shell bypass 403
package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Workbook;
# Workbook - A class for writing Excel Workbooks.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX
# Copyright 2000-2019, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
# perltidy with the following options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola
use 5.008002;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use IO::File;
use File::Find;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use File::Basename 'fileparse';
use Archive::Zip;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chartsheet;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Shape;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Packager;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility qw(xl_cell_to_rowcol xl_rowcol_to_cell);
our @ISA = qw(Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter);
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# Public and private API methods.
# new()
# Constructor.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter->new();
$self->{_filename} = $_[0] || '';
my $options = $_[1] || {};
$self->{_tempdir} = undef;
$self->{_date_1904} = 0;
$self->{_activesheet} = 0;
$self->{_firstsheet} = 0;
$self->{_selected} = 0;
$self->{_fileclosed} = 0;
$self->{_filehandle} = undef;
$self->{_internal_fh} = 0;
$self->{_sheet_name} = 'Sheet';
$self->{_chart_name} = 'Chart';
$self->{_sheetname_count} = 0;
$self->{_chartname_count} = 0;
$self->{_worksheets} = [];
$self->{_charts} = [];
$self->{_drawings} = [];
$self->{_sheetnames} = {};
$self->{_formats} = [];
$self->{_xf_formats} = [];
$self->{_xf_format_indices} = {};
$self->{_dxf_formats} = [];
$self->{_dxf_format_indices} = {};
$self->{_palette} = [];
$self->{_font_count} = 0;
$self->{_num_format_count} = 0;
$self->{_defined_names} = [];
$self->{_named_ranges} = [];
$self->{_custom_colors} = [];
$self->{_doc_properties} = {};
$self->{_custom_properties} = [];
$self->{_createtime} = [ gmtime() ];
$self->{_num_vml_files} = 0;
$self->{_num_comment_files} = 0;
$self->{_optimization} = 0;
$self->{_x_window} = 240;
$self->{_y_window} = 15;
$self->{_window_width} = 16095;
$self->{_window_height} = 9660;
$self->{_tab_ratio} = 600;
$self->{_excel2003_style} = 0;
$self->{_max_url_length} = 2079;
$self->{_default_format_properties} = {};
if ( exists $options->{tempdir} ) {
$self->{_tempdir} = $options->{tempdir};
if ( exists $options->{date_1904} ) {
$self->{_date_1904} = $options->{date_1904};
if ( exists $options->{optimization} ) {
$self->{_optimization} = $options->{optimization};
if ( exists $options->{default_format_properties} ) {
$self->{_default_format_properties} =
if ( exists $options->{excel2003_style} ) {
$self->{_excel2003_style} = 1;
if ( exists $options->{max_url_length} ) {
$self->{_max_url_length} = $options->{max_url_length};
if ($self->{_max_url_length} < 255) {
$self->{_max_url_length} = 2079;
# Structures for the shared strings data.
$self->{_str_total} = 0;
$self->{_str_unique} = 0;
$self->{_str_table} = {};
$self->{_str_array} = [];
# Formula calculation default settings.
$self->{_calc_id} = 124519;
$self->{_calc_mode} = 'auto';
$self->{_calc_on_load} = 1;
bless $self, $class;
# Add the default cell format.
if ( $self->{_excel2003_style} ) {
$self->add_format( xf_index => 0, font_family => 0 );
else {
$self->add_format( xf_index => 0 );
# Add a default URL format.
$self->{_default_url_format} = $self->add_format( hyperlink => 1 );
# Check for a filename unless it is an existing filehandle
if ( not ref $self->{_filename} and $self->{_filename} eq '' ) {
carp 'Filename required by Excel::Writer::XLSX->new()';
return undef;
# If filename is a reference we assume that it is a valid filehandle.
if ( ref $self->{_filename} ) {
$self->{_filehandle} = $self->{_filename};
$self->{_internal_fh} = 0;
elsif ( $self->{_filename} eq '-' ) {
# Support special filename/filehandle '-' for backward compatibility.
binmode STDOUT;
$self->{_filehandle} = \*STDOUT;
$self->{_internal_fh} = 0;
else {
my $fh = IO::File->new( $self->{_filename}, 'w' );
return undef unless defined $fh;
$self->{_filehandle} = $fh;
$self->{_internal_fh} = 1;
# Set colour palette.
return $self;
# _assemble_xml_file()
# Assemble and write the XML file.
sub _assemble_xml_file {
my $self = shift;
# Prepare format object for passing to
# Write the root workbook element.
# Write the XLSX file version.
# Write the workbook properties.
# Write the workbook view properties.
# Write the worksheet names and ids.
# Write the workbook defined names.
# Write the workbook calculation properties.
# Write the workbook extension storage.
# Close the workbook tag.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'workbook' );
# Close the XML writer filehandle.
# close()
# Calls finalization methods.
sub close {
my $self = shift;
# In case close() is called twice, by user and by DESTROY.
return if $self->{_fileclosed};
# Test filehandle in case new() failed and the user didn't check.
return undef if !defined $self->{_filehandle};
$self->{_fileclosed} = 1;
# Return the file close value.
if ( $self->{_internal_fh} ) {
return $self->{_filehandle}->close();
else {
# Return true and let users deal with their own filehandles.
return 1;
# Close the workbook if it hasn't already been explicitly closed.
my $self = shift;
local ( $@, $!, $^E, $? );
$self->close() if not $self->{_fileclosed};
# sheets(slice,...)
# An accessor for the _worksheets[] array
# Returns: an optionally sliced list of the worksheet objects in a workbook.
sub sheets {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
# Return a slice of the array
return @{ $self->{_worksheets} }[@_];
else {
# Return the entire list
return @{ $self->{_worksheets} };
# get_worksheet_by_name(name)
# Return a worksheet object in the workbook using the sheetname.
sub get_worksheet_by_name {
my $self = shift;
my $sheetname = shift;
return undef if not defined $sheetname;
return $self->{_sheetnames}->{$sheetname};
# worksheets()
# An accessor for the _worksheets[] array.
# This method is now deprecated. Use the sheets() method instead.
# Returns: an array reference
sub worksheets {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_worksheets};
