shell bypass 403
use strict;
use warnings;
package IO::CaptureOutput;
# ABSTRACT: capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
our $VERSION = '1.1104';
use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $CarpLevel/;
use Exporter;
use Carp qw/croak/;
@ISA = 'Exporter';
@EXPORT_OK = qw/capture capture_exec qxx capture_exec_combined qxy/;
%EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);
$CarpLevel = 0; # help capture report errors at the right level
sub _capture (&@) { ## no critic
my ($code, $output, $error, $output_file, $error_file) = @_;
# check for valid combinations of input
local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
my $error = _validate($output, $error, $output_file, $error_file);
croak $error if $error;
# if either $output or $error are defined, then we need a variable for
# results; otherwise we only capture to files and don't waste memory
if ( defined $output || defined $error ) {
for ($output, $error) {
$_ = \do { my $s; $s = ''} unless ref $_;
$$_ = '' if $_ != \undef && !defined($$_);
# merge if same refs for $output and $error or if both are undef --
# i.e. capture \&foo, undef, undef, $merged_file
# this means capturing into separate files *requires* at least one
# capture variable
my $should_merge =
(defined $error && defined $output && $output == $error) ||
( !defined $output && !defined $error ) ||
my ($capture_out, $capture_err);
# undef means capture anonymously; anything other than \undef means
# capture to that ref; \undef means skip capture
if ( !defined $output || $output != \undef ) {
$capture_out = IO::CaptureOutput::_proxy->new(
'STDOUT', $output, undef, $output_file
if ( !defined $error || $error != \undef ) {
$capture_err = IO::CaptureOutput::_proxy->new(
'STDERR', $error, ($should_merge ? 'STDOUT' : undef), $error_file
# now that output capture is setup, call the subroutine
# results get read when IO::CaptureOutput::_proxy objects go out of scope
# Extra indirection for symmetry with capture_exec, etc. Gets error reporting
# to the right level
sub capture (&@) { ## no critic
return &_capture;
sub capture_exec {
my @args = @_;
my ($output, $error);
my $exit = _capture sub { system _shell_quote(@args) }, \$output, \$error;
my $success = ($exit == 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
$? = $exit;
return wantarray ? ($output, $error, $success, $exit) : $output;
*qxx = \&capture_exec;
sub capture_exec_combined {
my @args = @_;
my $output;
my $exit = _capture sub { system _shell_quote(@args) }, \$output, \$output;
my $success = ($exit == 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
$? = $exit;
return wantarray ? ($output, $success, $exit) : $output;
*qxy = \&capture_exec_combined;
# extra quoting required on Win32 systems
*_shell_quote = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) ? \&_shell_quote_win32 : sub {@_};
sub _shell_quote_win32 {
my @args;
for (@_) {
if (/[ \"]/) { # TODO: check if ^ requires escaping
(my $escaped = $_) =~ s/([\"])/\\$1/g;
push @args, '"' . $escaped . '"';
push @args, $_
return @args;
# detect errors and return an error message or empty string;
sub _validate {
my ($output, $error, $output_file, $error_file) = @_;
# default to "ok"
my $msg = q{};
# \$out, \$out, $outfile, $errfile
if ( defined $output && defined $error
&& defined $output_file && defined $error_file
&& $output == $error
&& $output != \undef
&& $output_file ne $error_file
) {
$msg = "Merged STDOUT and STDERR, but specified different output and error files";
# undef, undef, $outfile, $errfile
elsif ( !defined $output && !defined $error
&& defined $output_file && defined $error_file
&& $output_file ne $error_file
) {
$msg = "Merged STDOUT and STDERR, but specified different output and error files";
return $msg;
# Captures everything printed to a filehandle for the lifetime of the object
# and then transfers it to a scalar reference
package IO::CaptureOutput::_proxy;
use File::Temp 0.16 'tempfile';
use File::Basename qw/basename/;
use Symbol qw/gensym qualify qualify_to_ref/;
