shell bypass 403
package HTTP::MultiPartParser;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.02';
use Carp qw[];
use Scalar::Util qw[];
my $_mk_parser;
# RFC2046
my $ValidBoundary = qr<\A [0-9A-Za-z'()+_,-./:=?]+ \z>x;
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
my $self = {
on_error => \&Carp::croak,
max_header_size => 32 * 1024,
max_preamble_size => 32 * 1024,
on_header_as => 'lines',
while (my ($p, $v) = each %params) {
if ($p eq 'boundary') {
Carp::croak(q/Parameter 'boundary' is not a valid boundary value/)
unless ref \$v eq 'SCALAR' && defined $v && $v =~ $ValidBoundary;
$self->{boundary} = $v;
elsif ( $p eq 'on_header'
|| $p eq 'on_body'
|| $p eq 'on_error') {
Carp::croak(qq/Parameter '$p' is not a CODE reference/)
unless ref $v eq 'CODE';
$self->{$p} = $v;
elsif ( $p eq 'max_header_size'
|| $p eq 'max_preamble_size') {
Carp::croak(qq/Parameter '$p' is not a positive integer/)
unless ref \$v eq 'SCALAR' && defined $v && $v =~ /\A [1-9][0-9]* \z/x;
$self->{$p} = $v;
elsif ($p eq 'on_header_as') {
Carp::croak(q/Parameter 'on_header_as' must be either 'unparsed' or 'lines'/)
unless ref \$v eq 'SCALAR' && defined $v && $v =~ /\A (?: unparsed | lines) \z/x;
$self->{on_header_as} = $v;
else {
Carp::croak(qq/Unknown parameter '$p' passed to constructor/);
for my $p (qw(boundary on_header on_body)) {
Carp::croak(qq/Mandatory parameter '$p' is missing/)
unless exists $self->{$p};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{parser} = $_mk_parser->($self);
return $self;
sub parse {
@_ == 2 || Carp::croak(q/Usage: $parser->parse($octets)/);
return $_[0]->{parser}->($_[1]);
sub finish {
@_ == 1 || Carp::croak(q/Usage: $parser->finish()/);
return $_[0]->{parser}->('', 1);
sub reset {
@_ == 1 || Carp::croak(q/Usage: $parser->reset()/);
$_[0]->{parser} = $_mk_parser->($_[0]);
$_[0]->{aborted} = !!0;
sub is_aborted {
@_ == 1 || Carp::croak(q/Usage: $parser->is_aborted()/);
return $_[0]->{aborted};
sub CRLF () { "\x0D\x0A" }
sub TRUE () { !!1 }
sub FALSE () { !!0 }
sub STATE_PREAMBLE () { 1 }
sub STATE_BOUNDARY () { 2 }
sub STATE_HEADER () { 3 }
sub STATE_BODY () { 4 }
sub STATE_EPILOGUE () { 5 }
$_mk_parser = sub {
Scalar::Util::weaken(my $self = $_[0]);
# RFC 2616 3.7.2 Multipart Types
# The message body is itself a protocol element and MUST therefore use only
# CRLF to represent line breaks between body-parts.
my $boundary = $self->{boundary};
my $boundary_preamble = '--' . $boundary;
my $boundary_delimiter = CRLF . '--' . $boundary;
my $chunk = '';
my $buffer = '';
my $state = STATE_PREAMBLE;
my $finish = FALSE;
my $aborted = FALSE;
my $on_header = $self->{on_header};
my $on_body = $self->{on_body};
my $on_error = sub {
$aborted = $self->{aborted} = TRUE;
goto $self->{on_error};
if ($self->{on_header_as} eq 'lines') {
$on_header = sub {
my @headers;
for (split /\x0D\x0A/, $_[0]) {
if (/\A [^\x00-\x1F\x7F:]+ : /x) {
push @headers, $_;
elsif (s/\A [\x09\x20]+ //x) {
if (!@headers) {
$on_error->(q/Continuation line seen before first header/);
next unless length;
$headers[-1] .= ' ' unless $headers[-1] =~ /[\x09\x20]\z/;
$headers[-1] .= $_;
else {
$on_error->(q/Malformed header line/);
return sub {
$buffer .= $_[0];
$finish = $_[1];
while (!$aborted) {
if ($state == STATE_PREAMBLE) {
my $pos = index($buffer, $boundary_preamble);
if ($pos < 0) {
if (length $buffer > $self->{max_preamble_size}) {
$on_error->(q/Size of preamble exceeds maximum allowed/);
$finish && $on_error->(q/End of stream encountered while parsing preamble/);
substr($buffer, 0, $pos + 2 + length $boundary, '');
elsif ($state == STATE_BOUNDARY) {
if (length $buffer < 2) {
$finish && $on_error->(q/End of stream encountered while parsing boundary/);
elsif (substr($buffer, 0, 2) eq CRLF) {
substr($buffer, 0, 2, '');
$state = STATE_HEADER;
elsif (substr($buffer, 0, 2) eq '--') {
if (length $buffer < 4) {
$finish && $on_error->(q/End of stream encountered while parsing closing boundary/);
elsif (substr($buffer, 2, 2) eq CRLF) {
substr($buffer, 0, 4, '');
else {
$on_error->(q/Closing boundary does not terminate with CRLF/);
else {
$on_error->(q/Boundary does not terminate with CRLF or hyphens/);
elsif ($state == STATE_HEADER) {
my $pos = index($buffer, CRLF . CRLF);
if ($pos < 0) {
if (length $buffer > $self->{max_header_size}) {
$on_error->(q/Size of part header exceeds maximum allowed/);
$finish && $on_error->(q/End of stream encountered while parsing part header/);
$chunk = substr($buffer, 0, $pos + 4, '');
$state = STATE_BODY;
elsif ($state == STATE_BODY) {
my $take = index($buffer, $boundary_delimiter);
if ($take < 0) {
$take = length($buffer) - (6 + length $boundary);
if ($take <= 0) {
$finish && $on_error->(q/End of stream encountered while parsing part body/);
else {
$chunk = substr($buffer, 0, $take, '');
if ($state == STATE_BOUNDARY) {
substr($buffer, 0, 4 + length $boundary, '');
$on_body->($chunk, $state == STATE_BOUNDARY);
# RFC 2616 3.7.2 Multipart Types
# Unlike in RFC 2046, the epilogue of any multipart message MUST be
# empty; HTTP applications MUST NOT transmit the epilogue (even if the
# original multipart contains an epilogue). These restrictions exist in
# order to preserve the self-delimiting nature of a multipart message-
# body, wherein the "end" of the message-body is indicated by the
# ending multipart boundary.
elsif ($state == STATE_EPILOGUE) {
(length $buffer == 0)
|| $on_error->(q/Nonempty epilogue/);
else {
Carp::croak(qq/panic: unknown state: $state/);
return !$aborted;