shell bypass 403
# File:
# Description: Additional XMP namespace definitions
# Revisions: 10/12/2008 - P. Harvey Created
# References: 1) PLUS -
# 2) PRISM -
# 3)
# 4)
# 5)
# --> changed to (2007/12/21)
# 6)
# 9)
# 11)
# 12) XMPSpecificationPart3_May2013, page 58
# 13)
# 14)
package Image::ExifTool::XMP;
use strict;
use Image::ExifTool qw(:Utils);
use Image::ExifTool::XMP;
sub Init_crd($);
# xmpDM structure definitions
my %sCuePointParam = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'CuePointParam',
key => { },
value => { },
my %sMarker = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Marker',
comment => { },
duration => { },
location => { },
name => { },
startTime => { },
target => { },
type => { },
# added Oct 2008
cuePointParams => { Struct => \%sCuePointParam, List => 'Seq' },
cuePointType=> { },
probability => { Writable => 'real' },
speaker => { },
my %sTime = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Time',
scale => { Writable => 'rational' },
value => { Writable => 'integer' },
my %sTimecode = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Timecode',
timeFormat => {
PrintConv => {
'24Timecode' => '24 fps',
'25Timecode' => '25 fps',
'2997DropTimecode' => '29.97 fps (drop)',
'2997NonDropTimecode' => '29.97 fps (non-drop)',
'30Timecode' => '30 fps',
'50Timecode' => '50 fps',
'5994DropTimecode' => '59.94 fps (drop)',
'5994NonDropTimecode' => '59.94 fps (non-drop)',
'60Timecode' => '60 fps',
'23976Timecode' => '23.976 fps',
timeValue => { },
value => { Writable => 'integer', Notes => 'only in XMP 2008 spec; an error?' },
my %sPose = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Pose',
NAMESPACE => { Pose => '' },
PositionX => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
PositionY => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
PositionZ => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationX => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationY => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationZ => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationW => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
Timestamp => {
Writable => 'integer',
Shift => 'Time',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val / 1000, 1, 3)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(GetUnixTime($val, 1) * 1000)',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => '$self->InverseDateTime($val,undef,1)',
my %sEarthPose = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'EarthPose',
NAMESPACE => { EarthPose => '' },
Latitude => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, %latConv },
Longitude => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' }, %longConv },
Altitude => {
Writable => 'real',
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
PrintConv => '"$val m"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*m$//;$val',
RotationX => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationY => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationZ => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
RotationW => { Writable => 'real', Groups => { 2 => 'Location' } },
Timestamp => {
Writable => 'integer',
Shift => 'Time',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val / 1000, 1, 3)',
ValueConvInv => 'int(GetUnixTime($val, 1) * 1000)',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => '$self->InverseDateTime($val,undef,1)',
my %sVendorInfo = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'VendorInfo',
NAMESPACE => { VendorInfo => '' },
Model => { },
Manufacturer => { },
Notes => { },
my %sAppInfo = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'AppInfo',
NAMESPACE => { AppInfo => '' },
Application => { },
Version => { },
ItemURI => { },
# camera-raw defaults
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::crd = (
INIT_TABLE => \&Init_crd,
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-crd', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'crd',
AVOID => 1,
TABLE_DESC => 'Photoshop Camera Defaults namespace',
NOTES => 'Adobe Camera Raw Defaults tags.',
# (tags added dynamically when WRITE_PROC is called)
# XMP Dynamic Media namespace properties (xmpDM)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::xmpDM = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-xmpDM', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => 'XMP Dynamic Media namespace tags.',
absPeakAudioFilePath=> { },
album => { },
altTapeName => { },
altTimecode => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
artist => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
audioModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
audioSampleRate => { Writable => 'integer' },
audioSampleType => {
PrintConv => {
'8Int' => '8-bit integer',
'16Int' => '16-bit integer',
'24Int' => '24-bit integer',
'32Int' => '32-bit integer',
'32Float' => '32-bit float',
'Compressed' => 'Compressed',
'Packed' => 'Packed',
'Other' => 'Other',
audioChannelType => {
PrintConv => {
'Mono' => 'Mono',
'Stereo' => 'Stereo',
'5.1' => '5.1',
'7.1' => '7.1',
'16 Channel' => '16 Channel',
'Other' => 'Other',
audioCompressor => { },
beatSpliceParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'BeatSpliceStretch',
riseInDecibel => { Writable => 'real' },
riseInTimeDuration => { Struct => \%sTime },
useFileBeatsMarker => { Writable => 'boolean' },
cameraAngle => { },
cameraLabel => { },
cameraModel => { },
cameraMove => { },
client => { },
comment => { Name => 'DMComment' },
composer => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
contributedMedia => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Media',
duration => { Struct => \%sTime },
managed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
path => { },
startTime => { Struct => \%sTime },
track => { },
webStatement=> { },
List => 'Bag',
copyright => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, # (deprecated)
director => { },
directorPhotography => { },
discNumber => { }, #12
duration => { Struct => \%sTime },
engineer => { },
fileDataRate => { Writable => 'rational' },
genre => { },
good => { Writable => 'boolean' },
instrument => { },
introTime => { Struct => \%sTime },
key => {
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
'C' => 'C', 'C#' => 'C#', 'D' => 'D', 'D#' => 'D#',
'E' => 'E', 'F' => 'F', 'F#' => 'F#', 'G' => 'G',
'G#' => 'G#', 'A' => 'A', 'A#' => 'A#', 'B' => 'B',
logComment => { },
loop => { Writable => 'boolean' },
lyrics => { }, #12
numberOfBeats => { Writable => 'real' },
markers => { Struct => \%sMarker, List => 'Seq' },
metadataModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
outCue => { Struct => \%sTime },
partOfCompilation=>{ Writable => 'boolean' }, #12
projectName => { },
projectRef => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ProjectLink',
path => { },
type => {
PrintConv => {
movie => 'Movie',
still => 'Still Image',
audio => 'Audio',
custom => 'Custom',
pullDown => {
PrintConvColumns => 2,
PrintConv => {
relativePeakAudioFilePath => { },
relativeTimestamp => { Struct => \%sTime },
releaseDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
resampleParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ResampleStretch',
quality => { PrintConv => { Low => 'Low', Medium => 'Medium', High => 'High' } },
scaleType => {
PrintConv => {
Major => 'Major',
Minor => 'Minor',
Both => 'Both',
Neither => 'Neither',
scene => { Avoid => 1 },
shotDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
shotDay => { },
shotLocation => { },
shotName => { },
shotNumber => { },
shotSize => { },
speakerPlacement=> { },
startTimecode => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
startTimeSampleSize => { Writable => 'integer' }, #PH
startTimeScale => { }, #PH (real?)
