shell bypass 403
# File:
# Description: Read and write Nikon Custom settings
# Revisions: 2009/11/25 - P. Harvey Created
# References: 1) Warren Hatch private communication (D3 and Z9 with SB-800 and SB-900)
# 2) Anonymous contribution 2011/05/25 (D700, D7000)
# JD) Jens Duttke private communication
package Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %buttonsZ9);
$VERSION = '1.24';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(%buttonsZ9);
%buttonsZ9= (
SeparateTable => 'ButtonsZ9',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
3 => 'FV Lock',
4 => 'AE/AF Lock',
5 => 'AE Lock Only',
6 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
7 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
8 => 'AF Lock Only',
9 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
11 => 'Bracketing Burst',
12 => '+NEF(RAW)',
18 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Synchronized Release',
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'My Menu Top Item',
22 => 'Playback',
23 => 'Rating',
24 => 'Protect',
25 => 'Zoom',
26 => 'Focus Peaking',
27 => 'Flash Mode/Compensation',
28 => 'Image Area',
30 => 'Non-CPU Lens',
31 => 'Active-D Lighting',
32 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
33 => '1 Stop Speed/Aperture',
34 => 'White Balance',
35 => 'Metering',
36 => 'Auto Bracketing',
37 => 'Multiple Exposure',
38 => 'HDR Overlay',
39 => 'Picture Control',
40 => 'Quality',
41 => 'Focus Mode/AF AreaMode',
42 => 'Select Center Focus Point',
44 => 'Record Movie',
45 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
46 => 'View Histograms',
47 => 'Choose Folder',
48 => 'Power Aperture (Open)',
49 => 'Power Aperture (Close)',
52 => 'Microphone Sensitivity',
53 => 'Release Mode',
57 => 'Preset Focus Point',
58 => 'AE/AWB Lock (hold)',
59 => 'AF-AreaMode',
60 => 'AF-AreaMode + AF-On',
61 => 'Recall Shooting Functions',
64 => 'Filtered Playback',
65 => 'Same as AF-On',
66 => 'Voice Memo',
70 => 'Photo Shooting Bank',
71 => 'ISO',
73 => 'Exposure Compensation',
76 => 'Silent Mode',
78 => 'LiveView Information',
79 => 'AWB Lock (hold)',
80 => 'Grid Display',
81 => 'Starlight View',
82 => 'Select To Send (PC)',
83 => 'Select To Send (FTP)',
84 => 'Pattern Tone Range',
85 => 'Control Lock',
86 => 'Save Focus Position',
87 => 'Recall Focus Position',
88 => 'Recall Shooting Functions (Hold)',
97 => 'High Frequency Flicker Reduction',
98 => 'Switch FX/DX',
99 => 'View Mode (Photo LV)',
100 => 'Photo Flicker Reduction',
101 => 'Filtered Playback (Select Criteria)',
103 => 'Start Series Playback',
104 => 'View Assist',
105 => 'Hi-Res Zoom+',
106 => 'Hi-Res Zoom-',
108 => 'Override Other Cameras',
109 => 'DISP - Cycle Information Display (shooting)', # Shooting Mode
110 => 'DISP - Cycle Information Display (playback)', # Playback mode
111 => 'Resume Shooting',
112 => 'Switch Eyes',
115 => 'Delete',
my %dialsZ9 = (
0 => '1 Frame',
1 => '10 Frames',
2 => '50 Frames',
3 => 'Folder',
4 => 'Protect',
5 => 'Photos Only',
6 => 'Videos Only',
7 => 'Rating',
8 => 'Page',
9 => 'Skip To First Shot In Series',
my %evfGridsZ9 = (
0 => '3x3',
1 => '4x4',
2 => '2.35:1',
3 => '1.85:1',
4 => '5:4',
5 => '4:3',
6 => '1:1',
7 => '16:9',
8 => '90%',
my %flicksZ9 = (
0 => 'Rating',
1 => 'Select To Send (PC)',
2 => 'Select To Send (FTP)',
3 => 'Protect',
4 => 'Voice Memo',
5 => 'None',
my %focusModeRestrictionsZ9 = (
0 => 'AF-S',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'Full-time AF',
3 => 'Manual',
4 => 'No Restrictions',
my %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 = (
SeparateTable => 'DelaysZ9',
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
3 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
11 => '30 min',
12 => 'No Limit',
my %thirdHalfFull = (
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
my %limitNolimit = ( 0 => 'Limit', 1 => 'No Limit' );
my %offOn = ( 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On' );
my %onOff = ( 0 => 'On', 1 => 'Off' );
my %noYes = ( 0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes' );
# custom settings for the D80 (encrypted) - ref JD
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD80 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the Nikon D80.',
0.1 => { # CS1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
0.2 => { # CS4
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
0.3 => { # CS5
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
0.4 => { # CS6
Name => 'ImageReview',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
0.5 => { # CS17
Name => 'Illumination',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
0.6 => { # CS11
Name => 'MainDialExposureComp',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
0.7 => { # CS10
Name => 'EVStepSize',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
1.1 => { # CS7
Name => 'AutoISO',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
1.2 => { # CS7-a
Name => 'AutoISOMax',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 200,
1 => 400,
2 => 800,
3 => 1600,
1.3 => { # CS7-b
Name => 'AutoISOMinShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/125 s',
1 => '1/100 s',
2 => '1/80 s',
3 => '1/60 s',
4 => '1/40 s',
5 => '1/30 s',
6 => '1/15 s',
7 => '1/8 s',
8 => '1/4 s',
9 => '1/2 s',
10 => '1 s',
2.1 => { # CS13
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
2.2 => { # CS14
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
3.1 => { # CS27
Name => 'MonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '5 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
3.2 => { # CS28
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
2 => '8 s',
3 => '16 s',
4 => '30 s',
5 => '30 min',
3.3 => { # CS29
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
4.1 => { # CS18
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x1e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
5 => 'FV Lock',
6 => 'Focus Area Selection',
7 => 'AE-L/AF-L/AF Area',
8 => 'AE-L/AF Area',
9 => 'AF-L/AF Area',
10 => 'AF-ON/AF Area',
4.2 => { # CS19
Name => 'AELock',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.3 => { # CS30
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
5.1 => { # CS15
Name => 'CommandDials',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Standard (Main Shutter, Sub Aperture)',
1 => 'Reversed (Main Aperture, Sub Shutter)',
5.2 => { # CS16
Name => 'FunctionButton',
Mask => 0x78,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'ISO Display',
1 => 'Framing Grid',
2 => 'AF-area Mode',
3 => 'Center AF Area',
4 => 'FV Lock',
5 => 'Flash Off',
6 => 'Matrix Metering',
7 => 'Center-weighted',
8 => 'Spot Metering',
6.1 => { # CS8
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.2 => { # CS9
Name => 'ViewfinderWarning',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
6.3 => { # CS12
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '6 mm',
1 => '8 mm',
2 => '10 mm',
6.4 => { # CS31
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.5 => { # CS32
Name => 'MB-D80Batteries',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA Alkaline)',
1 => 'HR6 (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA Lithium)',
3 => 'ZR6 (AA Ni-Mg)',
7.1 => { # CS23
Name => 'FlashWarning',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
7.2 => { # CS24
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x78,
ValueConv => '2 ** ($val - 6)',
ValueConvInv => '$val>0 ? int(log($val)/log(2)+6+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
7.3 => { # CS25
Name => 'AutoFP',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
7.4 => { # CS26
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
8.1 => { # CS22
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
8.2 => { # CS22-a
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x07,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CS22-b
Name => 'RepeatingFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x70,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val-2)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)-2+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CS22-c
Name => 'RepeatingFlashCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 5 * ($val - 7)',
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 5 + 7',
10.1 => { # CS22-d
Name => 'RepeatingFlashRate',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 10 * ($val - 8)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(($val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 10 + 8) + 0.5)',
PrintConv => '"$val Hz"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/; $1 || 0',
10.2 => { # CS22-n
Name => 'CommanderChannel',
Mask => 0x03,
ValueConv => '$val + 1',
ValueConvInv => '$val - 1',
11.1 => { # CS22-e
Name => 'CommanderInternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Off',
11.2 => { # CS22-h
Name => 'CommanderGroupAMode',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Auto Aperture',
2 => 'Manual',
3 => 'Off',
11.3 => { # CS22-k
Name => 'CommanderGroupBMode',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Auto Aperture',
2 => 'Manual',
3 => 'Off',
12.1 => { # CS22-f
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
12.2 => { # CS22-g
Name => 'CommanderInternalManualOutput',
Mask => 0xe0,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
13.1 => { # CS22-i
Name => 'CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
13.2 => { # CS22-j
Name => 'CommanderGroupAManualOutput',
Mask => 0xe0,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
14.1 => { # CS22-l
Name => 'CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
14.2 => { # CS22-m
Name => 'CommanderGroupBManualOutput',
Mask => 0xe0,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
15.1 => { # CS3
Name => 'CenterAFArea',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal Zone',
1 => 'Wide Zone',
15.2 => { # CS20
Name => 'FocusAreaSelection',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
15.3 => { # CS21
Name => 'AFAreaIllumination',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On',
16.1 => { # CS2
Name => 'AFAreaModeSetting',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Single Area',
1 => 'Dynamic Area',
2 => 'Auto-area',
# custom settings for the D40 (encrypted) - ref JD
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD40 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the Nikon D40.',
0.1 => { # CS1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
0.2 => { # CS9
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
0.3 => { # CS6
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
0.4 => { # CS7
Name => 'ImageReview',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
1.1 => { # CS10-a
Name => 'AutoISO',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
1.2 => { # CS10-b
Name => 'AutoISOMax',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
1 => 400,
2 => 800,
3 => 1600,
1.3 => { # CS10-c
Name => 'AutoISOMinShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/125 s',
1 => '1/60 s',
2 => '1/30 s',
3 => '1/15 s',
4 => '1/8 s',
5 => '1/4 s',
6 => '1/2 s',
7 => '1 s',
2.1 => { # CS15-b
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '10 min',
3.1 => { # CS15-a
Name => 'MonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '10 min',
3.2 => { # CS15-c
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '30 min',
3.3 => { # CS16
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
3.4 => { # CS17
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4.1 => { # CS12
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x0e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
4.2 => { # CS13
Name => 'AELock',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.1 => { # CS4
Name => 'ShootingModeSetting',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Single Frame',
1 => 'Continuous',
2 => 'Self-timer',
3 => 'Delayed Remote',
4 => 'Quick-response Remote',
5.2 => { # CS11
Name => 'TimerFunctionButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shooting Mode',
1 => 'Image Quality/Size',
2 => 'ISO',
3 => 'White Balance',
4 => 'Self-timer',
6.1 => { # CS5
Name => 'Metering',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Matrix',
1 => 'Center-weighted',
2 => 'Spot',
8.1 => { # CS14-a
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
8.2 => { # CS14-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x07,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9 => { # CS8
Name => 'FlashLevel',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 6',
PrintConv => 'sprintf("%+.1f",$val)',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
10.1 => { # CS2
Name => 'FocusModeSetting',
# (may differ from FocusMode if lens switch is set to Manual)
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Manual',
1 => 'AF-S',
2 => 'AF-C',
3 => 'AF-A',
11.1 => { # CS3
Name => 'AFAreaModeSetting',
# (may differ from AFAreaMode for Manual focus)
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Single Area',
1 => 'Dynamic Area',
2 => 'Closest Subject',
# D90 custom settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD90 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D90.',
# Missing:
# CSe2 RepeatingFlashRate (needs verification)
# CommanderInternalFlash, CommanderGroupAMode, CommanderGroupBMode,
# CommanderChannel, CommanderInternalManualOutput,
# CommanderGroupAManualOutput, CommanderGroupBManualOutput
# CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp, CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp,
# CSe4 AutoBracketSet (some values need verification)
# CSf2 OKButton ("Not Used" value needs verification)
# CSf5-b CommandDialsChangeMainSub
# CSf5-c CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback
0.1 => { # CSf1
Name => 'LightSwitch',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LCD Backlight',
1 => 'LCD Backlight and Shooting Information',
2.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AFAreaModeSetting',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Single Area',
1 => 'Dynamic Area',
2 => 'Auto-area',
3 => '3D-tracking (11 points)',
2.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'CenterFocusPoint',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Normal Zone',
1 => 'Wide Zone',
2.3 => { # CSa3
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
2.4 => { # CSa4
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
2.5 => { # CSa5
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
3.1 => { # CSa6
Name => 'AELockForMB-D80',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE Lock Only',
1 => 'AF Lock Only',
2 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
3 => 'AF-On',
4 => 'FV Lock',
5 => 'Focus Point Selection',
7 => 'AE/AF Lock',
3.2 => { # CSd12
Name => 'MB-D80BatteryType',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA alkaline)',
1 => 'HR6 (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA lithium)',
3 => 'ZR6 (AA Ni-Mn)',
4.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.2 => { # CSd2
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.3 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO/Easy ISO',
1 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Show Frame Count',
4.4 => { # CSd4
Name => 'ViewfinderWarning',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.5 => { # CSf6
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
5.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.2 => { # CSd7
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.3 => { # CSd8
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
5.4 => { # CSd9
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'EasyExposureComp',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.2 => { # CSf7
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
7.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb3
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => '6 mm',
1 => '8 mm',
2 => '10 mm',
8.2 => { # CSb4-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb4-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb4-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
11.1 => { # CSd6
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
11.2 => { # CSd10
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
13.1 => { # CSe4
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xe0, #(NC)
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash', # default
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only', #(NC)
3 => 'WB Bracketing', #(NC)
4 => 'Active D-Lighting', #(NC)
13.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
14.1 => { # CSf3
Name => 'FuncButton',
Mask => 0x78,
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Framing Grid',
2 => 'AF-area Mode',
3 => 'Center Focus Point',
4 => 'FV Lock', # default
5 => 'Flash Off',
6 => 'Matrix Metering',
7 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
8 => 'Spot Metering',
9 => 'My Menu Top',
10 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
16.1 => { # CSf2
Name => 'OKButton',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Select Center Focus Point',
2 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
3 => 'Not Used', #(NC)
0 => 'Not Used', #(NC)
17.1 => { # CSf4
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only', #(NC)
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)', #(NC)
4 => 'AF-ON', #(NC)
5 => 'FV Lock', #(NC)
18.1 => { # CSf5-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
18.2 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s', # default
2 => '8 s',
3 => '16 s',
4 => '30 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
8 => '30 min',
19.2 => { # CSc5
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s', # default
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x1e,
21.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s', # default
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s', # default
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s', # default
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
24.1 => { # CSe2-a
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
24.2 => { # CSe2-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
25.1 => { # CSe2-ca
Name => 'RepeatingFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x70,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val-2)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)-2+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
25.2 => { # CSe2-cb
Name => 'RepeatingFlashCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 5 * ($val - 7)',
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 5 + 7',
26.1 => { # CSe2-cc (NC)
Name => 'RepeatingFlashRate',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 10 * ($val - 8)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(($val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 10 + 8) + 0.5)',
PrintConv => '"$val Hz"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/; $1 || 0',
31.1 => { # CSd11
Name => 'FlashWarning',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
31.2 => { # CSe2-ea
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
31.3 => { # CSe3
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
31.4 => { # CSe5
Name => 'AutoFP',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
32.1 => { # CSe2-eb
Name => 'CommanderGroupA_TTLComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
33.1 => { # CSe2-ec
Name => 'CommanderGroupB_TTLComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
34.1 => { # CSa7
Name => 'LiveViewAF',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Priority', #(NC)
1 => 'Wide Area',
2 => 'Normal Area',
# D300 (ref JD) and D3 (ref 1/PH) custom settings
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD3 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D3, D3S, D3X, D300 and D300S.',
# these settings have been decoded using the D3 and D300, and
# extrapolated to the other models, but these haven't yet been
# verified, and the following custom settings are missing:
# CSf1-d (D3X,D3S) MultiSelectorLiveView
# CSf1 (D300S) LightSwitch
0.1 => { #1
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
0.2 => { #1
Name => 'CustomSettingsAllDefault',
Notes => '"No" if any custom setting for this bank was changed from the default',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => { 0 => 'Yes', 1 => 'No' },
1.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFPointSelection',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '51 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'DynamicAFArea',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '9 Points',
1 => '21 Points',
2 => '51 Points',
3 => '51 Points (3D-tracking)',
1.5 => { # CSa4
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Condition => '$$self{Model} !~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'not D3S',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Long',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'Short',
3 => 'Off',
2.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
2.2 => { # CSa7
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.3 => [ # CSa6
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On in Continuous Shooting and Manual Focusing',
1 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
2 => 'On in Continuous Shooting Modes',
3 => 'Off',
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On',
2.4 => { # CSa6-b (D3, added by firmware update)