# add_worksheet($name)
# Add a new worksheet to the Excel workbook.
# Returns: reference to a worksheet object
sub add_worksheet {
my $self = shift;
my $index = @{ $self->{_worksheets} };
my $name = $self->_check_sheetname( $_[0] );
my $fh = undef;
# Porters take note, the following scheme of passing references to Workbook
# data (in the \$self->{_foo} cases) instead of a reference to the Workbook
# itself is a workaround to avoid circular references between Workbook and
# Worksheet objects. Feel free to implement this in any way the suits your
# language.
my @init_data = (
my $worksheet = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet->new( @init_data );
$self->{_worksheets}->[$index] = $worksheet;
$self->{_sheetnames}->{$name} = $worksheet;
return $worksheet;
# add_chart( %args )
# Create a chart for embedding or as a new sheet.
sub add_chart {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my $name = '';
my $index = @{ $self->{_worksheets} };
my $fh = undef;
# Type must be specified so we can create the required chart instance.
my $type = $arg{type};
if ( !defined $type ) {
croak "Must define chart type in add_chart()";
# Ensure that the chart defaults to non embedded.
my $embedded = $arg{embedded} || 0;
# Check the worksheet name for non-embedded charts.
if ( !$embedded ) {
$name = $self->_check_sheetname( $arg{name}, 1 );
my @init_data = (
my $chart = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart->factory( $type, $arg{subtype} );
# If the chart isn't embedded let the workbook control it.
if ( !$embedded ) {
my $drawing = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Drawing->new();
my $chartsheet = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chartsheet->new( @init_data );
$chart->{_palette} = $self->{_palette};
$chartsheet->{_chart} = $chart;
$chartsheet->{_drawing} = $drawing;
$self->{_worksheets}->[$index] = $chartsheet;
$self->{_sheetnames}->{$name} = $chartsheet;
push @{ $self->{_charts} }, $chart;
return $chartsheet;
else {
# Set the embedded chart name if present.
$chart->{_chart_name} = $arg{name} if $arg{name};
# Set index to 0 so that the activate() and set_first_sheet() methods
# point back to the first worksheet if used for embedded charts.
$chart->{_index} = 0;
$chart->{_palette} = $self->{_palette};
push @{ $self->{_charts} }, $chart;
return $chart;
# _check_sheetname( $name )
# Check for valid worksheet names. We check the length, if it contains any
# invalid characters and if the name is unique in the workbook.
sub _check_sheetname {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift || "";
my $chart = shift || 0;
my $invalid_char = qr([\[\]:*?/\\]);
# Increment the Sheet/Chart number used for default sheet names below.
if ( $chart ) {
else {
# Supply default Sheet/Chart name if none has been defined.
if ( $name eq "" ) {
if ( $chart ) {
$name = $self->{_chart_name} . $self->{_chartname_count};
else {
$name = $self->{_sheet_name} . $self->{_sheetname_count};
# Check that sheet name is <= 31. Excel limit.
croak "Sheetname $name must be <= 31 chars" if length $name > 31;
# Check that sheetname doesn't contain any invalid characters
if ( $name =~ $invalid_char ) {
croak 'Invalid character []:*?/\\ in worksheet name: ' . $name;
# Check that sheetname doesn't start or end with an apostrophe.
if ( $name =~ /^'/ || $name =~ /'$/) {
croak "Worksheet name $name cannot start or end with an apostrophe";
# Check that sheetname isn't a reserved word.
if ( lc($name) eq 'history') {
croak "Worksheet name cannot be Excel reserved word 'History'";
# Check that the worksheet name doesn't already exist since this is a fatal
# error in Excel 97. The check must also exclude case insensitive matches.
foreach my $worksheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
my $name_a = $name;
my $name_b = $worksheet->{_name};
if ( lc( $name_a ) eq lc( $name_b ) ) {
croak "Worksheet name '$name', with case ignored, is already used.";
return $name;
# add_format(%properties)
# Add a new format to the Excel workbook.
sub add_format {
my $self = shift;
my @init_data =
( \$self->{_xf_format_indices}, \$self->{_dxf_format_indices} );
# Change default format style for Excel2003/XLS format.
if ( $self->{_excel2003_style} ) {
push @init_data, ( font => 'Arial', size => 10, theme => -1 );
# Add the default format properties.
push @init_data, %{ $self->{_default_format_properties} };
# Add the user defined properties.
push @init_data, @_;
my $format = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format->new( @init_data );
push @{ $self->{_formats} }, $format; # Store format reference
return $format;
# add_shape(%properties)
# Add a new shape to the Excel workbook.
sub add_shape {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = undef;
my $shape = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Shape->new( $fh, @_ );
$shape->{_palette} = $self->{_palette};
push @{ $self->{_shapes} }, $shape; # Store shape reference.
return $shape;
# set_1904()
# Set the date system: 0 = 1900 (the default), 1 = 1904
sub set_1904 {
my $self = shift;
if ( defined( $_[0] ) ) {
$self->{_date_1904} = $_[0];
else {
$self->{_date_1904} = 1;
# get_1904()
# Return the date system: 0 = 1900, 1 = 1904
sub get_1904 {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_date_1904};
# set_custom_color()
# Change the RGB components of the elements in the colour palette.
sub set_custom_color {
my $self = shift;
# Match a HTML #xxyyzz style parameter
if ( defined $_[1] and $_[1] =~ /^#(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/ ) {
@_ = ( $_[0], hex $1, hex $2, hex $3 );
my $index = $_[0] || 0;
my $red = $_[1] || 0;
my $green = $_[2] || 0;
my $blue = $_[3] || 0;
my $aref = $self->{_palette};
# Check that the colour index is the right range
if ( $index < 8 or $index > 64 ) {
carp "Color index $index outside range: 8 <= index <= 64";
return 0;
# Check that the colour components are in the right range
if ( ( $red < 0 or $red > 255 )
|| ( $green < 0 or $green > 255 )
|| ( $blue < 0 or $blue > 255 ) )
carp "Color component outside range: 0 <= color <= 255";
return 0;
$index -= 8; # Adjust colour index (wingless dragonfly)
# Set the RGB value.
my @rgb = ( $red, $green, $blue );
$aref->[$index] = [@rgb];
# Store the custom colors for the style.xml file.
push @{ $self->{_custom_colors} }, sprintf "FF%02X%02X%02X", @rgb;
return $index + 8;
# set_color_palette()
# Sets the colour palette to the Excel defaults.
sub set_color_palette {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_palette} = [
[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 8
[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 9
[ 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 10
[ 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 11
[ 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 12
[ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 13
[ 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 14
[ 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 15
[ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 16
[ 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 17
[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 18
[ 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 19
[ 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 20
[ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 21
[ 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0x00 ], # 22
[ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 23
[ 0x99, 0x99, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 24
[ 0x99, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00 ], # 25
[ 0xff, 0xff, 0xcc, 0x00 ], # 26
[ 0xcc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 27
[ 0x66, 0x00, 0x66, 0x00 ], # 28
[ 0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 29
[ 0x00, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x00 ], # 30
[ 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 31
[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 32
[ 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 33
[ 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 34
[ 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 35
[ 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 36
[ 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 37
[ 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 ], # 38
[ 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 39
[ 0x00, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 40
[ 0xcc, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 41
[ 0xcc, 0xff, 0xcc, 0x00 ], # 42
[ 0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0x00 ], # 43
[ 0x99, 0xcc, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 44
[ 0xff, 0x99, 0xcc, 0x00 ], # 45
[ 0xcc, 0x99, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 46
[ 0xff, 0xcc, 0x99, 0x00 ], # 47
[ 0x33, 0x66, 0xff, 0x00 ], # 48
[ 0x33, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x00 ], # 49
[ 0x99, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 50
[ 0xff, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 51
[ 0xff, 0x99, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 52
[ 0xff, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 53
[ 0x66, 0x66, 0x99, 0x00 ], # 54
[ 0x96, 0x96, 0x96, 0x00 ], # 55
[ 0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00 ], # 56
[ 0x33, 0x99, 0x66, 0x00 ], # 57
[ 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 58
[ 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 59
[ 0x99, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00 ], # 60
[ 0x99, 0x33, 0x66, 0x00 ], # 61
[ 0x33, 0x33, 0x99, 0x00 ], # 62
[ 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00 ], # 63
return 0;
# set_tempdir()
# Change the default temp directory.
sub set_tempdir {
my $self = shift;
my $dir = shift;
croak "$dir is not a valid directory" if defined $dir and not -d $dir;
$self->{_tempdir} = $dir;
# define_name()
# Create a defined name in Excel. We handle global/workbook level names and
# local/worksheet names.
sub define_name {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $formula = shift;
my $sheet_index = undef;
my $sheetname = '';
my $full_name = $name;
