shell bypass 403
package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format;
# Format - A class for defining Excel formatting.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX
# Copyright 2000-2019, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
use 5.008002;
use Exporter;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# new()
# Constructor
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_xf_format_indices => shift,
_dxf_format_indices => shift,
_xf_index => undef,
_dxf_index => undef,
_num_format => 'General',
_num_format_index => 0,
_font_index => 0,
_has_font => 0,
_has_dxf_font => 0,
_font => 'Calibri',
_size => 11,
_bold => 0,
_italic => 0,
_color => 0x0,
_underline => 0,
_font_strikeout => 0,
_font_outline => 0,
_font_shadow => 0,
_font_script => 0,
_font_family => 2,
_font_charset => 0,
_font_scheme => 'minor',
_font_condense => 0,
_font_extend => 0,
_theme => 0,
_hyperlink => 0,
_xf_id => 0,
_hidden => 0,
_locked => 1,
_text_h_align => 0,
_text_wrap => 0,
_text_v_align => 0,
_text_justlast => 0,
_rotation => 0,
_fg_color => 0x00,
_bg_color => 0x00,
_pattern => 0,
_has_fill => 0,
_has_dxf_fill => 0,
_fill_index => 0,
_fill_count => 0,
_border_index => 0,
_has_border => 0,
_has_dxf_border => 0,
_border_count => 0,
_bottom => 0,
_bottom_color => 0x0,
_diag_border => 0,
_diag_color => 0x0,
_diag_type => 0,
_left => 0,
_left_color => 0x0,
_right => 0,
_right_color => 0x0,
_top => 0,
_top_color => 0x0,
_indent => 0,
_shrink => 0,
_merge_range => 0,
_reading_order => 0,
_just_distrib => 0,
_color_indexed => 0,
_font_only => 0,
bless $self, $class;
# Set properties passed to Workbook::add_format()
$self->set_format_properties(@_) if @_;
return $self;
# copy($format)
# Copy the attributes of another Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format object.
sub copy {
my $self = shift;
my $other = $_[0];
return unless defined $other;
return unless ( ref( $self ) eq ref( $other ) );
# Store properties that we don't want over-ridden.
my $xf_index = $self->{_xf_index};
my $dxf_index = $self->{_dxf_index};
my $xf_format_indices = $self->{_xf_format_indices};
my $dxf_format_indices = $self->{_dxf_format_indices};
my $palette = $self->{_palette};
# Copy properties.
%$self = %$other;
# Restore original properties.
$self->{_xf_index} = $xf_index;
$self->{_dxf_index} = $dxf_index;
$self->{_xf_format_indices} = $xf_format_indices;
$self->{_dxf_format_indices} = $dxf_format_indices;
$self->{_palette} = $palette;
# get_align_properties()
# Return properties for an Style xf <alignment> sub-element.
sub get_align_properties {
my $self = shift;
my @align; # Attributes to return
# Check if any alignment options in the format have been changed.
my $changed =
( $self->{_text_h_align} != 0
|| $self->{_text_v_align} != 0
|| $self->{_indent} != 0
|| $self->{_rotation} != 0
|| $self->{_text_wrap} != 0
|| $self->{_shrink} != 0
|| $self->{_reading_order} != 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
return unless $changed;
# Indent is only allowed for horizontal left, right and distributed. If it
# is defined for any other alignment or no alignment has been set then
# default to left alignment.
if ( $self->{_indent}
&& $self->{_text_h_align} != 1
&& $self->{_text_h_align} != 3
&& $self->{_text_h_align} != 7 )
$self->{_text_h_align} = 1;
# Check for properties that are mutually exclusive.
$self->{_shrink} = 0 if $self->{_text_wrap};
$self->{_shrink} = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 4; # Fill
$self->{_shrink} = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 5; # Justify
$self->{_shrink} = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 7; # Distributed
$self->{_just_distrib} = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} != 7; # Distributed
$self->{_just_distrib} = 0 if $self->{_indent};
my $continuous = 'centerContinuous';
push @align, 'horizontal', 'left' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 1;
push @align, 'horizontal', 'center' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 2;
push @align, 'horizontal', 'right' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 3;
push @align, 'horizontal', 'fill' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 4;
push @align, 'horizontal', 'justify' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 5;
push @align, 'horizontal', $continuous if $self->{_text_h_align} == 6;
push @align, 'horizontal', 'distributed' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 7;
push @align, 'justifyLastLine', 1 if $self->{_just_distrib};