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Low',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'High',
3 => 'Extra High',
2.5 => { # CSa9 (D300)
Name => 'AFAssist',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.1 => { # CSa9 (D3)
Name => 'AFOnButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF On',
1 => 'AE/AF Lock',
2 => 'AE Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
3.2 => { # CSa10 (D3)
Name => 'VerticalAFOnButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF On',
1 => 'AE/AF Lock',
2 => 'AE Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
7 => 'Same as AF On',
3.3 => { # CSa10 (D300)
Name => 'AF-OnForMB-D10',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF-On',
1 => 'AE/AF Lock',
2 => 'AE Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
6 => 'Same as FUNC Button',
4.1 => { # CSa4 (D3S)
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'D3S only',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '5 (Long)',
1 => '4',
2 => '3 (Normal)',
3 => '2',
4 => '1 (Short)',
5 => 'Off',
4.2 => { # CSf7 (D3S)
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'D3S only',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
4.3 => { # CSf1-c (D3S) (ref 1)
Name => 'MultiSelectorLiveView',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'D3S only',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Reset',
1 => 'Zoom On/Off',
2 => 'Start Movie Recording',
3 => 'Not Used',
4.4 => { # CSf1-c2 (D3S) (ref 1)
Name => 'InitialZoomLiveView',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'D3S only',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Low Magnification',
1 => 'Medium Magnification',
2 => 'High Magnification',
6.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
6.2 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
6.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
6.4 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
7.1 => [ # CSb5
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '6 mm',
1 => '8 mm',
2 => '10 mm',
3 => '13 mm',
4 => 'Average',
7.2 => { # CSb6-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
8.1 => { # CSb6-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
8.2 => { # CSb6-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSf1-a, CSf2-a (D300S)
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point',
1 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
2 => 'Not Used',
9.2 => { # CSf1-b, CSf2-b (D300S)
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Condition => '$$self{Model} !~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'all models except D3S', # (not confirmed for D3X)
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
9.3 => [ # CSf1-b2, CSf2-b2 (D300S)
Name => 'InitialZoomSetting',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => { #1
0 => 'High Magnification',
1 => 'Medium Magnification',
2 => 'Low Magnification',
Name => 'InitialZoomSetting',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => { #JD
0 => 'Low Magnification',
1 => 'Medium Magnification',
2 => 'High Magnification',
9.4 => { # CSf2 (D300,D3), CSf3 (D300S)
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
10.1 => { # CSd9 (D300,D3S), CSd10 (D300S), CSd8 (D3)
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
10.2 => { # CSd4 (D300), CDs5 (D300S), CSd2-a (D3)
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
10.3 => { # (D3 CSd2-b)
Name => 'CHModeShootingSpeed',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '9 fps',
1 => '10 fps',
2 => '11 fps',
11 => { # CSd5 (D300), CSd6 (D300S), CSd3 (D3)
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100 (D300), 1-130 (D3)
12.1 => { # CSf10, CSf11 (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
12.2 => [ # CSd6 (D300), CSd7 (D300S), CSd4 (D3)
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
12.3 => { # CSd5-a (D3)
Name => 'RearDisplay',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'ISO',
1 => 'Exposures Remaining',
12.4 => { # CSd5-b (D3)
Name => 'ViewfinderDisplay',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3 only',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Frame Count',
1 => 'Exposures Remaining',
12.5 => { # CSd11 (D300), CSd12 (D300S)
Name => 'BatteryOrder',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'MB-D10 First',
1 => 'Camera Battery First',
12.6 => { # CSd10 (D300), CSd11 (D300S)
Name => 'MB-D10Batteries',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA alkaline)',
1 => 'HR6 (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA lithium)',
3 => 'ZR6 (AA Ni-Mn)',
12.7 => { # CSd7 (D3S), CSd4, (D300S)
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /(D3S|D300S)\b/',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
13.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'High',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'Off',
13.2 => { # CSd7 (D300), CSd8 (D300S), CSd6 (D3)
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto', #JD (D300)
1 => 'Auto', #1 (D3)
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
13.3 => { # CSd2 (D300)
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
13.4 => { # CSd3 (D300)
Name => 'ViewfinderWarning',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D300S?\b/',
Notes => 'D300 only',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
13.5 => { # CSf1-b (D3S) (ref 1)
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3S\b/',
Notes => 'D3S only',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
14.1 => [ # CSf5-a (ref 1), CSf6-a (D300S)
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'Flash Off',
9 => 'Bracketing Burst',
10 => 'Matrix Metering',
11 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
12 => 'Spot Metering',
13 => 'Virtual Horizon',
# 14 not used
15 => 'Playback',
16 => 'My Menu Top',
{ #PH
Name => 'FuncButton',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
# 8 not used
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback', #PH (guess)
15 => 'My Menu Top', #PH (guess)
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)', #PH (guess)
14.2 => [ # CSf5-b (PH,NC), CSf6-b (D300S)
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# n/a 4 => 'Focus Point Selection',
5 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX)',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
7 => 'Dynamic AF Area', #PH (D3S,D3X,NC)
{ #PH
Name => 'FuncButtonPlusDials',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Auto Bracketing',
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
15.1 => [ # CSf4-a (ref 1), CSf5-a (D300S)
Name => 'FuncButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'Flash Off',
9 => 'Bracketing Burst',
10 => 'Matrix Metering',
11 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
12 => 'Spot Metering',
13 => 'Virtual Horizon',
# 14 not used
15 => 'Playback',
16 => 'My Menu Top',
{ #PH
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
# 8 not used
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback', #PH (guess)
15 => 'My Menu Top', #PH (guess)
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)', #PH (guess)
15.2 => [ # CSf4-b (ref 1), CSf5-b (D300S)
Name => 'FuncButtonPlusDials',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
4 => 'Focus Point Selection', #(NC)
5 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX)',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
7 => 'Dynamic AF Area', #PH (D3S,D3X,NC)
{ #PH
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Auto Bracketing',
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
16.1 => [ # CSf6-a (ref 1), CSf7-a (D300S)
Name => 'AELockButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'Flash Off',
9 => 'Bracketing Burst',
10 => 'Matrix Metering',
11 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
12 => 'Spot Metering',
13 => 'Virtual Horizon',
14 => 'AF On', # (AE-L/AF-L button only)
15 => 'Playback',
16 => 'My Menu Top',
{ #PH
Name => 'AELockButton',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF On', # (AE-L/AF-L button only)
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback', #PH (guess)
15 => 'My Menu Top', #PH (guess)
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)', #PH (guess)
16.2 => [ # CSf6-b (ref 1), CSf7-b (D300S)
Name => 'AELockButtonPlusDials',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# n/c 4 => 'Focus Point Selection', #(NC)
5 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX)',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
7 => 'Dynamic AF Area', #PH (D3S,D3X,NC)
{ #PH
Name => 'AELockButtonPlusDials',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
# n/a 2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Auto Bracketing', #(NC)
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
17.1 => { # CSf7-a, CSf8-a (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
17.2 => { # CSf7-b, CSf8-b (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.3 => { # CSf7-c, CSf8-c (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
17.4 => { # CSf7-d, CSf8-d (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.5 => { # CSd8 (D300,D3S), CSd9 (D300S), CSd7 (D3)
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.6 => { # CSf3, CSf4 (D300S)
Name => 'PhotoInfoPlayback',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Info Up-down, Playback Left-right',
1 => 'Info Left-right, Playback Up-down',
17.7 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.8 => { # CSf8, CSf9 (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
18.1 => { # CSc3
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
18.2 => { # CSc4
Name => 'MonitorOffTime',
# NOTE: The D3S and D300S have separate settings for Playback,
# Image Review, Menus, and Information Display times
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '10 s',
1 => '20 s',
2 => '1 min',
3 => '5 min',
4 => '10 min',
20.1 => [ # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /D3[SX]?\b/',
Notes => 'D3',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
1 => '1/250 s',
2 => '1/200 s',
3 => '1/160 s',
4 => '1/125 s',
5 => '1/100 s',
6 => '1/80 s',
7 => '1/60 s',
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/320 s (auto FP)',
1 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s',
3 => '1/200 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/125 s',
6 => '1/100 s',
7 => '1/80 s',
8 => '1/60 s',
20.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
21.1 => [{ # CSe5 (D300), CSe4 (D3)
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Condition => '$$self{Model} !~ /(D3S|D300S)\b/',
Notes => 'D3 and D300',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
},{ # CSe4 (D3S) (NC for D300S)
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Notes => 'D3S and D300S',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
# D3S/D300S have an "ADL Bracketing" setting - PH
4 => 'ADL Bracketing',
21.2 => [{ # CSe6 (D300), CSe5 (D3)
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Condition => '$$self{Model} !~ /(D3S|D300S)\b/',
Notes => 'D3 and D300',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
},{ # CSe5 (D3S)
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Notes => 'D3S and D300S',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
21.3 => [{ # CSe7 (D300), CSe6 (D3)
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Condition => '$$self{Model} !~ /(D3S|D300S)\b/',
Notes => 'D3 and D300',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
},{ # CSe6 (D3S)
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Notes => 'D3S and D300S',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
21.4 => { # CSe4 (D300), CSe3 (D3)
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
22.1 => { # CSf9, CSf10 (D3S,D300S)
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
22.2 => { # CSc2
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
2 => '8 s',
3 => '16 s',
4 => '30 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
8 => '30 min',
9 => 'No Limit',
23.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
25.1 => { #1 CSc4-d (D3S)
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
25.2 => { #1 CSc4-a (D3S)
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
26.1 => { #1 CSc4-b (D3S)
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
26.2 => { #1 CSc4-c (D3S)
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
# D700 custom settings (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD700 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 16.1 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D700.',
0.1 => { #1
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
0.2 => { #1
Name => 'CustomSettingsAllDefault',
Notes => '"No" if any custom setting for this bank was changed from the default',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => { 0 => 'Yes', 1 => 'No' },
1.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFPointSelection',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '51 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'DynamicAFArea',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '9 Points',
1 => '21 Points',
2 => '51 Points',
3 => '51 Points (3D-tracking)',
2.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
2.2 => { # CSa7
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On',
2.4 => { # CSa9
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.1 => { # CSa4
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '3 Normal',
1 => '4',
2 => '5 Long',
3 => '2',
4 => '1 Short',
5 => 'Off',
3.2 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AF-OnForMB-D10',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF-On',
1 => 'AE/AF Lock',
2 => 'AE Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
6 => 'Same as FUNC Button',
4.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
4.2 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
4.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
4.4 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
5.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
6.1 => { # CSb6-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
6.2 => { # CSb6-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
7.1 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
7.2 => { # CSc3
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
7.3 => { # CSc2
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
2 => '8 s',
3 => '16 s',
4 => '30 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
8 => '30 min',
9 => 'No Limit',
8.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
8.2 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
9.1 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
9.2 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
10.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'High',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'Off',
10.2 => { # CSd7
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto', #JD (D300)
1 => 'Auto', #1 (D3)
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
10.3 => { # CSd8
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
10.4 => { # CSd9
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
10.5 => { # CSd2
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
11.1 => { # CSd6
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
11.2 => { # CSd4
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12 => { # CSd5
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
13.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
13.2 => { # CSd11
Name => 'BatteryOrder',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'MB-D10 First',
1 => 'Camera Battery First',
13.3 => { # CSd10
Name => 'MB-D10BatteryType',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA alkaline)',
1 => 'HR6 (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA lithium)',
3 => 'ZR6 (AA Ni-Mn)',
15.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/320 s (auto FP)',
1 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s',
3 => '1/200 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/125 s',
6 => '1/100 s',
7 => '1/80 s',
8 => '1/60 s',
15.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
16.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashControlBuilt-in',
# Note If set the Manual, Repeating Flash, Commander Mode
# does not decode the detail settings.
Mask => 0xc0,
RawConv => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
16.2 => { # CSe3-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 1',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
17.1 => { # CSe3-ca
Name => 'RepeatingFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x70,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val-2)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)-2+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
17.2 => { # CSe3-cb
Name => 'RepeatingFlashCount',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 5 * ($val - 7)',
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 5 + 7',
18.1 => { # CSe3-cc (NC)
Name => 'RepeatingFlashRate',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 10 * ($val - 8)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(($val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 10 + 8) + 0.5)',
PrintConv => '"$val Hz"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/; $1 || 0',
18.2 => { # CSe3-dd
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLChannel',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 ch',
1 => '2 ch',
2 => '3 ch',
3 => '4 ch',
20.1 => { # CSe3-da
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompBuiltin',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
21.1 => { # CSe3-db
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupA',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
22.1 => { # CSe3-dc
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupB',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
26.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
26.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
26.3 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
26.4 => { # CSe4
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
27.1 => { # CSf2-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point',
1 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
2 => 'Not Used',
27.2 => { # CSf2-b
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
27.3 => { # CSf2-b2
Name => 'InitialZoomSetting',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => { #1
0 => 'Low Magnification',
1 => 'Medium Magnification',
2 => 'High Magnification',
27.4 => { # CSf3
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
28.1 => { # CSf5-a
Name => 'FuncButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
# 8 not used
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'My Menu Top',
15 => 'Live View',
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
29.1 => { # CSf6-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-ON',
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'My Menu Top',
15 => 'Live View',
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
30.1 => { # CSf7-a
Name => 'AELockButton',
Notes => 'D300',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-ON',
9 => 'Flash Off',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'My Menu Top',
15 => 'Live View',
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
31.1 => { # CSf5-b
Name => 'FuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# n/a 4 => 'Focus Point Selection',
5 => 'Auto bracketing',
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
7 => 'Shutter speed & Aperture lock',
31.2 => { # CSf6-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# n/a 4 => 'Focus Point Selection',
5 => 'Auto bracketing',
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
7 => 'Shutter speed & Aperture lock',
32.1 => { # CSf7-b
Name => 'AELockButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x70,
Prinonv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'One Step Speed/Aperture',
3 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# n/a 4 => 'Focus Point Selection',
5 => 'Auto bracketing',
6 => 'Dynamic AF Area',
7 => 'Shutter speed & Aperture lock',
33.1 => { # CSf9-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
33.2 => { # CSf9-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
33.3 => { # CSf9-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
33.4 => { # CSf9-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
33.5 => { # CSf12
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
33.6 => { # CSf4
Name => 'PhotoInfoPlayback',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
33.7 => { # CSf11
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
33.8 => { # CSf10
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
# D800 custom settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD800 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 23.1 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D800 and D800E.',
12.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'AutoBracketingSet',
Mask => 0xe0, #(NC)
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash', # default
1 => 'AE Only', #(NC)
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing', #(NC)
4 => 'Active D-Lighting', #(NC)
12.2 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
12.3 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketingMode',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