# Remove the = sign from the formula if it exists.
$formula =~ s/^=//;
# Local defined names are formatted like "Sheet1!name".
if ( $name =~ /^(.*)!(.*)$/ ) {
$sheetname = $1;
$name = $2;
$sheet_index = $self->_get_sheet_index( $sheetname );
else {
$sheet_index = -1; # Use -1 to indicate global names.
# Warn if the sheet index wasn't found.
if ( !defined $sheet_index ) {
carp "Unknown sheet name $sheetname in defined_name()";
return -1;
# Warn if the name contains invalid chars as defined by Excel help.
if ( $name !~ m/^[\w\\][\w\\.]*$/ || $name =~ m/^\d/ ) {
carp "Invalid character in name '$name' used in defined_name()";
return -1;
# Warn if the name looks like a cell name.
if ( $name =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?[a-dA-D]?[0-9]+$/ ) {
carp "Invalid name '$name' looks like a cell name in defined_name()";
return -1;
# Warn if the name looks like a R1C1.
if ( $name =~ m/^[rcRC]$/ || $name =~ m/^[rcRC]\d+[rcRC]\d+$/ ) {
carp "Invalid name '$name' like a RC cell ref in defined_name()";
return -1;
push @{ $self->{_defined_names} }, [ $name, $sheet_index, $formula ];
# set_size()
# Set the workbook size.
sub set_size {
my $self = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
if ( !$width ) {
$self->{_window_width} = 16095;
else {
# Convert to twips at 96 dpi.
$self->{_window_width} = int( $width * 1440 / 96 );
if ( !$height ) {
$self->{_window_height} = 9660;
else {
# Convert to twips at 96 dpi.
$self->{_window_height} = int( $height * 1440 / 96 );
# set_tab_ratio()
# Set the ratio of space for worksheet tabs.
sub set_tab_ratio {
my $self = shift;
my $tab_ratio = shift;
if (!defined $tab_ratio) {
if ( $tab_ratio < 0 or $tab_ratio > 100 ) {
carp "Tab ratio outside range: 0 <= zoom <= 100";
else {
$self->{_tab_ratio} = int( $tab_ratio * 10 );
# set_properties()
# Set the document properties such as Title, Author etc. These are written to
# property sets in the OLE container.
sub set_properties {
my $self = shift;
my %param = @_;
# Ignore if no args were passed.
return -1 unless @_;
# List of valid input parameters.
my %valid = (
title => 1,
subject => 1,
author => 1,
keywords => 1,
comments => 1,
last_author => 1,
created => 1,
category => 1,
manager => 1,
company => 1,
status => 1,
hyperlink_base => 1,
# Check for valid input parameters.
for my $parameter ( keys %param ) {
if ( not exists $valid{$parameter} ) {
carp "Unknown parameter '$parameter' in set_properties()";
return -1;
# Set the creation time unless specified by the user.
if ( !exists $param{created} ) {
$param{created} = $self->{_createtime};
$self->{_doc_properties} = \%param;
# set_custom_property()
# Set a user defined custom document property.
sub set_custom_property {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $type = shift;
# Valid types.
my %valid_type = (
'text' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'number' => 1,
'number_int' => 1,
'bool' => 1,
if ( !defined $name || !defined $value ) {
carp "The name and value parameters must be defined "
. "in set_custom_property()";
return -1;
# Determine the type for strings and numbers if it hasn't been specified.
if ( !$type ) {
if ( $value =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$type = 'number_int';
elsif ( $value =~
/^([+-]?)(?=[0-9]|\.[0-9])[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([Ee]([+-]?[0-9]+))?$/ )
$type = 'number';
else {
$type = 'text';
# Check for valid validation types.
if ( !exists $valid_type{$type} ) {
carp "Unknown custom type '$type' in set_custom_property()";
return -1;
# Check for strings longer than Excel's limit of 255 chars.
if ( $type eq 'text' and length $value > 255 ) {
carp "Length of text custom value '$value' exceeds "
. "Excel's limit of 255 in set_custom_property()";
return -1;
if ( length $value > 255 ) {
carp "Length of custom name '$name' exceeds "
. "Excel's limit of 255 in set_custom_property()";
return -1;
push @{ $self->{_custom_properties} }, [ $name, $value, $type ];
# add_vba_project()
# Add a vbaProject binary to the XLSX file.
sub add_vba_project {
my $self = shift;
my $vba_project = shift;
croak "No vbaProject.bin specified in add_vba_project()"
if not $vba_project;
croak "Couldn't locate $vba_project in add_vba_project(): $!"
unless -e $vba_project;
if ( !$self->{_vba_codemame} ) {
$self->{_vba_codename} = 'ThisWorkbook';
$self->{_vba_project} = $vba_project;
# set_vba_name()
# Set the VBA name for the workbook.
sub set_vba_name {
my $self = shift;
my $vba_codemame = shift;
if ( $vba_codemame ) {
$self->{_vba_codename} = $vba_codemame;
else {
$self->{_vba_codename} = 'ThisWorkbook';
# set_calc_mode()
# Set the Excel caclcuation mode for the workbook.
sub set_calc_mode {
my $self = shift;
my $mode = shift || 'auto';
my $calc_id = shift;
$self->{_calc_mode} = $mode;
if ( $mode eq 'manual' ) {
$self->{_calc_mode} = 'manual';
$self->{_calc_on_load} = 0;
elsif ( $mode eq 'auto_except_tables' ) {
$self->{_calc_mode} = 'autoNoTable';
$self->{_calc_id} = $calc_id if defined $calc_id;
# get_default_url_format()
# Get the default url format used when a user defined format isn't specified
# with write_url(). The format is the hyperlink style defined by Excel for the
# default theme.
sub get_default_url_format {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_default_url_format};
# _store_workbook()
# Assemble worksheets into a workbook.
sub _store_workbook {
my $self = shift;
my $tempdir = File::Temp->newdir( DIR => $self->{_tempdir} );
my $packager = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Packager->new();
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
# Add a default worksheet if non have been added.
$self->add_worksheet() if not @{ $self->{_worksheets} };
# Ensure that at least one worksheet has been selected.
if ( $self->{_activesheet} == 0 ) {
$self->{_worksheets}->[0]->{_selected} = 1;
$self->{_worksheets}->[0]->{_hidden} = 0;
