shell bypass 403
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Handle helper class.
package MCE::Shared::Handle;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010001;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric );
our $VERSION = '1.862';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)
## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
use MCE::Shared::Base ();
use Errno ();
use bytes;
my $_sig;
my $_sigint = sub { $_sig = 'INT' };
my $_sigterm = sub { $_sig = 'TERM' };
my $LF = "\012"; Internals::SvREADONLY($LF, 1);
my $_max_fd = eval 'fileno(\*main::DATA)' // 2;
my $_reset_flg = 1;
sub _croak {
goto &MCE::Shared::Base::_croak;
sub import {
if (!defined $INC{'MCE/'}) {
no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine';
*{ caller().'::mce_open' } = \&open;
my $class = shift;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
# For use with MCE::Shared in order to reach the Server process.
# Therefore constructed without a GLOB handle initially.
MCE::Shared::Object::_reset(), $_reset_flg = ''
if $_reset_flg && $INC{'MCE/Shared/'};
return bless $_[0], $class;
bless my $fh = \do { no warnings 'once'; local *FH }, $class;
if (@_) {
if ( !defined wantarray ) {
$fh->OPEN(@_) or _croak("open error: $!");
} else {
$fh->OPEN(@_) or return '';
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Based on Tie::StdHandle.
sub EOF { eof($_[0]) }
sub TELL { tell($_[0]) }
sub FILENO { fileno($_[0]) }
sub SEEK { seek($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]) }
sub CLOSE { close($_[0]) if defined(fileno $_[0]) }
sub BINMODE { binmode($_[0], $_[1] // ':raw') ? 1 : '' }
sub GETC { getc($_[0]) }
sub OPEN {
my $ret;
close($_[0]) if defined fileno($_[0]);
if ( @_ == 3 && ref $_[2] && defined( my $_fd = fileno($_[2]) ) ) {
$ret = CORE::open($_[0], $_[1]."&=$_fd");
else {
$ret = ( @_ == 2 )
? CORE::open($_[0], $_[1])
: CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
# enable autoflush
select(( select($_[0]), $| = 1 )[0]) if $ret;
sub open (@) {
shift if ( defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'MCE::Shared::Handle' );
my $item;
if ( ref $_[0] eq 'GLOB' && tied *{ $_[0] } &&
ref tied(*{ $_[0] }) eq __PACKAGE__ ) {
$item = tied *{ $_[0] };
elsif ( @_ ) {
if ( ref $_[0] eq 'GLOB' && tied *{ $_[0] } ) {
close $_[0] if defined ( fileno $_[0] );
$_[0] = \do { no warnings 'once'; local *FH };
$item = tie *{ $_[0] }, __PACKAGE__;
shift; _croak("Not enough arguments for open") unless @_;
if ( !defined wantarray ) {
$item->OPEN(@_) or _croak("open error: $!");
} else {
sub READ {
my ($fh, $len, $auto) = ($_[0], $_[2]);
if (lc(substr $len, -1, 1) eq 'm') {
$auto = 1; chop $len; $len *= 1024 * 1024;
} elsif (lc(substr $len, -1, 1) eq 'k') {
$auto = 1; chop $len; $len *= 1024;
# normal use-case
if (!$auto) {
return @_ == 4 ? read($fh, $_[1], $len, $_[3]) : read($fh, $_[1], $len);
# chunk IO, read up to record separator or eof
# support special case; e.g. $/ = "\n>" for bioinformatics
# anchoring ">" at the start of line
my ($tmp, $ret);
if (!eof($fh)) {