# 21 - 100 (MaxContinuousRelease?)
22.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/320 s (auto FP)',
1 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s',
3 => '1/200 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/125 s',
6 => '1/100 s',
7 => '1/80 s',
8 => '1/60 s',
22.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
23.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashControlBuilt-in',
Mask => 0xc0,
RawConv => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
23.2 => { # CSe3-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 1',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
24.1 => { # CSe3-ca
Name => 'RepeatingFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x70,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val-2)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)-2+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
24.2 => { # CSe3-cb
Name => 'RepeatingFlashCount',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 5 * ($val - 7)',
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 5 + 7',
25.1 => { # CSe3-cc
Name => 'RepeatingFlashRate',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 10 * ($val - 8)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(($val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 10 + 8) + 0.5)',
PrintConv => '"$val Hz"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/; $1 || 0',
25.2 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderChannel',
Mask => 0x03,
ValueConv => '$val + 1',
ValueConvInv => '$val - 1',
27.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderInternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Off',
27.2 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderInternalManualOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2) * 3 + 0.5): 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
28.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupAMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Auto Aperture',
2 => 'Manual',
3 => 'Off',
28.2 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupAManualOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2) * 3 + 0.5): 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
29.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupBMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Auto Aperture',
2 => 'Manual',
3 => 'Off',
29.2 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupBManualOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2) * 3 + 0.5): 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
30.1 => { # CSe4
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
30.2 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
31.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupA_TTL-AAComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
32.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'CommanderGroupB_TTL-AAComp',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
# 47 - related to flash
# D5 custom settings (ref 1)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD5 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D5.',
0.1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
1.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
3 => 'Focus + Release',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'NumberOfFocusPoints',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '55 Points',
1 => '15 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa4
Name => 'Three-DTrackingFaceDetection',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
1.5 => { # CSa3-a
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
Mask => 0x07,
#values 1-5
2.1 => { # CSa11
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.2 => { # CSa12-d
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
4.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
1 => 'Show Frame Count',
4.2 => { # CSd8
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSd9
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.2 => { # CSd6
Name => 'ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.1 => { # CSf7
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.2 => { # CSf4-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
2 => 'Exposure Compensation',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
6.3 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
7.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb6
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
8.2 => { # CSb7-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb7-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb7-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
10.1 => { # CSf2-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point (Reset)',
1 => 'Zoom On/Off', # this is the documented (and actual) default value, but the choice does not appear on the camera menu
2 => 'Preset Focus Point (Pre)',
4 => 'Not Used (None)',
# 10.2 => { # CSf2-b # moved from the D500 position to Nikon_ShotInfoD5_0x0ab1 with the Mask and PrintConv as specified below. Further research required.
# Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
# Mask => 0x70,
# PrintConv => {
# 0 => 'Zoom On/Off',
# 1 => 'Choose Folder',
# 6 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
# 7 => 'View Histograms',
# },
# },
10.3 => { # CSf5
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
11.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
11.2 => { # CSd1
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12.1 => { # CSd2
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
13.1 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
14.1 => { # CSf1-c
Name => 'Func1Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
58 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF - HL)',
59 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF - VL)',
15.1 => { # CSf1-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
58 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF - HL)',
59 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF - VL)',
16.1 => { # CSf1-p
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
2 => 'HDR (high dynamic range)',
3 => 'None',
18.1 => { # CSf4-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure Off',
1 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On',
2 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On (Mode A)',
4 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure Off',
5 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On',
6 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On (Mode A)',
18.2 => { # CSf4-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On (Image Review Excluded)',
18.3 => { # CSf4-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
18.4 => { # CSf6
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
3 => '10 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
9 => '30 min',
10 => 'No Limit',
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
20.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
21.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
3 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4 => '20 min',
5 => '30 min',
6 => 'No Limit',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
2 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
3 => '1/250 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/160 s',
7 => '1/125 s',
8 => '1/100 s',
9 => '1/80 s',
10 => '1/60 s',
23.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
31.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
36.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
37.1 => { # CSf2-c
Name => 'MultiSelectorLiveView',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Reset',
1 => 'Zoom',
3 => 'Not Used',
38.1 => { # CSf3-a
Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.2 => { # CSf3-b
Name => 'ApertureLock',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.3 => { # CSg1-h
Name => 'MovieShutterButton',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Take Photo',
1 => 'Record Movies',
38.4 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Entire Frame',
1 => 'Background Only',
38.5 => { # CSe4
Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Subject and Background',
1 => 'Subject Only',
41.1 => { # CSg1-c
Name => 'MovieFunc1Button',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'Power Aperture (close)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
11 => 'Exposure Compensation -',
41.2 => { # CSg1-a
Name => 'MoviePreviewButton',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Power Aperture (open)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
10 => 'Exposure Compensation +',
42.1 => { # CSf1-d
Name => 'Func1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
43.1 => { # CSf1-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank', # new with D500
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
45.1 => { # CSf1-q
Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
46.1 => { # CSb7-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
47.1 => { # CSa12-b
Name => 'DynamicAreaAFDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
47.2 => { # CSa12-a
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
47.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area Mode',
48.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'MatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Detection On',
1 => 'Face Detection Off',
48.2 => { # CSf8
Name => 'LiveViewButtonOptions',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Enable',
1 => 'Enable (Standby Timer Active)', # new with D500
2 => 'Disable',
48.3 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AFModeRestrictions',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'AF-S',
49.1 => { # CSa9
Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelection',
Mask => 0x7e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
0 => 'Auto-area',
1 => 'Group-area',
2 => '3D-tracking',
3 => 'Dynamic area (153 points)',
4 => 'Dynamic area (72 points)',
5 => 'Dynamic area (25 points)',
52.1 => { # CSf1-r
Name => 'LensFocusFunctionButtons',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
24 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
66.1 => { # CSf1-o
Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector',
Mask => 0xff,
PrintHex => 1,
PrintConv => {
0x00 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(U/D) & Playback(R/L)',
0x08 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(R/L) & Playback(U/D)',
0x80 => 'Focus Point Selection',
67.1 => { # CSf1-g
Name => 'VerticalFuncButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
68.1 => { # CSf1-h
Name => 'VerticalFuncPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
10 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
12 => 'Exposure Compensation',
13 => 'Metering',
70.1 => { # CSf1-j
Name => 'AF-OnButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
71.1 => { # CSf1-k
Name => 'SubSelector',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus Point Selection',
1 => 'Same as MultiSelector',
72.1 => { # CSf1-l
Name => 'SubSelectorCenter',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
73.1 => { # CSf1-m
Name => 'SubSelectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
74.1 => { # CSg1-f
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselector',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
5 => 'AE/AF Lock',
6 => 'AE Lock (Only)',
7 => 'AE Lock (Hold)',
8 => 'AF Lock (Only)',
75.1 => { # CSg1-d
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
75.2 => { # CSg1-b
Name => 'AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
76.1 => { # CSg1-g
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
77.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'SyncReleaseMode', # new with D500
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Sync',
1 => 'Sync',
78.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'Three-DTrackingWatchArea', # new with D500
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Wide',
1 => 'Normal',
78.2 => { # CSa3-b
Name => 'SubjectMotion',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Steady',
1 => 'Middle',
2 => 'Erratic',
78.3 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
78.4 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)'
79.1 => { # CSf1-n
Name => 'VerticalAFOnButton',
Mask => 0x7f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
100 => 'Same as AF-On',
80.1 => { # CSf1-e
Name => 'Func2Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
81.1 => { # CSf1-f
Name => 'Func2ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
82.1 => { # CSg1-e
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc2Button',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
83.1 => { # CSf1-i
Name => 'Func3Button',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Voice Memo',
2 => 'Rating',
3 => 'Connect To Network',
# D500 custom settings (ref 1)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD500 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D500.',
0.1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
1.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
3 => 'Focus + Release',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'NumberOfFocusPoints',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '55 Points',
1 => '15 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa4
Name => 'Three-DTrackingFaceDetection',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
1.5 => { # CSa3-a
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
Mask => 0x07,
#values 1-5
2.1 => { # CSa11
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.2 => { # CSa12-c
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
4.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
1 => 'Show Frame Count',
4.2 => { # CSd8
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSd9
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.2 => { # CSd6
Name => 'ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.1 => { # CSf7
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.2 => { # CSf4-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
2 => 'Exposure Compensation',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
6.3 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
7.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb6
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '6 mm',
1 => '8 mm',
2 => '10 mm',
3 => '13 mm',
4 => 'Average',
8.2 => { # CSb7-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb7-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb7-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
10.1 => { # CSf2-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xe0, #same offset and settings as D810 but with a different decoding
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point (Reset)',
2 => 'Preset Focus Point (Pre)',
3 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
4 => 'Not Used (None)',
10.2 => { # CSf2-b #same offset and settings as D810 but with a different decoding
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
10.3 => { # CSf5
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
11.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
11.2 => { # CSd1
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12.1 => { # CSd2
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
13.1 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
14.1 => { # CSf1-c
Name => 'Func1Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
15.1 => { # CSf1-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
# 21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release', # removed with D500
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)', # new with D500
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)', # new with D500
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)', # new with D500
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)', # new with D500
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)', # new with D500
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)', # new with D500
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)', # new with D500
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)', # new with D500
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)', # new with D500
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',# new with D500
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)', # new with D500
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)', # new with D500
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)', # new with D500
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)', # new with D500
16.1 => { # CSf1-j
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
2 => 'HDR (high dynamic range)',
3 => 'None',
18.1 => { # CSf4-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure Off',
1 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On',
2 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On (Mode A)',
4 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure Off',
5 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On',
6 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On (Mode A)',
18.2 => { # CSf4-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On (Image Review Excluded)',
18.3 => { # CSf4-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
18.4 => { # CSf6
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
3 => '10 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
9 => '30 min',
10 => 'No Limit',
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
20.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
21.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
3 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4 => '20 min',
5 => '30 min',
6 => 'No Limit',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
2 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
3 => '1/250 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/160 s',
7 => '1/125 s',
8 => '1/100 s',
9 => '1/80 s',
10 => '1/60 s',
23.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
31.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
36.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
37.1 => { # CSf2-c
Name => 'MultiSelectorLiveView',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Reset',
1 => 'Zoom',
3 => 'Not Used',
38.1 => { # CSf3-a
Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.2 => { # CSf3-b
Name => 'ApertureLock',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.3 => { # CSg1-h
Name => 'MovieShutterButton',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Take Photo',
1 => 'Record Movies',
38.4 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Entire Frame',
1 => 'Background Only',
38.5 => { # CSe4
Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Subject and Background',
1 => 'Subject Only',
41.1 => { # CSg1-c
Name => 'MovieFunc1Button',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'Power Aperture (close)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
11 => 'Exposure Compensation -',
41.2 => { # CSg1-a
Name => 'MoviePreviewButton',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Power Aperture (open)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
10 => 'Exposure Compensation +',
42.1 => { # CSf1-d
Name => 'Func1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
43.1 => { # CSf1-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank', # new with D500
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
45.1 => { # CSf1-k
Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
46.1 => { # CSb7-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
47.1 => { # CSa12-b
Name => 'DynamicAreaAFDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
47.2 => { # CSa12-a
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
47.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area Mode',
47.4 => { # CSa12-c
Name => 'GroupAreaAFIllumination',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Squares',
1 => 'Dots',
48.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'MatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Detection On',
1 => 'Face Detection Off',
48.2 => { # CSf8
Name => 'LiveViewButtonOptions',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Enable',
1 => 'Enable (Standby Timer Active)', # new with D500
2 => 'Disable',
48.3 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AFModeRestrictions',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'AF-S',
49.1 => { # CSa9
Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelection',
Mask => 0x7e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
0 => 'Auto-area',
1 => 'Group-area',
2 => '3D-tracking',
3 => 'Dynamic area (153 points)',
4 => 'Dynamic area (72 points)',
5 => 'Dynamic area (25 points)',
52.1 => { # CSf1-l
Name => 'LensFocusFunctionButtons',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
24 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
66.1 => { # CSf10-d
Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector',
Mask => 0xff,
PrintHex => 1,
PrintConv => {
0x00 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(U/D) & Playback(R/L)',
0x08 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(R/L) & Playback(U/D)',
0x80 => 'Focus Point Selection',
67.1 => { # CSf10-a
Name => 'AssignMB-D17FuncButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
68.1 => { # CSf10-b
Name => 'AssignMB-D17FuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
10 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
12 => 'Exposure Compensation',
13 => 'Metering Mode',
70.1 => { # CSf1-f
Name => 'AF-OnButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
71.1 => { # CSf1-g
Name => 'SubSelector',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus Point Selection',
1 => 'Same as MultiSelector',
72.1 => { # CSf1-h
Name => 'SubSelectorCenter',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
73.1 => { # CSf1-i
Name => 'SubSelectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
74.1 => { # CSg1-f
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselector',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
5 => 'AE/AF Lock',
6 => 'AE Lock (Only)',
7 => 'AE Lock (Hold)',
8 => 'AF Lock (Only)',
75.1 => { # CSg1-d
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
75.2 => { # CSg1-b
Name => 'AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
76.1 => { # CSg1-g
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (DX/1.3x)',
77.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'SyncReleaseMode', # new with D500
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Sync',
1 => 'Sync',
78.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'Three-DTrackingWatchArea', # new with D500
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Wide',
1 => 'Normal',
78.2 => { # CSa3-b
Name => 'SubjectMotion',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Steady',
1 => 'Middle',
2 => 'Erratic',
78.3 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
78.4 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)'
79.1 => { # CSf10-c
Name => 'AssignMB-D17AF-OnButton',
Mask => 0x7f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 152 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
100 => 'Same as Camera AF-On Button',
80.1 => { # CSf1-e
Name => 'Func2Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
20 => 'My Menu',
55 => 'Rating',
82.1 => { # CSg1-e
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc2Button',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
# D610 custom settings (ref forum6942)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD610 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D610.',
0.1 => { #CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Focus',
0.2 => { #CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Focus',
0.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'NumberOfFocusPoints',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '39 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
0.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 Short',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 Normal',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 Long',
1.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
1.2 => { # CSa4
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
1.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSb3
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On Auto Reset',
6.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStep',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
6.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOSensitivityStep',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
7.1 => { # CSb4
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
7.2 => { # CSb5-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
8.1 => { # CSb5-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
8.2 => { # CSb5-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
17.1 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
18.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '30 s',
4 => '1 min',
5 => '5 min',