# Set the active sheet.
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
$sheet->{_active} = 1 if $sheet->{_index} == $self->{_activesheet};
# Set the sheet vba_codename if the workbook has a vbaProject binary.
if ( $self->{_vba_project} ) {
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
if ( !$sheet->{_vba_codename} ) {
# Convert the SST strings data structure.
# Prepare the worksheet VML elements such as comments and buttons.
# Set the defined names for the worksheets such as Print Titles.
# Prepare the drawings, charts and images.
# Add cached data to charts.
# Prepare the worksheet tables.
# Package the workbook.
$packager->_add_workbook( $self );
$packager->_set_package_dir( $tempdir );
# Free up the Packager object.
$packager = undef;
# Add the files to the zip archive. Due to issues with Archive::Zip in
# taint mode we can't use addTree() so we have to build the file list
# with File::Find and pass each one to addFile().
my @xlsx_files;
my $wanted = sub { push @xlsx_files, $File::Find::name if -f };
wanted => $wanted,
untaint => 1,
untaint_pattern => qr|^(.+)$|
# Re-order the XML files before adding them to the Zip container to match
# (mainly) the order used by Excel and thus satisfy mime-type heuristics
# such as file(1) and magic.
my @tmp = grep { m{/xl/} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = grep { !m{/xl/} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = ( @tmp, @xlsx_files );
@tmp = grep { m{workbook\.xml$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = grep { !m{workbook\.xml$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = ( @tmp, @xlsx_files );
@tmp = grep { m{_rels/workbook\.xml\.rels$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = grep { !m{_rels/workbook\.xml\.rels$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = ( @tmp, @xlsx_files );
@tmp = grep { m{_rels/\.rels$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = grep { !m{_rels/\.rels$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = ( @tmp, @xlsx_files );
@tmp = grep { m{\[Content_Types\]\.xml$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = grep { !m{\[Content_Types\]\.xml$} } @xlsx_files;
@xlsx_files = ( @tmp, @xlsx_files );
# Store the xlsx component files with the temp dir name removed.
for my $filename ( @xlsx_files ) {
my $short_name = $filename;
$short_name =~ s{^\Q$tempdir\E/?}{};
my $member = $zip->addFile( $filename, $short_name );
# Set the file member datetime to 1980-01-01 00:00:00 like Excel so
# that apps can produce a consistent binary file. Note, we don't use
# the Archive::Zip::setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix() function directly
# since it doesn't allow the time 00:00:00 for this date.
$member->{'lastModFileDateTime'} = 2162688;
if ( $self->{_internal_fh} ) {
if ( $zip->writeToFileHandle( $self->{_filehandle} ) != 0 ) {
carp 'Error writing zip container for xlsx file.';
else {
# Archive::Zip needs to rewind a filehandle to write the zip headers.
# This won't work for arbitrary user defined filehandles so we use
# a temp file based filehandle to create the zip archive and then
# stream that to the filehandle.
my $tmp_fh = tempfile( DIR => $self->{_tempdir} );
my $is_seekable = 1;
if ( $zip->writeToFileHandle( $tmp_fh, $is_seekable ) != 0 ) {
carp 'Error writing zip container for xlsx file.';
my $buffer;
seek $tmp_fh, 0, 0;
while ( read( $tmp_fh, $buffer, 4_096 ) ) {
local $\ = undef; # Protect print from -l on commandline.
print { $self->{_filehandle} } $buffer;
# _prepare_sst_string_data()
# Convert the SST string data from a hash to an array.
sub _prepare_sst_string_data {
my $self = shift;
my @strings;
$#strings = $self->{_str_unique} - 1; # Pre-extend array
while ( my $key = each %{ $self->{_str_table} } ) {
$strings[ $self->{_str_table}->{$key} ] = $key;
# The SST data could be very large, free some memory (maybe).
$self->{_str_table} = undef;
$self->{_str_array} = \@strings;
# _prepare_format_properties()
# Prepare all of the format properties prior to passing them to
sub _prepare_format_properties {
my $self = shift;
# Separate format objects into XF and DXF formats.
# Set the font index for the format objects.
# Set the number format index for the format objects.
# Set the border index for the format objects.
# Set the fill index for the format objects.
# _prepare_formats()
# Iterate through the XF Format objects and separate them into XF and DXF
# formats.
sub _prepare_formats {
my $self = shift;
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_formats} } ) {
my $xf_index = $format->{_xf_index};
my $dxf_index = $format->{_dxf_index};
if ( defined $xf_index ) {
$self->{_xf_formats}->[$xf_index] = $format;
if ( defined $dxf_index ) {
$self->{_dxf_formats}->[$dxf_index] = $format;
# _set_default_xf_indices()
# Set the default index for each format. This is mainly used for testing.
sub _set_default_xf_indices {
my $self = shift;
# Delete the default url format.
splice @{ $self->{_formats} }, 1, 1;
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_formats} } ) {
# _prepare_fonts()
# Iterate through the XF Format objects and give them an index to non-default
# font elements.
sub _prepare_fonts {
my $self = shift;
my %fonts;
my $index = 0;
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_xf_formats} } ) {
my $key = $format->get_font_key();
if ( exists $fonts{$key} ) {
# Font has already been used.
$format->{_font_index} = $fonts{$key};
$format->{_has_font} = 0;
else {
# This is a new font.
$fonts{$key} = $index;
$format->{_font_index} = $index;
$format->{_has_font} = 1;
$self->{_font_count} = $index;
# For the DXF formats we only need to check if the properties have changed.
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_dxf_formats} } ) {
# The only font properties that can change for a DXF format are: color,
# bold, italic, underline and strikethrough.
if ( $format->{_color}
|| $format->{_bold}
|| $format->{_italic}
|| $format->{_underline}
|| $format->{_font_strikeout} )
$format->{_has_dxf_font} = 1;
# _prepare_num_formats()
# Iterate through the XF Format objects and give them an index to non-default
# number format elements.
# User defined records start from index 0xA4.
sub _prepare_num_formats {
my $self = shift;
my %num_formats;
my $index = 164;
my $num_format_count = 0;
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_xf_formats} }, @{ $self->{_dxf_formats} } ) {
my $num_format = $format->{_num_format};
# Check if $num_format is an index to a built-in number format.
# Also check for a string of zeros, which is a valid number format
# string but would evaluate to zero.
if ( $num_format =~ m/^\d+$/ && $num_format !~ m/^0+\d/ ) {
# Number format '0' is indexed as 1 in Excel.
if ($num_format == 0) {
$num_format = 1;
# Index to a built-in number format.
$format->{_num_format_index} = $num_format;
elsif ( $num_format eq 'General' ) {
# The 'General' format has an number format index of 0.
$format->{_num_format_index} = 0;
if ( exists( $num_formats{$num_format} ) ) {
# Number format has already been used.
$format->{_num_format_index} = $num_formats{$num_format};
else {
# Add a new number format.
$num_formats{$num_format} = $index;
$format->{_num_format_index} = $index;
# Only increase font count for XF formats (not for DXF formats).
if ( $format->{_xf_index} ) {
$self->{_num_format_count} = $num_format_count;
# _prepare_borders()
# Iterate through the XF Format objects and give them an index to non-default
# border elements.
sub _prepare_borders {
my $self = shift;
my %borders;
my $index = 0;
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_xf_formats} } ) {
my $key = $format->get_border_key();
if ( exists $borders{$key} ) {
# Border has already been used.
$format->{_border_index} = $borders{$key};
$format->{_has_border} = 0;
else {
# This is a new border.
$borders{$key} = $index;
$format->{_border_index} = $index;
$format->{_has_border} = 1;
$self->{_border_count} = $index;
# For the DXF formats we only need to check if the properties have changed.
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_dxf_formats} } ) {
my $key = $format->get_border_key();
if ( $key =~ m/[^0:]/ ) {
$format->{_has_dxf_border} = 1;
# _prepare_fills()
# Iterate through the XF Format objects and give them an index to non-default
# fill elements.
# The user defined fill properties start from 2 since there are 2 default
# fills: patternType="none" and patternType="gray125".
sub _prepare_fills {
my $self = shift;
my %fills;
my $index = 2; # Start from 2. See above.