use Carp;
sub _is_wperl { $^O eq 'MSWin32' && basename($^X) eq 'wperl.exe' }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($orig_fh, $capture_var, $merge_fh, $capture_file) = @_;
$orig_fh = qualify($orig_fh); # e.g. main::STDOUT
my $fhref = qualify_to_ref($orig_fh); # e.g. \*STDOUT
# Duplicate the filehandle
my $saved_fh;
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic - needed for 5.005
if ( defined fileno($orig_fh) && ! _is_wperl() ) {
$saved_fh = gensym;
open $saved_fh, ">&$orig_fh" or croak "Can't redirect <$orig_fh> - $!";
# Create replacement filehandle if not merging
my ($newio_fh, $newio_file);
if ( ! $merge_fh ) {
$newio_fh = gensym;
if ($capture_file) {
$newio_file = $capture_file;
} else {
(undef, $newio_file) = tempfile;
open $newio_fh, "+>$newio_file" or croak "Can't write temp file for $orig_fh - $!";
else {
$newio_fh = qualify($merge_fh);
# Redirect (or merge)
no strict 'refs'; ## no critic -- needed for 5.005
open $fhref, ">&".fileno($newio_fh) or croak "Can't redirect $orig_fh - $!";
bless [$$, $orig_fh, $saved_fh, $capture_var, $newio_fh, $newio_file, $capture_file], $class;
my $self = shift;
my ($pid, $orig_fh, $saved_fh, $capture_var, $newio_fh,
$newio_file, $capture_file) = @$self;
return unless $pid eq $$; # only cleanup in the process that is capturing
# restore the original filehandle
my $fh_ref = Symbol::qualify_to_ref($orig_fh);
select((select ($fh_ref), $|=1)[0]);
if (defined $saved_fh) {
open $fh_ref, ">&". fileno($saved_fh) or croak "Can't restore $orig_fh - $!";
else {
close $fh_ref;
# transfer captured data to the scalar reference if we didn't merge
# $newio_file is undef if this file handle is merged to another
if (ref $capture_var && $newio_file) {
# some versions of perl complain about reading from fd 1 or 2
# which could happen if STDOUT and STDERR were closed when $newio
# was opened, so we just squelch warnings here and continue
local $^W;
seek $newio_fh, 0, 0;
$$capture_var = do {local $/; <$newio_fh>};
close $newio_fh if $newio_file;
# Cleanup
return unless defined $newio_file && -e $newio_file;
return if $capture_file; # the "temp" file was explicitly named
unlink $newio_file or carp "Couldn't remove temp file '$newio_file' - $!";
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
IO::CaptureOutput - capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
=head1 VERSION
version 1.1104
use IO::CaptureOutput qw(capture qxx qxy);
# STDOUT and STDERR separately
capture { noisy_sub(@args) } \$stdout, \$stderr;
# STDOUT and STDERR together
capture { noisy_sub(@args) } \$combined, \$combined;
# STDOUT and STDERR from external command
($stdout, $stderr, $success) = qxx( @cmd );
# STDOUT and STDERR together from external command
($combined, $success) = qxy( @cmd );
B<This module is no longer recommended by the maintainer> - see
L<Capture::Tiny> instead.
This module provides routines for capturing STDOUT and STDERR from perl
subroutines, forked system calls (e.g. C<system()>, C<fork()>) and from XS
or C modules.
=head1 NAME
The following functions will be exported on demand.
=head2 capture()
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout, \$stderr;
Captures everything printed to C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR> for the duration of
C<&subroutine>. C<$stdout> and C<$stderr> are optional scalars that will
contain C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR> respectively.
C<capture()> uses a code prototype so the first argument can be specified
directly within brackets if desired.
# shorthand with prototype
capture C< print __PACKAGE__ > \$stdout, \$stderr;
Returns the return value(s) of C<&subroutine>. The sub is called in the
same context as C<capture()> was called e.g.:
@rv = capture C< wantarray > ; # returns true
$rv = capture C< wantarray > ; # returns defined, but not true
capture C< wantarray >; # void, returns undef
C<capture()> is able to capture output from subprocesses and C code, which
traditional C<tie()> methods of output capture are unable to do.