if (length $/ > 1 && substr($/, 0, 1) eq "\n") {
my $len = length($/) - 1;
if (tell $fh) {
$tmp = substr($/, 1);
$ret = read($fh, $tmp, $len, length($tmp));
} else {
$ret = read($fh, $tmp, $len);
if (defined $ret) {
$. += 1 if eof($fh);
$tmp .= readline($fh);
substr($tmp, -$len, $len, '')
if (substr($tmp, -$len) eq substr($/, 1));
elsif (defined ($ret = CORE::read($fh, $tmp, $len))) {
$. += 1 if eof($fh);
$tmp .= readline($fh);
else {
$tmp = '', $ret = 0;
if (defined $ret) {
my $pos = $_[3] || 0;
substr($_[1], $pos, length($_[1]) - $pos, $tmp);
else {
# support special case; e.g. $/ = "\n>" for bioinformatics
# anchoring ">" at the start of line
if (length $/ > 1 && substr($/, 0, 1) eq "\n" && !eof($_[0])) {
my ($len, $buf) = (length($/) - 1);
if (tell $_[0]) {
$buf = substr($/, 1), $buf .= readline($_[0]);
} else {
$buf = readline($_[0]);
substr($buf, -$len, $len, '')
if (substr($buf, -$len) eq substr($/, 1));
else {
sub PRINT {
my $fh = shift;
my $buf = join(defined $, ? $, : "", @_);
$buf .= $\ if defined $\;
local $\; # don't print any line terminator
print $fh $buf;
sub PRINTF {
my $fh = shift;
my $buf = sprintf(shift, @_);
local $\; # ditto
print $fh $buf;
sub WRITE {
# based on IO::SigGuard::syswrite 0.011 by Felipe Gasper (FELIPE)
my $wrote = 0;
$wrote += (
( @_ == 2 )
? syswrite($_[0], $_[1], length($_[1]) - $wrote, $wrote)
: ( @_ == 3 )
? syswrite($_[0], $_[1], $_[2] - $wrote, $wrote)
: syswrite($_[0], $_[1], $_[2] - $wrote, $_[3] + $wrote)
) or do {
if ( $! ) {
redo WRITE if $! == Errno::EINTR();
return undef;
no strict 'refs'; *{ __PACKAGE__.'::new' } = \&TIEHANDLE;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Server functions.
use constant {
SHR_O_CLO => 'O~CLO', # Handle CLOSE
SHR_O_OPN => 'O~OPN', # Handle OPEN
SHR_O_REA => 'O~REA', # Handle READ
SHR_O_PRI => 'O~PRI', # Handle PRINT
SHR_O_WRI => 'O~WRI', # Handle WRITE
my (
$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF, $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_obj, $_thaw,
$_id, $_len, $_ret
my %_output_function = (
SHR_O_CLO.$LF => sub { # Handle CLOSE
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
close $_obj->{ $_id } if defined fileno($_obj->{ $_id });
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} '1'.$LF;
SHR_O_OPN.$LF => sub { # Handle OPEN
my ($_fd, $_buf, $_err); local $!;
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_fd = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buf, $_len);
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $LF;
if ($_fd > $_max_fd) {
$_fd = IO::FDPass::recv(fileno $_DAU_R_SOCK); $_fd >= 0
or _croak("cannot receive file handle: $!");
close $_obj->{ $_id } if defined fileno($_obj->{ $_id });
my $_args = $_thaw->($_buf);
my $_fh;
if (@{ $_args } == 2) {
# remove tainted'ness from $_args
($_args->[0]) = $_args->[0] =~ /(.*)/;
($_args->[1]) = $_args->[1] =~ /(.*)/;
CORE::open($_fh, "$_args->[0]", $_args->[1]) or do { $_err = 0+$! };
else {
# remove tainted'ness from $_args
($_args->[0]) = $_args->[0] =~ /(.*)/;
CORE::open($_fh, $_args->[0]) or do { $_err = 0+$! };