# Add the default fills.
$fills{'0:0:0'} = 0;
$fills{'17:0:0'} = 1;
# Store the DXF colours separately since them may be reversed below.
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_dxf_formats} } ) {
if ( $format->{_pattern}
|| $format->{_bg_color}
|| $format->{_fg_color} )
$format->{_has_dxf_fill} = 1;
$format->{_dxf_bg_color} = $format->{_bg_color};
$format->{_dxf_fg_color} = $format->{_fg_color};
for my $format ( @{ $self->{_xf_formats} } ) {
# The following logical statements jointly take care of special cases
# in relation to cell colours and patterns:
# 1. For a solid fill (_pattern == 1) Excel reverses the role of
# foreground and background colours, and
# 2. If the user specifies a foreground or background colour without
# a pattern they probably wanted a solid fill, so we fill in the
# defaults.
if ( $format->{_pattern} == 1
&& $format->{_bg_color} ne '0'
&& $format->{_fg_color} ne '0' )
my $tmp = $format->{_fg_color};
$format->{_fg_color} = $format->{_bg_color};
$format->{_bg_color} = $tmp;
if ( $format->{_pattern} <= 1
&& $format->{_bg_color} ne '0'
&& $format->{_fg_color} eq '0' )
$format->{_fg_color} = $format->{_bg_color};
$format->{_bg_color} = 0;
$format->{_pattern} = 1;
if ( $format->{_pattern} <= 1
&& $format->{_bg_color} eq '0'
&& $format->{_fg_color} ne '0' )
$format->{_bg_color} = 0;
$format->{_pattern} = 1;
my $key = $format->get_fill_key();
if ( exists $fills{$key} ) {
# Fill has already been used.
$format->{_fill_index} = $fills{$key};
$format->{_has_fill} = 0;
else {
# This is a new fill.
$fills{$key} = $index;
$format->{_fill_index} = $index;
$format->{_has_fill} = 1;
$self->{_fill_count} = $index;
# _prepare_defined_names()
# Iterate through the worksheets and store any defined names in addition to
# any user defined names. Stores the defined names for the Workbook.xml and
# the named ranges for App.xml.
sub _prepare_defined_names {
my $self = shift;
my @defined_names = @{ $self->{_defined_names} };
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
# Check for Print Area settings.
if ( $sheet->{_autofilter} ) {
my $range = $sheet->{_autofilter};
my $hidden = 1;
# Store the defined names.
push @defined_names,
[ '_xlnm._FilterDatabase', $sheet->{_index}, $range, $hidden ];
# Check for Print Area settings.
if ( $sheet->{_print_area} ) {
my $range = $sheet->{_print_area};
# Store the defined names.
push @defined_names,
[ '_xlnm.Print_Area', $sheet->{_index}, $range ];
# Check for repeat rows/cols. aka, Print Titles.
if ( $sheet->{_repeat_cols} || $sheet->{_repeat_rows} ) {
my $range = '';
if ( $sheet->{_repeat_cols} && $sheet->{_repeat_rows} ) {
$range = $sheet->{_repeat_cols} . ',' . $sheet->{_repeat_rows};
else {
$range = $sheet->{_repeat_cols} . $sheet->{_repeat_rows};
# Store the defined names.
push @defined_names,
[ '_xlnm.Print_Titles', $sheet->{_index}, $range ];
@defined_names = _sort_defined_names( @defined_names );
$self->{_defined_names} = \@defined_names;
$self->{_named_ranges} = _extract_named_ranges( @defined_names );
# _sort_defined_names()
# Sort internal and user defined names in the same order as used by Excel.
# This may not be strictly necessary but unsorted elements caused a lot of
# issues in the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel binary version. Also makes
# comparison testing easier.
sub _sort_defined_names {
my @names = @_;
#<<< Perltidy ignore this.
@names = sort {
# Primary sort based on the defined name.
_normalise_defined_name( $a->[0] )
_normalise_defined_name( $b->[0] )
# Secondary sort based on the sheet name.
_normalise_sheet_name( $a->[2] )
_normalise_sheet_name( $b->[2] )
} @names;
return @names;
# Used in the above sort routine to normalise the defined names. Removes any
# leading '_xmln.' from internal names and lowercases the strings.
sub _normalise_defined_name {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/^_xlnm.//;
$name = lc $name;
return $name;
# Used in the above sort routine to normalise the worksheet names for the
# secondary sort. Removes leading quote and lowercases the strings.
sub _normalise_sheet_name {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/^'//;
$name = lc $name;
return $name;
# _extract_named_ranges()
# Extract the named ranges from the sorted list of defined names. These are
# used in the App.xml file.
sub _extract_named_ranges {
my @defined_names = @_;
my @named_ranges;
for my $defined_name ( @defined_names ) {
my $name = $defined_name->[0];
my $index = $defined_name->[1];
my $range = $defined_name->[2];
# Skip autoFilter ranges.
next NAME if $name eq '_xlnm._FilterDatabase';
# We are only interested in defined names with ranges.
if ( $range =~ /^([^!]+)!/ ) {
my $sheet_name = $1;
# Match Print_Area and Print_Titles xlnm types.
if ( $name =~ /^_xlnm\.(.*)$/ ) {
my $xlnm_type = $1;
$name = $sheet_name . '!' . $xlnm_type;
elsif ( $index != -1 ) {
$name = $sheet_name . '!' . $name;
push @named_ranges, $name;
return \@named_ranges;
# _prepare_drawings()
# Iterate through the worksheets and set up any chart or image drawings.
sub _prepare_drawings {
my $self = shift;
my $chart_ref_id = 0;
my $image_ref_id = 0;
my $drawing_id = 0;
my $ref_id = 0;
my %image_ids = ();
my %header_image_ids = ();
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
my $chart_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_charts} };
my $image_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_images} };
my $shape_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_shapes} };
my $header_image_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_header_images} };
my $footer_image_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_footer_images} };
my $has_drawing = 0;
# Check that some image or drawing needs to be processed.
if ( !$chart_count
&& !$image_count
&& !$shape_count
&& !$header_image_count
&& !$footer_image_count )