6 => '10 min',
7 => '30 min',
8 => 'No Limit',
18.2 => { # CSc5
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '20 min',
19.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
19.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
19.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
20.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
4 => '1 min',
5 => '5 min',
6 => '10 min',
20.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '5 min',
1 => '10 min',
2 => '15 min',
3 => '20 min',
4 => '30 min',
5 => 'No Limit',
21.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s', # default
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
35.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
# D810 custom settings (ref 1)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD810 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 24.1 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D810.',
0.1 => { # CSf1
Name => 'LightSwitch',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LCD Backlight',
1 => 'LCD Backlight and Shooting Information',
0.2 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
1.1 => { #CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'AFPointSelection',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '51 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 (Short)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Long)',
2.1 => { # CSa4
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
2.2 => { # CSa7
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
2.4 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.1 => { # CSd13
Name => 'BatteryOrder',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'MB-D12 First',
1 => 'Camera Battery First',
3.2 => { # CSd12
Name => 'MB-D12BatteryType',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA alkaline)',
1 => 'HR6 (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA lithium)',
4.1 => { # CSd1-b
Name => 'Pitch',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => { 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Low' },
4.2 => { # CSf11
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
4.3 => { # CSd8
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO/Easy ISO',
1 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Show Frame Count',
4.4 => { # CSd7
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSd10
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Not Set', # observed on a new camera prior to applying a setting for the first time
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
5.2 => { # CSd11
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.3 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.4 => { # CSd9
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.5 => { # CSd1-a
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'Medium',
3 => 'High',
6.1 => { # CSf12
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.2 => { # CSf9-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
2 => 'Exposure Compensation',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
6.3 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
7.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb6
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
8.2 => { # CSb7-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb7-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb7-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
10.1 => { # CSf2-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point (Reset)',
1 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
2 => 'Preset Focus Point (Pre)',
3 => 'Not Used (None)',
10.2 => { # CSf2-b
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
10.3 => { # CSf3
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
11.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
11.2 => { # CSd2
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
13.1 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
4 => 'Active D-Lighting',
13.2 => { # CSe8
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.3 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
14.1 => { # CSf4-a
Name => 'FuncButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display', # values 19 and 20 are swapped from the D4s encodings
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering', # new value with D810
15.1 => { # CSf5-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display', # values 19 and 20 are swapped from the D4s encodings
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering', # new value with D810
16.1 => { # CSf8
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
2 => 'HDR (high dynamic range)',
3 => 'None',
17.1 => { # CSf6-a
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display', # values 19 and 20 are swapped from the D4s encodings
20 => 'My Menu',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering', # new value with D810
18.1 => { # CSf9-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure Off',
1 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On',
2 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On (Mode A)',
4 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure Off',
5 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On',
6 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On (Mode A)',
18.2 => { # CSf9-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On (Image Review Excluded)',
18.3 => { # CSf9-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
18.4 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
18.5 => { # CSf10
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
3 => '10 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
9 => '30 min',
10 => 'No Limit', #1
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
20.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
21.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime', # note: decode changed from D4s
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
3 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-e # note: decode changed from D4s
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4 => '20 min',
5 => '30 min',
6 => 'No Limit',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b # note: decode changed from D4s
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c # note: decode changed from D4s
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/320 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
3 => '1/250 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/160 s',
7 => '1/125 s',
8 => '1/100 s',
9 => '1/80 s',
10 => '1/60 s',
23.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
24.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashControlBuilt-in',
Mask => 0xc0,
RawConv => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
31.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
36.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
37.1 => { # CSf2-c
Name => 'MultiSelectorLiveView',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Reset',
1 => 'Zoom',
3 => 'Not Used',
38.1 => { # CSf7-a
Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.2 => { # CSf7-b
Name => 'ApertureLock',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.3 => { # CSg4
Name => 'MovieShutterButton',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Take Photo',
1 => 'Record Movies',
38.4 => { # CSe4
Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Entire frame',
1 => 'Background only',
40.1 => { # CSg3
Name => 'MovieAELockButtonAssignment',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
5 => 'AE/AF Lock',
6 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
8 => 'AF Lock Only',
41.1 => { # CSg1
Name => 'MovieFunctionButton',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Power Aperture (open)', # bit '02' is also toggled on for this setting
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
41.2 => { # CSg2
Name => 'MoviePreviewButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'Power Aperture (open)', # bit '10' is also toggled on for this setting
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
42.1 => { # CSf4-b
Name => 'FuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
43.1 => { # CSf5-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
44.1 => { # CSf6-b
Name => 'AELockButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
45.1 => { # CSf13
Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButton',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
9 => 'White Balance',
10 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
46.1 => { # CSb7-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
47.1 => { # CSa5-b
Name => 'DynamicAreaAFDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
47.2 => { # CSa5-a # moved with D810
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
47.3 => { # CSa9
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area mode',
47.4 => { # CSa5-c
Name => 'GroupAreaAFIllumination',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Squares', # moved with D810
1 => 'Dots',
48.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'MatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Detection On',
1 => 'Face Detection Off',
48.2 => { # CSf14
Name => 'LiveViewButtonOptions',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Enable',
2 => 'Disable',
48.3 => { # CSa12
Name => 'AFModeRestrictions',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'AF-S',
49.1 => { # CSa11
Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelection',
Mask => 0x7e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
0 => 'Auto-area',
1 => 'Group-area',
2 => '3D-tracking',
3 => 'Dynamic area (51 points)',
4 => 'Dynamic area (21 points)',
5 => 'Dynamic area (9 points)',
50.1 => { # CSf15
Name => 'AF-OnForMB-D12',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AE Lock (reset)',
5 => 'AF-On',
6 => 'FV Lock',
7 => 'Same As Fn Button',
51.1 => { # CSf16
Name => 'AssignRemoteFnButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
25 => 'Live View',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
52.1 => { # CSf17
Name => 'LensFocusFunctionButtons',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
24 => 'Preset focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
32 => 'AF-Area Mode: Single-point AF',
33 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (9 points)',
34 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (21 points)',
35 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (51 points)',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode: Group-area AF',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode: Auto area AF',
# D850 custom settings (ref 1)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD850 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D850.',
0.2 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
1.1 => { #CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
3 => 'Focus + Release',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'AFPointSelection',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '55 Points',
1 => '15 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa4
Name => 'Three-DTrackingFaceDetection',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
1.5 => { # CSa3-a
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
1 => '1 (Quick)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Delay)',
2.1 => { # CSa11
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
2.2 => { # CSa12-a
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
4.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
1 => 'Show Frame Count',
4.2 => { # CSd9
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSd10
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.2 => { # CSd6
Name => 'ElectronicFront-CurtainShutter',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
6.1 => { # CSf7
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.2 => { # CSf4-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
2 => 'Exposure Compensation',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
6.3 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (Auto Reset)',
7.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb6
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
8.2 => { # CSb7-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb7-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb7-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
10.1 => { # CSf2-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point (Reset)',
2 => 'Preset Focus Point (Pre)',
3 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
4 => 'Not Used (None)',
10.2 => { # CSf2-b
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
10.3 => { # CSf5
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
11.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '0.2 s', #new with the D850
2 => '0.5 s', #new with the D850
3 => '1 s',
4 => '2 s',
5 => '3 s',
11.2 => { # CSd1
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12.1 => { # CSd2
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
13.1 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
14.1 => { # CSf1-c
Name => 'Func1Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
15.1 => { # CSf1-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
16.1 => { # CSf1-j
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
2 => 'HDR (high dynamic range)',
3 => 'None',
18.1 => { # CSf4-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure Off',
1 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On',
2 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On (Mode A)',
4 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure Off',
5 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On',
6 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On (Mode A)',
18.2 => { # CSf4-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On (Image Review Excluded)',
18.3 => { # CSf4-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
18.4 => { # CSf6
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
3 => '10 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
9 => '30 min',
10 => 'No Limit',
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
20.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
21.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
3 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4 => '20 min',
5 => '30 min',
6 => 'No Limit',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
2 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
3 => '1/250 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/160 s',
7 => '1/125 s',
8 => '1/100 s',
9 => '1/80 s',
10 => '1/60 s',
23.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
31.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
36.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
37.1 => { # CSf2-c
Name => 'MultiSelectorLiveView',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Reset',
1 => 'Zoom',
3 => 'Not Used',
38.1 => { # CSf3-a
Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.2 => { # CSf3-b
Name => 'ApertureLock',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.3 => { # CSg1-h
Name => 'MovieShutterButton',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Take Photo',
1 => 'Record Movies',
38.4 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Entire Frame',
1 => 'Background Only',
38.5 => { # CSe4
Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Subject and Background',
1 => 'Subject Only',
41.1 => { # CSg1-c
Name => 'MovieFunc1Button',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'Power Aperture (close)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
11 => 'Exposure Compensation -',
41.2 => { # CSg1-a
Name => 'MoviePreviewButton',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Power Aperture (open)',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
10 => 'Exposure Compensation +',
42.1 => { # CSf1-d
Name => 'Func1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
43.1 => { # CSf1-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
45.1 => { # CSf1-k
Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
46.1 => { # CSb7-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
47.1 => { # CSa12-c
Name => 'DynamicAreaAFDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
47.2 => { # CSa12-b
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
47.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area Mode',
48.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'MatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Detection On',
1 => 'Face Detection Off',
48.2 => { # CSf8
Name => 'LiveViewButtonOptions',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Enable',
1 => 'Enable (Standby Timer Active)',
2 => 'Disable',
48.3 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AFModeRestrictions',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'AF-S',
49.1 => { # CSa9
Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelection', #note that 'Dynamic area (9 points)' can be selected from the camera menu but the setting is not written to the EXIF data.
Mask => 0x7e, #...This AF Mode was added to the D5 firmware several months after the camera's initial release which may help explain the inconsistency.
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
0 => 'Auto-area',
1 => 'Group-area',
2 => '3D-tracking',
3 => 'Dynamic area (153 points)',
4 => 'Dynamic area (72 points)',
5 => 'Dynamic area (25 points)',
52.1 => { # CSf1-l
Name => 'LensFocusFunctionButtons',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
24 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
66.1 => { # CSf10-d
Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector',
Mask => 0xff,
PrintHex => 1,
PrintConv => {
0x00 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(U/D) & Playback(R/L)',
0x08 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(R/L) & Playback(U/D)',
0x80 => 'Focus Point Selection',
67.1 => { # CSf10-a
Name => 'AssignMB-D18FuncButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
68.1 => { # CSf10-b
Name => 'AssignMB-D18FuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
8 => 'Exposure Delay Mode',
10 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
11 => 'Exposure Mode',
12 => 'Exposure Compensation',
13 => 'Metering Mode',
70.1 => { # CSf1-f
Name => 'AF-OnButton',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
71.1 => { # CSf1-g
Name => 'SubSelector',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus Point Selection',
1 => 'Same as MultiSelector',
72.1 => { # CSf1-h
Name => 'SubSelectorCenter',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'Reset Focus Point',
19 => 'Grid Display',
20 => 'My Menu',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preset Focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
27 => 'Highlight-weighted Metering',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
49 => 'Sync Release (Master Only)',
50 => 'Sync Release (Remote Only)',
54 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
73.1 => { # CSf1-i
Name => 'SubSelectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
7 => 'Photo Shooting Menu Bank',
74.1 => { # CSg1-f
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselector',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
5 => 'AE/AF Lock',
6 => 'AE Lock (Only)',
7 => 'AE Lock (Hold)',
8 => 'AF Lock (Only)',
75.1 => { # CSg1-d
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc1ButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
75.2 => { # CSg1-b
Name => 'AssignMoviePreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
76.1 => { # CSg1-g
Name => 'AssignMovieSubselectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
77.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'SyncReleaseMode',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Sync',
1 => 'Sync',
77.2 => { # CSd11 (new with D850)
Name => 'ContinuousModeLiveView',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
78.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'Three-DTrackingWatchArea',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Wide',
1 => 'Normal',
78.2 => { # CSa3-b
Name => 'SubjectMotion',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Steady',
1 => 'Middle',
2 => 'Erratic',
78.3 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
78.4 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)'
79.1 => { # CSf10-c
Name => 'AssignMB-D18AF-OnButton',
Mask => 0x7f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode (Single)',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
38 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
39 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
40 => 'AF-Area Mode (Group Area AF)',
41 => 'AF-Area Mode (Auto Area AF)',
42 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Single)',
43 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 25 Points)',
44 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 72 Points)',
45 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 153 Points)',
46 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Group Area AF)',
47 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Auto Area AF)',
56 => 'AF-Area Mode (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
57 => 'AF-Area Mode + AF-On (Dynamic Area 9 Points)',
100 => 'Same as Camera AF-On Button',
80.1 => { # CSf1-e
Name => 'Func2Button',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
20 => 'My Menu',
55 => 'Rating',
82.1 => { # CSg1-e
Name => 'AssignMovieFunc2Button',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
# D5000 custom settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD5000 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D5000.',
# Missing/Incomplete settings:
# CSd7 - LiveViewDisplayOptions [couldn't find in data - try again with live view shots]
0.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AFAreaModeSetting',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Single Area',
1 => 'Dynamic Area',
2 => 'Auto-area',
3 => '3D-tracking (11 points)',
0.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
2.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
2.2 => { # CSd2
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
2.3 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
2.4 => { # CSf4
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
3.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.1 => { # CSa4
Name => 'RangeFinder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.2 => { # CSd6
Name => 'DateImprint',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.3 => { # CSf5
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
5.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'EVStepSize',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
9.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
11.1 => { # CSe2
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure',
# (NOTE: the following are reversed in the D5100 -- is this correct?)
1 => 'Active D-Lighting', #(NC)
2 => 'WB Bracketing',
12.1 => { # CSf1
Name => 'TimerFunctionButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Self-timer',
1 => 'Release Mode',
2 => 'Image Quality/Size', #(NC)
3 => 'ISO', #(NC)
4 => 'White Balance', #(NC)
5 => 'Active D-Lighting', #(NC)
6 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
7 => 'Auto Bracketing',
15.1 => { # CSf2
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only', #(NC)
2 => 'AF Lock Only', #(NC)
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
16.1 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
16.2 => { # CSf3
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
17.1 => { # CSc2-c
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '30 min',
17.2 => { # CSc4
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
18.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
18.2 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x1e,
19.1 => { # CSc2-b
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '10 min',
20.1 => { # CSc2-a
Name => 'PlaybackMenusTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 s',
1 => '12 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '10 min',
22.1 => { # CSe1-a
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
22.2 => { # CSe1-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
32.1 => { # CSa3
Name => 'LiveViewAF',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Priority',
1 => 'Wide Area',
2 => 'Normal Area',
3 => 'Subject Tracking',
# D5100 custom settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD5100 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D5100.',
0.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Focus',
1.1 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
3.2 => { # CSf4
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
3.3 => { # CSd2
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSa3
Name => 'RangeFinder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
# (it looks like CSd5 DateImprint is not stored)
5.2 => { # CSf5
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'EVStepSize',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