stretchMode => {
PrintConv => {
'Fixed length' => 'Fixed length',
'Time-Scale' => 'Time-Scale',
'Resample' => 'Resample',
'Beat Splice' => 'Beat Splice',
'Hybrid' => 'Hybrid',
takeNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
tapeName => { },
tempo => { Writable => 'real' },
timeScaleParams => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'TimeScaleStretch',
frameOverlappingPercentage => { Writable => 'real' },
frameSize => { Writable => 'real' },
quality => { PrintConv => { Low => 'Low', Medium => 'Medium', High => 'High' } },
timeSignature => {
PrintConvColumns => 3,
PrintConv => {
'2/4' => '2/4', '3/4' => '3/4', '4/4' => '4/4',
'5/4' => '5/4', '7/4' => '7/4', '6/8' => '6/8',
'9/8' => '9/8', '12/8'=> '12/8', 'other' => 'other',
trackNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
Tracks => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Track',
frameRate => { },
markers => { Struct => \%sMarker, List => 'Seq' },
trackName => { },
trackType => { },
List => 'Bag',
videoAlphaMode => {
PrintConv => {
'straight' => 'Straight',
'pre-multiplied', => 'Pre-multiplied',
'none' => 'None',
videoAlphaPremultipleColor => { Struct => \%sColorant },
videoAlphaUnityIsTransparent => { Writable => 'boolean' },
videoColorSpace => {
PrintConv => {
'sRGB' => 'sRGB',
'CCIR-601' => 'CCIR-601',
'CCIR-709' => 'CCIR-709',
videoCompressor => { },
videoFieldOrder => {
PrintConv => {
Upper => 'Upper',
Lower => 'Lower',
Progressive => 'Progressive',
videoFrameRate => { Writable => 'real' },
videoFrameSize => { Struct => \%sDimensions },
videoModDate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
videoPixelAspectRatio => { Writable => 'rational' },
videoPixelDepth => {
PrintConv => {
'8Int' => '8-bit integer',
'16Int' => '16-bit integer',
'24Int' => '24-bit integer',
'32Int' => '32-bit integer',
'32Float' => '32-bit float',
'Other' => 'Other',
# IPTC Extensions version 1.3 (+ proposed video extensions)
# IPTC Extension 1.0 structures
my %sLocationDetails = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'LocationDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
GROUPS => { 2 => 'Location' },
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
City => { },
CountryCode => { },
CountryName => { },
ProvinceState => { },
Sublocation => { },
WorldRegion => { },
LocationId => { List => 'Bag' },
LocationName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
GPSLatitude => { Namespace => 'exif', %latConv },
GPSLongitude => { Namespace => 'exif', %longConv },
GPSAltitude => {
Namespace => 'exif',
Writable => 'rational',
PrintConv => '$val =~ /^(inf|undef)$/ ? $val : "$val m"',
PrintConvInv => '$val=~s/\s*m$//;$val',
my %sCVTermDetails = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'CVTermDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
CvTermId => { },
CvTermName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
CvId => { },
CvTermRefinedAbout => { },
# IPTC video extensions
my %sPublicationEvent = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'PublicationEvent',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Date => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
Name => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sEntity = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Entity',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
Name => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
my %sEntityWithRole = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'EntityWithRole',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Identifier => { List => 'Bag', Namespace => 'xmp' },
Name => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
Role => { List => 'Bag' },
# (no longer used)
#my %sFrameSize = (
# STRUCT_NAME => 'FrameSize',
# NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
# WidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
# HeightPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
my %sRating = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Rating',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RatingValue => { FlatName => 'Value' },
RatingSourceLink => { FlatName => 'SourceLink' },
RatingScaleMinValue => { FlatName => 'ScaleMinValue' },
RatingScaleMaxValue => { FlatName => 'ScaleMaxValue' },
RatingValueLogoLink => { FlatName => 'ValueLogoLink' },
RatingRegion => {
FlatName => 'Region',
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
List => 'Bag',
my %sEpisode = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'EpisodeOrSeason',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Name => { },
Number => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sSeries = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'Series',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Name => { },
Identifier => { },
my %sTemporalCoverage = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TemporalCoverage',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
tempCoverageFrom => { FlatName => 'From', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
tempCoverageTo => { FlatName => 'To', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
my %sQualifiedLink = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'QualifiedLink',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Link => { },
LinkQualifier => { },
my %sTextRegion = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TextRegion',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RegionText => { },
Region => { Struct => \%Image::ExifTool::XMP::sArea },
my %sLinkedImage = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'LinkedImage',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Link => { },
LinkQualifier => { List => 'Bag' },
ImageRole => { },
'format' => { Namespace => 'dc' },
WidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
HeightPixels=> { Writable => 'integer' },
UsedVideoFrame => { Struct => \%sTimecode },
my %sBoundaryPoint = ( # new in 1.5
STRUCT_NAME => 'BoundaryPoint',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
rbX => { FlatName => 'X', Writable => 'real' },
rbY => { FlatName => 'Y', Writable => 'real' },
my %sRegionBoundary = ( # new in 1.5
STRUCT_NAME => 'RegionBoundary',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
rbShape => { FlatName => 'Shape', PrintConv => { rectangle => 'Rectangle', circle => 'Circle', polygon => 'Polygon' } },
rbUnit => { FlatName => 'Unit', PrintConv => { pixel => 'Pixel', relative => 'Relative' } },
rbX => { FlatName => 'X', Writable => 'real' },
rbY => { FlatName => 'Y', Writable => 'real' },
rbW => { FlatName => 'W', Writable => 'real' },
rbH => { FlatName => 'H', Writable => 'real' },
rbRx => { FlatName => 'Rx', Writable => 'real' },
rbVertices => { FlatName => 'Vertices', List => 'Seq', Struct => \%sBoundaryPoint },
my %sImageRegion = ( # new in 1.5
STRUCT_NAME => 'ImageRegion',
NAMESPACE => undef, # undefined to allow variable-namespace extensions
NOTES => q{
This structure is new in the IPTC Extension version 1.5 specification. As
well as the fields defined below, this structure may contain any top-level
XMP tags, but since they aren't pre-defined the only way to add these tags
is to write ImageRegion as a structure with these tags as new fields.