# enable autoflush
select(( select($_fh), $| = 1 )[0]) unless $_err;
*{ $_obj->{ $_id } } = *{ $_fh };
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $_err.$LF;
SHR_O_REA.$LF => sub { # Handle READ
my ($_a3, $_auto);
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_a3 = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
if (lc(substr $_a3, -1, 1) eq 'm') {
$_auto = 1, chop $_a3; $_a3 *= 1024 * 1024;
} elsif (lc(substr $_a3, -1, 1) eq 'k') {
$_auto = 1, chop $_a3; $_a3 *= 1024;
local $/; read($_DAU_R_SOCK, $/, $_len) if $_len;
my ($_fh, $_buf) = ($_obj->{ $_id }); local ($!, $.);
# support special case; e.g. $/ = "\n>" for bioinformatics
# anchoring ">" at the start of line
if (!$_auto) {
$. = 0, $_ret = read($_fh, $_buf, $_a3);
elsif (!eof($_fh)) {
if (length $/ > 1 && substr($/, 0, 1) eq "\n") {
$_len = length($/) - 1;
if (tell $_fh) {
$_buf = substr($/, 1);
$_ret = read($_fh, $_buf, $_a3, length($_buf));
} else {
$_ret = read($_fh, $_buf, $_a3);
if (defined $_ret) {
$. += 1 if eof($_fh);
$_buf .= readline($_fh);
substr($_buf, -$_len, $_len, '')
if (substr($_buf, -$_len) eq substr($/, 1));
elsif (defined ($_ret = read($_fh, $_buf, $_a3))) {
$. += 1 if eof($_fh);
$_buf .= readline($_fh);
else {
$_buf = '', $_ret = 0;
if (defined $_ret) {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} "$.$LF" . length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
} else {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} "$.$LF" . ( (0+$!) * -1 ).$LF;
SHR_O_RLN.$LF => sub { # Handle READLINE
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
local $/; read($_DAU_R_SOCK, $/, $_len) if $_len;
my ($_fh, $_buf) = ($_obj->{ $_id }); local ($!, $.);
# support special case; e.g. $/ = "\n>" for bioinformatics
# anchoring ">" at the start of line
if (length $/ > 1 && substr($/, 0, 1) eq "\n" && !eof($_fh)) {
$_len = length($/) - 1;
if (tell $_fh) {
$_buf = substr($/, 1), $_buf .= readline($_fh);
} else {
$_buf = readline($_fh);
substr($_buf, -$_len, $_len, '')
if (substr($_buf, -$_len) eq substr($/, 1));
else {
$_buf = readline($_fh);
if (defined $_buf) {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} "$.$LF" . length($_buf).$LF, $_buf;
} else {
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} "$.$LF" . ( (0+$!) * -1 ).$LF;
SHR_O_PRI.$LF => sub { # Handle PRINT
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len);
print {$_obj->{ $_id }} $_buf;
SHR_O_WRI.$LF => sub { # Handle WRITE
chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>),
read($_DAU_R_SOCK, my($_buf), $_len);
my $_wrote = 0;
$_wrote += ( syswrite (
$_obj->{ $_id }, $_buf, length($_buf) - $_wrote, $_wrote
)) or do {
if ( $! ) {
redo WRITE if $! == Errno::EINTR();
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} ''.$LF;
print {$_DAU_R_SOCK} $_wrote.$LF;
sub _init_mgr {
my $_function;
( $_DAU_R_SOCK_REF, $_obj, $_function, $_thaw ) = @_;
for my $key ( keys %_output_function ) {
last if exists($_function->{$key});
$_function->{$key} = $_output_function{$key};
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Object package.
## Items below are folded into MCE::Shared::Object.
package # hide from rpm
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw( threads recursion uninitialized numeric once );
use bytes;
no overloading;
my $_is_MSWin32 = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 1 : 0;
my ($_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_chn, $_obj,
sub _init_handle {
($_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_dat_ex, $_dat_un, $_chn, $_obj,
$_freeze) = @_;
sub CLOSE {
_req0('O~CLO', $_[0]->[0].$LF);
sub OPEN {
my ($_id, $_fd, $_buf) = (shift()->[0]);
return unless defined $_[0];
if (ref $_[-1] && reftype($_[-1]) ne 'GLOB') {
_croak("open error: not a GLOB reference");
elsif (@_ == 1 && ref $_[0] && defined($_fd = fileno($_[0]))) {
$_buf = $_freeze->([ "<&=$_fd" ]);
elsif (@_ == 2 && ref $_[1] && defined($_fd = fileno($_[1]))) {
$_buf = $_freeze->([ $_[0]."&=$_fd" ]);
elsif (!ref $_[-1]) {
$_fd = ($_[-1] =~ /&=(\d+)$/) ? $1 : -1;
$_buf = $_freeze->([ @_ ]);
else {
_croak("open error: unsupported use-case");
if ($_fd > $_max_fd && !$INC{'IO/'}) {
"\nSharing a handle object while the server is running\n",
"requires the IO::FDPass module.\n\n"
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my $_err;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~OPN'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_id.$LF . $_fd.$LF . length($_buf).$LF . $_buf);
IO::FDPass::send( fileno $_DAU_W_SOCK, fileno $_fd ) if ($_fd > $_max_fd);
chomp($_err = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
if ($_err) {
$! = $_err;
} else {
$! = 0;
sub READ {
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
my ($_len, $_ret);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~REA'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[0]->[0].$LF . $_[2].$LF . length($/).$LF . $/);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
if ($_len && $_len > 0) {
(defined $_[3])
? read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_[1], $_len, $_[3])
: read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_[1], $_len);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
if ($_len) {
if ($_len < 0) {
$. = 0, $! = $_len * -1;
return undef;
else {
my $_ref = \$_[1];
if (defined $_[3]) {
substr($$_ref, $_[3], length($$_ref) - $_[3], '');
} else {
$$_ref = '';
$. = $_ret, $! = 0;
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
my ($_buf, $_len, $_ret);
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~RLN'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_[0]->[0].$LF . length($/).$LF . $/);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
if ($_len && $_len > 0) {
read($_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buf, $_len);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
if ($_len && $_len < 0) {
$. = 0, $! = $_len * -1;
return undef;
$. = $_ret, $! = 0;
sub PRINT {
my $_id = shift()->[0];
my $_buf = join(defined $, ? $, : "", @_);
$_buf .= $\ if defined $\;
(length $_buf)
? _req2('O~PRI', $_id.$LF . length($_buf).$LF, $_buf)
: 1;
sub PRINTF {
my $_id = shift()->[0];
my $_buf = sprintf(shift, @_);
(length $_buf)
? _req2('O~PRI', $_id.$LF . length($_buf).$LF, $_buf)
: 1;
sub WRITE {
my $_id = shift()->[0];
local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
local $/ = $LF if ($/ ne $LF);
my $_ret;
$_sig = undef, local $SIG{INT} = $_sigint, local $SIG{TERM} = $_sigterm;
CORE::lock $_DAT_LOCK if $_is_MSWin32;
if (@_ == 1 || (@_ == 2 && $_[1] == length($_[0]))) {
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~WRI'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_id.$LF . length($_[0]).$LF, $_[0]);
else {
my $_buf = substr($_[0], ($_[2] || 0), $_[1]);
$_dat_ex->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
print({$_DAT_W_SOCK} 'O~WRI'.$LF . $_chn.$LF),
print({$_DAU_W_SOCK} $_id.$LF . length($_buf).$LF, $_buf);
chomp($_ret = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
$_dat_un->() if !$_is_MSWin32;
CORE::kill($_sig, $$) if $_sig;
(length $_ret) ? $_ret : undef;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.
