shell bypass 403
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Channel for producer(s) and many consumers supporting threads only.
package MCE::Channel::Threads;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw( uninitialized once );
our $VERSION = '1.862';
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use base 'MCE::Channel';
use bytes;
my $LF = "\012"; Internals::SvREADONLY($LF, 1);
my $is_MSWin32 = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) ? 1 : 0;
my $freeze = MCE::Channel::_get_freeze();
my $thaw = MCE::Channel::_get_thaw();
sub new {
my ( $class, %obj ) = ( @_, impl => 'Threads' );
$obj{init_pid} = MCE::Channel::_pid();
MCE::Util::_sock_pair( \%obj, 'p_sock', 'c_sock' );
# locking for the consumer side of the channel
$obj{cr_mutex} = threads::shared::share( my $cr_mutex );
$obj{cw_mutex} = threads::shared::share( my $cw_mutex );
# optionally, support many-producers writing and reading
$obj{pr_mutex} = threads::shared::share( my $pr_mutex ) if $obj{mp};
$obj{pw_mutex} = threads::shared::share( my $pw_mutex ) if $obj{mp};
return bless \%obj, $class;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Queue-like methods.
sub end {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return if $self->{ended};
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
MCE::Util::_sock_ready_w( $self->{p_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
print { $self->{p_sock} } pack('i', -1);
$self->{ended} = 1;
sub enqueue {
my $self = shift;
return MCE::Channel::_ended('enqueue') if $self->{ended};
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
CORE::lock $self->{pw_mutex} if $self->{pw_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready_w( $self->{p_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
while ( @_ ) {
my $data;
if ( ref $_[0] || !defined $_[0] ) {
$data = $freeze->([ shift ]), $data .= '1';
} else {
$data = shift, $data .= '0';
print { $self->{p_sock} } pack('i', length $data), $data;
return 1;
sub dequeue {
my ( $self, $count ) = @_;
$count = 1 if ( !$count || $count < 1 );
if ( $count == 1 ) {
my ( $plen, $data );
CORE::lock $self->{cr_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready( $self->{c_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{c_sock}, $plen, 4 );
my $len = unpack('i', $plen);
if ( $len < 0 ) {
return wantarray ? () : undef;
MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{c_sock}, $data, $len );
chop( $data )
? wantarray ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : ( $thaw->($data) )->[-1]
: wantarray ? ( $data ) : $data;
else {
my ( $plen, @ret );
CORE::lock $self->{cr_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready( $self->{c_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
while ( $count-- ) {
MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{c_sock}, $plen, 4 );
my $len = unpack('i', $plen);
if ( $len < 0 ) {
MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{c_sock}, my($data), $len );
push @ret, chop($data) ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : $data;
wantarray ? @ret : $ret[-1];
sub dequeue_nb {
my ( $self, $count ) = @_;
$count = 1 if ( !$count || $count < 1 );
my ( $plen, @ret );
CORE::lock $self->{cr_mutex};
while ( $count-- ) {
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{c_sock}, 1 );
MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{c_sock}, $plen, 4 );
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{c_sock}, 0 );
my $len; $len = unpack('i', $plen) if $plen;
if ( !$len || $len < 0 ) {
$self->end if defined $len && $len < 0;
MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{c_sock}, my($data), $len );
push @ret, chop($data) ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : $data;
wantarray ? @ret : $ret[-1];
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Methods for two-way communication; producer(s) to consumers.