RegionBoundary => { Namespace => 'Iptc4xmpExt', FlatName => 'Boundary', Struct => \%sRegionBoundary },
rId => { Namespace => 'Iptc4xmpExt', FlatName => 'ID' },
Name => { Namespace => 'Iptc4xmpExt', Writable => 'lang-alt' },
rCtype => { Namespace => 'Iptc4xmpExt', FlatName => 'Ctype', List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
rRole => { Namespace => 'Iptc4xmpExt', FlatName => 'Role', List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
# IPTC Extension namespace properties (Iptc4xmpExt) (ref 4, 14)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::iptcExt = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-iptcExt', 2 => 'Author' },
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
TABLE_DESC => 'XMP IPTC Extension',
NOTES => q{
This table contains tags defined by the IPTC Extension schema version 1.7
and IPTC Video Metadata version 1.3. The actual namespace prefix is
"Iptc4xmpExt", but ExifTool shortens this for the family 1 group name. (See
L<> and
AboutCvTerm => {
Struct => \%sCVTermDetails,
List => 'Bag',
AboutCvTermCvId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermCvId' },
AboutCvTermCvTermId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermId' },
AboutCvTermCvTermName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermName' },
AboutCvTermCvTermRefinedAbout => { Flat => 1, Name => 'AboutCvTermRefinedAbout' },
AddlModelInfo => { Name => 'AdditionalModelInformation' },
ArtworkOrObject => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ArtworkOrObjectDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
AOCopyrightNotice => { },
AOCreator => { List => 'Seq' },
AODateCreated=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
AOSource => { },
AOSourceInvNo=> { },
AOTitle => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerName => { },
AOCurrentCopyrightOwnerId => { },
AOCurrentLicensorName => { },
AOCurrentLicensorId => { },
AOCreatorId => { List => 'Seq' },
AOCircaDateCreated => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Protected => 1 },
AOStylePeriod => { List => 'Bag' },
AOSourceInvURL => { },
AOContentDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOContributionDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
AOPhysicalDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
List => 'Bag',
ArtworkOrObjectAOCopyrightNotice => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightNotice' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCreator => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCreator' },
ArtworkOrObjectAODateCreated => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkDateCreated' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSource => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSource' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSourceInvNo => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSourceInventoryNo' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOTitle => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkTitle' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentCopyrightOwnerName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightOwnerName' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentCopyrightOwnerId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCopyrightOwnerID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentLicensorName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkLicensorName' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCurrentLicensorId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkLicensorID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCreatorId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCreatorID' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOCircaDateCreated => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkCircaDateCreated' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOStylePeriod => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkStylePeriod' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOSourceInvURL => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkSourceInvURL' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOContentDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkContentDescription' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOContributionDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkContributionDescription' },
ArtworkOrObjectAOPhysicalDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ArtworkPhysicalDescription' },
CVterm => {
Name => 'ControlledVocabularyTerm',
List => 'Bag',
Notes => 'deprecated by version 1.2',
DigImageGUID => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, Name => 'DigitalImageGUID' },
DigitalSourcefileType => {
Name => 'DigitalSourceFileType',
Notes => 'now deprecated -- replaced by DigitalSourceType',
Groups => { 2 => 'Image' },
DigitalSourceType => { Name => 'DigitalSourceType', Groups => { 2 => 'Image' } },
EmbdEncRightsExpr => {
Struct => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
EncRightsExpr => { },
RightsExprEncType => { },
RightsExprLangId => { },
List => 'Bag',
EmbdEncRightsExprEncRightsExpr => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExpr' },
EmbdEncRightsExprRightsExprEncType => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprType' },
EmbdEncRightsExprRightsExprLangId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'EmbeddedEncodedRightsExprLangID' },
Event => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
IptcLastEdited => {
Name => 'IPTCLastEdited',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
LinkedEncRightsExpr => {
Struct => {
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
LinkedRightsExpr => { },
RightsExprEncType => { },
RightsExprLangId => { },
List => 'Bag',
LinkedEncRightsExprLinkedRightsExpr => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExpr' },
LinkedEncRightsExprRightsExprEncType => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExprType' },
LinkedEncRightsExprRightsExprLangId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'LinkedEncodedRightsExprLangID' },
LocationCreated => {
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
List => 'Bag',
LocationShown => {
Struct => \%sLocationDetails,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
List => 'Bag',
MaxAvailHeight => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, Writable => 'integer' },
MaxAvailWidth => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, Writable => 'integer' },
ModelAge => { List => 'Bag', Writable => 'integer' },
OrganisationInImageCode => { List => 'Bag' },
OrganisationInImageName => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonInImage => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonInImageWDetails => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'PersonDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
PersonId => { List => 'Bag' },
PersonName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
PersonCharacteristic => {
Struct => \%sCVTermDetails,
List => 'Bag',
PersonDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
List => 'Bag',
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageName' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristic => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCharacteristic' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermCvId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermId' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermName' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonCharacteristicCvTermRefinedAbout => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageCvTermRefinedAbout' },
PersonInImageWDetailsPersonDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'PersonInImageDescription' },
ProductInImage => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'ProductDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
ProductName => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
ProductGTIN => { },
ProductDescription => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
ProductId => { }, # added in version 2022.1
List => 'Bag',
ProductInImageProductName => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageName' },
ProductInImageProductGTIN => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageGTIN' },
ProductInImageProductDescription => { Flat => 1, Name => 'ProductInImageDescription' },
RegistryId => {
Name => 'RegistryID',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'RegistryEntryDetails',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
RegItemId => { },
RegOrgId => { },
RegEntryRole=> { }, # (new in 1.3)
List => 'Bag',
RegistryIdRegItemId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryItemID' },
RegistryIdRegOrgId => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryOrganisationID' },
RegistryIdRegEntryRole => { Flat => 1, Name => 'RegistryEntryRole' },
# new Extension 1.3 properties
Genre => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sCVTermDetails },
# new video properties (Oct 2016, ref Michael Steidl)
# (see
CircaDateCreated=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
Episode => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEpisode },
ExternalMetadataLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, List => 'Bag' },
FeedIdentifier => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
PublicationEvent=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sPublicationEvent },
Rating => {
Groups => { 2 => 'Other' },
Struct => \%sRating,
List => 'Bag',
ReleaseReady => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, Writable => 'boolean' },
Season => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEpisode },
Series => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sSeries },
StorylineIdentifier => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag' },
StylePeriod => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
TemporalCoverage=> { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sTemporalCoverage },
WorkflowTag => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sCVTermDetails },
DataOnScreen => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sTextRegion },
Dopesheet => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt' },
DopesheetLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sQualifiedLink },
Headline => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt', Avoid => 1 },
PersonHeard => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
VideoShotType => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
EventExt => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity, Name => 'ShownEvent' },
Transcript => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'lang-alt' },
TranscriptLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sQualifiedLink },
VisualColour => {
Name => 'VisualColor',
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
'bw-monochrome' => 'Monochrome',
'colour' => 'Color',
Contributor => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
CopyrightYear => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Writable => 'integer' },
Creator => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
SupplyChainSource => { Groups => { 2 => 'Other' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntity },
audioBitRate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'integer', Name => 'AudioBitrate' },
audioBitRateMode=> {
Name => 'AudioBitrateMode',
Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' },
PrintConv => {
fixed => 'Fixed',
variable => 'Variable',
audioChannelCount => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'integer' },
videoDisplayAspectRatio => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'rational' },
ContainerFormat => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Struct => \%sEntity },
StreamReady => {
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
true => 'True',
false => 'False',
unknown => 'Unknown',
videoBitRate => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'integer', Name => 'VideoBitrate' },
videoBitRateMode => {
Name => 'VideoBitrateMode',
Groups => { 2 => 'Video' },
PrintConv => {
fixed => 'Fixed',
variable => 'Variable',
videoEncodingProfile => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' } },
videoStreamsCount => { Groups => { 2 => 'Video' }, Writable => 'integer' },
# new IPTC video metadata 1.1 properties
# (ref
SnapshotLink => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sLinkedImage, Name => 'Snapshot' },
# new IPTC video metadata 1.2 properties
# (ref
RecDevice => {
Groups => { 2 => 'Device' },
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'Device',
NAMESPACE => 'Iptc4xmpExt',
Manufacturer => { },
ModelName => { },
SerialNumber => { },
AttLensDescription => { },
OwnersDeviceId => { },
PlanningRef => { List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sEntityWithRole },
audioBitsPerSample => { Groups => { 2 => 'Audio' }, Writable => 'integer' },
# new IPTC video metadata 1.3 properties
# (ref
metadataLastEdited => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
metadataLastEditor => { Struct => \%sEntity },
metadataAuthority => { Struct => \%sEntity },
parentId => { Name => 'ParentID' },
# new IPTC Extension schema 1.5 property
ImageRegion => { Groups => { 2 => 'Image' }, List => 'Bag', Struct => \%sImageRegion },
# new Extension 1.6 property
EventId => { Name => 'EventID', List => 'Bag' },
# NOTE: The "Avoid" flag is set for all PRISM tags (via tag table AVOID flag)
# my %obsolete = (
# Notes => 'obsolete in 2.0',
# ValueConvInv => sub {
# my ($val, $self) = @_;
# unless ($self->Options('IgnoreMinorErrors')) {
# warn "Warning: [minor] Attempt to write obsolete tag\n";
# return undef;
# }
# return $val;
# }
# );
# PRISM structure definitions
my %prismPublicationDate = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismPublicationDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
# Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (prism) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prism = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prism', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata 3.0 namespace
tags. (see
academicField => { }, # (3.0)
aggregateIssueNumber => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
aggregationType => { List => 'Bag' },
alternateTitle => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismAlternateTitle',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
text => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
'a-lang' => { },
blogTitle => { }, # (3.0)
blogURL => { }, # (3.0)
bookEdition => { }, # (3.0)
byteCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
channel => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismChannel',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
channel => { },
subchannel1 => { },
subchannel2 => { },
subchannel3 => { },
subchannel4 => { },
'a-lang' => { },
complianceProfile=>{ PrintConv => { three => 'Three' } },
contentType => { }, # (3.0)
copyrightYear => { }, # (3.0)
# copyright => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
corporateEntity => { List => 'Bag' },
coverDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
coverDisplayDate=> { },
creationDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
dateRecieved => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
device => { }, # (3.0)
distributor => { },
doi => { Name => 'DOI', Description => 'Digital Object Identifier' },
edition => { },
eIssn => { },
#embargoDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
endingPage => { },
event => { List => 'Bag' },
#expirationDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
genre => { List => 'Bag' },
hasAlternative => { List => 'Bag' },
hasCorrection => {
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismHasCorrection',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
text => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
'a-lang' => { },
# hasPreviousVersion => { }, # (not in 3.0)
hasTranslation => { List => 'Bag' },
industry => { List => 'Bag' },
isAlternativeOf => { List => 'Bag' }, # (3.0)
isbn => { Name => 'ISBN', List => 'Bag' }, # 2.1 (becomes a list in 3.0)
isCorrectionOf => { List => 'Bag' },
issn => { Name => 'ISSN' },
issueIdentifier => { },
issueName => { },
issueTeaser => { }, # (3.0)
issueType => { }, # (3.0)
isTranslationOf => { },
keyword => { List => 'Bag' },
killDate => {
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismKillDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { }, #PH (missed in spec?)
'link' => { List => 'Bag' }, # (3.0)
location => { List => 'Bag' },
# metadataContainer => { }, (not valid for PRISM XMP)
modificationDate=> { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
nationalCatalogNumber => { }, # (3.0)
number => { },
object => { List => 'Bag' },
onSaleDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOnSaleDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
onSaleDay => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOnSaleDay',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
day => { }, #PH (not named in spec)
'a-platform'=> { },
offSaleDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismOffSaleDate',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
date => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
'a-platform'=> { },
organization => { List => 'Bag' },
originPlatform => {
List => 'Bag',
PrintConv => {
email => 'E-Mail',
mobile => 'Mobile',
broadcast => 'Broadcast',
web => 'Web',
'print' => 'Print',
recordableMedia => 'Recordable Media',
other => 'Other',
pageCount => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
pageProgressionDirection => { # (3.0)
PrintConv => { LTR => 'Left to Right', RTL => 'Right to Left' },
pageRange => { List => 'Bag' },
person => { },
platform => { }, # (3.0)
productCode => { }, # (3.0)
profession => { }, # (3.0)
publicationDate => {
List => 'Bag',
Struct => \%prismPublicationDate, # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
publicationDisplayDate => { # (3.0)
List => 'Bag',
Struct => \%prismPublicationDate,
publicationName => { },
publishingFrequency => { }, # (3.0)
rating => { },
# rightsAgent => { }, # (deprecated in 3.0)
samplePageRange => { }, # (3.0)
section => { },
sellingAgency => { }, # (3.0)
seriesNumber => { Writable => 'integer' }, # (3.0)
seriesTitle => { }, # (3.0)
sport => { }, # (3.0)
startingPage => { },
subsection1 => { },
subsection2 => { },
subsection3 => { },
subsection4 => { },
subtitle => { }, # (3.0)
supplementDisplayID => { }, # (3.0)
supplementStartingPage => { }, # (3.0)
supplementTitle => { }, # (3.0)
teaser => { List => 'Bag' },
ticker => { List => 'Bag' },
timePeriod => { },
url => {
Name => 'URL',
List => 'Bag',
Struct => { # (becomes a structure in 3.0)
STRUCT_NAME => 'prismUrl',
NAMESPACE => 'prism',
url => { },
'a-platform'=> { },
uspsNumber => { }, # (3.0)
versionIdentifier => { },
volume => { },
wordCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
# tags that existed in version 1.3
# category => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# hasFormat => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# hasPart => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isFormatOf => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isPartOf => { %obsolete },
# isReferencedBy => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isRequiredBy => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# isVersionOf => { %obsolete },
# objectTitle => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# receptionDate => { %obsolete },
# references => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# requires => { %obsolete, List => 'Bag' },
# tags in older versions
# page
# contentLength
# creationTime
# expirationTime
# hasVersion
# isAlternativeFor
# isBasedOn
# isBasisFor
# modificationTime
# publicationTime
# receptionTime
# releaseTime
# PRISM Rights Language namespace (prl) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prl = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prl', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prl',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Rights Language 2.1 namespace tags. These tags have been deprecated
since the release of the PRISM Usage Rights 3.0. (see
geography => { List => 'Bag' },
industry => { List => 'Bag' },
usage => { List => 'Bag' },