# Don't increase the drawing_id header/footer images.
if ( $chart_count || $image_count || $shape_count ) {
$has_drawing = 1;
# Prepare the worksheet images.
for my $index ( 0 .. $image_count - 1 ) {
my $filename = $sheet->{_images}->[$index]->[2];
my ( $type, $width, $height, $name, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5 ) =
$self->_get_image_properties( $filename );
if ( exists $image_ids{$md5} ) {
$ref_id = $image_ids{$md5};
else {
$ref_id = ++$image_ref_id;
$image_ids{$md5} = $ref_id;
push @{ $self->{_images} }, [ $filename, $type ];
$index, $ref_id, $drawing_id, $width, $height,
$name, $type, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5
# Prepare the worksheet charts.
for my $index ( 0 .. $chart_count - 1 ) {
$sheet->_prepare_chart( $index, $chart_ref_id, $drawing_id );
# Prepare the worksheet shapes.
for my $index ( 0 .. $shape_count - 1 ) {
$sheet->_prepare_shape( $index, $drawing_id );
# Prepare the header images.
for my $index ( 0 .. $header_image_count - 1 ) {
my $filename = $sheet->{_header_images}->[$index]->[0];
my $position = $sheet->{_header_images}->[$index]->[1];
my ( $type, $width, $height, $name, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5 ) =
$self->_get_image_properties( $filename );
if ( exists $header_image_ids{$md5} ) {
$ref_id = $header_image_ids{$md5};
else {
$ref_id = ++$image_ref_id;
$header_image_ids{$md5} = $ref_id;
push @{ $self->{_images} }, [ $filename, $type ];
$ref_id, $width, $height, $name, $type,
$position, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5
# Prepare the footer images.
for my $index ( 0 .. $footer_image_count - 1 ) {
my $filename = $sheet->{_footer_images}->[$index]->[0];
my $position = $sheet->{_footer_images}->[$index]->[1];
my ( $type, $width, $height, $name, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5 ) =
$self->_get_image_properties( $filename );
if ( exists $header_image_ids{$md5} ) {
$ref_id = $header_image_ids{$md5};
else {
$ref_id = ++$image_ref_id;
$header_image_ids{$md5} = $ref_id;
push @{ $self->{_images} }, [ $filename, $type ];
$ref_id, $width, $height, $name, $type,
$position, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5
if ( $has_drawing ) {
my $drawing = $sheet->{_drawing};
push @{ $self->{_drawings} }, $drawing;
# Remove charts that were created but not inserted into worksheets.
my @chart_data;
for my $chart ( @{ $self->{_charts} } ) {
if ( $chart->{_id} != -1 ) {
push @chart_data, $chart;
# Sort the workbook charts references into the order that the were
# written from the worksheets above.
@chart_data = sort { $a->{_id} <=> $b->{_id} } @chart_data;
$self->{_charts} = \@chart_data;
$self->{_drawing_count} = $drawing_id;
# _prepare_vml_objects()
# Iterate through the worksheets and set up the VML objects.
sub _prepare_vml_objects {
my $self = shift;
my $comment_id = 0;
my $vml_drawing_id = 0;
my $vml_data_id = 1;
my $vml_header_id = 0;
my $vml_shape_id = 1024;
my $vml_files = 0;
my $comment_files = 0;
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
next if !$sheet->{_has_vml} and !$sheet->{_has_header_vml};
$vml_files = 1;
if ( $sheet->{_has_vml} ) {
$comment_files++ if $sheet->{_has_comments};
$comment_id++ if $sheet->{_has_comments};
my $count =
$sheet->_prepare_vml_objects( $vml_data_id, $vml_shape_id,
$vml_drawing_id, $comment_id );
# Each VML file should start with a shape id incremented by 1024.
$vml_data_id += 1 * int( ( 1024 + $count ) / 1024 );
$vml_shape_id += 1024 * int( ( 1024 + $count ) / 1024 );
if ( $sheet->{_has_header_vml} ) {
$sheet->_prepare_header_vml_objects( $vml_header_id,
$vml_drawing_id );
$self->{_num_vml_files} = $vml_files;
$self->{_num_comment_files} = $comment_files;
# Add a font format for cell comments.
if ( $comment_files > 0 ) {
my $format = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format->new(
font => 'Tahoma',
size => 8,
color_indexed => 81,
font_only => 1,
push @{ $self->{_formats} }, $format;
# _prepare_tables()
# Set the table ids for the worksheet tables.
sub _prepare_tables {
my $self = shift;
my $table_id = 0;
my $seen = {};
for my $sheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
my $table_count = scalar @{ $sheet->{_tables} };
next unless $table_count;
$sheet->_prepare_tables( $table_id + 1, $seen );
$table_id += $table_count;
# _add_chart_data()
# Add "cached" data to charts to provide the numCache and strCache data for
# series and title/axis ranges.
sub _add_chart_data {
my $self = shift;
my %worksheets;
my %seen_ranges;
my @charts;
# Map worksheet names to worksheet objects.
for my $worksheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
$worksheets{ $worksheet->{_name} } = $worksheet;
# Build an array of the worksheet charts including any combined charts.
for my $chart ( @{ $self->{_charts} } ) {
push @charts, $chart;
if ($chart->{_combined}) {
push @charts, $chart->{_combined};
for my $chart ( @charts ) {
while ( my ( $range, $id ) = each %{ $chart->{_formula_ids} } ) {
# Skip if the series has user defined data.
if ( defined $chart->{_formula_data}->[$id] ) {
if ( !exists $seen_ranges{$range}
|| !defined $seen_ranges{$range} )
my $data = $chart->{_formula_data}->[$id];
$seen_ranges{$range} = $data;
next RANGE;
# Check to see if the data is already cached locally.
if ( exists $seen_ranges{$range} ) {
$chart->{_formula_data}->[$id] = $seen_ranges{$range};
next RANGE;
# Convert the range formula to a sheet name and cell range.
my ( $sheetname, @cells ) = $self->_get_chart_range( $range );
# Skip if we couldn't parse the formula.
next RANGE if !defined $sheetname;
# Handle non-contiguous ranges: (Sheet1!$A$1:$A$2,Sheet1!$A$4:$A$5).
# We don't try to parse the ranges. We just return an empty list.
if ( $sheetname =~ m/^\([^,]+,/ ) {
$chart->{_formula_data}->[$id] = [];
$seen_ranges{$range} = [];
next RANGE;
# Die if the name is unknown since it indicates a user error in
# a chart series formula.
if ( !exists $worksheets{$sheetname} ) {
die "Unknown worksheet reference '$sheetname' in range "
. "'$range' passed to add_series().\n";
# Find the worksheet object based on the sheet name.
my $worksheet = $worksheets{$sheetname};
# Get the data from the worksheet table.
my @data = $worksheet->_get_range_data( @cells );
# Convert shared string indexes to strings.
for my $token ( @data ) {
if ( ref $token ) {
$token = $self->{_str_array}->[ $token->{sst_id} ];
# Ignore rich strings for now. Deparse later if necessary.
if ( $token =~ m{^<r>} && $token =~ m{</r>$} ) {
$token = '';