B<Note:> C<capture()> will only capture output that has been written or
flushed to the filehandle.
If the two scalar references refer to the same scalar, then C<STDERR> will
be merged to C<STDOUT> before capturing and the scalar will hold the
combined output of both.
capture \&subroutine, \$combined, \$combined;
Normally, C<capture()> uses anonymous, temporary files for capturing
output. If desired, specific file names may be provided instead as
additional options.
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout, \$stderr, $out_file, $err_file;
Files provided will be clobbered, overwriting any previous data, but will
persist after the call to C<capture()> for inspection or other
By default, when no references are provided to hold STDOUT or STDERR,
output is captured and silently discarded.
# Capture STDOUT, discard STDERR
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout;
# Discard STDOUT, capture STDERR
capture \&subroutine, undef, \$stderr;
However, even when using C<undef>, output can be captured to specific
# Capture STDOUT to a specific file, discard STDERR
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout, undef, $outfile;
# Discard STDOUT, capture STDERR to a specific file
capture \&subroutine, undef, \$stderr, undef, $err_file;
# Discard both, capture merged output to a specific file
capture \&subroutine, undef, undef, $mergedfile;
It is a fatal error to merge STDOUT and STDERR and request separate,
specific files for capture.
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout, \$stdout, $out_file, $err_file;
capture \&subroutine, undef, undef, $out_file, $err_file;
If either STDOUT or STDERR should be passed through to the terminal instead
of captured, provide a reference to undef -- C<\undef> -- instead of a
capture variable.
# Capture STDOUT, display STDERR
capture \&subroutine, \$stdout, \undef;
# Display STDOUT, capture STDERR
capture \&subroutine, \undef, \$stderr;
=head2 capture_exec()
($stdout, $stderr, $success, $exit_code) = capture_exec(@args);
Captures and returns the output from C<system(@args)>. In scalar context,
C<capture_exec()> will return what was printed to C<STDOUT>. In list
context, it returns what was printed to C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR> as well as
a success flag and the exit value.
$stdout = capture_exec('perl', '-e', 'print "hello world"');
($stdout, $stderr, $success, $exit_code) =
capture_exec('perl', '-e', 'warn "Test"');
C<capture_exec> passes its arguments to C<system()> and on MSWin32 will
protect arguments with shell quotes if necessary. This makes it a handy
and slightly more portable alternative to backticks, piped C<open()> and
The C<$success> flag returned will be true if the command ran successfully
and false if it did not (if the command could not be run or if it ran and
returned a non-zero exit value). On failure, the raw exit value of the
C<system()> call is available both in the C<$exit_code> returned and in the
C<$?> variable.
($stdout, $stderr, $success, $exit_code) =
capture_exec('perl', '-e', 'warn "Test" and exit 1');
if ( ! $success ) {
print "The exit code was " . ($exit_code >> 8) . "\n";
See L<perlvar> for more information on interpreting a child process exit
=head2 capture_exec_combined()
($combined, $success, $exit_code) = capture_exec_combined(
'perl', '-e', 'print "hello\n"', 'warn "Test\n"
This is just like C<capture_exec()>, except that it merges C<STDERR> with
C<STDOUT> before capturing output.
B<Note:> there is no guarantee that text printed to C<STDOUT> and C<STDERR>
in the subprocess will be appear in order. The actual order will depend on
how IO buffering is handled in the subprocess.
=head2 qxx()
This is an alias for C<capture_exec()>.
=head2 qxy()
This is an alias for C<capture_exec_combined()>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan
=head1 SUPPORT
=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
at L<>.
You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.
=head2 Source Code
This is open source software. The code repository is available for
public review and contribution under the terms of the license.
git clone
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Simon Flack <>
=item *
David Golden <>
=for stopwords Mike Latimer Olivier Mengué Tony Cook
=over 4
=item *
Mike Latimer <>
=item *
Olivier Mengué <>
=item *
Tony Cook <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Simon Flack and David Golden.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.