# PRISM Usage Rights namespace (prismusagerights) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::pur = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-pur', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'pur',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Usage Rights 3.0 namespace tags. (see
adultContentWarning => { List => 'Bag' },
agreement => { List => 'Bag' },
copyright => {
# (not clear in 3.0 spec, which lists only "bag Text", and called
# "copyrightDate" instead of "copyright" the PRISM basic 3.0 spec)
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Groups => { 2 => 'Author' },
creditLine => { List => 'Bag' },
embargoDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
exclusivityEndDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
expirationDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
imageSizeRestriction=> { },
optionEndDate => { List => 'Bag', %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time'} },
permissions => { List => 'Bag' },
restrictions => { List => 'Bag' },
reuseProhibited => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rightsAgent => { },
rightsOwner => { },
# usageFee => { List => 'Bag' }, # (not in 3.0)
# PRISM Metadata for Images namespace (pmi) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::pmi = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-pmi', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'pmi',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Metadata for Images 3.0 namespace tags. (see
color => {
PrintConv => {
bw => 'BW',
color => 'Color',
sepia => 'Sepia',
duotone => 'Duotone',
tritone => 'Tritone',
quadtone => 'Quadtone',
contactInfo => { },
displayName => { },
distributorProductID => { },
eventAlias => { },
eventEnd => { },
eventStart => { },
eventSubtype => { },
eventType => { },
field => { },
framing => { },
location => { },
make => { },
manufacturer => { },
model => { },
modelYear => { },
objectDescription=>{ },
objectSubtype => { },
objectType => { },
orientation => {
PrintConv => {
horizontal => 'Horizontal',
vertical => 'Vertical',
positionDescriptor => { },
productID => { },
productIDType => { },
season => {
PrintConv => {
spring => 'Spring',
summer => 'Summer',
fall => 'Fall',
winter => 'Winter',
sequenceName => { },
sequenceNumber => { },
sequenceTotalNumber => { },
setting => { },
shootID => { },
slideshowName => { },
slideshowNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
slideshowTotalNumber => { Writable => 'integer' },
viewpoint => { },
visualTechnique => { },
# PRISM Recipe Metadata (prm) (ref 2)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::prm = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-prm', 2 => 'Document' },
NAMESPACE => 'prm',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PRISM Recipe Metadata 3.0 namespace tags. (see
cookingEquipment => { },
cookingMethod => { },
course => { },
cuisine => { },
dietaryNeeds => { },
dishType => { },
duration => { },
ingredientExclusion => { },
mainIngredient => { },
meal => { },
recipeEndingPage => { },
recipePageRange => { },
recipeSource => { },
recipeStartingPage => { },
recipeTitle => { },
servingSize => { },
skillLevel => { },
specialOccasion => { },
yield => { },
# DICOM namespace properties (DICOM) (ref PH, written by CS3)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::DICOM = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-DICOM', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => q{
DICOM namespace tags. These XMP tags allow some DICOM information to be
stored in files of other than DICOM format. See the
L<DICOM Tags documentation|Image::ExifTool::TagNames/DICOM Tags> for a list
of tags available in DICOM-format files.
# change some tag names to correspond with DICOM tags
PatientName => { },
PatientID => { },
PatientSex => { },
PatientDOB => {
Name => 'PatientBirthDate',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
StudyID => { },
StudyPhysician => { },
StudyDateTime => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
StudyDescription => { },
SeriesNumber => { },
SeriesModality => { },
SeriesDateTime => { Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
SeriesDescription => { },
EquipmentInstitution => { },
EquipmentManufacturer => { },
# PixelLive namespace properties (PixelLive) (ref 3)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::PixelLive = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-PixelLive', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'PixelLive',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
PixelLive namespace tags. These tags are not writable because they are very
uncommon and I haven't been able to locate a reference which gives the
namespace URI.
AUTHOR => { Name => 'Author', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
COMMENTS => { Name => 'Comments' },
COPYRIGHT => { Name => 'Copyright', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
DATE => { Name => 'Date', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
GENRE => { Name => 'Genre' },
TITLE => { Name => 'Title' },
# Extensis Portfolio tags (extensis) (ref 11)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::extensis = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-extensis', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'extensis',
NOTES => 'Tags used by Extensis Portfolio.',
Approved => { Writable => 'boolean' },
ApprovedBy => { },
ClientName => { },
JobName => { },
JobStatus => { },
RoutedTo => { },
RoutingNotes => { },
WorkToDo => { },
# IDimager structures (ref PH)
my %sTagStruct;
%sTagStruct = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'TagStructure',
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
LabelName => { },
Reference => { },
ParentReference => { },
SubLabels => { Struct => \%sTagStruct, List => 'Bag' },
my %sSubVersion = (
STRUCT_NAME => 'SubVersion',
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
VersRef => { },
FileName => { },
# IDimager namespace (ics) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::ics = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-ics', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'ics',
NOTES => q{
Tags used by IDimager. Nested TagStructure structures are unrolled to an
arbitrary depth of 6 to avoid infinite recursion.
ImageRef => { },
TagStructure => { Struct => \%sTagStruct, List => 'Bag' },
TagStructureLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureReference => { Name => 'Reference1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference1', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference2', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference3', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference4', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabels => { Name => 'SubLabels5', Flat => 1, NoSubStruct => 1 }, # break infinite recursion
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference5', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsLabelName => { Name => 'LabelName6', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsReference => { Name => 'Reference6', Flat => 1 },
TagStructureSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsSubLabelsParentReference => { Name => 'ParentReference6', Flat => 1 },
SubVersions => { Struct => \%sSubVersion, List => 'Bag' },
SubVersionsVersRef => { Name => 'SubVersionReference', Flat => 1 },
SubVersionsFileName => { Name => 'SubVersionFileName', Flat => 1 },
TimeStamp => { Avoid => 1, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
AppVersion => { Avoid => 1 },
# ACDSee namespace (acdsee) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::acdsee = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-acdsee', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'acdsee',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
ACD Systems ACDSee namespace tags.
(A note to software developers: Re-inventing your own private tags instead
of using the equivalent tags in standard XMP namespaces defeats one of the
most valuable features of metadata: interoperability. Your applications
mumble to themselves instead of speaking out for the rest of the world to
author => { Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
caption => { },
categories => { },
collections=> { },
datetime => { Name => 'DateTime', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, %dateTimeInfo },
keywords => { List => 'Bag' },
notes => { },
rating => { Writable => 'real' }, # integer?
tagged => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rawrppused => { Writable => 'boolean' },
rpp => {
Name => 'RPP',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Notes => 'raw processing settings in XML format',
Binary => 1,
dpp => {
Name => 'DPP',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
Notes => 'newer version of XML raw processing settings',
Binary => 1,
# more tags (ref forum6840)
FixtureIdentifier => { },
EditStatus => { },
ReleaseDate => { },
ReleaseTime => { },
OriginatingProgram => { },
ObjectCycle => { },
Snapshots => { List => 'Bag', Binary => 1 },
# Picture Licensing Universal System namespace properties (xmpPLUS)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::xmpPLUS = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-xmpPLUS', 2 => 'Author' },
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
XMP Picture Licensing Universal System (PLUS) tags as written by some older
Adobe applications. See L<PLUS XMP Tags|Image::ExifTool::TagNames/PLUS XMP Tags>
for the current PLUS tags.
CreditLineReq => { Writable => 'boolean' },
ReuseAllowed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::panorama = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-panorama', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'panorama',
NOTES => 'Adobe Photoshop Panorama-profile tags.',
Transformation => { },
VirtualFocalLength => { Writable => 'real' },
VirtualImageXCenter => { Writable => 'real' },
VirtualImageYCenter => { Writable => 'real' },
# Creative Commons namespace properties (cc) (ref 5)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::cc = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-cc', 2 => 'Author' },
NAMESPACE => 'cc',
NOTES => q{
Creative Commons namespace tags. Note that the CC specification for XMP is
non-existent, so ExifTool must make some assumptions about the format of the
specific properties in XMP (see L<>).
