shell bypass 403
# File:
# Description: Read 7z archive meta information
# Revisions: 2023/04/28 - Amir Gooran (Cyberno)
# 2023-05-06 - PH Minor changes in ExifTool interfacing
# References: 1)
package Image::ExifTool::7Z;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);
$VERSION = '1.00';
sub ReadUInt32 {
my $buff;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 4);
my ($output) = unpack('L', $buff);
return $output;
sub ReadUInt64 {
my $buff;
my $output;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $b = ord($buff);
if($b == 255){ # read real uint64
$_[0]->Read($buff, 8);
my ($output) = unpack('Q', $buff);
return $output;
my @blen = (0x7F, 0xBF, 0xDF, 0xEF, 0xF7, 0xFB, 0xFD, 0xFE);
my $mask = 0x80;
my $vlen = 8;
for (my $l = 0 ; $l < scalar(@blen) ; $l++) {
my $v = $blen[$l];
if($b <= $v){
$vlen = $l;
$mask >>= 1;
if($vlen == 0){
return $b & ($mask - 1);
$_[0]->Read($buff, $vlen);
$buff .= "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
my $value = unpack('Q', $buff);
my $highpart = $b & ($mask - 1);
return $value + ($highpart << ($vlen * 8));
sub ReadRealUInt64 {
my $buff;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 8);
my $value = unpack('Q', $buff);
return $value;
sub ReadBoolean {
my $buff;
my $count = $_[1];
my $checkall = $_[2];
my @result = ();
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $all_defined = ord($buff);
if($all_defined != 0){
@result = (1)x$count;
return @result;
my $b = 0;
my $mask = 0;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) {
if($mask == 0){
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$b = ord($buff);
$mask = 0x80;
push(@result, ($b & $mask) != 0);
$mask >>= 1;
return @result;
sub ReadUTF16 {
my $val = "";
my $ch;
for(my $i=0; $i < 65536; $i++){
$_[0]->Read($ch, 2);
if($ch eq "\0\0"){
$val .= $ch;
return $val;
sub ReadPackInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my %out_packinfo = ();
$out_packinfo{"packsizes"} = ();
$out_packinfo{"packpos"} = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
my $numstreams = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$et->VPrint(0, "Number Of Streams: $numstreams\n");
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
my @packsizes;
if($pid == 9){ # size
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $numstreams ; $i++) {
push(@{ $out_packinfo{"packsizes"} }, ReadUInt64($_[0]));
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 10){ # crc
my @crcs;
my @digestdefined = ReadBoolean($_[0], $numstreams, 1);
foreach my $crcexist (@digestdefined) {
push(@crcs, ReadUInt32($_[0]));
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0) { # end id expected
return 0;
return \%out_packinfo;
sub findInBinPair {
my @bindpairs = @{$_[0]};
my $index = $_[1];
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@bindpairs); $i++) {
if($bindpairs[$i] == $index){
return $i;
return -1;
sub ReadFolder {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my $totalin = 0;
my $totalout = 0;
my %out_folder = ();
$out_folder{"packed_indices"} = ();
$out_folder{"bindpairs"} = ();
$out_folder{"coders"} = ();
my $num_coders = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$et->VPrint(0, "Number of coders: $num_coders\n");
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_coders; $i++) {
my %c = ();
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $b = ord($buff);
my $methodsize = $b & 0xF;
my $iscomplex = ($b & 0x10) == 0x10;
my $hasattributes = ($b & 0x20) == 0x20;
if($methodsize > 0){
$_[0]->Read($buff, $methodsize);
$c{"method"} = $buff;
$c{"method"} = "\0";
$c{"numinstreams"} = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$c{"numoutstreams"} = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$c{"numinstreams"} = 1;
$c{"numoutstreams"} = 1;
$totalin += $c{"numinstreams"};
$totalout += $c{"numoutstreams"};
my $proplen = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$_[0]->Read($buff, $proplen);
$c{"properties"} = $buff;
else {
$c{"properties"} = undef;
$et->VPrint(0, "Reading coder $i\n");
push(@{ $out_folder{"coders"} }, \%c);
my $num_bindpairs = $totalout - 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_bindpairs; $i++) {
my @bond = (ReadUInt64($_[0]), ReadUInt64($_[0]));
push(@{ $out_folder{"bindpairs"} }, @bond);
my $num_packedstreams = $totalin - $num_bindpairs;
if($num_packedstreams == 1){
for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalin; $i++) {
if(findInBinPair(\@{ $out_folder{"bindpairs"} }, $i) < 0){
push(@{ $out_folder{"packed_indices"} }, $i);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_packedstreams; $i++) {