# Property 'vertical' => 'bottom' is a default. It sets applyAlignment
# without an alignment sub-element.
push @align, 'vertical', 'top' if $self->{_text_v_align} == 1;
push @align, 'vertical', 'center' if $self->{_text_v_align} == 2;
push @align, 'vertical', 'justify' if $self->{_text_v_align} == 4;
push @align, 'vertical', 'distributed' if $self->{_text_v_align} == 5;
push @align, 'indent', $self->{_indent} if $self->{_indent};
push @align, 'textRotation', $self->{_rotation} if $self->{_rotation};
push @align, 'wrapText', 1 if $self->{_text_wrap};
push @align, 'shrinkToFit', 1 if $self->{_shrink};
push @align, 'readingOrder', 1 if $self->{_reading_order} == 1;
push @align, 'readingOrder', 2 if $self->{_reading_order} == 2;
return $changed, @align;
# get_protection_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Protection> element.
sub get_protection_properties {
my $self = shift;
my @attribs;
push @attribs, 'locked', 0 if !$self->{_locked};
push @attribs, 'hidden', 1 if $self->{_hidden};
return @attribs;
# get_format_key()
# Returns a unique hash key for the Format object.
sub get_format_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = join ':',
$self->get_font_key(), $self->get_border_key,
$self->get_fill_key(), $self->get_alignment_key(),
$self->{_num_format}, $self->{_locked},
return $key;
# get_font_key()
# Returns a unique hash key for a font. Used by Workbook.
sub get_font_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = join ':', (
return $key;
# get_border_key()
# Returns a unique hash key for a border style. Used by Workbook.
sub get_border_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = join ':', (
return $key;
# get_fill_key()
# Returns a unique hash key for a fill style. Used by Workbook.
sub get_fill_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = join ':', (
return $key;
# get_alignment_key()
# Returns a unique hash key for alignment formats.
sub get_alignment_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = join ':', (
return $key;
# get_xf_index()
# Returns the index used by Worksheet->_XF()
sub get_xf_index {
my $self = shift;
if ( defined $self->{_xf_index} ) {
return $self->{_xf_index};
else {
my $key = $self->get_format_key();
my $indices_href = ${ $self->{_xf_format_indices} };
if ( exists $indices_href->{$key} ) {
return $indices_href->{$key};
else {
my $index = 1 + scalar keys %$indices_href;
$indices_href->{$key} = $index;
$self->{_xf_index} = $index;
return $index;
# get_dxf_index()
# Returns the index used by Worksheet->_XF()
sub get_dxf_index {
my $self = shift;
if ( defined $self->{_dxf_index} ) {
return $self->{_dxf_index};
else {
my $key = $self->get_format_key();
my $indices_href = ${ $self->{_dxf_format_indices} };
if ( exists $indices_href->{$key} ) {
return $indices_href->{$key};
else {
my $index = scalar keys %$indices_href;
$indices_href->{$key} = $index;
$self->{_dxf_index} = $index;
return $index;
# _get_color()
# Used in conjunction with the set_xxx_color methods to convert a color
# string into a number. Color range is 0..63 but we will restrict it
# to 8..63 to comply with Gnumeric. Colors 0..7 are repeated in 8..15.
sub _get_color {
my %colors = (
aqua => 0x0F,
cyan => 0x0F,
black => 0x08,
blue => 0x0C,
brown => 0x10,
magenta => 0x0E,
fuchsia => 0x0E,
gray => 0x17,
grey => 0x17,
green => 0x11,
lime => 0x0B,
navy => 0x12,
orange => 0x35,
pink => 0x21,
purple => 0x14,
red => 0x0A,
silver => 0x16,
white => 0x09,
yellow => 0x0D,
# Return the default color if undef,
return 0x00 unless defined $_[0];
# Return RGB style colors for processing later.
if ( $_[0] =~ m/^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i ) {
return $_[0];
# or the color string converted to an integer,
return $colors{ lc( $_[0] ) } if exists $colors{ lc( $_[0] ) };
# or the default color if string is unrecognised,
return 0x00 if ( $_[0] =~ m/\D/ );
# or an index < 8 mapped into the correct range,
return $_[0] + 8 if $_[0] < 8;
# or the default color if arg is outside range,
return 0x00 if $_[0] > 63;
# or an integer in the valid range
return $_[0];
# set_type()
# Set the XF object type as 0 = cell XF or 0xFFF5 = style XF.
sub set_type {
my $self = shift;
my $type = $_[0];
if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 0) {
$self->{_type} = 0x0000;
else {
$self->{_type} = 0xFFF5;
# set_align()
# Set cell alignment.
sub set_align {
my $self = shift;
my $location = $_[0];
return if not defined $location; # No default
return if $location =~ m/\d/; # Ignore numbers
$location = lc( $location );
$self->set_text_h_align( 1 ) if $location eq 'left';
$self->set_text_h_align( 2 ) if $location eq 'centre';
$self->set_text_h_align( 2 ) if $location eq 'center';
$self->set_text_h_align( 3 ) if $location eq 'right';
$self->set_text_h_align( 4 ) if $location eq 'fill';
$self->set_text_h_align( 5 ) if $location eq 'justify';
$self->set_text_h_align( 6 ) if $location eq 'center_across';
$self->set_text_h_align( 6 ) if $location eq 'centre_across';
$self->set_text_h_align( 6 ) if $location eq 'merge'; # Legacy.