# Work properties
license => { Resource => 1 },
attributionName => { },
attributionURL => { Resource => 1 },
morePermissions => { Resource => 1 },
useGuidelines => { Resource => 1 },
# License properties
permits => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:Sharing' => 'Sharing',
'cc:DerivativeWorks' => 'Derivative Works',
'cc:Reproduction' => 'Reproduction',
'cc:Distribution' => 'Distribution',
requires => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:Copyleft' => 'Copyleft',
'cc:LesserCopyleft' => 'Lesser Copyleft',
'cc:SourceCode' => 'Source Code',
'cc:ShareAlike' => 'Share Alike',
'cc:Notice' => 'Notice',
'cc:Attribution' => 'Attribution',
prohibits => {
List => 'Bag',
Resource => 1,
PrintConv => {
'cc:HighIncomeNationUse' => 'High Income Nation Use',
'cc:CommercialUse' => 'Commercial Use',
jurisdiction => { Resource => 1 },
legalcode => { Name => 'LegalCode', Resource => 1 },
deprecatedOn => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
# Description Explorer namespace properties (dex) (ref 6)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::dex = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-dex', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'dex',
NOTES => q{
Description Explorer namespace tags. These tags are not very common. The
Source and Rating tags are avoided when writing due to name conflicts with
other XMP tags. (see L<>)
crc32 => { Name => 'CRC32', Writable => 'integer' },
source => { Avoid => 1 },
shortdescription => {
Name => 'ShortDescription',
Writable => 'lang-alt',
licensetype => {
Name => 'LicenseType',
PrintConv => {
unknown => 'Unknown',
shareware => 'Shareware',
freeware => 'Freeware',
adware => 'Adware',
demo => 'Demo',
commercial => 'Commercial',
'public domain' => 'Public Domain',
'open source' => 'Open Source',
revision => { },
rating => { Avoid => 1 },
os => { Name => 'OS', Writable => 'integer' },
ffid => { Name => 'FFID' },
# iView MediaPro namespace properties (mediapro) (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::MediaPro = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-mediapro', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'mediapro',
NOTES => 'iView MediaPro namespace tags.',
Event => {
Avoid => 1,
Notes => 'avoided due to conflict with XMP-iptcExt:Event',
Location => {
Avoid => 1,
Groups => { 2 => 'Location' },
Notes => 'avoided due to conflict with XMP-iptcCore:Location',
Status => { },
People => { List => 'Bag' },
UserFields => { List => 'Bag' },
CatalogSets => { List => 'Bag' },
# Microsoft ExpressionMedia namespace properties (expressionmedia)
# (ref,4235.0.html)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::ExpressionMedia = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-expressionmedia', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'expressionmedia',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Microsoft Expression Media namespace tags. These tags are avoided when
writing due to name conflicts with tags in other schemas.
Event => { },
Status => { },
People => { List => 'Bag' },
CatalogSets => { List => 'Bag' },
# DigiKam namespace tags (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::digiKam = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-digiKam', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'digiKam',
NOTES => 'DigiKam namespace tags.',
CaptionsAuthorNames => { Writable => 'lang-alt' },
CaptionsDateTimeStamps => { Writable => 'lang-alt', Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
TagsList => { List => 'Seq' },
ColorLabel => { },
PickLabel => { },
ImageHistory => { Avoid => 1, Notes => 'different format from EXIF:ImageHistory' },
LensCorrectionSettings => { },
ImageUniqueID => { Avoid => 1 },
picasawebGPhotoId => { }, #forum14108
# SWF namespace tags (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::swf = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-swf', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'swf',
NOTES => 'Adobe SWF namespace tags.',
type => { Avoid => 1 },
bgalpha => { Name => 'BackgroundAlpha', Writable => 'integer' },
forwardlock => { Name => 'ForwardLock', Writable => 'boolean' },
maxstorage => { Name => 'MaxStorage', Writable => 'integer' }, # (CS5)
# Sony Ericsson cell phone location tags
# refs:
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::cell = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-cell', 2 => 'Location' },
NAMESPACE => 'cell',
NOTES => 'Location tags written by some Sony Ericsson phones.',
mcc => { Name => 'MobileCountryCode' },
mnc => { Name => 'MobileNetworkCode' },
lac => { Name => 'LocationAreaCode' },
cellid => { Name => 'CellTowerID' },
cgi => { Name => 'CellGlobalID' },
r => { Name => 'CellR' }, # (what is this? Radius?)
# Apple adjustment settings (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::aas = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-aas', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'aas',
NOTES => 'Apple Adjustment Settings used by iPhone/iPad.',
CropX => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropY => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropW => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
CropH => { Writable => 'integer', Avoid => 1 },
AffineA => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineB => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineC => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineD => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineX => { Writable => 'real' },
AffineY => { Writable => 'real' },
Vibrance => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
Curve0x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve0y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve1x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve1y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve2x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve2y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve3x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve3y => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve4x => { Writable => 'real' },
Curve4y => { Writable => 'real' },
Shadows => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
Highlights => { Writable => 'real', Avoid => 1 },
# the following from StarGeek
FaceBalanceOrigI => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceOrigQ => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceStrength => { Writable => 'real' },
FaceBalanceWarmth => { Writable => 'real' },
# Adobe creatorAtom properties (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::creatorAtom = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-creatorAtom', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
NOTES => 'Adobe creatorAtom tags, written by After Effects.',
macAtom => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'MacAtom',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
applicationCode => { },
invocationAppleEvent => { },
posixProjectPath => { },
windowsAtom => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'WindowsAtom',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
extension => { },
invocationFlags => { },
uncProjectPath => { },
aeProjectLink => { # (After Effects Project Link)
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'AEProjectLink',
NAMESPACE => 'creatorAtom',
renderTimeStamp => { Writable => 'integer' },
compositionID => { },
renderQueueItemID => { },
renderOutputModuleIndex => { },
fullPath => { },
# FastPictureViewer namespace properties (
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::fpv = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-fpv', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'fpv',
NOTES => q{
Fast Picture Viewer tags (see
RichTextComment => { },
# Apple FaceInfo namespace properties (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::apple_fi = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-apple-fi', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'apple-fi',
NOTES => q{
Face information tags written by the Apple iPhone 5 inside the mwg-rs
Timestamp => {
Name => 'TimeStamp',
Writable => 'integer',
# (don't know how to convert this)
FaceID => { Writable => 'integer' },
AngleInfoRoll => { Writable => 'integer' },
AngleInfoYaw => { Writable => 'integer' },
ConfidenceLevel => { Writable => 'integer' },
# Google audio namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GAudio = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GAudio', 2 => 'Audio' },
NAMESPACE => 'GAudio',
Data => {
Name => 'AudioData',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Mime => { Name => 'AudioMimeType' },
# Google image namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GImage = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GImage', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GImage',
Data => {
Name => 'ImageData',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Mime => { Name => 'ImageMimeType' },
# Google panorama namespace properties
# (ref,4569.0.html)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GPano = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GPano', 2 => 'Image' },
NOTES => q{
Panorama tags written by Google Photosphere. See
L<> for the specification.