push(@{ $out_folder{"packed_indices"} }, ReadUInt64($_[0]));
return \%out_folder;
sub RetrieveCodersInfo{
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my @folders = @{ $_[1] };
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x0c){ # coders unpack size id expected
return 0;
foreach my $folder (@folders) {
$folder->{"unpacksizes"} = ();
foreach my $c (@{ $folder->{"coders"} }) {
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $c->{"numoutstreams"} ; $i++) {
push(@{ $folder->{"unpacksizes" } }, ReadUInt64($_[0]));
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 0x0a){ #crc
my $numfolders = scalar(@folders);
$et->VPrint(0, "Number of folders: $numfolders\n");
my @defined = ReadBoolean($_[0], $numfolders, 1);
my @crcs;
foreach my $crcexist (@defined) {
push(@crcs, ReadUInt32($_[0]));
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $numfolders ; $i++) {
$folders[$i]->{"digestdefined"} = $defined[$i];
$folders[$i]->{"crc"} = $crcs[$i];
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x00){ # end id expected
$et->VPrint(0, "Invalid PID: $pid\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub ReadUnpackInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my %out_unpackinfo = ();
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0xb) { # folder id expected
return 0;
$out_unpackinfo{"numfolders"} = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
$out_unpackinfo{"folders"} = ();
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $external = ord($buff);
if($external == 0x00){
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $out_unpackinfo{"numfolders"}; $i++) {
$et->VPrint(0, "Reading folder $i\n");
my $folder = ReadFolder($et, $_[0]);
push(@{ $out_unpackinfo{"folders"} }, $folder);
return 0 unless RetrieveCodersInfo($et, $_[0], $out_unpackinfo{"folders"});
return \%out_unpackinfo;
sub ReadSubstreamsInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my %out_substreamsinfo = ();
$out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} = ();
my $numfolders = $_[1];
my $folders = $_[2];
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 13){ # num unpack stream
$et->VPrint(0, "Num unpack stream detected.\n");
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $numfolders; $i++) {
push(@{ $out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} }, ReadUInt64($_[0]));
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
@{ $out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} } = (1)x$numfolders;
if($pid == 9){ # size property
$et->VPrint(0, "Size property detected.\n");
$out_substreamsinfo{"unpacksizes"} = ();
for(my $i=0; $i< scalar(@{ $out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} }); $i++){
my $totalsize = 0;
for(my $j=1; $j < @{ $out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} }[$i]; $j++){
my $size = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
push(@{ $out_substreamsinfo{"unpacksizes"} }, $size);
$totalsize += $size;
# self.unpacksizes.append(folders[i].get_unpack_size() - totalsize)
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
my $num_digests = 0;
my $num_digests_total = 0;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $numfolders; $i++) {
my $numsubstreams = @{ $out_substreamsinfo{"num_unpackstreams_folders"} }[$i];
if($numsubstreams != 1 or not @{ $folders }[$i]->{"digestdefined"}){
$num_digests += $numsubstreams;
$num_digests_total += $numsubstreams;
$et->VPrint(0, "Num Digests Total: $num_digests_total\n");
if($pid == 10) { # crc property
$et->VPrint(0, "CRC property detected.\n");
my @crcs;
my @defined = ReadBoolean($_[0], $num_digests, 1);
foreach my $crcexist (@defined) {
push(@crcs, ReadUInt32($_[0]));
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x00){ # end id expected
return 0;
return \%out_substreamsinfo;
sub ReadStreamsInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my $unpackinfo;
my %out_streamsinfo = ();
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 6){ # pack info
my $packinfo = ReadPackInfo($et, $_[0]);
return 0 unless $packinfo;
$out_streamsinfo{"packinfo"} = $packinfo;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 7) { # unpack info
$et->VPrint(0, "Unpack info data detected.\n");
$unpackinfo = ReadUnpackInfo($et, $_[0]);
return 0 unless $unpackinfo;
$out_streamsinfo{"unpackinfo"} = $unpackinfo;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 8){ # substreams info
$et->VPrint(0, "Substreams info data detected.\n");
my $substreamsinfo = ReadSubstreamsInfo($et, $_[0], $unpackinfo->{"numfolders"}, $unpackinfo->{"folders"});
return 0 unless $substreamsinfo;