=head1 NAME
MCE::Shared::Handle - Handle helper class
=head1 VERSION
This document describes MCE::Shared::Handle version 1.862
A handle helper class for use as a standalone or managed by L<MCE::Shared>.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
# shorter, mce_open is an alias for MCE::Shared::Handle::open
use MCE::Shared::Handle;
MCE::Shared::Handle->open( my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta" )
or die "open error: $!";
MCE::Shared::Handle::open my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta"
or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta" or die "open error: $!";
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
# shorter, mce_open is an alias for MCE::Shared::open
use MCE::Shared;
MCE::Shared->open( my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta" )
or die "open error: $!";
MCE::Shared::open my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta"
or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", "bio.fasta" or die "open error: $!";
# example, output is serialized, not garbled
use MCE::Hobo;
use MCE::Shared;
mce_open my $ofh, ">>", \*STDOUT or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $ifh, "<", "file.log" or die "open error: $!";
sub parallel {
$/ = "\n"; # can set the input record separator
while (my $line = <$ifh>) {
printf {$ofh} "[%5d] %s", $., $line;
MCE::Hobo->create( \¶llel ) for 1 .. 4;
$_->join() for MCE::Hobo->list();
# handle functions
my $bool = eof($ifh);
my $off = tell($ifh);
my $fd = fileno($ifh);
my $char = getc($ifh);
my $line = readline($ifh);
binmode $ifh;
seek $ifh, 10, 0;
read $ifh, my($buf), 80;
print {$ofh} "foo\n";
printf {$ofh} "%s\n", "bar";
open $ofh, ">>", \*STDERR;
syswrite $ofh, "shared handle to STDERR\n";
close $ifh;
close $ofh;
=head2 MCE::Shared::Handle->new ( )
Called by MCE::Shared for constructing a shared-handle object.
=head2 open ( filehandle, expr )
=head2 open ( filehandle, mode, expr )
=head2 open ( filehandle, mode, reference )
In version 1.007 and later, constructs a new object by opening the file
whose filename is given by C<expr>, and associates it with C<filehandle>.
When omitting error checking at the application level, MCE::Shared emits
a message and stop if open fails.
# non-shared or local construction for use by a single process
use MCE::Shared::Handle;
MCE::Shared::Handle->open( my $fh, "<", "file.log" ) or die "$!";
MCE::Shared::Handle::open my $fh, "<", "file.log" or die "$!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", "file.log" or die "$!"; # ditto
# construction for sharing with other threads and processes
use MCE::Shared;
MCE::Shared->open( my $fh, "<", "file.log" ) or die "$!";
MCE::Shared::open my $fh, "<", "file.log" or die "$!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", "file.log" or die "$!"; # ditto
=head2 mce_open ( filehandle, expr )
=head2 mce_open ( filehandle, mode, expr )
=head2 mce_open ( filehandle, mode, reference )
Native Perl-like syntax to open a file for reading:
# mce_open is exported by MCE::Shared or MCE::Shared::Handle.
# It creates a shared file handle with MCE::Shared present
# or a non-shared handle otherwise.
mce_open my $fh, "< input.txt" or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", "input.txt" or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, "<", \*STDIN or die "open error: $!";
and for writing:
mce_open my $fh, "> output.txt" or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, ">", "output.txt" or die "open error: $!";
mce_open my $fh, ">", \*STDOUT or die "open error: $!";
=head1 CHUNK IO
Starting with C<MCE::Shared> v1.007, chunk IO is possible for both non-shared
and shared handles. Chunk IO is enabled by the trailing 'k' or 'm' for read
size. Also, chunk IO supports the special "\n>"-like record separator.
That anchors ">" at the start of the line. Workers receive record(s) beginning
with ">" and ending with "\n".
# non-shared handle ---------------------------------------------
use MCE::Shared::Handle;
mce_open my $fh, '<', 'bio.fasta' or die "open error: $!";
# shared handle -------------------------------------------------
use MCE::Shared;
mce_open my $fh, '<', 'bio.fasta' or die "open error: $!";
# 'k' or 'm' indicates kibiBytes (KiB) or mebiBytes (MiB) respectively.
# Read continues reading until reaching the record separator or EOF.
# Optionally, one may specify the record separator.
$/ = "\n>";
while ( read($fh, my($buf), '2k') ) {
print "# chunk number: $.\n";
print "$buf\n";
C<$.> contains the chunk_id above or the record_number below. C<readline($fh)>
or C<$fh> may be used for reading a single record.