sub send {
my $self = shift;
return MCE::Channel::_ended('send') if $self->{ended};
my $data;
if ( @_ > 1 || ref $_[0] || !defined $_[0] ) {
$data = $freeze->([ @_ ]), $data .= '1';
} else {
$data = $_[0], $data .= '0';
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
CORE::lock $self->{pw_mutex} if $self->{pw_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready_w( $self->{p_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
print { $self->{p_sock} } pack('i', length $data), $data;
return 1;
sub recv {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $plen, $data );
CORE::lock $self->{cr_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready( $self->{c_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{c_sock}, $plen, 4 );
my $len = unpack('i', $plen);
if ( $len < 0 ) {
return wantarray ? () : undef;
MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{c_sock}, $data, $len );
chop( $data )
? wantarray ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : ( $thaw->($data) )->[-1]
: wantarray ? ( $data ) : $data;
sub recv_nb {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $plen, $data );
CORE::lock $self->{cr_mutex};
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{c_sock}, 1 );
MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{c_sock}, $plen, 4 );
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{c_sock}, 0 );
my $len; $len = unpack('i', $plen) if $plen;
if ( !$len || $len < 0 ) {
$self->end if defined $len && $len < 0;
return wantarray ? () : undef;
MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{c_sock}, $data, $len );
chop( $data )
? wantarray ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : ( $thaw->($data) )->[-1]
: wantarray ? ( $data ) : $data;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Methods for two-way communication; consumers to producer(s).
sub send2 {
my $self = shift;
my $data;
if ( @_ > 1 || ref $_[0] || !defined $_[0] ) {
$data = $freeze->([ @_ ]), $data .= '1';
} else {
$data = $_[0], $data .= '0';
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
CORE::lock $self->{cw_mutex};
MCE::Util::_sock_ready_w( $self->{c_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
print { $self->{c_sock} } pack('i', length $data), $data;
return 1;
sub recv2 {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $plen, $data );
local $/ = $LF if ( $/ ne $LF );
my $pr_mutex = $self->{pr_mutex};
CORE::lock $pr_mutex if $pr_mutex;
MCE::Util::_sock_ready( $self->{p_sock} ) if $is_MSWin32;
( $pr_mutex || $is_MSWin32 )
? MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{p_sock}, $plen, 4 )
: read( $self->{p_sock}, $plen, 4 );
my $len = unpack('i', $plen);
( $pr_mutex || $is_MSWin32 )
? MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{p_sock}, $data, $len )
: read( $self->{p_sock}, $data, $len );
chop( $data )
? wantarray ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : ( $thaw->($data) )->[-1]
: wantarray ? ( $data ) : $data;
sub recv2_nb {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my ( $plen, $data );
local $/ = $LF if ( $/ ne $LF );
my $pr_mutex = $self->{pr_mutex};
CORE::lock $pr_mutex if $pr_mutex;
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{p_sock}, 1 );
( $pr_mutex || $is_MSWin32 )
? MCE::Util::_sysread( $self->{p_sock}, $plen, 4 )
: read( $self->{p_sock}, $plen, 4 );
MCE::Util::_nonblocking( $self->{p_sock}, 0 );
my $len; $len = unpack('i', $plen) if $plen;
return wantarray ? () : undef unless $len;
( $pr_mutex || $is_MSWin32 )
? MCE::Channel::_read( $self->{p_sock}, $data, $len )
: read( $self->{p_sock}, $data, $len );
chop( $data )
? wantarray ? @{ $thaw->($data) } : ( $thaw->($data) )->[-1]
: wantarray ? ( $data ) : $data;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Channel::Threads - Channel for producer(s) and many consumers
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Channel::Threads version 1.862
A channel class providing queue-like and two-way communication
for threads only. Locking is handled using threads::shared.
The API is described in L<MCE::Channel>.
=over 3
=item new
use MCE::Channel;
# The default is tuned for one producer and many consumers.
my $chnl_a = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads' );
# Specify the 'mp' option for safe use by two or more producers
# sending or recieving on the left side of the channel (i.e.
# ->enqueue/->send or ->recv2/->recv2_nb).
my $chnl_b = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads', mp => 1 );
=over 3
=item enqueue
=item dequeue
=item dequeue_nb
=item end
=over 3
=item send
=item recv
=item recv_nb
=over 3
=item send2
=item recv2
=item recv2_nb
The t/04_channel_threads tests are disabled on Unix platforms for Perl
less than 5.10.1. Basically, the MCE::Channel::Threads implementation
is not supported on older Perls unless the OS vendor applied upstream
patches (i.e. works on RedHat/CentOS 5.x running Perl 5.8.x).
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>