10.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
12.1 => { # CSe2
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure',
# (NOTE: the following are reversed from the D5000 -- is D5000 correct?)
1 => 'WB Bracketing',
2 => 'Active D-Lighting',
13.1 => { # CSf1
Name => 'TimerFunctionButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Self-timer',
1 => 'Release Mode',
2 => 'Image Quality/Size',
3 => 'ISO',
4 => 'White Balance',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
6 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
7 => 'Auto Bracketing',
16.1 => { # CSf2
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
17.1 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.2 => { # CSf3
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
18.1 => { # CSc2-d
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s', #(NC)
3 => '1 min',
4 => '30 min', #(NC)
18.2 => { # CSc4
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min', #(NC)
3 => '20 min', # (but picture in manual shows 15 min)
19.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
19.2 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
20.1 => { # CSc2-b
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s', #(NC)
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min', #(NC)
4 => '10 min', #(NC)
20.2 => { # CSc2-c
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '3 min',
1 => '5 min', #(NC)
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min', #(NC)
4 => '20 min', #(NC)
5 => '30 min', #(NC)
21.1 => { # CSc2-a
Name => 'PlaybackMenusTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 s', #(NC)
1 => '12 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '10 min', #(NC)
23.1 => { # CSe1-a
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
23.1 => { # CSe1-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
# D5200 custom settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD5200 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D5200.',
0.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Focus',
0.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'NumberOfFocusPoints',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '39 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
1.1 => { # CSa3
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.1 => { # CSd1
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
3.2 => { # CSf4
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
3.3 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.1 => { # CSd3
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSa4
Name => 'RangeFinder',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.2 => { # CSf3-a
Name => 'ReverseExposureCompDial',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
5.3 => { # CSf3-b
Name => 'ReverseShutterSpeedAperture',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
5.4 => { # CSf5
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.1 => { # CSb1
Name => 'EVStepSize',
Mask => 0x40, # (bit 0x04 also changes)
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
10.1 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => { 0 => 'Off', 1 => 'On' },
12.1 => { # CSe2
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure',
# (NOTE: the following are reversed from the D5000 -- is D5000 correct?)
1 => 'WB Bracketing',
2 => 'Active D-Lighting',
13.1 => { # CSf1
Name => 'FunctionButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-ON',
16 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
18 => 'Active D-Lighting',
25 => 'Live View',
26 => 'Image Quality',
27 => 'ISO',
28 => 'White Balance',
29 => 'HDR',
30 => 'Auto Bracketing',
31 => 'AF-area Mode',
16.1 => { # CSf2
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-ON',
17.1 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
18.1 => { # CSc2-d
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '8 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '30 min',
18.2 => { # CSc4
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
19.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
19.2 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
20.1 => { # CSc2-b
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
1 => '4 s',
2 => '8 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
7 => '10 min',
20.2 => { # CSc2-c
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
4 => '20 min',
5 => '30 min',
21.1 => { # CSc2-a
Name => 'PlaybackMenusTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
1 => '8 s',
4 => '20 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1-a
Name => 'InternalFlash',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
23.2 => { # CSe1-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
# D7000 custom settings (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD7000 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 23.1 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D7000.',
0.1 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Focus',
0.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
0.3 => { # CSa6
Name => 'NumberOfFocusPoints',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '39 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
0.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 Short',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 Normal',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 Long',
1.1 => { # CSa5
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
1.2 => { # CSa4
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x06,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'Off',
1.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'AFAssist',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
2.1 => { # CSd14
Name => 'BatteryOrder',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'MB-D11 First',
1 => 'Camera Battery First',
2.2 => { # CSa10
Name => 'AF-OnForMB-D11',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
5 => 'FV Lock',
6 => 'Same as FUNC Button',
2.3 => { # CSd13
Name => 'MB-D11BatteryType',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'LR6 (AA alkaline)',
1 => 'Ni-MH (AA Ni-MH)',
2 => 'FR6 (AA lithium)',
3.1 => { # CSd1-b
Name => 'BeepPitch',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'High',
3.2 => { # CSf8
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
3.3 => { # CSd3
Name => 'ISODisplay',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Show ISO/Easy ISO',
1 => 'Show ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Show Frame Count',
3.4 => { # CSd2
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
3.5 => { # CSd4
Name => 'ViewfinderWarning',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.1 => { # CSd9
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
4.2 => { # CSd10
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.3 => { # CSd8
Name => 'FileNumberSequence',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
4.4 => { # CSd5
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
4.5 => { # CSd1-a
Name => 'BeepVolume',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1',
2 => '2',
3 => '3',
5.1 => { # CSf9
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
5.2 => { # CSb3
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On Auto Reset',
6.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStep',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
6.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOSensitivityStep',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
7.1 => { # CSb4
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '6 mm',
1 => '8 mm',
2 => '10 mm',
3 => '13 mm',
4 => 'Average',
10.1 => { # CSd11
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
10.2 => { # CSd6
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
11 => { # CSd7
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-100
12.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xe0, #(NC)
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash', # default
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only', #(NC)
3 => 'WB Bracketing', #(NC)
4 => 'Active D-Lighting', #(NC)
12.2 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.1 => { # CSf3
Name => 'FuncButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Grid Display',
1 => 'FV Lock',
2 => 'Flash Off',
3 => 'Matrix Metering',
4 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
5 => 'Spot Metering',
6 => 'My Menu Top',
7 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
8 => 'Active D-Lighting',
9 => 'Preview',
10 => 'AE/AF Lock',
11 => 'AE Lock Only',
12 => 'AF Lock Only',
13 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
14 => 'Bracketing Burst',
15 => 'Playback',
16 => '1EV Step Speed/Aperture',
17 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens',
18 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Start Movie Recording',
14.1 => { # CSf4
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Grid Display',
1 => 'FV Lock',
2 => 'Flash Off',
3 => 'Matrix Metering',
4 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
5 => 'Spot Metering',
6 => 'My Menu Top',
7 => '+ NEF (RAW)',
8 => 'Active D-Lighting',
9 => 'Preview',
10 => 'AE/AF Lock',
11 => 'AE Lock Only',
12 => 'AF Lock Only',
13 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
14 => 'Bracketing Burst',
15 => 'Playback',
16 => '1EV Step Speed/Aperture',
17 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens',
18 => 'Virtual Horizon',
19 => 'Start Movie Recording',
16.1 => { # CSf5
Name => 'AELockButton',
Mask => 0x38,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE/AF Lock',
1 => 'AE Lock Only',
2 => 'AF Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
4 => 'AF-ON',
5 => 'FV Lock',
15.1 => { # CSf2
Name => 'OKButton',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
1 => 'Select Center Focus Point',
2 => 'Highlight Active Focus Point',
3 => 'Not Used', #(NC)
0 => 'Off', #(NC)
17.1 => { # CSf6-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
17.2 => { # CSf6-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (A mode only)',
17.3 => { # CSf6-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
17.4 => { # CSf6-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
2 => 'On (Image Review Exclude)',
1 => 'Off',
17.5 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
17.6 => { # CSf7
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
18.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'MeteringTime',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s', # default
2 => '8 s',
3 => '16 s',
4 => '30 s',
5 => '1 min',
6 => '5 min',
7 => '10 min',
8 => '30 min',
9 => 'No Limit',
18.2 => { # CSc5
Name => 'RemoteOnDuration',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 min',
1 => '5 min',
2 => '10 min',
3 => '15 min',
19.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s', # default
3 => '20 s',
19.2 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s', # default
3 => '3 s',
19.3 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
20.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => { #(NC)
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
20.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => { #(NC)
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
21.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => { #(NC)
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
22.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/320 s (auto FP)',
1 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s',
3 => '1/200 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/125 s',
6 => '1/100 s',
7 => '1/80 s',
8 => '1/60 s',
22.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
23.1 => { # CSe3
Name => 'FlashControlBuilt-in',
Mask => 0xc0,
RawConv => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'TTL',
1 => 'Manual',
2 => 'Repeating Flash',
3 => 'Commander Mode',
23.2 => { # CSe3-b
Name => 'ManualFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 1',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val/3)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? -3*log($val)/log(2) : 0',
PrintConv => q{
return 'Full' if $val > 0.99;
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/F/i ? 1 : Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
24.1 => { # CSe3-ca
Name => 'RepeatingFlashOutput',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x70,
ValueConv => '2 ** (-$val-2)',
ValueConvInv => '$val > 0 ? int(-log($val)/log(2)-2+0.5) : 0',
PrintConv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::PrintExposureTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
24.2 => { # CSe3-cb
Name => 'RepeatingFlashCount',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 5 * ($val - 7)',
ValueConvInv => '$val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 5 + 7',
25.1 => { # CSe3-cc (NC)
Name => 'RepeatingFlashRate',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 2',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '$val < 10 ? $val + 1 : 10 * ($val - 8)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(($val <= 10 ? $val - 1 : $val / 10 + 8) + 0.5)',
PrintConv => '"$val Hz"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~/(\d+)/; $1 || 0',
26.1 => { # CSe3-da
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompBuiltin',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
27.1 => { # CSe3-db
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupA',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
28.1 => { # CSe3-dc
Name => 'CommanderInternalTTLCompGroupB',
Condition => '$$self{FlashControlBuiltin} == 3',
Mask => 0x1f,
ValueConv => '($val - 9) / 3',
ValueConvInv => '$val * 3 + 9',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.1f",$val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
30.1 => { # CSd11
Name => 'FlashWarning',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
30.2 => { # CSe4
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
34.1 => { # CSa8-b
Name => 'LiveViewAFAreaMode',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face-Priority',
1 => 'NormalArea',
2 => 'WideArea',
3 => 'SubjectTracking',
34.2 => { # CSa8-a
Name => 'LiveViewAFMode',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF-C',
1 => 'AF-F',
35.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s', # default
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
# D4/D4S custom settings (ref 1, decoded from D4S)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsD4 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the D4 and D4S.',
0.1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
1.1 => { #CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
2 => 'Focus',
3 => 'Focus + Release',
1.2 => { # CSa2
Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus',
1 => 'Release',
1.3 => { # CSa7
Name => 'AFPointSelection',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '51 Points',
1 => '11 Points',
1.4 => { # CSa3
Name => 'FocusTrackingLockOn',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 (Short)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Long)',
2.1 => { # CSa4
Name => 'AFActivation',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Shutter/AF-On',
1 => 'AF-On Only',
2.2 => { # CSa6
Name => 'FocusPointWrap',
Mask => 0x08,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Wrap',
1 => 'Wrap',
4.1 => { # CSd1-b
Name => 'Pitch',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => { 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Low' },
4.2 => { # CSf12
Name => 'NoMemoryCard',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release Locked',
1 => 'Enable Release',
4.3 => { # CSd6
Name => 'GridDisplay',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
5.1 => { # CSd9
Name => 'ShootingInfoDisplay',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
# 0 - seen for D4 (PH)
1 => 'Auto',
2 => 'Manual (dark on light)',
3 => 'Manual (light on dark)',
5.2 => { # CSd10
Name => 'LCDIllumination',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.3 => { # CSd8
Name => 'ScreenTips',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
5.4 => { # CSd1-a
Name => 'Beep',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Low',
2 => 'Medium',
3 => 'High',
6.1 => { # CSf13
Name => 'ReverseIndicators',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => '+ 0 -',
1 => '- 0 +',
6.2 => { # CSd7-a
Name => 'RearDisplay',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'ISO',
1 => 'Exposures Remaining',
6.3 => { # CSd7-b
Name => 'ViewfinderDisplay',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Frame Count',
1 => 'Exposures Remaining',
6.4 => { # CSd10-a
Name => 'CommandDialsReverseRotation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
2 => 'Exposure Compensation',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
6.5 => { # CSb4
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
7.1 => { # CSb2
Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.2 => { # CSb1
Name => 'ISOStepSize',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
7.3 => { # CSb3
Name => 'ExposureCompStepSize',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/3 EV',
1 => '1/2 EV',
2 => '1 EV',
8.1 => { # CSb6 (CSb5 for D4)
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
2 => '15 mm',
3 => '20 mm',
4 => 'Average',
8.2 => { # CSb7-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.1 => { # CSb7-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Mask => 0xf0,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
9.2 => { # CSb7-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Mask => 0x0f,
ValueConv => '($val > 0x7 ? $val - 0x10 : $val) / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6+($val>0?0.5:-0.5))',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
10.1 => { # CSf1-a
Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Select Center Focus Point (Reset)',
2 => 'Preset Focus Point (Pre)',
3 => 'Not Used (None)',
10.2 => { # CSf1-b
Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Thumbnail On/Off',
1 => 'View Histograms',
2 => 'Zoom On/Off',
3 => 'Choose Folder',
10.3 => { # CSf2
Name => 'MultiSelector',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Do Nothing',
1 => 'Reset Meter-off Delay',
11.1 => { # CSd4
Name => 'ExposureDelayMode',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
11.2 => { # CSd2-a
Name => 'CHModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '10 fps',
1 => '11 fps',
11.3 => { # CSd2-b
Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConv => '"$val fps"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val',
12 => { # CSd3
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
# values: 1-200
13.1 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketSet',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AE & Flash',
1 => 'AE Only',
2 => 'Flash Only',
3 => 'WB Bracketing',
4 => 'Active D-Lighting',
13.2 => { # CSe8
Name => 'AutoBracketOrder',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0,-,+',
1 => '-,0,+',
13.3 => { # CSe7
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
Mask => 0x0c,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
14.1 => { # CSf3-a
Name => 'FuncButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'My Menu',
20 => 'Grid Display',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
14.2 => { # CSf3-b
Name => 'FuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
15.1 => { # CSf4-a
Name => 'PreviewButton',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'My Menu',
20 => 'Grid Display',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
15.2 => { # CSf4-b
Name => 'PreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
16.1 => { # CSf9
Name => 'AssignBktButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Auto Bracketing',
1 => 'Multiple Exposure',
2 => 'HDR (high dynamic range)',
3 => 'None',
18.1 => { # CSf10-b
Name => 'CommandDialsChangeMainSub',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure Off',
1 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On',
2 => 'Autofocus Off, Exposure On (Mode A)',
4 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure Off',
5 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On',
6 => 'Autofocus On, Exposure On (Mode A)',
18.2 => { # CSf10-d
Name => 'CommandDialsMenuAndPlayback',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'On',
1 => 'Off',
2 => 'On (Image Review Excluded)',
18.3 => { # CSf10-c
Name => 'CommandDialsApertureSetting',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Sub-command Dial',
1 => 'Aperture Ring',
18.4 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
Mask => 0x02,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
18.5 => { # CSf11
Name => 'ReleaseButtonToUseDial',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => \%noYes,
19.1 => { # CSc2
Name => 'StandbyTimer',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '6 s',
3 => '10 s',
5 => '30 s',
6 => '1 min',
7 => '5 min',
8 => '10 min',
9 => '30 min',
20.1 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
Mask => 0xc0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
20.2 => { # CSc3-b
Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount',
Mask => 0x0f,
20.3 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
21.1 => { # CSc4-d
Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '4 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
4 => '1 min',
5 => '5 min',
6 => '10 min',
21.2 => { # CSc4-e
Name => 'LiveViewMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '5 min',
1 => '10 min',
2 => '15 min',
3 => '20 min',
4 => '30 min',
5 => 'No Limit',
22.1 => { # CSc4-b
Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
22.2 => { # CSc4-c
Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0x1c,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
23.1 => { # CSe1
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
# 0x00 - seen for D4 (PH)
1 => '1/250 s (auto FP)',
2 => '1/250 s',
3 => '1/200 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/125 s',
6 => '1/100 s',
7 => '1/80 s',
8 => '1/60 s',
23.2 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
Mask => 0x0f,
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/30 s',
2 => '1/15 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/4 s',
5 => '1/2 s',
6 => '1 s',
7 => '2 s',
8 => '4 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '15 s',
11 => '30 s',
31.1 => { # CSe5
Name => 'ModelingFlash',
Mask => 0x20,
PrintConv => \%onOff,
36.1 => { # CSc4-a
Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime',
Mask => 0xe0,
PrintConv => {
0 => '4 s',
1 => '10 s',
2 => '20 s',
3 => '1 min',
4 => '5 min',
5 => '10 min',
37.1 => { # CSf15
Name => 'PlaybackZoom',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Use Separate Zoom Buttons',
1 => 'Use Either Zoom Button with Command Dial',
38.1 => { # CSf8-a
Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.2 => { # CSf8-b
Name => 'ApertureLock',
Mask => 0x40,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
38.3 => { # CSg4
Name => 'MovieShutterButton',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Take Photo',
1 => 'Record Movies',
2 => 'Live Frame Grab',
38.4 => { # CSe4
Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Entire frame',
1 => 'Background only',
41.1 => { # CSg1-a
Name => 'MovieFunctionButton',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Power Aperture (open)', # bit '02' is also toggled on for this setting
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
41.2 => { # CSg2-a
Name => 'MoviePreviewButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
2 => 'Power Aperture (open)', # bit '10' is also toggled on for this setting
3 => 'Index Marking',
4 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
42.1 => { # CSf14
Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(U/D) & Playback(R/L)',
1 => 'Same as Multi-Selector with Info(R/L) & Playback(U/D)',
2 => 'Focus Point Selection',
42.2 => { # CSf7-a
Name => 'VerticalFuncButton',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'My Menu',
20 => 'Grid Display',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
43.1 => { # CSf7-b
Name => 'VerticalFuncButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0xf0,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture',
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
5 => 'Active D-Lighting',
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
7 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
8 => 'Exposure Mode',
9 => 'Exposure Compensation',
