shell bypass 403
package List::SomeUtils::PP;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( max );
our $VERSION = '0.58';
sub any (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach (@_) {
return 1 if $f->();
return 0;
sub all (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach (@_) {
return 0 unless $f->();
return 1;
sub none (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach (@_) {
return 0 if $f->();
return 1;
sub notall (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach (@_) {
return 1 unless $f->();
return 0;
sub one (&@) {
my $f = shift;
my $found = 0;
foreach (@_) {
$f->() and $found++ and return 0;
sub any_u (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return undef if !@_;
$f->() and return 1 foreach (@_);
return 0;
sub all_u (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return undef if !@_;
$f->() or return 0 foreach (@_);
return 1;
sub none_u (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return undef if !@_;
$f->() and return 0 foreach (@_);
return 1;
sub notall_u (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return undef if !@_;
$f->() or return 1 foreach (@_);
return 0;
sub one_u (&@) {
my $f = shift;
return undef if !@_;
my $found = 0;
foreach (@_) {
$f->() and $found++ and return 0;
sub true (&@) {
my $f = shift;
my $count = 0;
$f->() and ++$count foreach (@_);
return $count;
sub false (&@) {
my $f = shift;
my $count = 0;
$f->() or ++$count foreach (@_);
return $count;
sub firstidx (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#_ ) {
local *_ = \$_[$i];
return $i if $f->();
return -1;
sub firstval (&@) {
my $test = shift;
foreach (@_) {
return $_ if $test->();
return undef;
sub firstres (&@) {
my $test = shift;
foreach (@_) {
my $testval = $test->();
$testval and return $testval;
return undef;
sub onlyidx (&@) {
my $f = shift;
my $found;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#_ ) {
local *_ = \$_[$i];
$f->() or next;
defined $found and return -1;
$found = $i;
return defined $found ? $found : -1;
sub onlyval (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $result = undef;
my $found = 0;
foreach (@_) {
$test->() or next;
$result = $_;
$found++ and return undef;
return $result;
sub onlyres (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $result = undef;
my $found = 0;
foreach (@_) {
my $rv = $test->() or next;
$result = $rv;
$found++ and return undef;
return $found ? $result : undef;
sub lastidx (&@) {
my $f = shift;
foreach my $i ( reverse 0 .. $#_ ) {
local *_ = \$_[$i];
return $i if $f->();
return -1;
sub lastval (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $ix;
for ( $ix = $#_; $ix >= 0; $ix-- ) {
local *_ = \$_[$ix];
my $testval = $test->();
# Simulate $_ as alias
$_[$ix] = $_;
return $_ if $testval;
return undef;
sub lastres (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $ix;
for ( $ix = $#_; $ix >= 0; $ix-- ) {
local *_ = \$_[$ix];
my $testval = $test->();
# Simulate $_ as alias
$_[$ix] = $_;
return $testval if $testval;
return undef;
sub insert_after (&$\@) {
my ( $f, $val, $list ) = @_;
my $c = &firstidx( $f, @$list );
@$list = ( @{$list}[ 0 .. $c ], $val, @{$list}[ $c + 1 .. $#$list ], )
and return 1
if $c != -1;
return 0;
sub insert_after_string ($$\@) {
my ( $string, $val, $list ) = @_;
my $c = firstidx { defined $_ and $string eq $_ } @$list;
@$list = ( @{$list}[ 0 .. $c ], $val, @{$list}[ $c + 1 .. $#$list ], )
and return 1
if $c != -1;
return 0;
sub apply (&@) {
my $action = shift;
&$action foreach my @values = @_;
wantarray ? @values : $values[-1];
sub after (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $started;
my $lag;
grep $started ||= do {
my $x = $lag;
$lag = $test->();
}, @_;
sub after_incl (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $started;
grep $started ||= $test->(), @_;
sub before (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $more = 1;
grep $more &&= !$test->(), @_;
sub before_incl (&@) {
my $test = shift;
my $more = 1;
my $lag = 1;
grep $more &&= do {
my $x = $lag;
$lag = !$test->();
}, @_;
sub indexes (&@) {
my $test = shift;
grep {
local *_ = \$_[$_];
} 0 .. $#_;
sub pairwise (&\@\@) {
my $op = shift;
# Symbols for caller's input arrays
use vars qw{ @A @B };
local ( *A, *B ) = @_;
# Localise $a, $b
my ( $caller_a, $caller_b ) = do {
my $pkg = caller();
no strict 'refs';
\*{ $pkg . '::a' }, \*{ $pkg . '::b' };
# Loop iteration limit
my $limit = $#A > $#B ? $#A : $#B;
# This map expression is also the return value
local ( *$caller_a, *$caller_b );
map {
# Assign to $a, $b as refs to caller's array elements
( *$caller_a, *$caller_b ) = \( $A[$_], $B[$_] );
# Perform the transformation
} 0 .. $limit;
sub each_array (\@;\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@) {
return each_arrayref(@_);
sub each_arrayref {
my @list = @_; # The list of references to the arrays
my $index = 0; # Which one the caller will get next
my $max = 0; # Number of elements in longest array
# Get the length of the longest input array
foreach (@list) {
unless ( ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ) {
require Carp;
"each_arrayref: argument is not an array reference\n");
$max = @$_ if @$_ > $max;
