no_change_aspect = 1;
my @attributes = ( 'noChangeAspect' => $no_change_aspect );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:picLocks', @attributes );
# _write_blip_fill()
# Write the <xdr:blipFill> element.
sub _write_blip_fill {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:blipFill' );
# Write the a:blip element.
$self->_write_a_blip( $index );
# Write the a:stretch element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:blipFill' );
# _write_a_blip()
# Write the <a:blip> element.
sub _write_a_blip {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns_r = $schema . '2006/relationships';
my $r_embed = 'rId' . $index;
my @attributes = (
'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,
'r:embed' => $r_embed,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:blip', @attributes );
# _write_a_stretch()
# Write the <a:stretch> element.
sub _write_a_stretch {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:stretch' );
# Write the a:fillRect element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:stretch' );
# _write_a_fill_rect()
# Write the <a:fillRect> element.
sub _write_a_fill_rect {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:fillRect' );
# _write_sp_pr()
# Write the <xdr:spPr> element, for charts.
sub _write_sp_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $shape = shift || {};
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:spPr' );
# Write the a:xfrm element.
$self->_write_a_xfrm( $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width, $height );
# Write the a:prstGeom element.
$self->_write_a_prst_geom( $shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:spPr' );
# _write_xdr_sp_pr()
# Write the <xdr:spPr> element for shapes.
sub _write_xdr_sp_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $shape = shift;
my @attributes = ( 'bwMode' => 'auto' );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:spPr', @attributes );
# Write the a:xfrm element.
$self->_write_a_xfrm( $col_absolute, $row_absolute, $width, $height,
$shape );
# Write the a:prstGeom element.
$self->_write_a_prst_geom( $shape );
my $fill = $shape->{_fill};
if ( length $fill > 1 ) {
# Write the a:solidFill element.
$self->_write_a_solid_fill( $fill );
else {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:noFill' );
# Write the a:ln element.
$self->_write_a_ln( $shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:spPr' );
# _write_a_xfrm()
# Write the <a:xfrm> element.
sub _write_a_xfrm {
my $self = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $shape = shift || {};
my @attributes = ();
my $rotation = $shape->{_rotation} || 0;
$rotation *= 60000;
push( @attributes, ( 'rot' => $rotation ) ) if $rotation;
push( @attributes, ( 'flipH' => 1 ) ) if $shape->{_flip_h};
push( @attributes, ( 'flipV' => 1 ) ) if $shape->{_flip_v};
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:xfrm', @attributes );
# Write the a:off element.
$self->_write_a_off( $col_absolute, $row_absolute );
# Write the a:ext element.
$self->_write_a_ext( $width, $height );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:xfrm' );
# _write_a_off()
# Write the <a:off> element.
sub _write_a_off {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my @attributes = (
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:off', @attributes );
# _write_a_ext()
# Write the <a:ext> element.
sub _write_a_ext {
my $self = shift;
my $cx = shift;
my $cy = shift;
my @attributes = (
'cx' => $cx,
'cy' => $cy,
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:ext', @attributes );
# _write_a_prst_geom()
# Write the <a:prstGeom> element.
sub _write_a_prst_geom {
my $self = shift;
my $shape = shift || {};
my @attributes = ();
@attributes = ( 'prst' => $shape->{_type} ) if $shape->{_type};
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:prstGeom', @attributes );
# Write the a:avLst element.
$self->_write_a_av_lst( $shape );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:prstGeom' );
# _write_a_av_lst()
# Write the <a:avLst> element.
sub _write_a_av_lst {
my $self = shift;
my $shape = shift || {};
my $adjustments = [];
if ( defined $shape->{_adjustments} ) {
$adjustments = $shape->{_adjustments};
if ( @$adjustments ) {
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:avLst' );
my $i = 0;
foreach my $adj ( @{$adjustments} ) {
# Only connectors have multiple adjustments.
my $suffix = $shape->{_connect} ? $i : '';
# Scale Adjustments: 100,000 = 100%.
my $adj_int = int( $adj * 1000 );
my @attributes =
( name => 'adj' . $suffix, fmla => "val $adj_int" );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:gd', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:avLst' );
else {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:avLst' );
# _write_a_solid_fill()
# Write the <a:solidFill> element.
sub _write_a_solid_fill {
my $self = shift;
my $rgb = shift;
$rgb = '000000' unless defined $rgb;
my @attributes = ( 'val' => $rgb );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:solidFill' );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:srgbClr', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:solidFill' );
# _write_a_ln()
# Write the <a:ln> element.
sub _write_a_ln {
my $self = shift;
my $shape = shift || {};
my $weight = $shape->{_line_weight};
my @attributes = ( 'w' => $weight * 9525 );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:ln', @attributes );
my $line = $shape->{_line};
if ( length $line > 1 ) {
# Write the a:solidFill element.
$self->_write_a_solid_fill( $line );
else {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:noFill' );
if ( $shape->{_line_type} ) {
@attributes = ( 'val' => $shape->{_line_type} );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:prstDash', @attributes );
if ( $shape->{_connect} ) {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:round' );
else {
@attributes = ( 'lim' => 800000 );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:miter', @attributes );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:headEnd' );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:tailEnd' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:ln' );
# _write_txBody
# Write the <xdr:txBody> element.
sub _write_txBody {
my $self = shift;
my $col_absolute = shift;
my $row_absolute = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $shape = shift;
my @attributes = (
vertOverflow => "clip",
wrap => "square",
lIns => "27432",
tIns => "22860",
rIns => "27432",
bIns => "22860",
anchor => $shape->{_valign},
upright => "1",
$self->xml_start_tag( 'xdr:txBody' );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:bodyPr', @attributes );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:lstStyle' );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:p' );
my $rotation = $shape->{_format}->{_rotation};
$rotation = 0 unless defined $rotation;
$rotation *= 60000;
@attributes = ( algn => $shape->{_align}, rtl => $rotation );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:pPr', @attributes );
@attributes = ( sz => "1000" );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:defRPr', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:pPr' );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:r' );
my $size = $shape->{_format}->{_size};
$size = 8 unless defined $size;
$size *= 100;
my $bold = $shape->{_format}->{_bold};
$bold = 0 unless defined $bold;
my $italic = $shape->{_format}->{_italic};
$italic = 0 unless defined $italic;
my $underline = $shape->{_format}->{_underline};
$underline = $underline ? 'sng' : 'none';
my $strike = $shape->{_format}->{_font_strikeout};
$strike = $strike ? 'Strike' : 'noStrike';
@attributes = (
lang => "en-US",
sz => $size,
b => $bold,
i => $italic,
u => $underline,
strike => $strike,
baseline => 0,
$self->xml_start_tag( 'a:rPr', @attributes );
my $color = $shape->{_format}->{_color};
if ( defined $color ) {
$color = $shape->_get_palette_color( $color );
$color =~ s/^FF//; # Remove leading FF from rgb for shape color.
else {
$color = '000000';
$self->_write_a_solid_fill( $color );
my $font = $shape->{_format}->{_font};
$font = 'Calibri' unless defined $font;
@attributes = ( typeface => $font );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:latin', @attributes );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:cs', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:rPr' );
$self->xml_data_element( 'a:t', $shape->{_text} );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:r' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'a:p' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'xdr:txBody' );
=head1 NAME
Drawing - A class for writing the Excel XLSX drawing.xml file.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
This module is used in conjunction with L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 AUTHOR
John McNamara
(c) MM-MMXIX, John McNamara.
All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 LICENSE
Either the Perl Artistic Licence L<> or the GPL L<>.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.