UsePanoramaViewer => { Writable => 'boolean' },
CaptureSoftware => { },
StitchingSoftware => { },
ProjectionType => { },
PoseHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
PosePitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
PoseRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewPitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialHorizontalFOVDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialVerticalFOVDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
FirstPhotoDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
LastPhotoDate => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' } },
SourcePhotosCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
ExposureLockUsed => { Writable => 'boolean' },
CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
FullPanoWidthPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
FullPanoHeightPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaLeftPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
CroppedAreaTopPixels => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialCameraDolly => { Writable => 'real' },
# (the following have been observed, but are not in the specification)
LargestValidInteriorRectLeft => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectTop => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectWidth => { Writable => 'real' },
LargestValidInteriorRectHeight => { Writable => 'real' },
# Google Spherical Images namespace (ref
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GSpherical = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GSpherical', 2 => 'Image' },
WRITE_GROUP => 'GSpherical', # write in special location for video files
NAMESPACE => 'GSpherical',
AVOID => 1,
NOTES => q{
Not actually XMP. These RDF/XML tags are used in Google spherical MP4
videos. These tags are written into the video track of MOV/MP4 files, and
not at the top level like other XMP tags. See
for the specification.
# (avoid due to conflicts with XMP-GPano tags)
Spherical => { Writable => 'boolean' },
Stitched => { Writable => 'boolean' },
StitchingSoftware => { },
ProjectionType => { },
StereoMode => { },
SourceCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
InitialViewHeadingDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewPitchDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
InitialViewRollDegrees => { Writable => 'real' },
Timestamp => {
Name => 'TimeStamp',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
Writable => 'integer',
Shift => 'Time',
ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val)', #(NC)
ValueConvInv => 'GetUnixTime($val)',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => '$self->InverseDateTime($val)',
FullPanoWidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
FullPanoHeightPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=> { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaLeftPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
CroppedAreaTopPixels => { Writable => 'integer' },
# Google depthmap information (ref
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GDepth = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-GDepth', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GDepth',
AVOID => 1, # (too many potential tag name conflicts)
NOTES => q{
Google depthmap information. See
L<> for the specification.
WRITABLE => 'string', # (default to string-type tags)
Format => {
PrintConv => {
RangeInverse => 'RangeInverse',
RangeLinear => 'RangeLinear',
Near => { Writable => 'real' },
Far => { Writable => 'real' },
Mime => { },
Data => {
Name => 'DepthImage',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Units => { },
MeasureType => {
PrintConv => {
OpticalAxis => 'OpticalAxis',
OpticalRay => 'OpticalRay',
ConfidenceMime => { },
Confidence => {
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
Manufacturer=> { },
Model => { },
Software => { },
ImageWidth => { Writable => 'real' },
ImageHeight => { Writable => 'real' },
# Google focus namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GFocus = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GFocus', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GFocus',
NOTES => 'Focus information found in Google depthmap images.',
BlurAtInfinity => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalDistance => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalPointX => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalPointY => { Writable => 'real' },
# Google camera namespace (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GCamera = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GCamera', 2 => 'Camera' },
NAMESPACE => 'GCamera',
NOTES => 'Camera information found in Google panorama images.',
BurstID => { },
BurstPrimary => { },
PortraitNote => { },
PortraitRequest => {
Notes => 'High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) data', #PH (guess)
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
PortraitVersion => { },
SpecialTypeID => { List => 'Bag' },
PortraitNote => { },
DisableAutoCreation => { List => 'Bag' },
hdrp_makernote => {
Name => 'HDRPMakerNote',
# decoded data starts with the following bytes, but nothing yet is known about its contents:
# 48 44 52 50 02 ef 64 35 6d 5e 70 1e 2c ea e3 4c [HDRP..d5m^p.,..L]
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
MicroVideo => { Writable => 'integer' },
MicroVideoVersion => { Writable => 'integer' },
MicroVideoOffset => { Writable => 'integer' },
MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs => { Writable => 'integer' },
shot_log_data => { #forum14108
Name => 'ShotLogData',
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
HdrPlusMakernote => {
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
# Google creations namespace (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GCreations = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-GCreations', 2 => 'Camera' },
NAMESPACE => 'GCreations',
NOTES => 'Google creations tags.',
CameraBurstID => { },
Type => { Avoid => 1 },
# Google depth-map Device namespace (ref 13)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::Device = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-Device', 2 => 'Camera' },
NAMESPACE => { Device => '' },
NOTES => q{
Google depth-map Device tags. See
L<> for
the specification.
Container => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceContainer',
NAMESPACE => { Container => '' },
Directory => {
List => 'Seq',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceDirectory',
NAMESPACE => { Container => '' },
Item => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceItem',
NAMESPACE => { Item => '' },
Mime => { },
Length => { Writable => 'integer' },
Padding => { Writable => 'integer' },
DataURI => { },
Profiles => {
List => 'Seq',
FlatName => '',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceProfiles',
NAMESPACE => { Device => '' },
Profile => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceProfile',
NAMESPACE => { Profile => '' },
CameraIndices => { List => 'Seq', Writable => 'integer' },
Type => { },
Cameras => {
List => 'Seq',
FlatName => '',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceCameras',
NAMESPACE => { Device => '' },
Camera => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceCamera',
NAMESPACE => { Camera => '' },
DepthMap => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceDepthMap',
NAMESPACE => { DepthMap => '' },
ConfidenceURI => { },
DepthURI => { },
Far => { Writable => 'real' },
Format => { },
ItemSemantic=> { },
MeasureType => { },
Near => { Writable => 'real' },
Units => { },
Software => { },
FocalTableEntryCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
FocalTable => { }, # (base64)
Image => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceImage',
NAMESPACE => { Image => '' },
ItemSemantic=> { },
ItemURI => { },
ImagingModel => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceImagingModel',
NAMESPACE => { ImagingModel => '' },
Distortion => { }, # (base64)
DistortionCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
FocalLengthX => { Writable => 'real' },
FocalLengthY => { Writable => 'real' },
ImageHeight => { Writable => 'integer' },
ImageWidth => { Writable => 'integer' },
PixelAspectRatio=> { Writable => 'real' },
PrincipalPointX => { Writable => 'real' },
PrincipalPointY => { Writable => 'real' },
Skew => { Writable => 'real' },
PointCloud => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DevicePointCloud',
NAMESPACE => { PointCloud => '' },
PointCloud => { Writable => 'integer' },
Points => { },
Metric => { Writable => 'boolean' },
Pose => { Struct => \%sPose },
LightEstimate => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DeviceLightEstimate',
