shell bypass 403
package HTTP::DAV::Utils;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.11';
# Borrowed from Lincoln Stein's
# Smart rearrangement of parameters to allow named parameter
# calling. We do the rearangement if:
# 1. The first parameter begins with a -
# 2. The use_named_parameters() method returns true
sub rearrange {
my($order,@param) = @_;
return () unless @param;
# IF the user has passed a hashref instead of a hash then flatten it out.
if (ref($param[0]) eq 'HASH') {
@param = %{$param[0]};
} else {
# If the user has specified that they will be explicitly
# using named_parameters (by setting &use_named_parameters(1))
# or the first parameter starts with a -, then continue.
# Otherwise just return the parameters as they were given to us.
return @param
unless (defined($param[0]) && substr($param[0],0,1) eq '-')
|| &use_named_parameters();
# map parameters into positional indices
my ($i,%pos);
$i = 0;
foreach (@$order) {
foreach (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_) { $pos{$_} = $i; }
my (@result,%leftover);
$#result = $#$order; # preextend
while (@param) {
my $key = uc(shift(@param));
$key =~ s/^\-//;
if (exists $pos{$key}) {
$result[$pos{$key}] = shift(@param);
} else {
$leftover{$key} = shift(@param);
push (@result,&make_attributes(\%leftover)) if %leftover;
#### Method: use_named_parameters
# Borrowed from Lincoln Stein's
# Force to use named parameter-style method calls
# rather than positional parameters. The same effect
# will happen automatically if the first parameter
# begins with a -.
my $named=0;
sub use_named_parameters {
my($use_named) = shift;
return $named unless defined ($use_named);
# stupidity to avoid annoying warnings
return $named = $use_named;
# Borrowed from Lincoln Stein's
sub make_attributes {
my($attr) = @_;
return () unless $attr && ref($attr) && ref($attr) eq 'HASH';
foreach (keys %{$attr}) {
my($key) = $_;
$key=~s/^\-//; # get rid of initial - if present
$key=~tr/a-z_/A-Z-/; # parameters are upper case, use dashes
push(@att,defined($attr->{$_}) ? qq/$key="$attr->{$_}"/ : qq/$key/);
return @att;
sub bad {
my($str) = @_;
print STDERR "Error: $str\n";
sub bad_node {
my($node,$str) = @_;
print STDERR "XML error in " . $node->getNodeName . ": $str";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "DUMP:\n";
print STDERR $node->toString if $node;
# This method searches for any text-based data in the children of
# the node supplied. It will croak if the node has anything other
# than text values (such as Elements or Comments).
sub get_only_cdata {
my($node) = @_;
my $return_cdata = "";
my $nodes = $node->getChildNodes();
my $n = $nodes->getLength;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $node = $nodes->item($i);
if ( $node->getNodeTypeName eq "TEXT_NODE" ) {
$return_cdata .= $node->getNodeValue;
} else {
#bad_node($node, "node has non TEXT children");
return $return_cdata;
# This is a sibling to the XML::DOM's getElementsByTagName().
# The main difference here is that it ignores the namespace
# component of the element. This was done because it
# Takes a node and returns a list of nodes.
# Note that the real getElementsByTagName allows you to
# specify recurse or not. This routine doesn't allow recurse.
sub get_elements_by_tag_name {
my ($node, $elemname ) = @_;
return unless $node;
my @return_nodes;
# This is gruesome. Because we don't yet support namespaces, it
# just lops off the first half of the Element name
$elemname =~ s/.*?:(.*)$/$1/g;
my $nodelist = $node->getChildNodes();
my $length = $nodelist->getLength();
for ( my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
my $node = $nodelist->item($i);
# Debian change?
if ( $node->getNodeName() =~ /(?:^|:)$elemname$/ ) {
return @return_nodes;
sub get_only_element {
my($node,$elemname) = @_;
return unless $node;
# Find the one child element of a specific name
if ( $elemname ) {
# This is gruesome. Because we don't yet support namespaces, it
# just lops off the first half of the Element name.
$elemname =~ s/.*?:(.*)$/$1/g;
#my $nodes = $node->getElementsByTagName($elemname,0);
my $nodelist = $node->getChildNodes();
my $length = $nodelist->getLength();
for ( my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
my $node = $nodelist->item($i);
return $node if $node->getNodeName() =~ /$elemname/;
# if ( $nodes->getLength > 1 ) {
# bad_node($node, "Too many \"$elemname\" in node");
# } elsif ( $nodes->getLength < 1 ) {
# return;
# #bad_node($node, "No node found matching \"$elemname\" in node");
# }
# return $nodes->item(0);
# Just get the first child element.
} else {
my $nodelist = $node->getChildNodes();
my $length = $nodelist->getLength();
for ( my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
my $node = $nodelist->item($i);
if ($node->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE" ) {
return $nodelist->item($i);
sub XML_remove_namespace {
#print "XML: $_[0] -> ";
$_[0] =~ s/.*?:(.*)/$1/g;
#$_[0] =~ s/(.*?)\s.*/$1/g;
#print "$_[0]\n";
return $_[0];
sub make_uri {
my $uri = shift;
if (ref($uri) =~ /URI/) {
$uri = $uri->as_string;
# Remove double slashes from the url
$uri = URI->new($uri);
my $path = $uri->path;
$path =~ s{//}{/}g;
#print "make_uri: $uri->$path\n";
#print "make_uri: $uri\n";
return $uri;
sub make_trail_slash {
my ($uri) = @_;
$uri =~ s{/*$}{}g;
$uri .= '/';
return $uri;
sub compare_uris {
my ($uri1,$uri2) = @_;
for ($uri1, $uri2) {
$_ = make_uri($_);
s{(%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])}{lc $1}eg;
return $uri1 eq $uri2;
# This subroutine takes a URI and gets the last portion
# of it: the filename.
# e.g. /dir1/dir2/file.txt => file.txt
# /dir1/dir2/ => dir2
# / => undef
sub get_leafname {
my($url) = shift;
my $leaf;
($url,$leaf) = &split_leaf($url);
return $leaf;
# This subroutine takes a URI and splits the leaf from the path.
# It returns both.
# of it: the filename.
# e.g. /dir1/dir2/file.txt => file.txt
# /dir1/dir2/ => dir2
# / => undef
sub split_leaf {
my($url) = shift;
$url =~ s#[\/\\]$##; #Remove trailing slashes.
$url = HTTP::DAV::Utils::make_uri($url);
# Remove the leaf from the path.
my $path = $url->path_query();
my @path = split(/[\/\\]+/,$path);
my $leaf = pop @path || "";
$path = join('/',@path);
#Now put the path back into the URL.
return ($url,$leaf);
# Turns a file-oriented glob
# into a regular expression.
# BTW, I recommend you eval any regex command you use on
# this outputted regex value.
# If somebody types uses an incorrect glob and you try to /$regex/ it
# then perl will bomb with a fatal regex error.
# For instance, /file[ab.txt/ would bomb.
sub glob2regex {
my($f) = @_;
# Turn the leafname glob into a regex.
# Substitute \ for \\
# Substitute . for \.
# Substitute * for .*
# Substitute ? for .
# No need to substitute [...]
$f =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$f =~ s/\./\\./g;
$f =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$f =~ s/\?/./g;
print "Glob regex becomes $f\n" if $HTTP::DAV::DEBUG>1;
return $f;