while ( my $buf = <$fh> ) {
print "# record number: $.\n";
print "$buf\n";
The following provides a parallel demonstration. Workers receive the next chunk
from the shared-manager process where the actual read takes place. MCE::Shared
also works with C<threads>, C<forks>, and likely other parallel modules.
use MCE::Hobo; # (change to) use threads; (or) use forks;
use MCE::Shared;
use feature qw( say );
my $pattern = 'something';
my $hugefile = 'somehuge.log';
my $result = MCE::Shared->array();
mce_open my $fh, "<", $hugefile or die "open error: $!";
sub task {
# the trailing 'k' or 'm' for size enables chunk IO
while ( read $fh, my( $slurp_chunk ), "640k" ) {
my $chunk_id = $.;
# process chunk only if a match is found; ie. fast scan
# optionally, comment out the if statement and closing brace
if ( $slurp_chunk =~ /$pattern/m ) {
my @matches;
while ( $slurp_chunk =~ /([^\n]+\n)/mg ) {
my $line = $1; # save $1 to not lose the value
push @matches, $line if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ );
$result->push( @matches ) if @matches;
MCE::Hobo->create('task') for 1 .. 4;
# do something else
say $result->len();
For comparison, the same thing using C<MCE::Flow>. MCE workers read the file
directly when given a plain path, so will have lesser overhead. However, the
run time is similar if one were to pass a file handle instead to mce_flow_f.
The benefit of chunk IO is from lesser IPC for the shared-manager process
(above). Likewise, for the mce-manager process (below).
use MCE::Flow;
use feature qw( say );
my $pattern = 'something';
my $hugefile = 'somehuge.log';
my @result = mce_flow_f {
max_workers => 4, chunk_size => '640k',
use_slurpio => 1,
sub {
my ( $mce, $slurp_ref, $chunk_id ) = @_;
# process chunk only if a match is found; ie. fast scan
# optionally, comment out the if statement and closing brace
if ( $$slurp_ref =~ /$pattern/m ) {
my @matches;
while ( $$slurp_ref =~ /([^\n]+\n)/mg ) {
my $line = $1; # save $1 to not lose the value
push @matches, $line if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ );
MCE->gather( @matches ) if @matches;
}, $hugefile;
say scalar( @result );
=head1 CREDITS
Implementation inspired by L<Tie::StdHandle>.
Perl must have L<IO::FDPass> for constructing a shared C<condvar> or C<queue>
while the shared-manager process is running. For platforms where L<IO::FDPass>
isn't possible, construct C<condvar> and C<queue> before other classes.
On systems without C<IO::FDPass>, the manager process is delayed until sharing
other classes or started explicitly.
use MCE::Shared;
my $has_IO_FDPass = $INC{'IO/'} ? 1 : 0;
my $cv = MCE::Shared->condvar();
my $que = MCE::Shared->queue();
MCE::Shared->start() unless $has_IO_FDPass;
Regarding mce_open, C<IO::FDPass> is needed for constructing a shared-handle
from a non-shared handle not yet available inside the shared-manager process.
The workaround is to have the non-shared handle made before the shared-manager
is started. Passing a file by reference is fine for the three STD* handles.
# The shared-manager knows of \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR.
mce_open my $shared_in, "<", \*STDIN; # ok
mce_open my $shared_out, ">>", \*STDOUT; # ok
mce_open my $shared_err, ">>", \*STDERR; # ok
mce_open my $shared_fh1, "<", "/path/to/sequence.fasta"; # ok
mce_open my $shared_fh2, ">>", "/path/to/results.log"; # ok
mce_open my $shared_fh, ">>", \*NON_SHARED_FH; # requires IO::FDPass
The L<IO::FDPass> module is known to work reliably on most platforms.
Install 1.1 or later to rid of limitations described above.
perl -MIO::FDPass -le "print 'Cheers! Perl has IO::FDPass.'"
=head1 INDEX
L<MCE|MCE>, L<MCE::Hobo>, L<MCE::Shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>