$self->set_text_h_align( 7 ) if $location eq 'distributed';
$self->set_text_h_align( 7 ) if $location eq 'equal_space'; # S::PE.
$self->set_text_h_align( 7 ) if $location eq 'justify_distributed';
$self->{_just_distrib} = 1 if $location eq 'justify_distributed';
$self->set_text_v_align( 1 ) if $location eq 'top';
$self->set_text_v_align( 2 ) if $location eq 'vcentre';
$self->set_text_v_align( 2 ) if $location eq 'vcenter';
$self->set_text_v_align( 3 ) if $location eq 'bottom';
$self->set_text_v_align( 4 ) if $location eq 'vjustify';
$self->set_text_v_align( 5 ) if $location eq 'vdistributed';
$self->set_text_v_align( 5 ) if $location eq 'vequal_space'; # S::PE.
# set_valign()
# Set vertical cell alignment. This is required by the set_properties() method
# to differentiate between the vertical and horizontal properties.
sub set_valign {
my $self = shift;
$self->set_align( @_ );
# set_center_across()
# Implements the Excel5 style "merge".
sub set_center_across {
my $self = shift;
$self->set_text_h_align( 6 );
# set_merge()
# This was the way to implement a merge in Excel5. However it should have been
# called "center_across" and not "merge".
# This is now deprecated. Use set_center_across() or better merge_range().
sub set_merge {
my $self = shift;
$self->set_text_h_align( 6 );
# set_bold()
sub set_bold {
my $self = shift;
my $bold = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 1;
$self->{_bold} = $bold ? 1 : 0;
# set_border($style)
# Set cells borders to the same style
sub set_border {
my $self = shift;
my $style = $_[0];
$self->set_bottom( $style );
$self->set_top( $style );
$self->set_left( $style );
$self->set_right( $style );
# set_border_color($color)
# Set cells border to the same color
sub set_border_color {
my $self = shift;
my $color = $_[0];
$self->set_bottom_color( $color );
$self->set_top_color( $color );
$self->set_left_color( $color );
$self->set_right_color( $color );
# set_rotation($angle)
# Set the rotation angle of the text. An alignment property.
sub set_rotation {
my $self = shift;
my $rotation = $_[0];
# Argument should be a number
return if $rotation !~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;
# The arg type can be a double but the Excel dialog only allows integers.
$rotation = int $rotation;
if ( $rotation == 270 ) {
$rotation = 255;
elsif ( $rotation >= -90 and $rotation <= 90 ) {
$rotation = -$rotation + 90 if $rotation < 0;
else {
carp "Rotation $rotation outside range: -90 <= angle <= 90";
$rotation = 0;
$self->{_rotation} = $rotation;
# set_hyperlink()
# Set the properties for the hyperlink style. This isn't a public method. To
# be fixed when styles are supported.
sub set_hyperlink {
my $self = shift;
my $hyperlink = shift;
$self->{_xf_id} = 1;
$self->set_underline( 1 );
$self->set_theme( 10 );
$self->{_hyperlink} = $hyperlink;
# set_format_properties()
# Convert hashes of properties to method calls.
sub set_format_properties {
my $self = shift;
my %properties = @_; # Merge multiple hashes into one
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each( %properties ) ) {
# Strip leading "-" from Tk style properties e.g. -color => 'red'.
$key =~ s/^-//;
# Create a sub to set the property.
my $sub = \&{"set_$key"};
$sub->( $self, $value );
# Renamed rarely used set_properties() to set_format_properties() to avoid
# confusion with Workbook method of the same name. The following acts as an
# alias for any code that uses the old name.
*set_properties = *set_format_properties;
# AUTOLOAD. Deus ex machina.
# Dynamically create set methods that aren't already defined.
my $self = shift;
# Ignore calls to DESTROY
return if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/;
# Check for a valid method names, i.e. "set_xxx_yyy".
$AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set(\w+)/ or die "Unknown method: $AUTOLOAD\n";
# Match the attribute, i.e. "_xxx_yyy".
my $attribute = $1;
# Check that the attribute exists
exists $self->{$attribute} or die "Unknown method: $AUTOLOAD\n";
# The attribute value
my $value;
# There are two types of set methods: set_property() and
# set_property_color(). When a method is AUTOLOADED we store a new anonymous
# sub in the appropriate slot in the symbol table. The speeds up subsequent
# calls to the same method.
no strict 'refs'; # To allow symbol table hackery
if ( $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set\w+color$/ ) {
# For "set_property_color" methods
$value = _get_color( $_[0] );
*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->{$attribute} = _get_color( $_[0] );
else {
$value = $_[0];
$value = 1 if not defined $value; # The default value is always 1
*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
$value = 1 if not defined $value;
$self->{$attribute} = $value;
$self->{$attribute} = $value;
=head1 NAME
Format - A class for defining Excel formatting.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>
This module is used in conjunction with L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 AUTHOR
John McNamara
(c) MM-MMXIX, John McNamara.
All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.