NAMESPACE => { LightEstimate => '' },
ColorCorrectionR => { Writable => 'real' },
ColorCorrectionG => { Writable => 'real' },
ColorCorrectionB => { Writable => 'real' },
PixelIntensity => { Writable => 'real' },
VendorInfo => { Struct => \%sVendorInfo },
AppInfo => { Struct => \%sAppInfo },
Trait => { },
VendorInfo => { Struct => \%sVendorInfo },
AppInfo => { Struct => \%sAppInfo },
EarthPos => { Struct => \%sEarthPose },
Pose => { Struct => \%sPose },
Planes => {
List => 'Seq',
FlatName => '',
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DevicePlanes',
NAMESPACE => { Device => '' },
Plane => {
Struct => {
STRUCT_NAME => 'DevicePlane',
NAMESPACE => { Plane => '' },
Pose => { Struct => \%sPose },
ExtentX => { Writable => 'real' },
ExtentZ => { Writable => 'real' },
BoundaryVertexCount => { Writable => 'integer' },
Boundary => { },
# Google container tags (ref
# NOTE: Not included because these namespace prefixes conflict with Google's depth-map Device tags!
# (see ../pics/GooglePixel8Pro.jpg sample image)
# %Image::ExifTool::XMP::Container = (
# %xmpTableDefaults,
# GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-Container', 2 => 'Image' },
# NAMESPACE => 'Container',
# NOTES => 'Google Container namespace.',
# Directory => {
# Name => 'ContainerDirectory',
# FlatName => 'Directory',
# List => 'Seq',
# Struct => {
# STRUCT_NAME => 'Directory',
# Item => {
# Namespace => 'Container',
# Struct => {
# STRUCT_NAME => 'Item',
# NAMESPACE => { Item => ''},
# Mime => { },
# Semantic => { },
# Length => { Writable => 'integer' },
# Label => { },
# Padding => { Writable => 'integer' },
# URI => { },
# },
# },
# },
# },
# );
# Getty Images namespace (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::GettyImages = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-getty', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'GettyImagesGIFT',
NOTES => q{
The actual Getty Images namespace prefix is "GettyImagesGIFT", which is the
prefix recorded in the file, but ExifTool shortens this for the family 1
group name.
Personality => { List => 'Bag' },
OriginalFilename => { Name => 'OriginalFileName' },
ParentMEID => { },
# the following from StarGeek
AssetID => { },
CallForImage => { },
CameraFilename => { },
CameraMakeModel => { Avoid => 1 },
Composition => { },
CameraSerialNumber => { Avoid => 1 },
ExclusiveCoverage => { },
GIFTFtpPriority => { },
ImageRank => { },
MediaEventIdDate => { },
OriginalCreateDateTime => { %dateTimeInfo, Groups => { 2 => 'Time' }, Avoid => 1 },
ParentMediaEventID => { },
PrimaryFTP => { List => 'Bag' },
RoutingDestinations => { List => 'Bag' },
RoutingExclusions => { List => 'Bag' },
SecondaryFTP => { List => 'Bag' },
TimeShot => { },
# RED smartphone images (ref PH)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::LImage = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-LImage', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'LImage',
NOTES => 'Tags written by RED smartphones.',
MajorVersion => { },
MinorVersion => { },
RightAlbedo => {
Notes => 'Right stereoscopic image',
Groups => { 2 => 'Preview' },
ValueConv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::DecodeBase64($val)',
ValueConvInv => 'Image::ExifTool::XMP::EncodeBase64($val)',
# hdr metadata namespace used by ACR 15.1
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::hdr = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-hdr', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'hdr_metadata',
TABLE_DESC => 'XMP HDR Metadata',
NOTES => q{
HDR metadata namespace tags written by ACR 15.1. The actual namespace
prefix is "hdr_metadata", which is the prefix recorded in the file, but
ExifTool shortens this for the family 1 group name.
ccv_primaries_xy => { Name => 'CCVPrimariesXY' }, # (comma-separated string of 6 reals)
ccv_white_xy => { Name => 'CCVWhiteXY' }, # (comma-separated string of 2 reals)
ccv_min_luminance_nits => { Name => 'CCVMinLuminanceNits', Writable => 'real' },
ccv_max_luminance_nits => { Name => 'CCVMaxLuminanceNits', Writable => 'real' },
ccv_avg_luminance_nits => { Name => 'CCVAvgLuminanceNits', Writable => 'real' },
scene_referred => { Name => 'SceneReferred', Writable => 'boolean' },
# HDR Gain Map metadata namespace
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::hdrgm = (
GROUPS => { 1 => 'XMP-hdrgm', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'hdrgm',
TABLE_DESC => 'XMP HDR Gain Map Metadata',
NOTES => 'Tags used in Adobe gain map images.',
Version => { Avoid => 1 },
BaseRenditionIsHDR => { Writable => 'boolean' },
# this is a pain in the ass: List items below may or may not be lists
# according to the Adobe specification -- I don't know how to handle tags
# with a variable format like this, so just make them lists here for now
OffsetSDR => { Writable => 'real', List => 'Seq' },
OffsetHDR => { Writable => 'real', List => 'Seq' },
HDRCapacityMin => { Writable => 'real' },
HDRCapacityMax => { Writable => 'real' },
GainMapMin => { Writable => 'real', List => 'Seq' },
GainMapMax => { Writable => 'real', List => 'Seq' },
Gamma => { Writable => 'real', List => 'Seq', Avoid => 1 },
# SVG namespace properties (ref 9)
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::SVG = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'SVG', 1 => 'SVG', 2 => 'Image' },
NAMESPACE => 'svg',
LANG_INFO => \&GetLangInfo,
NOTES => q{
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image tags. By default, only the top-level
SVG and Metadata tags are extracted from these images, but all graphics tags
may be extracted by setting the Unknown option to 2 (-U on the command
line). The SVG tags are not part of XMP as such, but are included with the
XMP module for convenience. (see L<>)
version => 'SVGVersion',
id => 'ID',
metadataId => 'MetadataID',
width => {
Name => 'ImageWidth',
ValueConv => '$val =~ s/px$//; $val',
height => {
Name => 'ImageHeight',
ValueConv => '$val =~ s/px$//; $val',
# table to add tags in other namespaces
%Image::ExifTool::XMP::otherSVG = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'SVG', 2 => 'Unknown' },
LANG_INFO => \&GetLangInfo,
NAMESPACE => undef, # variable namespace
# Generate crd tags
# Inputs: 0) tag table ref
sub Init_crd($)
my $tagTablePtr = shift;
# import tags from CRS namespace
my $crsTable = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::crs');
my $tag;
foreach $tag (Image::ExifTool::TagTableKeys($crsTable)) {
my $crsInfo = $$crsTable{$tag};
my $tagInfo = $$tagTablePtr{$tag} = { %$crsInfo };
$$tagInfo{Groups} = { 0 => 'XMP', 1 => 'XMP-crd' , 2 => $$crsInfo{Groups}{2} } if $$crsInfo{Groups};
1; #end
=head1 NAME - Additional XMP namespace definitions
This module is loaded automatically by Image::ExifTool when required.
This file contains definitions for less common XMP namespaces.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2003-2023, Phil Harvey (philharvey66 at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item L<>
=item L<>
=item L<>
=item L<>
=item L<>
=item L<>
=item L<>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/XMP Tags>,