10 => 'Metering',
43.2 => { # CSf16
Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
3 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
4 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
46.1 => { # CSa5-c
Name => 'DynamicAreaAFDisplay',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => \%offOn,
46.2 => { # CSa5-a
Name => 'AFPointIllumination',
Mask => 0x60,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On in Continuous Shooting Modes',
2 => 'On During Manual Focusing',
3 => 'On in Continuous Shooting and Manual Focusing',
46.3 => { # CSa10 (D4 is slightly different -- needs checking)
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
Mask => 0x18,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area mode',
46.4 => { # CSa5-d
Name => 'GroupAreaAFIllumination',
Mask => 0x04,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Squares',
1 => 'Dots',
46.5 => { # CSa5-b
Name => 'AFPointBrightness',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Low',
1 => 'Normal',
2 => 'High',
3 => 'Extra High',
47.1 => { # CSa8
Name => 'AFOnButton',
Mask => 0x70,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'AF On',
1 => 'AE/AF Lock',
2 => 'AE Lock Only',
3 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
6 => 'None',
47.2 => { # CSa9
Name => 'VerticalAFOnButton',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Same as AF On',
1 => 'AF On',
2 => 'AE/AF Lock',
3 => 'AE Lock Only',
4 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
5 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
6 => 'AF Lock Only',
7 => 'None',
48.1 => { # CSf5
Name => 'SubSelectorAssignment',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Focus Point Selection',
1 => 'Same As Multi-selector',
48.2 => { # CSg3-a
Name => 'MovieSubSelectorAssignment',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Index Marking',
2 => 'AE/AF Lock',
3 => 'AE Lock Only',
4 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
5 => 'AF Lock Only',
6 => 'View Photo Shooting Info',
49.1 => { # CSf6-a
Name => 'SubSelector',
Mask => 0xf8,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
6 => 'AE Lock (hold)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
# 9 - seen for D4 (PH)
10 => 'Bracketing Burst',
11 => 'Matrix Metering',
12 => 'Center-weighted Metering',
13 => 'Spot Metering',
14 => 'Playback',
15 => 'My Menu Top Item',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
17 => 'Virtual Horizon',
18 => 'My Menu',
19 => 'Reset', # value appears to be specific to this control at this time
20 => 'Grid Display',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
23 => 'Preview', # value appears to be specific to this control at this time
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
49.2 => { # CSf6-b
Name => 'SubSelectorPlusDials',
Mask => 0x07,
PrintConv => {
# (not all values from CSf3-b/CSf4-b are available for CSf6-b)
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area (FX/DX/5:4)',
2 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture Lock',
# 3 => 'One Step Speed / Aperture', # (not available)
4 => 'Choose Non-CPU Lens Number',
# 5 => 'Active D-Lighting', # (not available)
6 => 'Shooting Bank Menu',
50.1 => { # CSb5
Name => 'MatrixMetering',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x80,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Face Detection On',
1 => 'Face Detection Off',
50.2 => { # CSf17
Name => 'LiveViewButtonOptions',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x30,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Enable',
1 => 'Enable (standby time active)',
2 => 'Disable',
50.3 => { # CSa12
Name => 'AFModeRestrictions',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x03,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'AF-C',
2 => 'AF-S',
51.1 => { # CSa11
Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelection',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x7e,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No Restrictions',
0 => 'Auto-area',
1 => 'Group-area',
2 => '3D-tracking',
3 => 'Dynamic area (51 points)',
4 => 'Dynamic area (21 points)',
5 => 'Dynamic area (9 points)',
52.1 => { # CSg1-b
Name => 'MovieFunctionButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
52.2 => { # CSg2-b
Name => 'MoviePreviewButtonPlusDials',
Mask => 0x01,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
53.1 => { # CSg3-b
Name => 'MovieSubSelectorAssignmentPlusDials',
Mask => 0x10,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Choose Image Area',
54.1 => { # CSf18
Name => 'AssignRemoteFnButton',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x1f,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'Preview',
2 => 'FV Lock',
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
5 => 'AE Lock (reset on release)',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
8 => 'AF-On',
16 => '+NEF(RAW)',
25 => 'Live View',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
55.1 => { # CSf19
Name => 'LensFocusFunctionButtons',
Condition => '$$self{Model} =~ /\bD4S/',
Notes => 'D4S only',
Mask => 0x3f,
PrintConv => {
3 => 'AE/AF Lock',
4 => 'AE Lock Only',
7 => 'AF Lock Only',
21 => 'Disable Synchronized Release',
22 => 'Remote Release Only',
24 => 'Preset focus Point',
26 => 'Flash Disable/Enable',
32 => 'AF-Area Mode: Single-point AF',
33 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (9 points)',
34 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (21 points)',
35 => 'AF-Area Mode: Dynamic-area AF (51 points)',
36 => 'AF-Area Mode: Group-area AF',
37 => 'AF-Area Mode: Auto area AF',
# Z8 custom settings (ref 1) #base at offset26 + 1195 (firmware 1.0.0)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsZ8 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 185, 529 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the Z8.',
1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
3 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
3 => 'Focus',
5 => { Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection', PrintConv => {0 => 'Release',1 => 'Focus'}}, #CSa2
7 => { # CSa3-a #when AFAreaMode is 3D-tracking, blocked shot response will be 3, regardless of this setting
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
PrintConv => {
1 => '1 (Quick)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Delayed)',
11 => {Name => 'AFPointSel',PrintConv => { 0 => 'Use All',1 => 'Use Half' }}, # CSa4
13 => { # CSa5
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area mode',
15 => { Name => 'AFActivation', PrintConv => {0 => 'AF-On Only', 1 => 'Shutter/AF-On'}}, # CSa6-a
16 => { Name => 'AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease', PrintConv => {0 => 'Disable', 1 => 'Enable'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSa6-b
17 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
19 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
20 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
21 => { Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8 #left out hypen to retain compatibility with tag name in NikonSettings
22 => { Name => 'FocusPointWrap', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Wrap', 1 => 'Wrap' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa10
23 => { Name => 'ManualFocusPointIllumination', PrintConv => {0 => 'On During Focus Point Selection Only', 1 => 'On', }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11a
24 => { Name => 'DynamicAreaAFAssist', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Focus Point Only',1 => 'Focus and Surrounding Points',}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11b
25 => { Name => 'AF-AssistIlluminator', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa12
26 => { Name => 'ManualFocusRingInAFMode', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa15
27 => { Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb2
29 => { # CSb3
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
31 => { # CSb5
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
4 => 'Average',
33 => { # CSb6-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
35 => { # CSb6-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
37 => { # CSb6-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
39 => { # CSb6-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
41 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)',
43 => { # CSc2-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
45 => { Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount', }, # CSc2-b 1-9
49 => { # CSc2-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
51 => { Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc3-a
53 => { Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc3-b
55 => { Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',%powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc3-c
57 => { Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc3-d
59 => { Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1b
61 => { # CSd2 # values: 1-200 & 'No Limit'
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
Format => 'int16s',
ValueConv => '($val eq -1 ? \'No Limit\' : $val ) ',
65 => { Name => 'SyncReleaseMode', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Sync', 1 => 'Sync' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd4
69 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageAreaDX', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-1
70 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea1To1', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-2
71 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea16To9', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-3
72 => { Name => 'FileNumberSequence', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd7
73 => { #CSa13b
Name => 'FocusPeakingLevel',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'High Sensitivity',
1 => 'Standard Sensitivity',
2 => 'Low Sensitivity',
75 => { #CSa13c
Name => 'FocusPeakingHighlightColor',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Red',
1 => 'Yellow',
2 => 'Blue',
3 => 'White',
81 => { Name => 'ContinuousModeDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd12
83 => { # CSe1-a Previous cameras reported this with HighSpeedSync indicator appended as '(Auto FP)'. Z9 separated the 2 fields.
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
ValueConv => '($val-144)/8',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/80 s',
2 => '1/100 s',
3 => '1/125 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/250 s',
85 => { Name => 'HighSpeedSync', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe1-b
87 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
ValueConv => 'my $t = ($val - 16) % 24; $t ? $val / 24 : 2 + ($val - 16) / 24', #unusual decode perhaps due to need to accomodate 4 new values?
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 s',
1 => '1/2 s',
2 => '1/4 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/15 s',
5 => '1/30 s',
6 => '1/60 s',
7 => '30 s',
8 => '15 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '4 s',
11 => '2 s',
89 => { Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Entire Frame', 1 => 'Background Only' } }, # CSe3
91 => { Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Subject and Background',1 => 'Subject Only'} }, # CSe4
93 => { Name => 'ModelingFlash', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe5
95 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
4 => 'Flash/ISO',
97 => { Name => 'AutoBracketOrder', PrintConv => { 0 => '0,-,+',1 => '-,0,+' } }, # CSe7
99 => { Name => 'Func1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-a
115 => { Name => 'Func2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-b
131 => { Name => 'AFOnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
143 => { Name => 'SubSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-g
155 => { Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-m
159 => { Name => 'LensFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-o
167 => { Name => 'LensFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-p
173 => { # CSf2-q
Name => 'LensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
1 => 'Focus (M/A)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Aperture',
175 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-h called the OK button in camera, tag name retained for compatibility
179 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf3f
183 => { Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-a
184 => { Name => 'ApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-b
185 => { # CSf5-a Previous cameras reported this tag as part of CmdDialsReverseRotation. Blend with CSf5-b separate settings together to match extant tag name and values
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp',
RawConv => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} = $val',
Hidden => 1,
186 => [{ # CSf5-a (continued from above)
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
Condition => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} == 0',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure Compensation',
1 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
191 => { Name => 'UseDialWithoutHold', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf6
193 => { Name => 'ReverseIndicators', PrintConv => { 0 => '+ 0 -', 1 => '- 0 +' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf7
195 => { Name => 'MovieFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-a
199 => { Name => 'MovieFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-b
203 => { Name => 'MovieAF-OnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-f
215 => { # CSg2-z
Name => 'MovieLensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Power Aperture',
5 => 'Hi-Res Zoom',
217 => { Name => 'MovieMultiSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-h
221 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeed', ValueConv => '$val - 5', ValueConvInv => '$val + 5' }, # CSg6-a
223 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeedApply', PrintConv => {0 => 'Always', 1 => 'Only During Recording'},}, # CSg6-b
225 => { # CSg7
Name => 'MovieAFTrackingSensitivity',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 (High)',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4 (Normal)',
4 => '5',
5 => '6',
6 => '7 (Low)',
257 => { Name => 'LCDIllumination', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd11
258 => { Name => 'ExtendedShutterSpeeds', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd5
259 => { Name => 'SubjectMotion', PrintConv => {0 => 'Erratic', 1 => 'Steady'} }, # CSa3-b
261 => { Name => 'FocusPointPersistence', PrintConv => {0 => 'Auto', 1 => 'Off'} }, # CSa7
263 => { Name => 'AutoFocusModeRestrictions', PrintConv => \%focusModeRestrictionsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSa9
267 => { Name => 'CHModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1a
273 => { Name => 'FlashBurstPriority', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Frame Rate',1 => 'Exposure'}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSe8
335 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
336 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
337 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
339 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
341 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickUp', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf12-a
345 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickDown', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf12-b
349 => { Name => 'ISOStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb1
355 => { Name => 'ReverseFocusRing', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Not Reversed', 1 => 'Reversed' } }, # CSf8
356 => { Name => 'EVFImageFrame', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd14
357 => { Name => 'EVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd15
359 => { Name => 'VirtualHorizonStyle', PrintConv => {0 => 'Type A (Cockpit)', 1 => 'Type B (Sides)' }, Unknown => 1}, #CSd16
421 => { Name => 'Func1ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-a
423 => { Name => 'Func2ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-b
437 => { Name => 'MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-m
467 => { Name => 'FocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSf4-c
459 => { Name => 'CommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-k
463 => { Name => 'SubCommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-l
469 => { Name => 'ControlRingResponse', PrintConv => { 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Low' } }, # CSf10
515 => { Name => 'MovieAFAreaMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-e
529 => { # CSg9-a
Name => 'ZebraPatternToneRange',
Unknown => 1,
RawConv => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Highlights',
2 => 'Midtones',
531 => { Name => 'MovieZebraPattern', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} != 0', PrintConv => {0 => 'Pattern 1', 1 => 'Pattern 2'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSg12-b
533 => { Name => 'MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 1', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg12-c 120-25 when highlights are the selected tone range
535 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayValue', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg12-d1 when midtones are the selected tone range
537 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayRange', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', PrintConv => '"+/-$val"', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg12-d1 when midtones are the selected tone range
541 => { Name => 'MovieEVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg11
549 => { Name => 'MovieShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSg4-a
550 => { Name => 'MovieFocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSf4-c
563 => { Name => 'MatrixMetering', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Face Detection Off', 1 => 'Face Detection On' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSb4
564 => { Name => 'AF-CFocusDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa11c
565 => { Name => 'FocusPeakingDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSa13a
567 => { # CSb7
Name => 'KeepExposure',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Shutter Speed',
2 => 'ISO',
585 => { Name => 'StarlightView', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd9
587 => { # CSd10-a
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayMode',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Mode 1',
2 => 'Mode 2',
589 => { # CSd10-b values in range -3 to +3
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayBrightness',
Format => 'int8s',
Unknown => 1,
591 => { #CSd13
Name => 'EVFReleaseIndicator',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Type A (Dark)',
2 => 'Type B (Border)',
3 => 'Type C (Sides)',
601 => { Name => 'MovieApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-b
607 => { Name => 'FlickAdvanceDirection', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Left to Right', 1 => 'Right to Left' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf11-c
647 => { #CSd4-a
Name => 'PreReleaseBurstLength',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => '0.3 Sec',
2 => '0.5 Sec',
3 => '1 Sec',
649 => { #CSd4-b
Name => 'PostReleaseBurstLength',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 Sec',
1 => '2 Sec',
2 => '3 Sec',
3 => 'Max',
681 => { Name => 'ViewModeShowEffectsOfSettings', PrintConv => { 0=>'Always', 1=> 'Only When Flash Not Used'}, Unknown => 1 }, #CS8-a
683 => { Name => 'DispButton', %buttonsZ9}, #CSf2
# Z9 custom settings (ref 1) #base at offset26 + 1035 (firmware 1.0.0)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsZ9 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 185, 529 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the Z9.',
1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
3 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
3 => 'Focus',
5 => { Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection', PrintConv => {0 => 'Release',1 => 'Focus'}}, #CSa2
7 => { # CSa3-a #when AFAreaMode is 3D-tracking, blocked shot response will be 3, regardless of this setting
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
PrintConv => {
1 => '1 (Quick)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Delayed)',
11 => {Name => 'AFPointSel',PrintConv => { 0 => 'Use All',1 => 'Use Half' }}, # CSa4
13 => { # CSa5
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area mode',
15 => { Name => 'AFActivation', PrintConv => {0 => 'AF-On Only', 1 => 'Shutter/AF-On'}}, # CSa6-a
16 => { Name => 'AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease', PrintConv => {0 => 'Disable', 1 => 'Enable'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSa6-b
17 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
19 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
20 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
21 => { Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8 #left out hypen to retain compatibility with tag name in NikonSettings
22 => { Name => 'FocusPointWrap', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Wrap', 1 => 'Wrap' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa10
23 => { Name => 'ManualFocusPointIllumination', PrintConv => {0 => 'On During Focus Point Selection Only', 1 => 'On', }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11a
24 => { Name => 'DynamicAreaAFAssist', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Focus Point Only',1 => 'Focus and Surrounding Points',}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11b
25 => { Name => 'AF-AssistIlluminator', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa12
26 => { Name => 'ManualFocusRingInAFMode', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa14
27 => { Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb2
29 => { # CSb3
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
31 => { # CSb5
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
4 => 'Average',
33 => { # CSb6-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
35 => { # CSb6-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
37 => { # CSb6-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
39 => { # CSb6-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
41 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)',
43 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
45 => { Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount', }, # CSc3-b 1-9
49 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
51 => { Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-a
53 => { Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-b
55 => { Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',%powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-c
57 => { Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-d
59 => { Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1b
61 => { # CSd2 # values: 1-200 & 'No Limit'
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
Format => 'int16s',
ValueConv => '($val eq -1 ? \'No Limit\' : $val ) ',
65 => { Name => 'SyncReleaseMode', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Sync', 1 => 'Sync' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd4
69 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageAreaDX', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-1
70 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea1To1', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-2
71 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea16To9', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-3
72 => { Name => 'FileNumberSequence', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd7
73 => { #CSa13b
Name => 'FocusPeakingLevel',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'High Sensitivity',
1 => 'Standard Sensitivity',
2 => 'Low Sensitivity',
75 => { #CSa13c
Name => 'FocusPeakingHighlightColor',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Red',
1 => 'Yellow',
2 => 'Blue',
3 => 'White',
81 => { Name => 'ContinuousModeDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd12
83 => { # CSe1-a Previous cameras reported this with HighSpeedSync indicator appended as '(Auto FP)'. Z9 separated the 2 fields.