# Add the data to the chart.
$chart->{_formula_data}->[$id] = \@data;
# Store range data locally to avoid lookup if seen again.
$seen_ranges{$range} = \@data;
# _get_chart_range()
# Convert a range formula such as Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5 into a sheet name and cell
# range such as ( 'Sheet1', 0, 1, 4, 1 ).
sub _get_chart_range {
my $self = shift;
my $range = shift;
my $cell_1;
my $cell_2;
my $sheetname;
my $cells;
# Split the range formula into sheetname and cells at the last '!'.
my $pos = rindex $range, '!';
if ( $pos > 0 ) {
$sheetname = substr $range, 0, $pos;
$cells = substr $range, $pos + 1;
else {
return undef;
# Split the cell range into 2 cells or else use single cell for both.
if ( $cells =~ ':' ) {
( $cell_1, $cell_2 ) = split /:/, $cells;
else {
( $cell_1, $cell_2 ) = ( $cells, $cells );
# Remove leading/trailing apostrophes and convert escaped quotes to single.
$sheetname =~ s/^'//g;
$sheetname =~ s/'$//g;
$sheetname =~ s/''/'/g;
my ( $row_start, $col_start ) = xl_cell_to_rowcol( $cell_1 );
my ( $row_end, $col_end ) = xl_cell_to_rowcol( $cell_2 );
# Check that we have a 1D range only.
if ( $row_start != $row_end && $col_start != $col_end ) {
return undef;
return ( $sheetname, $row_start, $col_start, $row_end, $col_end );
# _store_externs()
# Write the EXTERNCOUNT and EXTERNSHEET records. These are used as indexes for
# the NAME records.
sub _store_externs {
my $self = shift;
# _store_names()
# Write the NAME record to define the print area and the repeat rows and cols.
sub _store_names {
my $self = shift;
# _quote_sheetname()
# Sheetnames used in references should be quoted if they contain any spaces,
# special characters or if the look like something that isn't a sheet name.
# TODO. We need to handle more special cases.
sub _quote_sheetname {
my $self = shift;
my $sheetname = $_[0];
if ( $sheetname =~ /^Sheet\d+$/ ) {
return $sheetname;
else {
return qq('$sheetname');
# _get_image_properties()
# Extract information from the image file such as dimension, type, filename,
# and extension. Also keep track of previously seen images to optimise out
# any duplicates.
sub _get_image_properties {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $type;
my $width;
my $height;
my $x_dpi = 96;
my $y_dpi = 96;
my $image_name;
( $image_name ) = fileparse( $filename );
# Open the image file and import the data.
my $fh = FileHandle->new( $filename );
croak "Couldn't import $filename: $!" unless defined $fh;
binmode $fh;
# Slurp the file into a string and do some size calcs.
my $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
my $size = length $data;
my $md5 = md5_hex($data);
if ( unpack( 'x A3', $data ) eq 'PNG' ) {
# Test for PNGs.
( $type, $width, $height, $x_dpi, $y_dpi ) =
$self->_process_png( $data, $filename );
$self->{_image_types}->{png} = 1;
elsif ( unpack( 'n', $data ) == 0xFFD8 ) {
# Test for JPEG files.
( $type, $width, $height, $x_dpi, $y_dpi ) =
$self->_process_jpg( $data, $filename );
$self->{_image_types}->{jpeg} = 1;
elsif ( unpack( 'A2', $data ) eq 'BM' ) {
# Test for BMPs.
( $type, $width, $height ) = $self->_process_bmp( $data, $filename );
$self->{_image_types}->{bmp} = 1;
else {
croak "Unsupported image format for file: $filename\n";
# Set a default dpi for images with 0 dpi.
$x_dpi = 96 if $x_dpi == 0;
$y_dpi = 96 if $y_dpi == 0;
return ( $type, $width, $height, $image_name, $x_dpi, $y_dpi, $md5 );
# _process_png()
# Extract width and height information from a PNG file.
sub _process_png {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $_[0];
my $filename = $_[1];
my $type = 'png';
my $width = 0;
my $height = 0;
my $x_dpi = 96;
my $y_dpi = 96;
my $offset = 8;
my $data_length = length $data;
# Search through the image data to read the height and width in the
# IHDR element. Also read the DPI in the pHYs element.
while ( $offset < $data_length ) {
my $length = unpack "N", substr $data, $offset + 0, 4;
my $type = unpack "A4", substr $data, $offset + 4, 4;
if ( $type eq "IHDR" ) {
$width = unpack "N", substr $data, $offset + 8, 4;
$height = unpack "N", substr $data, $offset + 12, 4;
if ( $type eq "pHYs" ) {
my $x_ppu = unpack "N", substr $data, $offset + 8, 4;
my $y_ppu = unpack "N", substr $data, $offset + 12, 4;
my $units = unpack "C", substr $data, $offset + 16, 1;
if ( $units == 1 ) {
$x_dpi = $x_ppu * 0.0254;
$y_dpi = $y_ppu * 0.0254;
$offset = $offset + $length + 12;
last if $type eq "IEND";
if ( not defined $height ) {
croak "$filename: no size data found in png image.\n";
return ( $type, $width, $height, $x_dpi, $y_dpi );
# _process_bmp()
# Extract width and height information from a BMP file.
# Most of the checks came from old Spredsheet::WriteExcel code.
sub _process_bmp {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $_[0];
my $filename = $_[1];
my $type = 'bmp';
# Check that the file is big enough to be a bitmap.
if ( length $data <= 0x36 ) {
croak "$filename doesn't contain enough data.";
# Read the bitmap width and height. Verify the sizes.
my ( $width, $height ) = unpack "x18 V2", $data;
if ( $width > 0xFFFF ) {
croak "$filename: largest image width $width supported is 65k.";
if ( $height > 0xFFFF ) {
croak "$filename: largest image height supported is 65k.";
# Read the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.
my ( $planes, $bitcount ) = unpack "x26 v2", $data;
if ( $bitcount != 24 ) {
croak "$filename isn't a 24bit true color bitmap.";
if ( $planes != 1 ) {
croak "$filename: only 1 plane supported in bitmap image.";
# Read the bitmap compression. Verify compression.
my $compression = unpack "x30 V", $data;
if ( $compression != 0 ) {
croak "$filename: compression not supported in bitmap image.";
return ( $type, $width, $height );
# _process_jpg()
# Extract width and height information from a JPEG file.
sub _process_jpg {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $_[0];
my $filename = $_[1];
my $type = 'jpeg';
my $x_dpi = 96;
my $y_dpi = 96;
my $width;
my $height;
my $offset = 2;
my $data_length = length $data;
# Search through the image data to read the JPEG markers.
while ( $offset < $data_length ) {
my $marker = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 0, 2;
my $length = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 2, 2;
# Read the height and width in the 0xFFCn elements (except C4, C8 and
# CC which aren't SOF markers).
if ( ( $marker & 0xFFF0 ) == 0xFFC0
&& $marker != 0xFFC4
&& $marker != 0xFFCC )
$height = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 5, 2;
$width = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 7, 2;