# Return the iterator as a closure wrt the above variables.
return sub {
if (@_) {
my $method = shift;
unless ( $method eq 'index' ) {
require Carp;
"each_array: unknown argument '$method' passed to iterator."
# Return current (last fetched) index
return undef if $index == 0 || $index > $max;
return $index - 1;
# No more elements to return
return if $index >= $max;
my $i = $index++;
# Return ith elements
return map $_->[$i], @list;
sub natatime ($@) {
my $n = shift;
my @list = @_;
return sub {
return splice @list, 0, $n;
sub mesh (\@\@;\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@\@) {
my $max = -1;
$max < $#$_ && ( $max = $#$_ ) foreach @_;
map {
my $ix = $_;
map $_->[$ix], @_;
} 0 .. $max;
sub uniq (@) {
my %seen = ();
my $k;
my $seen_undef;
grep { defined $_ ? not $seen{ $k = $_ }++ : not $seen_undef++ } @_;
sub singleton (@) {
my %seen = ();
my $k;
my $seen_undef;
grep { 1 == ( defined $_ ? $seen{ $k = $_ } : $seen_undef ) }
grep { defined $_ ? not $seen{ $k = $_ }++ : not $seen_undef++ } @_;
sub minmax (@) {
return unless @_;
my $min = my $max = $_[0];
for ( my $i = 1; $i < @_; $i += 2 ) {
if ( $_[ $i - 1 ] <= $_[$i] ) {
$min = $_[ $i - 1 ] if $min > $_[ $i - 1 ];
$max = $_[$i] if $max < $_[$i];
else {
$min = $_[$i] if $min > $_[$i];
$max = $_[ $i - 1 ] if $max < $_[ $i - 1 ];
if ( @_ & 1 ) {
my $i = $#_;
if ( $_[ $i - 1 ] <= $_[$i] ) {
$min = $_[ $i - 1 ] if $min > $_[ $i - 1 ];
$max = $_[$i] if $max < $_[$i];
else {
$min = $_[$i] if $min > $_[$i];
$max = $_[ $i - 1 ] if $max < $_[ $i - 1 ];
return ( $min, $max );
sub part (&@) {
my ( $code, @list ) = @_;
my @parts;
push @{ $parts[ $code->($_) ] }, $_ foreach @list;
return @parts;
sub bsearch(&@) {
my $code = shift;
my $rc;
my $i = 0;
my $j = @_;
do {
my $k = int( ( $i + $j ) / 2 );
$k >= @_ and return;
local *_ = \$_[$k];
$rc = $code->();
$rc == 0
and return wantarray ? $_ : 1;
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
$i = $k + 1;
else {
$j = $k - 1;
} until $i > $j;
sub bsearchidx(&@) {
my $code = shift;
my $rc;
my $i = 0;
my $j = @_;
do {
my $k = int( ( $i + $j ) / 2 );
$k >= @_ and return -1;
local *_ = \$_[$k];
$rc = $code->();
$rc == 0 and return $k;
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
$i = $k + 1;
else {
$j = $k - 1;
} until $i > $j;
return -1;
sub sort_by(&@) {
my ( $code, @list ) = @_;
return map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, scalar( $code->() ) ] } @list;
sub nsort_by(&@) {
my ( $code, @list ) = @_;
return map { $_->[0] }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ $_, scalar( $code->() ) ] } @list;
sub mode (@) {
my %v;
$v{$_}++ for @_;
my $max = max( values %v );
return grep { $v{$_} == $max } keys %v;
# ABSTRACT: Pure Perl implementation for List::SomeUtils
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
List::SomeUtils::PP - Pure Perl implementation for List::SomeUtils
=head1 VERSION
version 0.58
There are no user-facing parts here. See L<List::SomeUtils> for API details.
Some parts copyright 2011 Aaron Crane.
Copyright 2004 - 2010 by Tassilo von Parseval
Copyright 2013 - 2015 by Jens Rehsack
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs may be submitted at L<>.
I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on C<irc://>.
=head1 SOURCE
The source code repository for List-SomeUtils can be found at L<>.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Tassilo von Parseval <>
=item *
Adam Kennedy <>
=item *
Jens Rehsack <>
=item *
Dave Rolsky <>
This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Dave Rolsky <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution.