shell bypass 403
package Heap::Binomial;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.80';
# common names
# h - heap head
# el - linkable element, contains user-provided value
# v - user-provided value
################################################# debugging control
my $debug = 0;
my $validate = 0;
# enable/disable debugging output
sub debug {
@_ ? ($debug = shift) : $debug;
# enable/disable validation checks on values
sub validate {
@_ ? ($validate = shift) : $validate;
my $width = 3;
my $bar = ' | ';
my $corner = ' +-';
my $vfmt = "%3d";
sub set_width {
$width = shift;
$width = 2 if $width < 2;
$vfmt = "%${width}d";
$bar = $corner = ' ' x $width;
substr($bar,-2,1) = '|';
substr($corner,-2,2) = '+-';
sub hdump {
my $el = shift;
my $l1 = shift;
my $b = shift;
my $ch;
unless( $el ) {
print $l1, "\n";
hdump( $ch = $el->{child},
$l1 . sprintf( $vfmt, $el->{val}->val),
$b . $bar );
while( $ch = $ch->{sib} ) {
hdump( $ch, $b . $corner, $b . $bar );
sub heapdump {
my $h;
while( $h = shift ) {
my $el;
for( $el = $$h; $el; $el = $el->{sib} ) {
hdump( $el, sprintf( "%02d: ", $el->{degree}), ' ' );
print "\n";
sub bhcheck {
my $pel = shift;
my $pdeg = $pel->{degree};
my $pv = $pel->{val};
my $cel;
for( $cel = $pel->{child}; $cel; $cel = $cel->{sib} ) {
die "degree not decreasing in heap"
unless --$pdeg == $cel->{degree};
die "heap order not preserved"
unless $pv->cmp($cel->{val}) <= 0;
die "degree did not decrease to zero"
unless $pdeg == 0;
sub heapcheck {
my $h;
while( $h = shift ) {
heapdump $h if $validate >= 2;
my $el = $$h or next;
my $pdeg = -1;
for( ; $el; $el = $el->{sib} ) {
$el->{degree} > $pdeg
or die "degree not increasing in list";
$pdeg = $el->{degree};
################################################# forward declarations
sub elem;
sub elem_DESTROY;
sub link_to;
sub moveto;
################################################# heap methods
sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $h = undef;
bless \$h, $class;
my $h = shift;
elem_DESTROY $$h;
sub add {
my $h = shift;
my $v = shift;
$validate && do {
die "Method 'heap' required for element on heap"
unless $v->can('heap');
die "Method 'cmp' required for element on heap"
unless $v->can('cmp');
$$h = elem $v, $$h;
sub top {
my $h = shift;
my $el = $$h or return undef;
my $top = $el->{val};
while( $el = $el->{sib} ) {
$top = $el->{val}
if $top->cmp($el->{val}) > 0;
*minimum = \⊤
sub extract_top {
my $h = shift;
my $mel = $$h or return undef;
my $top = $mel->{val};
my $mpred = $h;
my $el = $mel;
my $pred = $h;
# find the heap with the lowest value on it
while( $pred = \$el->{sib}, $el = $$pred ) {
if( $top->cmp($el->{val}) > 0 ) {
$top = $el->{val};
$mel = $el;
$mpred = $pred;
# found it, $mpred points to it, $mel is its container, $val is it
# unlink it from the chain
$$mpred = $mel->{sib};
# we're going to return the value from $mel, but all of its children
# must be retained in the heap. Make a second heap with the children
# and then merge the heaps.
# finally break all of its pointers, so that we won't leave any
# memory loops when we forget about the pointer to $mel
$mel->{p} = $mel->{child} = $mel->{sib} = $mel->{val} = undef;
# break the back link
# and return the value
*extract_minimum = \&extract_top;
sub absorb {
my $h = shift;
my $h2 = shift;
my $dest_link = $h;
my $el1 = $$h;
my $el2 = $$h2;
my $anymerge = $el1 && $el2;
while( $el1 && $el2 ) {
if( $el1->{degree} <= $el2->{degree} ) {
# advance on h's list, it's already linked
$dest_link = \$el1->{sib};
$el1 = $$dest_link;
} else {
# move next h2 elem to head of h list
$$dest_link = $el2;
$dest_link = \$el2->{sib};
$el2 = $$dest_link;
$$dest_link = $el1;
# if h ran out first, move rest of h2 onto end
if( $el2 ) {
$$dest_link = $el2;
# clean out h2, all of its elements have been move to h
$$h2 = undef;
# fix up h - it can have multiple items at the same degree if we
# actually merged two non-empty lists
$anymerge ? $h->self_union: $h;
# a key has been decreased, it may have to percolate up in its heap
sub decrease_key {
my $h = shift;
my $v = shift;
my $el = $v->heap or return undef;
my $p;
while( $p = $el->{p} ) {
last if $v->cmp($p->{val}) >= 0;
moveto $el, $p->{val};
$el = $p;
moveto $el, $v;
# to delete an item, we bubble it to the top of its heap (as if its key
# had been decreased to -infinity), and then remove it (as in extract_top)
sub delete {
my $h = shift;
my $v = shift;
my $el = $v->heap or return undef;
# bubble it to the top of its heap
my $p;
while( $p = $el->{p} ) {
moveto $el, $p->{val};
$el = $p;
# find it on the main list, to remove it and split up the children
my $n;
for( $p = $h; ($n = $$p) && $n != $el; $p = \$n->{sib} ) {
# remove it from the main list
$$p = $el->{sib};
# put any children back onto the main list
# remove the link to $el
return $v;
################################################# internal utility functions
sub elem {
my $v = shift;
my $sib = shift;
my $el = {
p => undef,
degree => 0,
child => undef,
val => $v,
sib => $sib,
sub elem_DESTROY {
my $el = shift;
my $ch;
my $next;
while( $el ) {
$ch = $el->{child} and elem_DESTROY $ch;
$next = $el->{sib};
$el->{child} = $el->{sib} = $el->{p} = $el->{val} = undef;
$el = $next;
sub link_to {
my $el = shift;
my $p = shift;
$el->{p} = $p;
$el->{sib} = $p->{child};
$p->{child} = $el;
sub moveto {
my $el = shift;
my $v = shift;
$el->{val} = $v;
# we've merged two lists in degree order. Traverse the list and link
# together any pairs (adding 1 + 1 to get 10 in binary) to the next
# higher degree. After such a merge, there may be a triple at the
# next degree - skip one and merge the others (adding 1 + 1 + carry
# of 1 to get 11 in binary).
sub self_union {
my $h = shift;
my $prev = $h;
my $cur = $$h;
my $next;
my $n2;
while( $next = $cur->{sib} ) {
if( $cur->{degree} != $next->{degree} ) {
$prev = \$cur->{sib};
$cur = $next;
# two or three of same degree, need to do a merge. First though,
# skip over the leading one of there are three (it is the result
# [carry] from the previous merge)
if( ($n2 = $next->{sib}) && $n2->{degree} == $cur->{degree} ) {
$prev = \$cur->{sib};
$cur = $next;
$next = $n2;
# and now the merge
if( $cur->{val}->cmp($next->{val}) <= 0 ) {
$cur->{sib} = $next->{sib};
link_to $next, $cur;
} else {
$$prev = $next;
link_to $cur, $next;
$cur = $next;
# we've added one element at the front, keep merging pairs until there isn't
# one of the same degree (change all the low order one bits to zero and the
# lowest order zero bit to one)
sub self_union_once {
my $h = shift;
my $cur = $$h;
my $next;
while( $next = $cur->{sib} ) {
return if $cur->{degree} != $next->{degree};
# merge
if( $cur->{val}->cmp($next->{val}) <= 0 ) {
$cur->{sib} = $next->{sib};
link_to $next, $cur;
} else {
$$h = $next;
link_to $cur, $next;
$cur = $next;
# absorb all the children of an element into a heap
sub absorb_children {
my $h = shift;
my $el = shift;
my $h2 = $h->new;
my $child = $el->{child};
while( $child ) {
my $sib = $child->{sib};
$child->{sib} = $$h2;
$child->{p} = undef;
$$h2 = $child;
$child = $sib;
# merge them all in
=head1 NAME
Heap::Binomial - a binomial heap to keep data partially sorted
use Heap::Binomial;
$heap = Heap::Binomial->new;
# see Heap(3) for usage
Keeps elements in heap order using a linked list of binomial trees.
The I<heap> method of an element is used to store a reference to
the node in the list that refers to the element.
See L<Heap> for details on using this module.
=head1 AUTHOR
John Macdonald,
Copyright 1998-2007, O'Reilly & Associates.
This code is distributed under the same copyright terms as perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Heap(3), Heap::Elem(3).