# Read the DPI in the 0xFFE0 element.
if ( $marker == 0xFFE0 ) {
my $units = unpack "C", substr $data, $offset + 11, 1;
my $x_density = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 12, 2;
my $y_density = unpack "n", substr $data, $offset + 14, 2;
if ( $units == 1 ) {
$x_dpi = $x_density;
$y_dpi = $y_density;
if ( $units == 2 ) {
$x_dpi = $x_density * 2.54;
$y_dpi = $y_density * 2.54;
$offset = $offset + $length + 2;
last if $marker == 0xFFDA;
if ( not defined $height ) {
croak "$filename: no size data found in jpeg image.\n";
return ( $type, $width, $height, $x_dpi, $y_dpi );
# _get_sheet_index()
# Convert a sheet name to its index. Return undef otherwise.
sub _get_sheet_index {
my $self = shift;
my $sheetname = shift;
my $sheet_index = undef;
$sheetname =~ s/^'//;
$sheetname =~ s/'$//;
if ( exists $self->{_sheetnames}->{$sheetname} ) {
return $self->{_sheetnames}->{$sheetname}->{_index};
else {
return undef;
# set_optimization()
# Set the speed/memory optimisation level.
sub set_optimization {
my $self = shift;
my $level = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 1;
croak "set_optimization() must be called before add_worksheet()"
if $self->sheets();
$self->{_optimization} = $level;
# Deprecated methods for backwards compatibility.
# No longer required by Excel::Writer::XLSX.
sub compatibility_mode { }
sub set_codepage { }
# XML writing methods.
# _write_workbook()
# Write <workbook> element.
sub _write_workbook {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns = $schema . '/spreadsheetml/2006/main';
my $xmlns_r = $schema . '/officeDocument/2006/relationships';
my @attributes = (
'xmlns' => $xmlns,
'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,
$self->xml_start_tag( 'workbook', @attributes );
# write_file_version()
# Write the <fileVersion> element.
sub _write_file_version {
my $self = shift;
my $app_name = 'xl';
my $last_edited = 4;
my $lowest_edited = 4;
my $rup_build = 4505;
my @attributes = (
'appName' => $app_name,
'lastEdited' => $last_edited,
'lowestEdited' => $lowest_edited,
'rupBuild' => $rup_build,
if ( $self->{_vba_project} ) {
push @attributes, codeName => '{37E998C4-C9E5-D4B9-71C8-EB1FF731991C}';
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'fileVersion', @attributes );
# _write_workbook_pr()
# Write <workbookPr> element.
sub _write_workbook_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $date_1904 = $self->{_date_1904};
my $show_ink_annotation = 0;
my $auto_compress_pictures = 0;
my $default_theme_version = 124226;
my $codename = $self->{_vba_codename};
my @attributes;
push @attributes, ( 'codeName' => $codename ) if $codename;
push @attributes, ( 'date1904' => 1 ) if $date_1904;
push @attributes, ( 'defaultThemeVersion' => $default_theme_version );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'workbookPr', @attributes );
# _write_book_views()
# Write <bookViews> element.
sub _write_book_views {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'bookViews' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'bookViews' );
# _write_workbook_view()
# Write <workbookView> element.
sub _write_workbook_view {
my $self = shift;
my $x_window = $self->{_x_window};
my $y_window = $self->{_y_window};
my $window_width = $self->{_window_width};
my $window_height = $self->{_window_height};
my $tab_ratio = $self->{_tab_ratio};
my $active_tab = $self->{_activesheet};
my $first_sheet = $self->{_firstsheet};
my @attributes = (
'xWindow' => $x_window,
'yWindow' => $y_window,
'windowWidth' => $window_width,
'windowHeight' => $window_height,
# Store the tabRatio attribute when it isn't the default.
push @attributes, ( tabRatio => $tab_ratio ) if $tab_ratio != 600;
# Store the firstSheet attribute when it isn't the default.
push @attributes, ( firstSheet => $first_sheet + 1 ) if $first_sheet > 0;
# Store the activeTab attribute when it isn't the first sheet.
push @attributes, ( activeTab => $active_tab ) if $active_tab > 0;
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'workbookView', @attributes );
# _write_sheets()
# Write <sheets> element.
sub _write_sheets {
my $self = shift;
my $id_num = 1;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'sheets' );
for my $worksheet ( @{ $self->{_worksheets} } ) {
$self->_write_sheet( $worksheet->{_name}, $id_num++,
$worksheet->{_hidden} );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'sheets' );
# _write_sheet()
# Write <sheet> element.
sub _write_sheet {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $sheet_id = shift;
my $hidden = shift;
my $r_id = 'rId' . $sheet_id;
my @attributes = (
'name' => $name,
'sheetId' => $sheet_id,
push @attributes, ( 'state' => 'hidden' ) if $hidden;
push @attributes, ( 'r:id' => $r_id );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'sheet', @attributes );
# _write_calc_pr()
# Write <calcPr> element.
sub _write_calc_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $calc_id = $self->{_calc_id};
my $concurrent_calc = 0;
my @attributes = ( calcId => $calc_id );
if ( $self->{_calc_mode} eq 'manual' ) {
push @attributes, 'calcMode' => 'manual';
push @attributes, 'calcOnSave' => 0;
elsif ( $self->{_calc_mode} eq 'autoNoTable' ) {
push @attributes, calcMode => 'autoNoTable';
if ( $self->{_calc_on_load} ) {
push @attributes, 'fullCalcOnLoad' => 1;
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'calcPr', @attributes );
# _write_ext_lst()
# Write <extLst> element.
sub _write_ext_lst {
my $self = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'extLst' );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'extLst' );
# _write_ext()
# Write <ext> element.
sub _write_ext {
my $self = shift;
my $xmlns_mx = '';
my $uri = '';
my @attributes = (
'xmlns:mx' => $xmlns_mx,
'uri' => $uri,
$self->xml_start_tag( 'ext', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'ext' );
# _write_mx_arch_id()
# Write <mx:ArchID> element.
sub _write_mx_arch_id {
my $self = shift;
my $Flags = 2;
my @attributes = ( 'Flags' => $Flags, );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'mx:ArchID', @attributes );
# _write_defined_names()
# Write the <definedNames> element.
sub _write_defined_names {
my $self = shift;
return unless @{ $self->{_defined_names} };
$self->xml_start_tag( 'definedNames' );
for my $aref ( @{ $self->{_defined_names} } ) {
$self->_write_defined_name( $aref );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'definedNames' );
# _write_defined_name()
# Write the <definedName> element.
sub _write_defined_name {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $name = $data->[0];
my $id = $data->[1];
my $range = $data->[2];
my $hidden = $data->[3];
my @attributes = ( 'name' => $name );
push @attributes, ( 'localSheetId' => $id ) if $id != -1;
push @attributes, ( 'hidden' => 1 ) if $hidden;
$self->xml_data_element( 'definedName', $range, @attributes );
=head1 NAME
Workbook - A class for writing Excel Workbooks.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>
This module is used in conjunction with L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 AUTHOR
John McNamara
(c) MM-MMXIX, John McNamara.
All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.