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
ValueConv => '($val-144)/8',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/80 s',
2 => '1/100 s',
3 => '1/125 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/250 s',
85 => { Name => 'HighSpeedSync', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe1-b
87 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
ValueConv => 'my $t = ($val - 16) % 24; $t ? $val / 24 : 2 + ($val - 16) / 24', #unusual decode perhaps due to need to accomodate 4 new values?
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 s',
1 => '1/2 s',
2 => '1/4 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/15 s',
5 => '1/30 s',
6 => '1/60 s',
7 => '30 s',
8 => '15 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '4 s',
11 => '2 s',
89 => { Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Entire Frame', 1 => 'Background Only' } }, # CSe3
91 => { Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Subject and Background',1 => 'Subject Only'} }, # CSe4
93 => { Name => 'ModelingFlash', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe5
95 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
4 => 'Flash/ISO',
97 => { Name => 'AutoBracketOrder', PrintConv => { 0 => '0,-,+',1 => '-,0,+' } }, # CSe7
99 => { Name => 'Func1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-a
#101 Func1Button submenu: Preview 0 => 'Press To Recall', 1=> 'Hold To Recall' # CSf2-a
#103 Func1Button submenu: AreaMode 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-a
#105 Func1Button submenu: AreaMode+AF-On 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-a
#109 Func1Button submenu: SynchronizedRelease 1=>'Master', 2=>'Remote' # CSf2-a
#111 Func1Button submenu: Zoom 0=>'Zoom (Low)', 2=>'Zoom (1:1)', 2=>'Zoom (High)' # CSf2-a
#113 Func1Button & Func1ButtonPlayback submenu: Rating # CSf2-a & CSf3a 0=>'Candidate For Deletion' 6=>''None'
115 => { Name => 'Func2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-b
#117 Func2Button submenu: Preview 0 => 'Press To Recall', 1=> 'Hold To Recall' # CSf2-b
#119 Func2Button submenu: AreaMode 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-b
#121 Func2Button submenu: AreaMode+AF-On 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-b
#125 Func2Button submenu: SynchronizedRelease 1=>'Master', 2=>'Remote' # CSf2-b
#127 Func2Button submenu: Zoom 0=>'Zoom (Low)', 2=>'Zoom (1:1)', 2=>'Zoom (High)' # CSf2-b
#129 Func2Button & Func2ButtonPlayback submenu: Rating # CSf2-b & CSf3b 0=>'Candidate For Deletion' 6=>''None'
131 => { Name => 'AFOnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
143 => { Name => 'SubSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-g
155 => { Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-m
159 => { Name => 'LensFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-o
167 => { Name => 'LensFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-p
173 => { # CSf2-q
Name => 'LensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
1 => 'Focus (M/A)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Aperture',
175 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-h called the OK button in camera, tag name retained for compatibility
179 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf3f
183 => { Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-a
184 => { Name => 'ApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-b
185 => { # CSf5-a Previous cameras reported this tag as part of CmdDialsReverseRotation. Blend with CSf5-b separate settings together to match extant tag name and values
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp',
RawConv => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} = $val',
Hidden => 1,
186 => [{ # CSf5-a (continued from above)
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
Condition => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} == 0',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure Compensation',
1 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
191 => { Name => 'UseDialWithoutHold', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf6
193 => { Name => 'ReverseIndicators', PrintConv => { 0 => '+ 0 -', 1 => '- 0 +' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf7
195 => { Name => 'MovieFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-a
199 => { Name => 'MovieFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-b
203 => { Name => 'MovieAF-OnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-f
207 => { Name => 'MovieMultiSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-h
215 => { # CSg2-z
Name => 'MovieLensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Power Aperture',
5 => 'Hi-Res Zoom',
221 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeed', ValueConv => '$val - 5', ValueConvInv => '$val + 5' }, # CSg6-a
223 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeedApply', PrintConv => {0 => 'Always', 1 => 'Only During Recording'},}, # CSg6-b
225 => { # CSg7
Name => 'MovieAFTrackingSensitivity',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 (High)',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4 (Normal)',
4 => '5',
5 => '6',
6 => '7 (Low)',
257 => { Name => 'LCDIllumination', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd11
258 => { Name => 'ExtendedShutterSpeeds', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd5
259 => { Name => 'SubjectMotion', PrintConv => {0 => 'Erratic', 1 => 'Steady'} }, # CSa3-b
261 => { Name => 'FocusPointPersistence', PrintConv => {0 => 'Auto', 1 => 'Off'} }, # CSa7
263 => { Name => 'AutoFocusModeRestrictions', PrintConv => \%focusModeRestrictionsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSa9
267 => { Name => 'CHModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1a
269.1 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelCL', Mask => 0x02, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-a
269.2 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelCH', Mask => 0x04, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-b
269.3 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelC30', Mask => 0x10, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-e
269.4 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelC120', Mask => 0x40, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-c
269.5 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelSelf', Mask => 0x80, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-d
273 => { Name => 'FlashBurstPriority', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Frame Rate',1 => 'Exposure'}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSe8
277 => { Name => 'VerticalFuncButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
281 => { Name => 'Func3Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
285 => { Name => 'VerticalAFOnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-l
293 => { Name => 'VerticalMultiSelectorPlaybackMode', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Image Scroll L/R', 1 => 'Image Scroll Up/Down' }, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-j
295 => { Name => 'MovieFunc3Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-c
335 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
336 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
337 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
339 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
341 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickUp', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf11-a
345 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickDown', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf11-b
349 => { Name => 'ISOStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb1
355 => { Name => 'ReverseFocusRing', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Not Reversed', 1 => 'Reversed' } }, # CSf8
356 => { Name => 'EVFImageFrame', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd14
357 => { Name => 'EVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd15
359 => { Name => 'VirtualHorizonStyle', PrintConv => {0 => 'Type A (Cockpit)', 1 => 'Type B (Sides)' }, Unknown => 1}, #CSd16
373 => { Name => 'Func4Button', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-e
379 => { Name => 'AudioButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-i
381 => { Name => 'QualityButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-j
399 => { Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-k
421 => { Name => 'Func1ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-a
423 => { Name => 'Func2ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-b
425 => { Name => 'Func3ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-c
431 => { Name => 'Func4ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-e
437 => { Name => 'MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-m
439 => { Name => 'VerticalFuncButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-d
441 => { Name => 'AudioButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-g
447 => { Name => 'QualityButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-h
467 => { Name => 'FocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSf4-c
453 => { Name => 'WhiteBalanceButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-i
459 => { Name => 'CommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-k
463 => { Name => 'SubCommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-l
469 => { Name => 'ControlRingResponse', PrintConv => { 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Low' } }, # CSf10
481 => { Name => 'VerticalMovieFuncButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-d
505 => { Name => 'VerticalMovieAFOnButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-l
515 => { Name => 'MovieAFAreaMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-e
#521 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-a
#522 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_W', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-b
#523 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelSubjectTrack', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-c
#524 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAFAreaModeSelAuto', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-d
#525 => { Name => 'MovieAutoFocusModeRestrictions', PrintConv => \%focusModeRestrictionsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSa9
527 => { Name => 'HDMIViewAssist', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg8
529 => { # CSg9-a
Name => 'ZebraPatternToneRange',
Unknown => 1,
RawConv => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Highlights',
2 => 'Midtones',
531 => { Name => 'MovieZebraPattern', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} != 0', PrintConv => {0 => 'Pattern 1', 1 => 'Pattern 2'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSg9-b
533 => { Name => 'MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 1', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg9-c 120-25 when highlights are the selected tone range
535 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayValue', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg9-d1 when midtones are the selected tone range
537 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayRange', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', PrintConv => '"+/-$val"', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg9-d1 when midtones are the selected tone range
#539 CS g-10 LimitZebraPatternToneRange 0=>'No Restrictions', 1=> 'Highlights', 2=> 'Midtones'
541 => { Name => 'MovieEVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg11
549 => { Name => 'MovieShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSg4-a
550 => { Name => 'MovieFocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSf4-c
563 => { Name => 'MatrixMetering', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Face Detection Off', 1 => 'Face Detection On' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSb4
564 => { Name => 'AF-CFocusDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa11c
565 => { Name => 'FocusPeakingDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSa13a
567 => { # CSb7
Name => 'KeepExposure',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Shutter Speed',
2 => 'ISO',
#569 CDd8 (adjust viewfinder/monitor hue, brightness and/or white balance settings) 0=>'No adjustment', 1=>'Adjust'. Related ontrols & adjustments stored in following dozen bytes or so.