$out_streamsinfo{"substreamsinfo"} = $substreamsinfo;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x00){ # end id expected
$et->VPrint(0, "Invalid PID: $pid\n");
return 0;
return \%out_streamsinfo;
sub IsNativeCoder {
my $coder = $_[0];
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 0, 1)) == 3){
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 1, 1)) == 1) {
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 2, 1)) == 1) {
return "LZMA";
elsif(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 0, 1)) == 6){
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 1, 1)) == 0xf1) {
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 2, 1)) == 7) {
if(ord(substr($coder->{"method"}, 3, 1)) == 1) {
return "7zAES";
sub GetDecompressor {
my $et = shift;
my $folder = $_[0];
my %out_decompressor = ();
$out_decompressor{"chain"} = ();
$out_decompressor{"input_size"} = $_[1];
$out_decompressor{"_unpacksizes"} = $folder->{"unpacksizes"};
@{ $out_decompressor{"_unpacked"} } = (0) x scalar(@{ $out_decompressor{"_unpacksizes"} });
$out_decompressor{"consumed"} = 0;
$out_decompressor{"block_size"} = 32768;
$out_decompressor{"_unused"} = [];
foreach my $coder (@{ $folder->{"coders"} }) {
my $algorithm = IsNativeCoder($coder);
if($algorithm eq "7zAES") {
$et->Warn("File is encrypted.", 0);
return 0;
push(@{ $out_decompressor{"chain"} }, $algorithm);
return \%out_decompressor;
sub ReadData {
my $et = shift;
my $decompressor = $_[1];
my $rest_size = $decompressor->{"input_size"} - $decompressor->{"consumed"};
my $unused_s = scalar(@{ $decompressor->{"_unused"} });
my $read_size = $rest_size - $unused_s;
my $data = "";
if($read_size > $decompressor->{"block_size"} - $unused_s){
$read_size = $decompressor->{"block_size"} - $unused_s;
if($read_size > 0){
$decompressor->{"consumed"} += $_[0]->Read($data, $read_size);
$et->VPrint(0, "Compressed size: $read_size\n");
return $data;
sub Decompress_Internal {
my $data = "";
for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@{ $_[0]->{"chain"} }); $i++){
if(@{ $_[0]->{"_unpacked"} }[$i] < @{ $_[0]->{"_unpacksizes"} }[$i]){
my %opts = ();
$opts{"Filter"} = Lzma::Filter::Lzma1();
my ($z, $status) = Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawDecoder->new( %opts );
$status = $z->code($_[1], $data);
@{ $_[0]->{"_unpacked"} }[$i] += length($data);
return $data;
sub Decompress {
my $et = shift;
my $max_length = $_[1];
my $data = ReadData($et, $_[0], $_[1]);
my $tmp = Decompress_Internal($_[1], $data);
return $tmp;
sub ReadName {
my $numfiles = $_[1];
for(my $i=0; $i < $numfiles; $i++){
@{ $_[2] }[$i]->{"filename"} = ReadUTF16($_[0]);
sub ReadTimes {
my $et = shift;
my $external;
my $numfiles = $_[1];
my $name = $_[2];
my @defined = ReadBoolean($_[0], $numfiles, 1);
$_[0]->Read($external, 1);
if(ord($external) != 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file. (ReadTimes)");
return 0;
for(my $i=0; $i < $numfiles; $i++){
my $value = ReadRealUInt64($_[0]);
$value = $value / 10000000.0 - 11644473600;
@{ $_[3] }[$i]->{$name} = $value;
@{ $_[3] }[$i]->{$name} = undef;
sub ReadAttributes {
my $numfiles = $_[1];
for(my $i=0; $i < $numfiles; $i++){
my $value = ReadUInt32($_[0]);
@{ $_[3] }[$i]->{"attributes"} = $value >> 8;
@{ $_[3] }[$i]->{"attributes"} = undef;
sub ReadFilesInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my $numfiles = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
my @out_files = ();
for(my $i = 0; $i < $numfiles; $i++){
my %new_file = ();
$new_file{"emptystream"} = 0;
push(@out_files, \%new_file);
my $numemptystreams = 0;
$et->VPrint(0, "Number of files: $numfiles\n");
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $prop = ord($buff);
if($prop == 0){ # end
return \@out_files;
my $size = ReadUInt64($_[0]);
if($prop == 25) { # dummy
$_[0]->Seek($size, 1);
$_[0]->Read($buff, $size);
my $buffer = new File::RandomAccess(\$buff);
if($prop == 14){ # empty stream
my @isempty = ReadBoolean($buffer, $numfiles, 0);
my $numemptystreams = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $numfiles; $i++){
if($isempty[$i] == 0){
$out_files[$i]->{"emptystream"} = 0;
$out_files[$i]->{"emptystream"} = 1;
elsif($prop == 15) { # empty file
elsif($prop == 17){ # name
$et->VPrint(0, "Name prop detected.\n");
my $external;
$buffer->Read($external, 1);
my $is_external = ord($external);
if($is_external == 0){
ReadName($buffer, $numfiles, \@out_files);
elsif($prop == 20){ # last write time
$et->VPrint(0, "Last write time detected.\n");
ReadTimes($et, $buffer, $numfiles, "lastwritetime", \@out_files);
elsif($prop == 21){ # attributes
