shell bypass 403
package Image::Info::PNG;
# Copyright 1999-2000, Gisle Aas.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=begin register
MAGIC: /^\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a/
Information from IHDR, PLTE, gAMA, pHYs, tEXt, tIME chunks are
extracted. The sequence of chunks are also given by the C<PNG_Chunks>
=end register
use strict;
use vars qw/$VERSION/;
$VERSION = 1.03;
# Test for Compress::Zlib (for reading zTXt chunks)
my $have_zlib = 0;
eval {
require Compress::Zlib;
# Test for Encode (for reading iTXt chunks)
my $have_encode = 0;
eval {
require Encode;
sub my_read
my($source, $len) = @_;
my $buf;
my $n = read($source, $buf, $len);
die "read failed: $!" unless defined $n;
die "short read ($len/$n) at pos " . tell($source) unless $n == $len;
sub process_file
my($info, $fh) = @_;
my $signature = my_read($fh, 8);
die "Bad PNG signature"
unless $signature eq "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a";
$info->push_info(0, "file_media_type" => "image/png");
$info->push_info(0, "file_ext" => "png");
my @chunks;
while (1) {
my($len, $type) = unpack("Na4", my_read($fh, 8));
if (@chunks) {
my $last = $chunks[-1];
my $count = 1;
$count = $1 if $last =~ s/\s(\d+)$//;
if ($last eq $type) {
$chunks[-1] = "$type $count";
else {
push(@chunks, $type);
else {
push(@chunks, $type);
last if $type eq "IEND";
my $data = my_read($fh, $len + 4);
my $crc = unpack("N", substr($data, -4, 4, ""));
if ($type eq "IHDR" && $len == 13) {
my($w, $h, $depth, $ctype, $compression, $filter, $interlace) =
unpack("NNCCCCC", $data);
$ctype = {
0 => "Gray",
2 => "RGB",
3 => "Indexed-RGB",
4 => "GrayA",
6 => "RGBA",
}->{$ctype} || "PNG-$ctype";
$compression = "Deflate" if $compression == 0;
$filter = "Adaptive" if $filter == 0;
$interlace = "Adam7" if $interlace == 1;
$info->push_info(0, "width", $w);
$info->push_info(0, "height", $h);
$info->push_info(0, "SampleFormat", "U$depth");
$info->push_info(0, "color_type", $ctype);
$info->push_info(0, "Compression", $compression);
$info->push_info(0, "PNG_Filter", $filter);
$info->push_info(0, "Interlace", $interlace)
if $interlace;
elsif ($type eq "PLTE") {
my @table;
while (length $data) {
push(@table, sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x",
unpack("C3", substr($data, 0, 3, ""))));
$info->push_info(0, "ColorPalette" => \@table);
elsif ($type eq "gAMA" && $len == 4) {
$info->push_info(0, "Gamma", unpack("N", $data)/100_000);
elsif ($type eq "pHYs" && $len == 9) {
my $res;
my($res_x, $res_y, $unit) = unpack("NNC", $data);
if (0 && $unit == 1) {
# convert to dpi
$unit = "dpi";
for ($res_x, $res_y) {
$_ *= 0.0254;
$res = ($res_x == $res_y) ? $res_x : "$res_x/$res_y";
if ($unit) {
if ($unit == 1) {
$res .= " dpm";
else {
$res .= " png-unit-$unit";
$info->push_info(0, "resolution" => $res)
elsif ($type eq "tEXt" || $type eq "zTXt" || $type eq "iTXt") {
my($key, $val) = split(/\0/, $data, 2);
if ($type eq "iTXt") {
(my $compressed, $method, my $lang, my $trans, $ctext)
= unpack "CaZ*Z*a*", $val;
unless ($compressed) {
undef $method;
$val = $ctext;
elsif ($type eq "zTXt") {
($method,$ctext) = split(//, $val, 2);
if (defined $method) {
if ($have_zlib && $method eq "\0") {
$val = Compress::Zlib::uncompress($ctext);
} else {
undef $val;
if ($is_i) {
if ($have_encode) {
$val = Encode::decode("UTF-8", $val);
} else {
undef $val;
if (defined $val) {
# XXX should make sure $key is not in conflict with any
# other key we might generate
$info->push_info(0, $key, $val);
} else {
$info->push_info(0, "Chunk-$type" => $data);
elsif ($type eq "tIME" && $len == 7) {
$info->push_info(0, "LastModificationTime",
sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
unpack("nC5", $data)));
elsif ($type eq "sBIT") {
$info->push_info(0, "SignificantBits" => unpack("C*", $data));
elsif ($type eq "IDAT") {
# ignore
else {
$info->push_info(0, "Chunk-$type" => $data);
$info->push_info(0, "PNG_Chunks", @chunks);
unless ($info->get_info(0, "resolution")) {
$info->push_info(0, "resolution", "1/1");