shell bypass 403
package File::Path::Tiny;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd qw(cwd chdir);
use Carp ();
$File::Path::Tiny::VERSION = 0.9;
sub mk {
my ( $path, $mask ) = @_;
return 2 if -d $path;
if ( -e $path ) { $! = 20; return; }
$mask ||= '0777'; # Perl::Critic == Integer with leading zeros at ...
$mask = oct($mask) if substr( $mask, 0, 1 ) eq '0';
require File::Spec;
my ( $vol, $directories ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1 );
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories);
my @list;
while ( my ($_dir) = shift @dirs ) {
last if not defined $_dir;
push @list, $_dir;
next if ( $_dir eq '' );
my $progressive = File::Spec->catpath( $vol, File::Spec->catdir(@list), '' );
if ( !-d $progressive ) {
mkdir( $progressive, $mask ) or -d $progressive or return;
return 1 if -d $path;
sub rm {
my ( $path, $fast ) = @_;
my ( $orig_dev, $orig_ino ) = ( lstat $path )[ 0, 1 ];
if ( -e _ && !-d _ ) { $! = 20; return; }
return 2 if !-d _;
empty_dir( $path, $fast ) or return;
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
rmdir($path) or !-e $path or return;
return 1;
sub empty_dir {
my ( $path, $fast ) = @_;
my ( $orig_dev, $orig_ino ) = ( lstat $path )[ 0, 1 ];
if ( -e _ && !-d _ ) { $! = 20; return; }
my ( $starting_point, $starting_dev, $starting_ino );
if ( !$fast ) {
$starting_point = cwd();
( $starting_dev, $starting_ino ) = ( lstat $starting_point )[ 0, 1 ];
chdir($path) or Carp::croak("Failed to change directory to “$path”: $!");
$path = '.';
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
opendir( DIR, $path ) or return;
my @contents = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
require File::Spec if @contents;
for my $thing (@contents) {
my $long = File::Spec->catdir( $path, $thing );
if ( !-l $long && -d _ ) {
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
rm( $long, $fast ) or !-e $long or return;
else {
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
unlink $long or !-e $long or return;
_bail_if_changed( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino );
if ( !$fast ) {
chdir($starting_point) or Carp::croak("Failed to change directory to “$starting_point”: $!");
_bail_if_changed( ".", $starting_dev, $starting_ino );
return 1;
sub mk_parent {
my ( $path, $mode ) = @_;
$path =~ s{/+$}{};
require File::Spec;
my ( $v, $d, $f ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, 1 );
my @p = File::Spec->splitdir($d);
# pop() is probably cheaper here, benchmark? $d = File::Spec->catdir(@p[0--$#p-1]);
pop @p;
$d = File::Spec->catdir(@p);
my $parent = File::Spec->catpath( $v, $d, $f );
return mk( $parent, $mode );
sub _bail_if_changed {
my ( $path, $orig_dev, $orig_ino ) = @_;
my ( $cur_dev, $cur_ino ) = ( lstat $path )[ 0, 1 ];
if ( !defined $cur_dev || !defined $cur_ino ) {
$cur_dev ||= "undef(path went away?)";
$cur_ino ||= "undef(path went away?)";
else {
$path = Cwd::abs_path($path);
if ( $orig_dev ne $cur_dev || $orig_ino ne $cur_ino ) {
local $Carp::CarpLevel += 1;
Carp::croak("directory $path changed: expected dev=$orig_dev ino=$orig_ino, actual dev=$cur_dev ino=$cur_ino, aborting");