$et->VPrint(0, "File attributes detected.\n");
my $external;
my @defined = ReadBoolean($buffer, $numfiles, 1);
$_[0]->Read($external, 1);
if(ord($external) == 0){
ReadAttributes($buffer, $numfiles, \@defined, \@out_files);
my $dataindex = ReadUINT64($buffer);
#TODO: try to read external data
sub ExtractHeaderInfo {
my $et = shift;
my $buff;
my %out_headerinfo = ();
$out_headerinfo{"files_info"} = ();
my $files_info;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 0x04){
my $mainstreams = ReadStreamsInfo($et, $_[0]);
if($mainstreams == 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file. (ExtractHeaderInfo)");
return 0;
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 0x05){
$et->VPrint(0, "File info pid reached.\n");
$files_info = ReadFilesInfo($et, $_[0]);
push(@{ $out_headerinfo{"files_info"} }, $files_info);
$_[0]->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x00){ # end id expected
$et->VPrint(0, "Invalid PID: $pid\n");
return 0;
return \%out_headerinfo;
sub DisplayFiles {
my $et = shift;
my $docNum = 0;
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ZIP::RAR5');
foreach my $currentfile (@{ $_[0] }){
$$et{DOC_NUM} = ++$docNum;
$et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, 'ModifyDate', $currentfile->{"lastwritetime"});
$et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, 'ArchivedFileName', $currentfile->{"filename"});
delete $$et{DOC_NUM};
if($docNum > 1 and not $et->Options('Duplicates')){
$et->Warn("Use the Duplicates option to extract tags for all $docNum files", 1);
# Extract information from a 7z file
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid 7z file
sub Process7Z($$)
my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_;
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my ($flags, $buff);
return 0 unless $raf->Read($buff, 6) and $buff eq "7z\xbc\xaf\x27\x1c";
$raf->Read($buff, 2);
my ($major_version, $minor_version) = unpack('cc', $buff);
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ZIP::RAR5');
$et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, 'FileVersion', sprintf('7z v%d.%.2d',$major_version,$minor_version));
$raf->Seek(4, 1); # skip Start Header CRC
$raf->Read($buff, 20);
my ($nextheaderoffset, $nextheadersize) = unpack('QQx', $buff);
$et->VPrint(0, "NextHeaderOffset: $nextheaderoffset, NextHeaderSize: $nextheadersize\n");
$raf->Seek($nextheaderoffset, 1); # going to next header offset
$raf->Read($buff, 1);
my $pid = ord($buff);
if($pid == 1){ # normal header
$et->VPrint(0,"Normal header detected. trying to decode\n");
my $headerinfo = ExtractHeaderInfo($et, $raf);
if($headerinfo == 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file.");
return 1;
DisplayFiles($et, @{ $headerinfo->{"files_info"} });
elsif($pid == 23){ # encoded header
unless (eval { require Compress::Raw::Lzma }) {
$et->Warn("Install Compress::Raw::Lzma to read encoded 7z information");
return 1;
$et->VPrint(0, "Encoded Header detected. trying to decode\n");
my $streamsinfo = ReadStreamsInfo($et, $raf);
if($streamsinfo == 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file.");
return 1;
my $buffer2 = ();
foreach my $folder (@{ $streamsinfo->{"unpackinfo"}->{"folders"} }) {
my @uncompressed = @{ $folder->{"unpacksizes"} };
my $compressed_size = $streamsinfo->{"packinfo"}->{"packsizes"}[0];
my $uncompressed_size = @uncompressed[scalar(@uncompressed) - 1];
my $decomporessor = GetDecompressor($et, $folder, $compressed_size);
if($decomporessor == 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file.");
return 1;
my $src_start = 32;
$src_start += $streamsinfo->{"packinfo"}->{"packpos"};
$raf->Seek($src_start, 0);
my $remaining = $uncompressed_size;
my $folder_data = "";
while($remaining > 0){
$folder_data .= Decompress($et, $raf, $decomporessor, $remaining);
$remaining = $uncompressed_size - length($folder_data);
$buffer2 = new File::RandomAccess(\$folder_data);
$buffer2->Seek(0, 0);
$buffer2->Read($buff, 1);
$pid = ord($buff);
if($pid != 0x01){ # header field expected
return 0;
my $headerinfo = ExtractHeaderInfo($et, $buffer2);
if($headerinfo == 0){
$et->Warn("Invalid or corrupted file.");
return 1;
DisplayFiles($et, @{ $headerinfo->{"files_info"} });
}else{ # Unknown header
return 0;
return 1;
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::7Z - Read 7z archives
This module is used by Image::ExifTool
This module contains definitions required by Image::ExifTool to extract meta
information from 7z archives.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2023, Amir Gooran
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/ZIP RAR5 Tags>