585 => { Name => 'StarlightView', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd9
587 => { # CSd10-a
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayMode',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Mode 1',
2 => 'Mode 2',
589 => { # CSd10-b values in range -3 to +3
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayBrightness',
Format => 'int8s',
Unknown => 1,
591 => { #CSd13
Name => 'EVFReleaseIndicator',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Type A (Dark)',
2 => 'Type B (Border)',
3 => 'Type C (Sides)',
601 => { Name => 'MovieApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-b
607 => { Name => 'FlickAdvanceDirection', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Left to Right', 1 => 'Right to Left' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf11-c
# Z9 custom settings (ref 1) #base at offset26 + 1095 (firmware 4.0)
%Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom::SettingsZ9v4 = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
DATAMEMBER => [ 185, 553 ],
GROUPS => { 0 => 'MakerNotes', 2 => 'Camera' },
NOTES => 'Custom settings for the Z9.',
1 => {
Name => 'CustomSettingsBank',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'A',
1 => 'B',
2 => 'C',
3 => 'D',
3 => { # CSa1
Name => 'AF-CPrioritySelection',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Release',
1 => 'Release + Focus',
3 => 'Focus',
5 => { Name => 'AF-SPrioritySelection', PrintConv => {0 => 'Release',1 => 'Focus'}}, #CSa2
7 => { # CSa3-a #when AFAreaMode is 3D-tracking, blocked shot response will be 3, regardless of this setting
Name => 'BlockShotAFResponse',
PrintConv => {
1 => '1 (Quick)',
2 => '2',
3 => '3 (Normal)',
4 => '4',
5 => '5 (Delayed)',
11 => {Name => 'AFPointSel',PrintConv => { 0 => 'Use All',1 => 'Use Half' }}, # CSa4
13 => { # CSa5
Name => 'StoreByOrientation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Focus Point',
2 => 'Focus Point and AF-area mode',
15 => { Name => 'AFActivation', PrintConv => {0 => 'AF-On Only', 1 => 'Shutter/AF-On'}}, # CSa6-a
16 => { Name => 'AF-OnOutOfFocusRelease', PrintConv => {0 => 'Disable', 1 => 'Enable'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSa6-b
17 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelPinpoint', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
19 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
20 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
21 => { Name => 'LimitAFAreaModeSelAuto', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8 #left out hypen to retain compatibility with tag name in NikonSettings
22 => { Name => 'FocusPointWrap', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Wrap', 1 => 'Wrap' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa10
23 => { Name => 'ManualFocusPointIllumination', PrintConv => {0 => 'On During Focus Point Selection Only', 1 => 'On', }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11a
24 => { Name => 'DynamicAreaAFAssist', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Focus Point Only',1 => 'Focus and Surrounding Points',}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa11b
25 => { Name => 'AF-AssistIlluminator', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa12
26 => { Name => 'ManualFocusRingInAFMode', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa14
27 => { Name => 'ExposureControlStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb2
29 => { # CSb3
Name => 'EasyExposureCompensation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On',
2 => 'On (auto reset)',
31 => { # CSb5
Name => 'CenterWeightedAreaSize',
PrintConv => {
0 => '8 mm',
1 => '12 mm',
4 => 'Average',
33 => { # CSb6-a
Name => 'FineTuneOptMatrixMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
35 => { # CSb6-b
Name => 'FineTuneOptCenterWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
37 => { # CSb6-c
Name => 'FineTuneOptSpotMetering',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
39 => { # CSb6-d
Name => 'FineTuneOptHighlightWeighted',
Format => 'int8s',
ValueConv => '$val / 6',
ValueConvInv => 'int($val*6)',
PrintConv => '$val ? sprintf("%+.2f", $val) : 0',
PrintConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::Exif::ConvertFraction($val)',
41 => { # CSc1
Name => 'ShutterReleaseButtonAE-L',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'On (Half Press)',
2 => 'On (Burst Mode)',
43 => { # CSc3-a
Name => 'SelfTimerTime',
PrintConv => {
0 => '2 s',
1 => '5 s',
2 => '10 s',
3 => '20 s',
45 => { Name => 'SelfTimerShotCount', }, # CSc3-b 1-9
49 => { # CSc3-c
Name => 'SelfTimerShotInterval',
PrintConv => {
0 => '0.5 s',
1 => '1 s',
2 => '2 s',
3 => '3 s',
51 => { Name => 'PlaybackMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-a
53 => { Name => 'MenuMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-b
55 => { Name => 'ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime',%powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-c
57 => { Name => 'ImageReviewMonitorOffTime', %powerOffDelayTimesZ9 }, # CSc4-d
59 => { Name => 'CLModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1b
61 => { # CSd2 # values: 1-200 & 'No Limit'
Name => 'MaxContinuousRelease',
Format => 'int16s',
ValueConv => '($val eq -1 ? \'No Limit\' : $val ) ',
65 => { Name => 'SyncReleaseMode', PrintConv => { 0 => 'No Sync', 1 => 'Sync' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd4
69 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageAreaDX', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-1
70 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea1To1', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-2
71 => { Name => 'LimitSelectableImageArea16To9', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd6-3
72 => { Name => 'FileNumberSequence', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd7
73 => { #CSa13b
Name => 'FocusPeakingLevel',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'High Sensitivity',
1 => 'Standard Sensitivity',
2 => 'Low Sensitivity',
75 => { #CSa13c
Name => 'FocusPeakingHighlightColor',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Red',
1 => 'Yellow',
2 => 'Blue',
3 => 'White',
81 => { Name => 'ContinuousModeDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd12
83 => { # CSe1-a Previous cameras reported this with HighSpeedSync indicator appended as '(Auto FP)'. Z9 separated the 2 fields.
Name => 'FlashSyncSpeed',
ValueConv => '($val-144)/8',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1/60 s',
1 => '1/80 s',
2 => '1/100 s',
3 => '1/125 s',
4 => '1/160 s',
5 => '1/200 s',
6 => '1/250 s',
85 => { Name => 'HighSpeedSync', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe1-b
87 => { # CSe2
Name => 'FlashShutterSpeed',
ValueConv => 'my $t = ($val - 16) % 24; $t ? $val / 24 : 2 + ($val - 16) / 24', #unusual decode perhaps due to need to accomodate 4 new values?
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 s',
1 => '1/2 s',
2 => '1/4 s',
3 => '1/8 s',
4 => '1/15 s',
5 => '1/30 s',
6 => '1/60 s',
7 => '30 s',
8 => '15 s',
9 => '8 s',
10 => '4 s',
11 => '2 s',
89 => { Name => 'FlashExposureCompArea', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Entire Frame', 1 => 'Background Only' } }, # CSe3
91 => { Name => 'AutoFlashISOSensitivity', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Subject and Background',1 => 'Subject Only'} }, # CSe4
93 => { Name => 'ModelingFlash', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSe5
95 => { # CSe6
Name => 'AutoBracketModeM',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Flash/Speed',
1 => 'Flash/Speed/Aperture',
2 => 'Flash/Aperture',
3 => 'Flash Only',
4 => 'Flash/ISO',
97 => { Name => 'AutoBracketOrder', PrintConv => { 0 => '0,-,+',1 => '-,0,+' } }, # CSe7
99 => { Name => 'Func1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-a
#101 Func1Button submenu: Preview 0 => 'Press To Recall', 1=> 'Hold To Recall' # CSf2-a
#103 Func1Button submenu: AreaMode 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-a
#105 Func1Button submenu: AreaMode+AF-On 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-a
#109 Func1Button submenu: SynchronizedRelease 1=>'Master', 2=>'Remote' # CSf2-a
#111 Func1Button submenu: Zoom 0=>'Zoom (Low)', 2=>'Zoom (1:1)', 2=>'Zoom (High)' # CSf2-a
#113 Func1Button & Func1ButtonPlayback submenu: Rating # CSf2-a & CSf3a 0=>'Candidate For Deletion' 6=>''None'
115 => { Name => 'Func2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-b
#117 Func2Button submenu: Preview 0 => 'Press To Recall', 1=> 'Hold To Recall' # CSf2-b
#119 Func2Button submenu: AreaMode 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-b
#121 Func2Button submenu: AreaMode+AF-On 0-7 => S, Dyn-S, Dyn-M, Dyn-L, Wide-S, Wide-L, 3D, Auto; 11=>n/a # CSf2-b
#125 Func2Button submenu: SynchronizedRelease 1=>'Master', 2=>'Remote' # CSf2-b
#127 Func2Button submenu: Zoom 0=>'Zoom (Low)', 2=>'Zoom (1:1)', 2=>'Zoom (High)' # CSf2-b
#129 Func2Button & Func2ButtonPlayback submenu: Rating # CSf2-b & CSf3b 0=>'Candidate For Deletion' 6=>''None'
131 => { Name => 'AFOnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
143 => { Name => 'SubSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-g
155 => { Name => 'AssignMovieRecordButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-m
159 => { Name => 'LensFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-o
167 => { Name => 'LensFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-p
173 => { # CSf2-q
Name => 'LensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
1 => 'Focus (M/A)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Aperture',
175 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorShootMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-h called the OK button in camera, tag name retained for compatibility
179 => { Name => 'MultiSelectorPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf3f
183 => { Name => 'ShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-a
184 => { Name => 'ApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSf4-b
185 => { # CSf5-a Previous cameras reported this tag as part of CmdDialsReverseRotation. Blend with CSf5-b separate settings together to match extant tag name and values
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp',
RawConv => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} = $val',
Hidden => 1,
186 => [{ # CSf5-a (continued from above)
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
Condition => '$$self{CmdDialsReverseRotExposureComp} == 0',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'No',
1 => 'Shutter Speed & Aperture',
Name => 'CmdDialsReverseRotation',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Exposure Compensation',
1 => 'Exposure Compensation, Shutter Speed & Aperture',
191 => { Name => 'UseDialWithoutHold', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf6
193 => { Name => 'ReverseIndicators', PrintConv => { 0 => '+ 0 -', 1 => '- 0 +' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf7
195 => { Name => 'MovieFunc1Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-a
199 => { Name => 'MovieFunc2Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-b
203 => { Name => 'MovieAF-OnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-f
207 => { Name => 'MovieMultiSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-h
215 => { # CSg2-z
Name => 'MovieLensControlRing',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None (Disabled)',
2 => 'ISO Sensitivity',
3 => 'Exposure Compensation',
4 => 'Power Aperture',
5 => 'Hi-Res Zoom',
221 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeed', ValueConv => '$val - 5', ValueConvInv => '$val + 5' }, # CSg6-a
223 => { Name => 'MovieAFSpeedApply', PrintConv => {0 => 'Always', 1 => 'Only During Recording'},}, # CSg6-b
225 => { # CSg7
Name => 'MovieAFTrackingSensitivity',
PrintConv => {
0 => '1 (High)',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4 (Normal)',
4 => '5',
5 => '6',
6 => '7 (Low)',
279 => { Name => 'LCDIllumination', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd11
280 => { Name => 'ExtendedShutterSpeeds', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSd5
281 => { Name => 'SubjectMotion', PrintConv => {0 => 'Erratic', 1 => 'Steady'} }, # CSa3-b
283 => { Name => 'FocusPointPersistence', PrintConv => {0 => 'Auto', 1 => 'Off'} }, # CSa7
285 => { Name => 'AutoFocusModeRestrictions', PrintConv => \%focusModeRestrictionsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSa9
289 => { Name => 'CHModeShootingSpeed', ValueConv => '$val + 1', ValueConvInv => '$val - 1', PrintConv => '"$val fps"', PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*fps//i; $val' }, # CSd1a
293.1 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelCL', Mask => 0x02, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-a
293.2 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelCH', Mask => 0x04, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-b
293.3 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelC30', Mask => 0x10, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-e
293.4 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelC120', Mask => 0x40, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-c
293.5 => { Name => 'LimitReleaseModeSelSelf', Mask => 0x80, PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd3-d
297 => { Name => 'FlashBurstPriority', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Frame Rate',1 => 'Exposure'}, Unknown => 1 }, # CSe8
301 => { Name => 'VerticalFuncButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
305 => { Name => 'Func3Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-c
309 => { Name => 'VerticalAFOnButton', %buttonsZ9}, # CSf2-l
317 => { Name => 'VerticalMultiSelectorPlaybackMode', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Image Scroll L/R', 1 => 'Image Scroll Up/Down' }, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-j
319 => { Name => 'MovieFunc3Button', %buttonsZ9}, # CSg2-c
359 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
360 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_M', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
361 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSelDynamic_L', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
363 => { Name => 'LimitAF-AreaModeSel3DTracking', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSa8
365 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickUp', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf11-a
369 => { Name => 'PlaybackFlickDown', PrintConv => \%flicksZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf11-b
373 => { Name => 'ISOStepSize', PrintConv => \%thirdHalfFull }, # CSb1
379 => { Name => 'ReverseFocusRing', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Not Reversed', 1 => 'Reversed' } }, # CSf8
380 => { Name => 'EVFImageFrame', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd14
381 => { Name => 'EVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd15
383 => { Name => 'VirtualHorizonStyle', PrintConv => {0 => 'Type A (Cockpit)', 1 => 'Type B (Sides)' }, Unknown => 1}, #CSd16
397 => { Name => 'Func4Button', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-e
403 => { Name => 'AudioButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-i
405 => { Name => 'QualityButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-j
423 => { Name => 'VerticalMultiSelector', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf2-k
445 => { Name => 'Func1ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-a
447 => { Name => 'Func2ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-b
449 => { Name => 'Func3ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-c
455 => { Name => 'Func4ButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-e
461 => { Name => 'MovieRecordButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-m
463 => { Name => 'VerticalFuncButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-d
465 => { Name => 'AudioButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-g
471 => { Name => 'QualityButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-h
477 => { Name => 'WhiteBalanceButtonPlaybackMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-i
483 => { Name => 'CommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-k
487 => { Name => 'SubCommandDialPlaybackMode', PrintConv => \%dialsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSf3-l
491 => { Name => 'FocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSf4-c
493 => { Name => 'ControlRingResponse', PrintConv => { 0 => 'High', 1 => 'Low' } }, # CSf10
505 => { Name => 'VerticalMovieFuncButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-d
529 => { Name => 'VerticalMovieAFOnButton', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-l
539 => { Name => 'MovieAFAreaMode', %buttonsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSg2-e
#545 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_S', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-a
#546 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelWideAF_W', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-b
#547 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAF-AreaModeSelSubjectTrack', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-c
#548 => { Name => 'MovieLimitAFAreaModeSelAuto', PrintConv => \%limitNolimit, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg4-d
#549 => { Name => 'MovieAutoFocusModeRestrictions', PrintConv => \%focusModeRestrictionsZ9, Unknown => 1}, # CSa9
551 => { Name => 'HDMIViewAssist', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg12
553 => { # CSg13-a
Name => 'ZebraPatternToneRange',
Unknown => 1,
RawConv => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} = $val',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Highlights',
2 => 'Midtones',
555 => { Name => 'MovieZebraPattern', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} != 0', PrintConv => {0 => 'Pattern 1', 1 => 'Pattern 2'}, Unknown => 1}, # CSg13-b
557 => { Name => 'MovieHighlightDisplayThreshold', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 1', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg13-c 120-25 when highlights are the selected tone range
559 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayValue', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg13-d1 when midtones are the selected tone range
561 => { Name => 'MovieMidtoneDisplayRange', Condition => '$$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} and $$self{ZebraPatternToneRange} == 2', PrintConv => '"+/-$val"', Unknown => 1 }, # CSg13-d2 when midtones are the selected tone range
#563 CS g-14 LimitZebraPatternToneRange 0=>'No Restrictions', 1=> 'Highlights', 2=> 'Midtones'
565 => { Name => 'MovieEVFGrid', PrintConv => \%evfGridsZ9, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg15
573 => { Name => 'MovieShutterSpeedLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSg3-a
574 => { Name => 'MovieFocusPointLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSg3-c
587 => { Name => 'MatrixMetering', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Face Detection Off', 1 => 'Face Detection On' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSb4
588 => { Name => 'AF-CFocusDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn }, # CSa11c
589 => { Name => 'FocusPeakingDisplay', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1}, # CSa13a
591 => { # CSb7
Name => 'KeepExposure',
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Shutter Speed',
2 => 'ISO',
#593 CSd (adjust viewfinder/monitor hue, brightness and/or white balance settings) 0=>'No adjustment', 1=>'Adjust'. Related ontrols & adjustments stored in following dozen bytes or so.
609 => { Name => 'StarlightView', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSd11
611 => { # CSd12-a
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayMode',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Mode 1',
2 => 'Mode 2',
613 => { # CSd12-b values in range -3 to +3
Name => 'EVFWarmDisplayBrightness',
Format => 'int8s',
Unknown => 1,
615 => { #CSd15
Name => 'EVFReleaseIndicator',
Unknown => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'Off',
1 => 'Type A (Dark)',
2 => 'Type B (Border)',
3 => 'Type C (Sides)',
625 => { Name => 'MovieApertureLock', PrintConv => \%offOn, Unknown => 1 }, # CSg3-b
631 => { Name => 'FlickAdvanceDirection', PrintConv => { 0 => 'Left to Right', 1 => 'Right to Left' }, Unknown => 1 }, # CSf13-c
1; # end
=head1 NAME
Image::ExifTool::NikonCustom - Read and Write Nikon custom settings
This module is loaded automatically by Image::ExifTool when required.
The Nikon custom functions are very specific to the camera model (and
sometimes even change with firmware version). The information is stored as
unformatted binary data in the ShotInfo record of the Nikon MakerNotes.
This module contains the definitions necessary for Image::ExifTool to decode
this information.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2023, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Thanks to Jens Duttke and Warren Hatch for their help decoding the D300, D3
and Z9 custom settings. And thanks to the customer service personnel at
Best Buy for not bugging me while I spent lots of time playing with their
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/Nikon Tags>,